- %/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- %
- % detect_features - scale space feature detector based upon difference of gaussian filters.
- % selects features based upon their maximum response in scale space
- %
- % Usage: [features,pyr,imp,keys] = detect_features(img, scl, disp_flag, thresh, radius, radius2, radius3, min_sep, edgeratio)
- %
- % Parameters:
- %
- % img : original image
- % scl : scaling factor between levels of the image pyramid
- % thresh : threshold value for maxima search (minimum filter response considered)
- % radius : radius for maxima comparison within current scale
- % radius2: radius for maxima comparison between neighboring scales
- % radius3: radius for edge rejection test
- % min_sep : minimum separation for maxima selection.
- % edgeratio: maximum ratio of eigenvalues of feature curvature for edge rejection.
- % disp_flag: 1- display each scale level on separate figure. 0 - no display
- %
- % Returns:
- %
- % features - matrix with one row for each feature consisting of the following:
- % [x position, y position, scale(sub-level), size of feature on image, edge flag,
- % edge orientation, curvature of response through scale space ]
- %
- % pyr, imp - filter response and image pyramids
- % keys - key values generated for each feature by construct_key.m
- %
- % Notes:
- % recommended parameter values are:
- % scl = 1.5; thresh = 3; radius = 4; radius2 = 4; radius3 = 4; min_sep = .04; edgeratio = 5;
- %
- % Author:
- % Scott Ettinger
- %
- %
- % May 2002
- %/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- function [features,pyr,imp,keys] = detect_features(img, scl, disp_flag, thresh, radius, radius2, radius3, min_sep, edgeratio)
- if ~exist('scl')
- scl = 1.5;
- end
- if ~exist('thresh')
- thresh = 3;
- end
- if ~exist('radius')
- radius = 4;
- end
- if ~exist('radius2')
- radius2 = 4;
- end
- if ~exist('radius3')
- radius3 = 4;
- end
- if ~exist('min_sep')
- min_sep = .04;
- end
- if ~exist('edgeratio')
- edgeratio = 5;
- end
- if ~exist('disp_flag')
- disp_flag = 0;
- end
- if size(img,3) > 1
- img = rgb2gray(img);
- end
- % Computation of the maximum number of levels:
- Lmax = floor(min(log(2*size(img)/12)/log(scl)));
- %build image pyramid and difference of gaussians filter response pyramid
- [pyr,imp] = build_pyramid(img,Lmax,scl);
- %get the feature points
- pts = find_features(pyr,img,scl,thresh,radius,radius2,disp_flag,1);
- %classify points and create sub-pixel and sub-scale adjustments
- [features,keys] = refine_features(img,pyr,scl,imp,pts,radius3,min_sep,edgeratio);