- %/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- % Author : Scott Ettinger
- %
- % filter_gaussian(img, order, sig)
- %
- % The image is first padded with the outer image data enough times to allow for the size of the
- % filter used.
- function image_out = filter_gaussian(img,order,sig)
- h1 = gauss1d(order,sig); %create filter coefficient matrix
- h2 = conv2(h1, [.5 0 -.5]);
- h3 = conv2(h2,h2);
- h3 = h3/sum(abs(h3));
- order = length(h3);
- img2 = img;
- for i=1:floor(order/2) %pad image borders with enough for filter order
- [h,w] = size(img2);
- img2 = [img2(1,1) img2(1,:) img2(1,w);
- img2(:,1) img2 img2(:,w);
- img2(h,1) img2(h,:) img2(h,w)];
- end
- image_out = conv2(img2,h3','valid'); % do the filtering
- image_out = image_out(:,floor(order/2)+1:end-floor(order/2));
- image_out2 = conv2(img2,h3,'valid'); % do the filtering
- image_out2 = image_out2(floor(order/2)+1:end-floor(order/2),:);
- image_out = -image_out-image_out2;
- %/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- function f = gauss1d(order,sig)
- f=0;
- i=0;
- j=0;
- %generate gaussian coefficients
- for x = -fix(order/2):1:fix(order/2)
- i = i + 1;
- f(i) = 1/2/pi*exp(-((x^2)/(2*sig^2)));
- end
- f = f / sum(sum(f)); %normalize filter
- %/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- function f = gauss2d(order,sig)
- f=0;
- i=0;
- j=0;
- %generate gaussian coefficients
- for x = -fix(order/2):1:fix(order/2)
- j=j+1;
- i=0;
- for y = -fix(order/2):1:fix(order/2)
- i=i+1;
- f(i,j) = 1/2/pi*exp(-((x^2+y^2)/(2*sig^2)));
- end
- end
- f = f / sum(sum(f)); %normalize filter