- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // DlgItemResizer.cpp : implementation file
- //
- // Written by Magnus Egelberg (magnus.egelberg@lundalogik.se)
- // Much of this code comes from Eli Vingot (elivingt@internet-zahav.net)
- //
- //
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "DlgItemResizer.h"
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- #undef THIS_FILE
- static char THIS_FILE[]=__FILE__;
- #define new DEBUG_NEW
- #endif
- //
- // This struct is used to hold information
- // about the added controls
- //
- struct DLGITEMINFO {
- UINT m_uFlags;
- HWND m_hWnd;
- CRect m_rectPosition;
- };
- CDlgItemResizer::CDlgItemResizer()
- {
- m_szInitial = CSize(0,0);
- }
- CDlgItemResizer::~CDlgItemResizer()
- {
- // Make sure to delete all allocated items
- for (INT i = 0; i < m_Controls.GetSize(); i++)
- delete ((DLGITEMINFO *)m_Controls[i]);
- }
- void CDlgItemResizer::Add(CWnd *pCtrl, UINT uFlags)
- {
- // Make sure params are valid
- ASSERT(pCtrl != 0);
- ASSERT(pCtrl->GetParent() != 0);
- CWnd *pParent = pCtrl->GetParent();
- if (uFlags == 0)
- return;
- CRect rc;
- pCtrl->GetWindowRect(rc);
- pParent->ScreenToClient(rc);
- item->m_uFlags = uFlags;
- item->m_hWnd = pCtrl->m_hWnd;
- item->m_rectPosition = rc;
- // Set inital size if not set
- if (m_szInitial.cx == 0 || m_szInitial.cy == 0) {
- CRect rc;
- pParent->GetClientRect(rc);
- m_szInitial = rc.Size();
- }
- // Add it to the array
- m_Controls.Add(item);
- }
- void CDlgItemResizer::Resize(CWnd *pWnd)
- {
- // Just return if no initial size yet
- if (m_szInitial.cx == 0 || m_szInitial.cy == 0)
- return;
- // Don't bother to resize minimized windows
- if (GetWindowLong(pWnd->m_hWnd, GWL_STYLE) & WS_MINIMIZE)
- return;
- CRect client;
- pWnd->GetClientRect(client);
- for (INT i = 0; i < m_Controls.GetSize(); i++) {
- DLGITEMINFO *item = (DLGITEMINFO *)m_Controls[i];
- CWnd *ctrl = CWnd::FromHandle(item->m_hWnd);
- // Invalidate the old position
- CRect rect;
- ctrl->GetWindowRect(rect);
- pWnd->ScreenToClient(rect);
- pWnd->InvalidateRect(rect);
- // Get the current size of the control
- CSize size = rect.Size();
- // Set the new position according to the flags specified
- rect.left = item->m_rectPosition.left;
- rect.right = client.right - (m_szInitial.cx - item->m_rectPosition.right);
- }
- else if (item->m_uFlags & RESIZE_LOCKRIGHT) {
- rect.right = client.right - (m_szInitial.cx - item->m_rectPosition.right);
- rect.left = rect.right - size.cx;
- }
- else if (item->m_uFlags & RESIZE_LOCKLEFT) {
- rect.left = item->m_rectPosition.left;
- rect.right = rect.left + size.cx;
- }
- rect.top = item->m_rectPosition.top;
- rect.bottom = client.bottom - (m_szInitial.cy - item->m_rectPosition.bottom);
- }
- else if (item->m_uFlags & RESIZE_LOCKTOP) {
- rect.top = item->m_rectPosition.top;
- rect.bottom = rect.top + size.cy;
- }
- else if (item->m_uFlags & RESIZE_LOCKBOTTOM) {
- rect.bottom = client.bottom - (m_szInitial.cy - item->m_rectPosition.bottom);
- rect.top = rect.bottom - size.cy;
- }
- // Check if control is completely inside client, hide if not
- // Do this only when the RESIZE_SHOWHIDE flag is set.
- if (item->m_uFlags & RESIZE_SHOWHIDE) {
- CRect unionrect;
- unionrect.UnionRect(rect, client);
- if (unionrect != client)
- ctrl->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE);
- else {
- // Make sure it is visible
- if (!(ctrl->GetStyle() & WS_VISIBLE))
- ctrl->ShowWindow(SW_SHOWNORMAL);
- ctrl->MoveWindow(rect);
- }
- }
- else
- ctrl->MoveWindow(rect);
- }
- }