资源名称:schddog.zip [点击查看]
- data segment at 0h
- org 9h*4
- KeyboardInt dd ?
- org 13H*4
- DiskInt dd ?
- org 50H*4
- HDInt dd ?
- org 3f0h
- ProSeg dw ?
- org 413h
- Memory_size dw ?
- org 7C00H
- Boot proc far
- Boot endp
- data ends
- code segment
- assume cs:code,ds:data
- org 0h
- Head:
- jmp start
- RealInt label dword
- RealOFF dw 0a189h
- RealCS dw 0f000h
- start:
- cli
- mov ax,cs
- mov ds,ax
- mov es,ax
- mov ss,ax
- mov sp,7C00h
- xor si,si
- sti
- dec [memory_size]
- dec [memory_size]
- mov ax,[memory_size]
- mov cl,6
- shl ax,cl
- mov es,ax
- mov di,0
- mov si,7c00h
- mov cx,200h
- rep movsb
- push es
- mov ax,offset continue
- push ax
- retf
- continue:
- xor ax,ax
- mov ds,ax
- mov [ProSeg],es
- cli
- mov ax,word ptr [DiskInt]
- mov word ptr cs:[RealOFF],ax
- mov word ptr [HDInt],ax
- mov ax,word ptr [DiskInt+2]
- mov word ptr cs:[RealCS],ax
- mov word ptr [HDInt+2],ax
- mov ax,offset Int_Handler
- mov word ptr [DiskInt],ax
- mov word ptr [DiskInt+2],cs
- mov ax,word ptr [KeyboardInt]
- mov word ptr cs:[OldInt9],ax
- mov ax,word ptr [KeyboardInt+2]
- mov word ptr cs:[OldInt9+2],ax
- mov ax,offset Int9_Handler
- mov word ptr [KeyboardInt],ax
- mov word ptr [KeyboardInt+2],cs
- mov si,0002h
- $CheckBoot:
- mov ax,0201h
- mov bx,0200h
- mov cx,0001h
- mov dx,0080h
- pushf
- call dword ptr Realint
- jnb $4
- dec si
- jnz $CheckBoot
- $4:
- xor si,si
- mov di,200h
- push cs
- pop ds
- repe cmpsb
- jz $Right
- mov si,offset Virus_IN
- xor ch,ch
- lodsb
- mov cl,al
- mov ax,1301h
- mov bx,7
- sub dx,dx
- mov bp,si
- int 10h
- $Right:
- mov ax,cs
- mov es,ax
- xor bx,bx
- mov ax,0301h
- mov cx,0001h
- mov dx,0080h
- pushf
- call dword ptr Realint
- mov si,0002h
- $ReadPass:
- mov ax,0203h
- mov bx,0200h
- mov cx,0004h
- mov dx,0080h
- pushf
- call dword ptr RealInt
- jnb $1
- dec si
- jnz $ReadPass
- $1:
- mov ax,offset $J1
- push ax
- mov ax,0200h
- push ax
- ret
- $J1:
- sti
- xor ax,ax
- mov es,ax
- mov si,0002h
- $ReadBoot:
- mov ax,0201h
- mov bx,7c00h
- mov cx,0003h
- mov dx,0080h
- pushf
- call dword ptr RealInt
- jnb $2
- dec si
- jnz $ReadBoot
- $2:
- jmp boot
- OldInt9 dd ?
- Virus_IN db VirusLen,'[Virus] Self Protect...',0ah,0dh
- VirusLen equ ($-Virus_IN)-1
- Priority db 00h
- db 0ffh,0ffh
- Cyl dw 619
- Hotkey equ 1
- Shift_Mask equ 00001010b
- Int_Handler:
- sti
- cmp dx,0080h
- jne @01
- cmp cx,0001h
- jne @01
- mov cx,0003h
- @01:
- cmp ah,03h
- jz check
- cmp ah,05h
- jz check
- cmp ah,06h
- jz check
- cmp ah,07h
- jz check
- cmp ah,0bh
- jz check
- cmp ah,0fh
- jz check
- cmp ah,13h
- jz check
- cmp ah,19h
- jz check
- Conti:
- jmp cs:[RealInt]
- check:
- cmp dl,80h
- jne conti
- push cx
- push dx
- xchg ch,cl
- and ch,11000000b
- mov dx,cx
- mov cl,6
- shr dh,cl
- cmp dx,word ptr Cyl
- pop dx
- pop cx
- jge conti
- cmp cs:Priority,00h
- je Error
- cmp dh,00h
- jne conti
- cmp cx,0001h
- jz Error
- cmp cx,0002h
- jz Error
- cmp cx,0003h
- jz Error
- cmp cx,0007h
- jz Error
- cmp cx,0008h
- jz Error
- jmp conti
- Error:
- mov ah,00h
- std
- retf 2
- Int9_Handler:
- sti
- push ax
- in al,60h
- cmp al,Hotkey
- je Trigger
- Int9_Exit:
- pop ax
- jmp cs:[OldInt9]
- Trigger:
- mov ah,2
- int 16h
- and al,0fh
- cmp al,Shift_Mask
- jnz Int9_Exit
- pushf
- call cs:[OldInt9]
- pushf
- mov ax,offset @j2
- push ax
- mov ax,600h
- push ax
- ret
- @j2:
- jc $lock
- mov cs:Priority,0ffh
- jmp @j3
- $lock:
- mov cs:Priority,00h
- @j3:
- popf
- pop ax
- iret
- Tail:
- Filler_Amount equ 512-(Tail-Head)-2
- db Filler_Amount dup(0)
- dw 0AA55h
- code ends
- end