- #include "tnmsg.h"
- // String Table
- MSG_COPYRIGHT "Telnet Win32 v2.1b2, Copyright (C) 2000 Paul Brannan <pbranna@clemson.edu>nand the team. This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for detailsnread LICENSE.TXT. "
- MSG_COPYRIGHT_1 "This is free software, and you are welcome to redistributenit under certain conditions.nn"
- MSG_USAGE "Usage: TELNET [params][host [port]]nn paramsn -d:FILENAME.EXT Dumps all incoming data to FILENAME.EXT.n host Host name or IP address of the remote host to connect to.n"
- MSG_USAGE_1 " port Service port to open (default is telnet port 23).nn"
- MSG_HELP "Commands may be abbreviated. Commands are:n ncl[ose] close current connectionnop[en] connect to a sitenq[uit] exit telnetn"
- MSG_HELP_1 "ke[ys] changes/displays keymaps (write keys to see the options)nse[t] displays/alters configuration optionsnz suspendn? h[elp] print help informationn"
- MSG_INVCMD "Invalid command. Type ? for help.n"
- MSG_ERROR "%1 failed.n"
- MSG_INFO "%1n"
- MSG_TRYING "Trying %1.%2.%3.%4:%5...n"
- MSG_CONNECTED "Connected to %1. Escape key is ALT-%2.n"
- MSG_TERMBYREM "Connection terminated.n"
- MSG_KEYMAP "Loading %1 from %2.n"
- MSG_ERRKEYMAP "Error loading keymap.n"
- MSG_DUMPFILE "Writing output to file %1.n"
- MSG_CONFIG "Loading configuration options from %1.n"
- MSG_NOINI "Error loading configuration file %1.nLoading default options.n"
- MSG_BADVAL "Warning: invalid variable %1.n"
- MSG_NOSPAWN "Unable to spawn process.n"
- MSG_RESOLVING "Looking up host: %1..."
- MSG_NOSERVICE "Could not find TCP service %1.n"
- MSG_SIZEALIAS "Warning: size of alias %1 is too big, ignoring.n"
- MSG_ERRPIPE "Error: unable to spawn process for pipe.n"
- MSG_BADUSAGE "Error: invalid usage of command.n"
- MSG_ALREADYCONNECTED "Already connected to %1.n"
- MSG_WSAEINTR "Interrupted function call.n"
- MSG_WSAEACCESS "Permission denied.n"
- MSG_WSAEINVAL "Invalid argument.n"
- MSG_WSAEMFILE "Too many open files.n"
- MSG_WSAEWOULDBLOCK "Resource temporalily unavailable.n"
- MSG_WSAEINPROGRESS "Operation now in progress.n"
- MSG_WSAEALREADY "Operation already in progress.n"
- MSG_WSAENOTSOCK "Socket operation on non-socket.n"
- MSG_WSAEDESTADDRREQ "Destination address required.n"
- MSG_WSAEMSGSIZE "Message too long.n"
- MSG_WSAEPROTOTYPE "Protocol wrong type for socket.n"
- MSG_WSAENOPROTOOPT "Bad protocol option.n"
- MSG_WSAEPROTONOTSUPPORT "Protocol not supported.n"
- MSG_WSAESOCKNOTSUPPORT "Socket type not supported.n"
- MSG_WSAEOPNOTSUPP "Operation not supported.n"
- MSG_WSAEPFNOTSUPPORT "Protocol family not supported.n"
- MSG_WSAEAFNOTSUPPORT "Address family not supported by protocol family.n"
- MSG_WSAEADDRINUSE "Address already in use.n"
- MSG_WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL "Cannot assign requested address.n"
- MSG_WSAENETDOWN "Network is down.n"
- MSG_WSAENETUNREACH "Network is unreachable.n"
- MSG_WSAENETRESET "Network dropped connection on reset.n"
- MSG_WSAECONNABORTED "Software caused connection abort.n"
- MSG_WSAECONNRESET "Connection reset by peer.n"
- MSG_WSAENOBUFS "No buffer space available.n"
- MSG_WSAEISCONN "Socket is already connected.n"
- MSG_WSAENOTCONN "Socket is not connected.n"
- MSG_WSAESHUTDOWN "Cannot send after socket shutdown.n"
- MSG_WSAETIMEDOUT "Connection timed out.n"
- MSG_WSAECONNREFUSED "Connection refused.n"
- MSG_WSAENAMETOOLONG "Name too long.n"
- MSG_WSAEHOSTDOWN "Host is down.n"
- MSG_WSAEHOSTUNREACH "No route to host.n"
- MSG_WSAESYSNOTREADY "Network subsystem is unavailable.n"
- MSG_WSANOTINITIALISED "Successful WSAStartup not yet performed.n"
- MSG_WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND "Host not found.n"
- MSG_WSATRY_AGAIN "Non-authoritative host not found.n"
- MSG_WSANO_RECOVERY "This is a non-recoverable error.n"
- MSG_WSANO_DATA "Valid name, no data record of requested type.n"
- MSG_KEYNOVAL "[GLOBAL]: No value for %1.n"
- MSG_KEYBADVAL "[GLOBAL]: Bad value for %1.n"
- MSG_KEYBADSTRUCT "%1: Bad structure.n"
- MSG_KEYBADCHARS "%1: Bad chars? %1 -> %3.n"
- MSG_KEYUNEXPLINE "Unexpected line ""%1"".n"
- MSG_KEYUNEXPEOF "Unexpended end of file.n"
- MSG_KEYUNEXPTOK "Unexpected token %1.n"
- MSG_KEYUNEXPTOKIN "Unexpected token in %1.n"
- MSG_KEYUNEXP "Unexpected end of file or token.n"
- MSG_KEYNOGLOBAL "No [GLOBAL] definition!n"
- MSG_KEYUSECONFIG "Use configuration: %1.n"
- MSG_KEYNOSWKEY "No switch key for ""%1"".n"
- MSG_KEYCANNOTDEF "You cannot define switch key for default keymap - ignored.n"
- MSG_KEYDUPSWKEY "Duplicate switching key.n"
- MSG_KEYUNKNOWNMAP "Unknown keymap %1.n"
- MSG_KEYNOCHARMAPS "No charmaps loaded.n"
- MSG_KEYNOKEYMAPS "No keymaps loaded.n"
- MSG_KEYNUMMAPS "There are %1 maps.n"
- MSG_KEYBADMAP "Bad keymap number - try 'keys display'n"
- MSG_KEYMAPSWITCHED "keymap switched.n"
- #if defined(__MINGW32__) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
- TelnetIcon ICON "telnet.ico"
- #else
- TelnetIcon ICON "../telnet.ico"
- #endif