- #Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- #or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
- #distributed with this work for additional information
- #regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
- #to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- #"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- #with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- #
- #Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- #distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- #See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- #limitations under the License.
- import os, pprint, re, time
- from hodlib.Common.threads import simpleCommand
- from hodlib.Common.util import args_to_string
- from hodlib.Common.logger import hodDummyLogger
- reQstatLine = re.compile("^s*(w+)s*=s*(.*)s*$")
- class torqueInterface:
- def __init__(self, torqueDir, environment, log=None):
- self.__qsub = os.path.join(torqueDir, 'bin', 'qsub')
- self.__qdel = os.path.join(torqueDir, 'bin', 'qdel')
- self.__qstat = os.path.join(torqueDir, 'bin', 'qstat')
- self.__pbsNodes = os.path.join(torqueDir, 'bin', 'pbsnodes')
- self.__pbsdsh = os.path.join(torqueDir, 'bin', 'pbsdsh')
- self.__qalter = os.path.join(torqueDir, 'bin', 'qalter')
- self.__env = environment
- self.__log = log
- if not self.__log:
- self.__log = hodDummyLogger()
- def qsub(self, argList, stdinList):
- jobID = False
- exitCode = 0
- qsubCommand = "%s %s" % (self.__qsub, args_to_string(argList))
- self.__log.debug("qsub -> %s" % qsubCommand)
- qsubProcess = simpleCommand('qsub', qsubCommand, env=self.__env)
- qsubProcess.start()
- while qsubProcess.stdin == None:
- time.sleep(.2)
- try:
- for line in stdinList:
- self.__log.debug("qsub stdin: %s" % line)
- print >>qsubProcess.stdin, line
- qsubProcess.stdin.close()
- except IOError, i:
- # If torque's qsub is given invalid params, it fails & returns immediately
- # Check for such errors here
- # Wait for command execution to finish
- qsubProcess.wait()
- qsubProcess.join()
- output = qsubProcess.output()
- if output!=[]:
- self.__log.critical("qsub Failure : %s " % output[0].strip())
- self.__log.critical("qsub Command : %s" % qsubCommand)
- return None, qsubProcess.exit_code()
- qsubProcess.wait()
- qsubProcess.join()
- exitCode = qsubProcess.exit_code()
- if exitCode == 0:
- buffer = qsubProcess.output()
- jobID = buffer[0].rstrip('n')
- self.__log.debug("qsub jobid: %s" % jobID)
- else:
- self.__log.critical("qsub error: %s" % qsubProcess.exit_status_string())
- return jobID, exitCode
- def qstat(self, jobID):
- qstatInfo = None
- qstatCommand = "%s -f -1 %s" % (self.__qstat, jobID)
- self.__log.debug(qstatCommand)
- qstatProcess = simpleCommand('qstat', qstatCommand, env=self.__env)
- qstatProcess.start()
- qstatProcess.wait()
- qstatProcess.join()
- exitCode = qstatProcess.exit_code()
- if exitCode > 0:
- self.__log.warn('qstat error: %s' % qstatProcess.exit_status_string())
- else:
- qstatInfo = {}
- for line in qstatProcess.output():
- line = line.rstrip()
- if line.find('=') != -1:
- qstatMatch = reQstatLine.match(line)
- if qstatMatch:
- key =
- value =
- qstatInfo[key] = value
- if 'exec_host' in qstatInfo:
- list = qstatInfo['exec_host'].split('+')
- addrList = []
- for item in list:
- [head, end] = item.split('/', 1)
- addrList.append(head)
- qstatInfo['exec_host'] = addrList
- return qstatInfo, exitCode
- def pbs_nodes(self, argString):
- pass
- def qdel(self, jobId, force=False):
- exitCode = 0
- qdel = self.__qdel
- if force:
- qdel = "%s -p %s" % (qdel, jobId)
- else:
- qdel = "%s %s" % (qdel, jobId)
- self.__log.debug(qdel)
- qdelProcess = simpleCommand('qdel', qdel, env=self.__env)
- qdelProcess.start()
- qdelProcess.wait()
- qdelProcess.join()
- exitCode = qdelProcess.exit_code()
- return exitCode
- def pbsdsh(self, arguments):
- status = None
- pbsdshCommand = "%s %s" % (self.__pbsdsh, args_to_string(arguments))
- self.__log.debug("pbsdsh command: %s" % pbsdshCommand)
- pbsdsh = simpleCommand('pbsdsh', pbsdshCommand, env=self.__env)
- pbsdsh.start()
- for i in range(0, 30):
- status = pbsdsh.exit_code()
- if status:
- self.__log.error("pbsdsh failed: %s" % pbsdsh.exit_status_string())
- break
- if not status: status = 0
- return status
- def qalter(self, fieldName, fieldValue, jobId):
- """Update the job field with fieldName with the fieldValue.
- The fieldValue must be modifiable after the job is submitted."""
- # E.g. to alter comment: qalter -W notes='value` jobId
- qalterCmd = '%s -W %s="%s" %s' % (self.__qalter, fieldName, fieldValue, jobId)
- self.__log.debug("qalter command: %s" % qalterCmd)
- qalterProcess = simpleCommand('qalter', qalterCmd, env=self.__env)
- qalterProcess.start()
- qalterProcess.wait()
- qalterProcess.join()
- exitCode = qalterProcess.exit_code()
- return exitCode