资源名称:0cd.zip [点击查看]
- 0cd CD-Rom Emulator v7.1
- ---========================---
- 1. The Problem!
- ===============----------------------------------------------------------------
- Sometimes, a game comes along that looks to be the best game you've ever seen.
- Unfortunately, you have only a single-speed cd-rom, and no matter how fast
- your pentium 133 goes, the movies and animations looks like a beetle stuck in
- glue.
- Then you think of the possibility of copying the game into your harddisk, and
- playing it off of it, but alas, that probably won't work. The reason for this
- is that such games usually check to see if they are actually running from the
- cd-rom. The purpose of this check is to make sure that audio tracks on the
- cd-rom are available, but mostly it is used as a simple copy-protection check.
- It can take a lot of hard work to make it work from your harddisk, and some
- times it can't be done; but the main work is to make the program think it is
- really running on a cd-rom. So, how do you accomplish that? 0cd is the answer.
- 2. Introduction to cd-rom emulators
- ===================================--------------------------------------------
- So, what does a cd-rom emulator have to do? Well, the following list gives you
- a clue of the task it must fill: