- %/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- %
- % find_features - scale space feature detector based upon difference of gaussian filters.
- % selects features based upon their maximum response in scale space
- %
- % Usage: maxima = find_features(pyr, img, thresh, radius, radius2, min_sep, edgeratio, disp_flag, img_flag)
- %
- % Parameters:
- % pyr : cell array of filtered image pyramid (built with build_pyramid)
- % img : original image (only used for visualization)
- % thresh : threshold value for maxima search (minimum filter response considered)
- % radius : radius for maxima comparison within current scale
- % radius2: radius for maxima comparison between neighboring scales
- % disp_flag: 1- display each scale level on separate figure. 0 - display nothing
- % img_flag: 1 - display filter responses. 0 - display original images.
- %
- % Returns:
- %
- % maxima - cell array of nX2 matrices of row,column coordinates of selected points on each scale level
- %
- % Author:
- % Scott Ettinger
- %
- %
- % May 2002
- %/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- function maxima = find_features(pyr, img, scl, thresh, radius, radius2, disp_flag, img_flag)
- % pts = find_features(pyr,img,scl,thresh,radius,radius2,disp_flag,1);
- levels = size(pyr);
- levels = levels(2);
- mcolor = [ 0 1 0; %color array for display of features at different scales
- 0 1 0;
- 1 0 0;
- .2 .5 0;
- 0 0 1;
- 1 0 1;
- 0 1 1;
- 1 .5 0
- .5 1 0
- 0 1 .5
- .5 1 .5];
- [himg,wimg] = size(img); %get size of images
- [h,w] = size(pyr{2});
- for i=2:levels-1
- [h,w] = size(pyr{i});
- [h2,w2] = size(pyr{i+1});
- %find maxima
- mx = find_extrema(pyr{i},thresh,radius); %find maxima at current scale level
- mx2 = round((mx-1)/scl) + 1; %find coords in level above
- mx_above = neighbor_max(pyr{i},pyr{i+1},mx,mx2,radius2); %do neighbor comparison in scale space above
- if i>1
- mx2 = round((mx-1)*scl) + 1; %find coords in level below
- mx_below = neighbor_max(pyr{i},pyr{i-1},mx,mx2,radius2); %do comparison in scale below
- maxima{i} = plist(mx, mx_below & mx_above); %get coord list for retained maxima and minima
- else
- maxima{i} = plist(mx, mx_above);
- end
- %find minima
- %if i==11,
- % keyboard;
- %end;
- mx = find_extrema(-pyr{i},thresh,radius); %find minima at current scale level
- mx2 = round((mx-1)/scl) + 1; %find coords in level above
- mx_above = neighbor_max(-pyr{i},-pyr{i+1},mx,mx2,radius2); %do neighbor comparison in scale space above
- if i>1
- mx2 = round((mx-1)*scl) + 1; %find coords in level below
- mx_below = neighbor_max(-pyr{i},-pyr{i-1},mx,mx2,radius2); %do comparison in scale below
- mxtemp = plist(mx, mx_below & mx_above); %get coord list for retained maxima and minima
- else
- mxtemp = plist(mx, mx_above);
- end
- maxima{i} = [maxima{i}; mxtemp]; %combine maxima and minima into list for return
- %display results if desired
- if disp_flag > 0
- figure
- if img_flag == 0
- tmp=resample_bilinear(img,himg/h);
- imagesc(tmp);
- colormap gray;
- show_plist(maxima{i},mcolor(mod(i-1,7)+1,:),'+');
- else
- imagesc(pyr{i});
- colormap gray;
- show_plist(maxima{i},mcolor(mod(i-1,7)+1,:),'+');
- end
- end
- end
- %//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- %
- % Compare a vector of pixels with its neighbors in another scale
- %
- %//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- function v = neighbor_max(img1,img2,i,i2,radius) % i and i2 are column vectors of r,c coords
- if (size(i2,1))==0 | size(img2,1)<11 | size(img2,2)<11
- v=zeros(length(i),1);
- else
- [h,w] = size(img1);
- [h2,w2] = size(img2);
- [y,x]=meshgrid(-20:20,-20:20); %create set of offsets within radius
- z = (x.^2+y.^2)<=radius^2;
- [y,x]=find(z);
- x=x-21; y=y-21;
- radius=ceil(radius);
- bound = ones(size(i2,1),2)*[h2-radius 0;0 w2-radius]; %create boundary listing
- i2 = i2 - ((i2 > bound).*(i2-bound+1)); %test bounds to make all points within image
- i2 = i2 + ((i2 < radius+1).*(radius-i2+1));
- i2 = vec(i2,h2); %create indices from x,y coords
- i = vec(i,h);
- p = img1(i);
- res = ones(length(i),1);
- for j=1:length(x) %check against all points within radius
- itest = i2 + x(j) + h2*y(j);
- p2 = img2(itest);
- res = res & (p>=p2);
- end
- v = res; %store results in binary vector
- end
- %//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- function v = vec(points,h)
- y = points(:,1);
- x = points(:,2);
- v = y + (x-1)*h; %create index vectors
- %//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- function p = plist(points, flags)
- p = points(find(flags),:);