- // This is the STL wrapper for classlib/arrays.h from Borland's web site
- // It has been modified to be compatible with vc++ (Paul Branann 5/7/98)
- #ifdef _MSC_VER
- #pragma warning(disable: 4786)
- #endif
- // #include <vector.h>
- // #include <algo.h>
- #include <vector>
- #include <algorithm>
- using namespace std;
- template <class T>
- class TArrayAsVector : public vector<T> {
- private:
- const unsigned int growable;
- const size_type lowerbound;
- public:
- TArrayAsVector(size_type upper,
- size_type lower = 0,
- int delta = 0) :
- vector<T>( ),
- growable(delta),
- lowerbound(lower)
- { reserve(upper-lower + 1);}
- ~TArrayAsVector( )
- { // This call is unnecessary? (Paul Brannan 5/7/98)
- // vector<T>::~vector( );
- }
- int Add(const T& item)
- { if(!growable && size( ) == capacity( ))
- return 0;
- else
- insert(end( ), item);
- return 1; }
- int AddAt(const T& item, size_type index)
- { if(!growable &&
- ((size( ) == capacity( )) ||
- (ZeroBase(index > capacity( )) )))
- return 0;
- if(ZeroBase(index) > capacity( )) // out of bounds
- { insert(end( ),
- ZeroBase(index) - size( ), T( ));
- insert(end( ), item); }
- else
- { insert(begin( ) + ZeroBase(index), item); }
- return 1;
- }
- size_type ArraySize( )
- { return capacity( ); }
- size_type BoundBase(size_type location) const
- { if(location == UINT_MAX)
- return INT_MAX;
- else
- return location + lowerbound; }
- void Detach(size_type index)
- { erase(begin( ) + ZeroBase(index)); }
- void Detach(const T& item)
- { Destroy(Find(item)); }
- void Destroy(size_type index)
- { erase(begin( ) + ZeroBase(index)); }
- void Destroy(const T& item)
- { Destroy(Find(item)); }
- size_type Find(const T& item) const
- { const_iterator location = find(begin( ),
- end( ), item);
- if(location != end( ))
- return BoundBase(size_type(location -
- begin( )));
- else
- return INT_MAX; }
- size_type GetItemsInContainer( )
- { return size( ); }
- void Grow(size_type index)
- { if( index < lowerbound )
- Reallocate(ArraySize( ) + (index -
- lowerbound));
- else if( index >= BoundBase(size( )))
- Reallocate(ZeroBase(index) ); }
- int HasMember(const T& item)
- { if(Find(item) != INT_MAX)
- return 1;
- else
- return 0; }
- int IsEmpty( )
- { return empty( ); }
- int IsFull( )
- { if(growable)
- return 0;
- if(size( ) == capacity( ))
- return 1;
- else
- return 0; }
- size_type LowerBound( )
- { return lowerbound; }
- T& operator[] (size_type index)
- { return vector<T>::
- operator[](ZeroBase(index)); }
- const T& operator[] (size_type index) const
- { return vector<T>::
- operator[](ZeroBase(index)); }
- void Flush( )
- {
- // changed this to get it to work with VC++
- // (Paul Brannan 5/7/98)
- #ifdef _MSC_VER
- erase(begin(), end());
- #else
- destroy(begin( ), end( ));
- #ifdef __CYGWIN__
- _M_finish = _M_start;
- #else
- finish = start;
- #endif
- #endif
- }
- void Reallocate(size_type sz,
- size_type offset = 0)
- { if(offset)
- insert(begin( ), offset, T( ));
- reserve(sz);
- erase(end( ) - offset, end( )); }
- void RemoveEntry(size_type index)
- { Detach(index); }
- void SetData(size_type index, const T& item)
- { (*this)[index] = item; }
- size_type UpperBound( )
- { return BoundBase(capacity( )) - 1; }
- size_type ZeroBase(size_type index) const
- { return index - lowerbound; }
- // The assignment operator is not inherited (Paul Brannan 5/25/98)
- TArrayAsVector& operator=(const TArrayAsVector& v) {
- vector<T>::operator=(v);
- // should growable and lowerbound be copied as well?
- return *this;
- }
- };
- #endif