- #if !defined(AFX_DALSURICHEDIT_H__6081508D_AA8B_11D2_9D7B_00207415044C__INCLUDED_)
- #define AFX_DALSURICHEDIT_H__6081508D_AA8B_11D2_9D7B_00207415044C__INCLUDED_
- #if _MSC_VER > 1000
- #pragma once
- #endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
- // DalsuRichEdit.h : header file (In Korean Version)...
- //
- /*************************************************************************
- CDalsuRichEdit俊 措窍咯
- 荤侩格利:老馆利栏肺 chatter甫 备泅且 版快, 阿阿狼 皋矫瘤绰 酒贰肺何磐
- 眠啊登绢具 窍哥, 葛滴啊 轰狼 裹困甫 逞阑 版快, 磊悼利栏肺 茄
- 沫究 酒贰肺 胶农费登绢具 茄促.
- 肚茄 措拳磊狼 捞抚苞 措拳郴侩, chatter俊辑 眠啊登绰 皋矫瘤绰
- 备盒等促.
- 窃荐俊 措茄 汲疙:
- 1. AddName(CString &strName, COLORREF &crColor);
- 捞抚苞 捞抚狼 祸彬阑 瘤沥窍搁等促.
- 窜, 捞抚阑 父甸锭, 老沥茄 埃拜阑 蜡瘤窍档废 窍搁 歹宽 亮促.
- (抗力 曼炼)
- 2. AddText(CString &strTextIn, COLORREF &crColor);
- 眠啊且 text客 text狼 祸彬阑 瘤沥茄促.
- 窜, 馆靛矫 text狼 场俊绰 'rn'捞 瘤沥登绢 乐绢具 茄促. 弊贰具
- 促澜臂捞 促澜临肺 捞绢柳促.
- 3. AddMsg(CString &strMsg, COLORREF &crColor, BOOL bUnderLine, BOOL bBold);
- 眠啊且 皋矫瘤客 皋矫瘤狼 祸彬, 关临狼 蜡公, 苯篮臂磊 殿阑 瘤沥且 荐 乐促.
- 付蛮啊瘤肺 场俊绰 'rn'捞 瘤沥登绢 乐绢具 茄促.
- To Use the CDalsuRichEdit...
- 1. Copy "DalsuRichEdit.h", "DalsuRichEdit.cpp" in your work directory
- 2. Add your project these two files
- 3. Add a member data ex:m_pDalRich or m_pDalRich
- 4. Create the CDalRichEdit's Window with appropriate style
- The Description of member function
- 1. AddName(CString &strName, COLORREF &crColor);
- Specify the User Name and its color
- 2. AddText(CString &strTextIn, COLORREF &crColor);
- Specify text string and its color
- Don't forget! There are "rn" characters on the tail of this string.
- 3. AddMsg(CString &strMsg, COLORREF &crColor, BOOL bUnderLine, BOOL bBold);
- It's general system message. ex:A User joined this room...
- In the same manner, there are "rn" characters on the tail of this string.
- and I thank for Zafir Anjum, Tom Moor, Steve Dunn, Juraj Rojko 's codes...
- ***************************************************************************/
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CDalsuRichEdit window
- class CDalsuRichEdit : public CRichEditCtrl
- {
- // Construction
- public:
- CDalsuRichEdit();
- // Attributes
- public:
- // Operations
- public:
- void AddText(LPCTSTR szTextIn, COLORREF &crNewColor);
- void AddText(CString &strTextIn, COLORREF &crNewColor);
- void AddName(CString &strName, COLORREF &crNewColor);
- void AddMsg(CString &strMSG, COLORREF &crNewColor, BOOL bUnderLine = FALSE, BOOL bBold = FALSE);
- // Overrides
- // ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides
- //{{AFX_VIRTUAL(CDalsuRichEdit)
- // Implementation
- public:
- virtual ~CDalsuRichEdit();
- // Generated message map functions
- protected:
- //{{AFX_MSG(CDalsuRichEdit)
- afx_msg int OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct);
- //}}AFX_MSG
- };
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Microsoft Visual C++ will insert additional declarations immediately before the previous line.
- #endif // !defined(AFX_DALSURICHEDIT_H__6081508D_AA8B_11D2_9D7B_00207415044C__INCLUDED_)