资源名称 [点击查看]
- /*! * Ext JS Library 3.0.0 * Copyright(c) 2006-2009 Ext JS, LLC * * */ Ext.ns('Ext.samples');
- Ext.samples.samplesCatalog = [{
- title: 'Combination Samples',
- samples: [{
- text: 'Feed Viewer',
- url: 'feed-viewer/view.html',
- icon: 'feeds.gif',
- desc: 'RSS feed reader sample application that features a swappable reader panel layout.'
- },{
- text: 'Simple Tasks',
- url: '',
- icon: 'air.gif',
- desc: 'Complete personal task management application sample that runs on <a href="" target="_blank">Adobe AIR</a>.'
- },{
- text: 'Simple Tasks',
- url: 'tasks/tasks.html',
- icon: 'tasks.gif',
- desc: 'Personal task management application sample that uses <a href="" target="_blank">Google Gears</a> for data storage.'
- },{
- text: 'Image Viewer',
- url: 'organizer/organizer.html',
- icon: 'organizer.gif',
- desc: 'DataView and TreePanel sample that demonstrates dragging data items from a DataView into a TreePanel.'
- }/*,{
- text: 'Image Organizer',
- url: 'image-organizer/index.html',
- icon: 'image-organizer.gif',
- desc: 'Image management application sample utilizing MySQL lite and Ext.Direct.',
- status: 'new'
- }*/,{
- text: 'Ext JS API Documentation',
- url: '../docs/index.html',
- icon: 'docs.gif',
- desc: 'API Documentation application.',
- status: 'modified'
- },{
- text: 'Ext JS Forum Browser',
- url: 'forum/forum.html',
- icon: 'forum.gif',
- desc: 'Ext JS online forums browser application.',
- status: 'modified'
- },{
- text: 'Web Desktop',
- url: 'desktop/desktop.html',
- icon: 'desktop.gif',
- desc: 'Demonstrates how one could build a desktop in the browser using Ext components including a module plugin system.'
- }]
- },{
- title: 'Accessibility',
- samples: [{
- text: 'Key Feed Viewer',
- url: 'key-feed-viewer/view.html',
- icon: 'keyboard.gif',
- desc: 'Keyboard navigation within a complex layout',
- status: 'experimental'
- },{
- text: 'ARIA Tree',
- url: 'tree/aria-tree.html',
- icon: 'acc-tree.gif',
- desc: 'Demonstrating ARIA with a TreePanel',
- status: 'experimental'
- }]
- },{
- title: 'Grids',
- samples: [{
- text: 'Basic Array Grid',
- url: 'grid/array-grid.html',
- icon: 'grid-array.gif',
- desc: 'A basic read-only grid loaded from local array data that demonstrates the use of custom column renderer functions.'
- },{
- text: 'Property Grid',
- url: 'grid/property-grid.html',
- icon: 'grid-property.gif',
- desc: 'An example of a traditional property grid as typically seen in development IDEs.'
- },{
- text: 'Editable Grid',
- url: 'grid/edit-grid.html',
- icon: 'grid-edit.gif',
- desc: 'An editable grid loaded from XML that shows multiple types of grid editors as well as defining custom data records.'
- },{
- text: 'Row Editor Grid',
- url: 'grid/row-editor.html',
- icon: 'grid-row-editor.gif',
- desc: 'An editable grid which allows the user to make modifications to an entire record at once. Also demonstrates the Ext.chart package. ',
- status: 'new'
- },{
- text: 'XML Grid',
- url: 'grid/xml-grid.html',
- icon: 'grid-xml.gif',
- desc: 'A simple read-only grid loaded from XML data.'
- },{
- text: 'Paging',
- url: 'grid/paging.html',
- icon: 'grid-paging.gif',
- desc: 'A grid with paging, cross-domain data loading and custom- rendered expandable row bodies.'
- },{
- text: 'Progress Bar Pager',
- url: 'grid/progress-bar-pager.html',
- icon: 'progress-bar-pager.gif',
- desc: 'An example of how to integrate the Progress Bar with the Paging Toolbar using a custom plugin.',
- status: 'new'
- },{
- text: 'Sliding Pager',
- url: 'grid/sliding-pager.html',
- icon: 'slider-pager.gif',
- desc: 'A demonstration on the integration of the Slider with the Paging Toolbar using a custom plugin.',
- status: 'new'
- },{
- text: 'Grouping',
- url: 'grid/grouping.html',
- icon: 'grid-grouping.gif',
- desc: 'A basic grouping grid showing collapsible data groups that can be customized via the "Group By" header menu option.'
- },{
- text: 'Grouping with Dynamic Summary',
- url: 'grid/totals.html',
- icon: 'grid-summary.gif',
- desc: 'Advanced grouping grid that allows cell editing and includes custom dynamic summary calculations.',
- status: 'new'
- },{
- text: 'Grouping with Remote Summary',
- url: 'grid/totals-hybrid.html',
- icon: 'grid-summary.gif',
- desc: 'Advanced grouping grid that allows cell editing and includes remotely loaded dynamic summary calculations.'
- },{
- text: 'Grid Plugins',
- url: 'grid/grid-plugins.html',
- icon: 'grid-plugins.gif',
- desc: 'Multiple grids customized via plugins: expander rows, checkbox selection and row numbering.'
- }/*,{
- text: 'Grid Filtering',
- url: 'grid-filtering/grid-filter.html',
- icon: 'grid-filter.gif',
- desc: 'Grid plugins providing custom data filtering menus that support various data types.'
- }*/,{
- text: 'Grid From Markup',
- url: 'grid/from-markup.html',
- icon: 'grid-from-markup.gif',
- desc: 'Custom GridPanel extension that can convert a plain HTML table into a dynamic grid at runtime.'
- },{
- text: 'Grid Data Binding (basic)',
- url: 'grid/binding.html',
- icon: 'grid-data-binding.gif',
- desc: 'Data binding a grid to a detail preview panel via the grid's RowSelectionModel.'
- },{
- text: 'Grid Data Binding (advanced)',
- url: 'grid/binding-with-classes.html',
- icon: 'grid-data-binding.gif',
- desc: 'Refactoring the basic data binding example to use a class-based application design model.'
- },{
- text: 'Buffered GridView',
- url: 'grid/buffer.html',
- icon: 'grid-buffer.gif',
- desc: 'GridView optimized for performance by rendering only visible rows.',
- status: 'new'
- }, {
- text: 'Editable Grid with Writable Store',
- url: 'writer/writer.html',
- icon: 'writer-thumb.gif',
- desc: 'This Store uses JsonWriter to automatically generate CRUD requests to the server through a standard HttpProxy.',
- status: 'new'
- }, {
- text: 'RESTful Store with GridPanel and RowEditor',
- url: 'restful/restful.html',
- icon: 'restful-thumb.gif',
- desc: 'A RESTful Store with JsonWriter which automatically generates CRUD requests to the server.',
- status: 'new'
- }]
- },{
- title: 'Tabs',
- samples: [{
- text: 'Basic Tabs',
- url: 'tabs/tabs.html',
- icon: 'tabs.gif',
- desc: 'Basic tab functionality including autoHeight, tabs from markup, Ajax loading and tab events.'
- },{
- text: 'TabPanel Scroller Menu',
- url: 'tabs/tab-scroller-menu.html',
- icon: 'tab-panel-scroller-menu.gif',
- desc: 'An example of an overflow menu that appears to the right of the TabPanel tab strip',
- status: 'new'
- },{
- text: 'Advanced Tabs',
- url: 'tabs/tabs-adv.html',
- icon: 'tabs-adv.gif',
- desc: 'Advanced tab features including tab scrolling, adding tabs programmatically and a context menu plugin.'
- },{
- text: 'Group Tabs',
- url: 'grouptabs/grouptabs.html',
- icon: 'group-tabs.gif',
- desc: 'A custom example on how to setup tab grouping using vertical tabs.',
- status: 'new'
- }]
- },{
- title: 'Charts',
- samples: [{
- text: 'Charts',
- url: 'chart/charts.html',
- icon: 'charts.gif',
- desc: 'A sampling of several chart styles',
- status: 'new'
- },{
- text: 'Pie Chart',
- url: 'chart/pie-chart.html',
- icon: 'chart-pie.gif',
- desc: 'An example of a pie chart',
- status: 'new'
- },{
- text: 'Stacked Bar Chart',
- url: 'chart/stacked-bar-chart.html',
- icon: 'chart-stacked.gif',
- desc: 'An example of a stacked bar chart',
- status: 'new'
- },{
- text: 'Reloaded Chart',
- url: 'chart/reload-chart.html',
- icon: 'chart-reload.gif',
- desc: 'An example demonstrating chart data reloading',
- status: 'new'
- }]
- },{
- title: 'Windows',
- samples: [{
- text: 'Hello World',
- url: 'window/hello.html',
- icon: 'window.gif',
- desc: 'Simple "Hello World" window that contains a basic TabPanel.'
- },{
- text: 'MessageBox',
- url: 'message-box/msg-box.html',
- icon: 'msg-box.gif',
- desc: 'Different styles include confirm, alert, prompt, progress and wait and also support custom icons.'
- },{
- text: 'Layout Window',
- url: 'window/layout.html',
- icon: 'window-layout.gif',
- desc: 'A window containing a basic BorderLayout with nested TabPanel.'
- }]
- },{
- title: 'Trees',
- samples: [{
- text: 'Drag and Drop Reordering',
- url: 'tree/reorder.html',
- icon: 'tree-reorder.gif',
- desc: 'A TreePanel loaded asynchronously via a JSON TreeLoader that shows drag and drop with container scroll.'
- },{
- text: 'Multiple trees',
- url: 'tree/two-trees.html',
- icon: 'tree-two.gif',
- desc: 'Drag and drop between two different sorted TreePanels.'
- },{
- text: 'Column Tree',
- url: 'tree/column-tree.html',
- icon: 'tree-columns.gif',
- desc: 'A custom TreePanel implementation that demonstrates extending an existing component.'
- },{
- text: 'Check Tree',
- url: 'tree/check-tree.html',
- icon: 'tree-check.gif',
- desc: 'An example showing simple checkbox selection in a tree.',
- status: 'new'
- },{
- text: 'XML Tree Loader',
- url: 'tree/xml-tree-loader.html',
- icon: 'tree-xml-loader.gif',
- desc: 'A custom TreeLoader implementation that demonstrates loading a tree from an XML document.'
- }]
- },{
- title: 'Layout Managers',
- samples: [{
- text: 'Layout Browser',
- url: 'layout-browser/layout-browser.html',
- icon: 'layout-browser.gif',
- desc: 'Comprehensive showcase of the standard layout managers as well as several custom and combination layouts and combination examples.',
- status: 'updated'
- },{
- text: 'Border Layout',
- url: 'layout/complex.html',
- icon: 'border-layout.gif',
- desc: 'A complex BorderLayout implementation that shows nesting multiple components and sub-layouts.'
- },{
- text: 'Accordion Layout',
- url: 'layout/accordion.html',
- icon: 'layout-accordion.gif',
- desc: 'A basic accordion layout within a border layout.'
- },{
- text: 'Absolute Layout (Form)',
- url: 'form/absform.html',
- icon: 'layout-absolute.gif',
- desc: 'A simple example of form fields utilizing an absolute layout in a window for flexible form resizing.'
- },{
- text: 'Anchor Layout (Form)',
- url: 'form/anchoring.html',
- icon: 'layout-form.gif',
- desc: 'A simple example of form fields utilizing an anchor layout in a window for flexible form resizing.'
- },{
- text: 'Anchor Layout (Panel)',
- url: 'layout/anchor.html',
- icon: 'layout-anchor.gif',
- desc: 'An example of Panels anchored in the browser window.'
- },{
- text: 'Column Layout',
- url: 'layout/column.html',
- icon: 'layout-column.gif',
- desc: 'An example of Panels managed by a column layout.'
- },{
- text: 'Table Layout',
- url: 'layout/table.html',
- icon: 'layout-table.gif',
- desc: 'An example of Panels managed by a table layout.'
- },{
- text: 'HBox Layout',
- url: 'layout/hbox.html',
- icon: 'layout-column.gif',
- desc: 'Interactive layout illustrating the capabilities of the HBox Layout.',
- status: 'new'
- },{
- text: 'VBox Layout',
- url: 'layout/vbox.html',
- icon: 'blank.gif',
- desc: 'Interactive layout illustrating the capabilities of the VBox Layout.',
- status: 'new'
- },{
- text: 'Portal Demo',
- url: 'portal/portal.html',
- icon: 'portal.gif',
- desc: 'A page layout using several custom extensions to provide a web portal interface.'
- }]
- },{
- title: 'ComboBox',
- samples: [{
- text: 'Basic ComboBox',
- url: 'form/combos.html',
- icon: 'combo.gif',
- desc: 'Basic combos, combos rendered from markup and customized list layout to provide item tooltips.'
- },{
- text: 'ComboBox Templates',
- url: 'form/forum-search.html',
- icon: 'combo-custom.gif',
- desc: 'Customized combo with template-based list rendering, remote loading and paging.'
- }]
- },{
- title: 'Forms',
- samples: [{
- text: 'Dynamic Forms',
- url: 'form/dynamic.html',
- icon: 'form-dynamic.gif',
- desc: 'Various example forms showing collapsible fieldsets, column layout, nested TabPanels and more.'
- },{
- text: 'Ajax with XML Forms',
- url: 'form/xml-form.html',
- icon: 'form-xml.gif',
- desc: 'Ajax-loaded form fields from remote XML data and remote field validation on submit.'
- },{
- text: 'Custom Search Fields',
- url: 'form/custom.html',
- icon: 'form-custom.gif',
- desc: 'A TriggerField search extension combined with an XTemplate for custom results rendering.'
- },{
- text: 'Binding a Grid to a Form',
- url: 'form/form-grid.html',
- icon: 'form-grid-binding.gif',
- desc: 'A grid embedded within a FormPanel that automatically loads records into the form on row selection.'
- },{
- text: 'Advanced Validation',
- url: 'form/adv-vtypes.html',
- icon: 'form-adv-vtypes.gif',
- desc: 'Relational form field validation using custom vtypes.'
- },{
- text: 'Checkbox/Radio Groups',
- url: 'form/check-radio.html',
- icon: 'form-check-radio.gif',
- desc: 'Many examples showing different checkbox and radio group configurations.'
- },{
- text: 'File Upload Field',
- url: 'form/file-upload.html',
- icon: 'form-file-upload.gif',
- desc: 'A demo of how to give standard file upload fields a bit of Ext style using a custom class.'
- },{
- text: 'Spinner Field',
- url: 'spinner/spinner.html',
- icon: 'form-spinner.gif',
- desc: 'An example of a custom spinner widget.',
- status: 'new'
- },{
- text: 'MultiSelect and ItemSelector',
- url: 'multiselect/multiselect-demo.html',
- icon: 'form-multiselect.gif',
- desc: 'Example controls for selecting a list of items in forms.'
- }]
- },{
- title: 'Toolbars and Menus',
- samples: [{
- text: 'Basic Toolbar',
- url: 'menu/menus.html',
- icon: 'toolbar.gif',
- desc: 'Toolbar and menus that contain various components like date pickers, color pickers, sub-menus and more.',
- status: 'updated'
- },{
- text: 'Toolbar Overflow',
- url: 'toolbar/overflow.html',
- icon: 'toolbar-overflow.gif',
- desc: 'Dynamic overflow of toolbar buttons into an',
- status: 'new'
- },{
- text: 'Toolbar Button Groups',
- url: 'toolbar/toolbars.html',
- icon: 'toolbar-button-groups.gif',
- desc: 'Group buttons together in the toolbar.',
- status: 'new'
- },{
- text: 'Ext Actions',
- url: 'menu/actions.html',
- icon: 'toolbar-actions.gif',
- desc: 'Bind the same behavior to multiple buttons, toolbar and menu items using the Ext.Action class.'
- },{
- text: 'Status Bar',
- url: 'statusbar/statusbar-demo.html',
- icon: 'statusbar-demo.gif',
- desc: 'A simple StatusBar that can be dropped into the bottom of any panel to display status text and icons.',
- status: 'modified'
- },{
- text: 'Status Bar (Advanced)',
- url: 'statusbar/statusbar-advanced.html',
- icon: 'statusbar-adv.gif',
- desc: 'Customizing the StatusBar via a plugin to provide automatic form validation monitoring and error linking.',
- status: 'modified'
- }]
- },{
- title: 'Templates and DataView',
- samples: [{
- text: 'Templates',
- url: 'core/templates.html',
- icon: 'templates.gif',
- desc: 'A simple example of rendering views from templates bound to data objects.'
- },{
- text: 'DataView',
- url: 'view/data-view.html',
- icon: 'data-view.gif',
- desc: 'A basic DataView with custom plugins for editable labels and drag selection of items.'
- },{
- text: 'DataView (advanced)',
- url: 'view/chooser.html',
- icon: 'chooser.gif',
- desc: 'A more customized DataView supporting sorting and filtering with multiple templates.'
- },{
- text: 'ListView',
- url: 'view/list-view.html',
- icon: 'list-view.gif',
- desc: 'A high performance tabular DataView to be used as a lightweight grid.',
- status: 'new'
- }]
- },{
- title : 'Drag and Drop',
- samples : [{
- text : 'Grid to Grid Drag and Drop',
- url : 'dd/dnd_grid_to_grid.html',
- icon : 'dd-gridtogrid.gif',
- desc : 'A simple drag and drop from grid to grid implementation.'
- },{
- text : 'Grid to FormPanel Drag and Drop',
- url : 'dd/dnd_grid_to_formpanel.html',
- icon : 'dd-gridtoformpanel.gif',
- desc : 'A basic drag and drop from grid to formpanel.'
- },{
- text : 'Field to Grid Drag and Drop',
- url : 'dd/field-to-grid-dd.html',
- icon : 'dd-fieldtogrid.gif',
- desc : 'Drag from a form field and drop on a grid.',
- status: 'new'
- },{
- text : 'Custom Drag and Drop',
- url : 'dd/dragdropzones.html',
- icon : 'dd-zones.gif',
- desc : 'Enabling drag and drop between a DataView and a grid using DragZone and DropZone extensions.'
- }]
- },{
- title: 'Direct',
- samples: [{
- text: 'Direct',
- url: 'direct/direct.php',
- icon: 'direct.gif',
- desc: 'An example demonstrating Remoting and Polling the server',
- status: 'new'
- },{
- text: 'Direct Form',
- url: 'direct/direct-form.php',
- icon: 'direct.gif',
- desc: 'Ext.Direct Remoting with a Form',
- status: 'new'
- },{
- text: 'Direct TreeLoader',
- url: 'direct/direct-tree.php',
- icon: 'direct.gif',
- desc: 'Ext.Direct Remoting with a Tree',
- status: 'new'
- }]
- },{
- title: 'Miscellaneous',
- samples: [{
- text: 'History',
- url: 'history/history.html',
- icon: 'history.gif',
- desc: 'A History manager that allows the user to navigate an Ext UI via browser back/forward.'
- },{
- text: 'Google Maps',
- url: 'window/gmap.html',
- icon: 'gmap-panel.gif',
- desc: 'A Google Maps wrapper class that enables easy display of dynamic maps in Ext panels and windows.'
- },{
- text: 'Slider',
- url: 'slider/slider.html',
- icon: 'slider.gif',
- desc: 'A slider component that supports vertical mode, snapping, tooltips, customized styles and more.'
- },{
- text: 'QuickTips',
- url: 'simple-widgets/qtips.html',
- icon: 'qtips.gif',
- desc: 'Various tooltip and quick tip configuration options including Ajax loading and mouse tracking.',
- status: 'updated'
- },{
- text: 'Progress Bar',
- url: 'simple-widgets/progress-bar.html',
- icon: 'progress.gif',
- desc: 'A basic progress bar component shown in various configurations and with custom styles.'
- },{
- text: 'Panels',
- url: 'panel/panels.html',
- icon: 'panel.gif',
- desc: 'A basic collapsible panel example.',
- status: 'updated'
- },{
- text: 'Bubble Panel',
- url: 'panel/bubble-panel.html',
- icon: 'panel-bubble.gif',
- desc: 'An example illustrating customization of a standard panel.',
- status: 'new'
- },{
- text: 'Resizable',
- url: 'resizable/basic.html',
- icon: 'resizable.gif',
- desc: 'Examples of making any element resizable with various configuration options.'
- },{
- text: 'Spotlight',
- url: 'core/spotlight.html',
- icon: 'spotlight.gif',
- desc: 'A utility for masking everything except a single element on the page to visually highlight it.',
- status: 'new'
- },{
- text: 'Buttons',
- url: 'button/buttons.html',
- icon: 'buttons.gif',
- desc: '',
- status: 'new'
- },{
- text: 'Debugging Console',
- url: 'debug/debug-console.html',
- icon: 'debug-console.gif',
- desc: '',
- status: 'new'
- },{
- text: 'Localization (static)',
- url: 'locale/dutch-form.html',
- icon: 'locale-dutch.gif',
- desc: 'Demonstrates fully localizing a form by including a custom locale script.'
- },{
- text: 'Localization (dynamic)',
- url: 'locale/multi-lang.html',
- icon: 'locale-switch.gif',
- desc: 'Dynamically render various Ext components in different locales by selecting from a locale list.'
- }]
- }];