- %example file for feature detector
- %close all
- testpat=0; %set to zero to use current contents of img variable
- if testpat==1
- img=zeros(400,400);
- img(150:200,100:150)=200;
- img(100:110,100:110)=200;
- img(100:118,140:158)=200;
- img(100:120,185:205)=200;
- img(100:125,235:260)=200;
- img(100:130,290:320)=200;
- img(150:185,40:75)=200;
- img(190:290,190:290)=200;
- img(300:302,100:102)=200;
- img=filter_gaussian(img,7,sqrt(2));
- img=img+randn(400,400)*5;
- elseif testpat==2
- img=zeros(400,400);
- img(200:400,190:210) = 200;
- img=filter_gaussian(img,7,sqrt(2));
- img=img+randn(400,400)*5;
- elseif testpat==3
- img=zeros(400,400);
- img(1:400,190:210) = 200;
- img=filter_gaussian(img,7,sqrt(2));
- img=img+randn(400,400)*5;
- elseif testpat==4
- img=zeros(400,400);
- img(200:400,190:210) = 200;
- img(200:220,200:400) = 200;
- img=filter_gaussian(img,7,sqrt(2));
- img=img+randn(400,400)*0;
- elseif testpat==5
- img=zeros(400,400);
- img(200:400,200:210) = 200;
- img(200:210,1:400) = 200;
- img=filter_gaussian(img,7,sqrt(2));
- img=img+randn(400,400)*5;
- elseif testpat==6
- img=zeros(400,400);
- img(1:400,200:210) = 200;
- img(200:210,1:400) = 200;
- img=filter_gaussian(img,7,sqrt(2));
- img=img+randn(400,400)*5;
- img=-img;
- end
- close all
- if size(img,3)>1
- img = rgb2gray(img);
- end
- %imagesc(img);
- threshold=3; %Threshold value for rejecting maxima/minima
- disp_flag = 0; %change to a zero for a combined view of all scales
- img_flag = 1; %change to a zero to see features plotted on original image
- radius = 4;
- radius2 = 4;
- radius3 = 4;
- min_sep = .04;
- edgeratio = 5;
- scl = 1.5;
- %img = imread(file_name);
- %[pyr,imp] = build_pyramid(img,12,scl);
- %pts = find_features(pyr,img,scl, threshold,radius,radius2,min_sep,edgeratio,disp_flag,img_flag);
- %[features] = getpts(img,pyr,scl,imp,pts,6,radius3,min_sep,edgeratio);
- [features,pyr,imp,keys] = detect_features(img,scl,disp_flag,threshold,radius,radius2,radius3, min_sep,edgeratio);
- showfeatures(features,img);
- axis equal;
- %enjoy...