- /*
- * File vms.c - assorted bletcherous hacks for VMS.
- Written by Eric Youngdale (1993).
- */
- static char rcsid[] ="$Id: vms.c,v 1.2 1997/02/23 16:06:20 eric Rel $";
- #ifdef VMS
- #include <rms.h>
- #include <descrip.h>
- #include <ssdef.h>
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <sys/stat.h>
- #define opendir fake_opendir
- #include "mkisofs.h"
- #undef opendir
- #include <stdio.h>
- static struct RAB *rab; /* used for external mailfiles */
- static int rms_status;
- static error_exit(char * text){
- fprintf(stderr,"%sn", text);
- exit(33);
- }
- char * strrchr(const char *, char);
- char * strdup(char * source){
- char * pnt;
- pnt = (char *) e_malloc(strlen(source) + 1);
- strcpy(pnt, source);
- return pnt;
- }
- int VMS_stat(char * path, struct stat * spnt){
- char * spath;
- char sbuffer[255];
- char * pnt, *ppnt;
- char * pnt1;
- ppnt = strrchr(path,']');
- if(ppnt) ppnt++;
- else ppnt = path;
- spath = path;
- if(strcmp(ppnt,".") == 0 || strcmp(ppnt,"..") == 0){
- strcpy(sbuffer, path);
- /* Find end of actual name */
- pnt = strrchr(sbuffer,']');
- if(!pnt) return 0;
- pnt1 = pnt;
- while(*pnt1 != '[' && *pnt1 != '.') pnt1--;
- if(*pnt1 != '[' && strcmp(ppnt,"..") == 0) {
- pnt1--;
- while(*pnt1 != '[' && *pnt1 != '.') pnt1--;
- };
- if(*pnt1 == '.') {
- *pnt1 = ']';
- pnt = pnt1;
- while(*pnt != '.' && *pnt != ']') pnt++;
- *pnt++ = ']';
- while(*pnt != '.' && *pnt != ']') pnt++;
- *pnt = 0;
- strcat(sbuffer,".DIR;1");
- };
- if(*pnt1 == '[') {
- pnt1++;
- *pnt1 = 0;
- strcat(pnt1,"000000]");
- pnt1 = strrchr(path,'[') + 1;
- pnt = sbuffer + strlen(sbuffer);
- while(*pnt1 && *pnt1 != '.' && *pnt1 != ']') *pnt++ = *pnt1++;
- *pnt = 0;
- strcat(sbuffer,".DIR;1");
- };
- spath = sbuffer;
- };
- return stat_filter(spath, spnt);
- }
- static int dircontext[32] = {0,};
- static char * searchpath[32];
- static struct direct d_entry[32];
- int optind = 0;
- char * optarg;
- int getopt(int argc, char *argv[], char * flags){
- char * pnt;
- char c;
- optind++;
- if(*argv[optind] != '-') return EOF;
- optarg = 0;
- c = *(argv[optind]+1);
- pnt = (char *) strchr(flags, c);
- if(!pnt) return c; /* Not found */
- if(pnt[1] == ':') {
- optind++;
- optarg = argv[optind];
- };
- return c;
- }
- void vms_path_fixup(char * name){
- char * pnt1;
- pnt1 = name + strlen(name) - 6;
- /* First strip the .DIR;1 */
- if(strcmp(pnt1, ".DIR;1") == 0) *pnt1 = 0;
- pnt1 = (char*) strrchr(name, ']');
- if(pnt1) {
- if(pnt1[1] == 0) return;
- *pnt1 = '.';
- strcat(name,"]");
- return;
- };
- pnt1 = (char*) strrchr(name, '>');
- if(pnt1) {
- if(pnt1[1] == 0) return;
- *pnt1 = '.';
- strcat(name,">");
- return;
- };
- }
- int opendir(char * path){
- int i;
- for(i=1; i<32; i++) {
- if(dircontext[i] == 0){
- dircontext[i] = -1;
- searchpath[i] = (char *) e_malloc(strlen(path) + 6);
- strcpy(searchpath[i], path);
- vms_path_fixup(searchpath[i]);
- strcat(searchpath[i],"*.*.*");
- return i;
- };
- };
- exit(0);
- }
- struct direct * readdir(int context){
- int i;
- char cresult[100];
- char * pnt;
- int status;
- $DESCRIPTOR(dpath,searchpath[context]);
- $DESCRIPTOR(result,cresult);
- if(dircontext[context] == -1) {
- dircontext[context] = -2;
- strcpy(d_entry[context].d_name, ".");
- return &d_entry[context];
- };
- if(dircontext[context] == -2) {
- dircontext[context] = -3;
- strcpy(d_entry[context].d_name, "..");
- return &d_entry[context];
- };
- if(dircontext[context] == -3) dircontext[context] = 0;
- dpath.dsc$w_length = strlen(searchpath[context]);
- lib$find_file(&dpath, &result, &dircontext[context],
- 0, 0, &status, 0);
- if(status == SS$_NOMOREFILES) return 0;
- /* Now trim trailing spaces from the name */
- i = result.dsc$w_length - 1;
- while(i && cresult[i] == ' ') i--;
- cresult[i+1] = 0;
- /* Now locate the actual portion of the file we want */
- pnt = (char *) strrchr(cresult,']');
- if(pnt) pnt++;
- else
- pnt = cresult;
- strcpy(d_entry[context].d_name, pnt);
- return &d_entry[context];
- }
- void closedir(int context){
- lib$find_file_end(&dircontext[context]);
- free(searchpath[context]);
- searchpath[context] = (char *) 0;
- dircontext[context] = 0;
- }
- static open_file(char* fn){
- /* this routine initializes a rab and fab required to get the
- correct definition of the external data file used by mail */
- struct FAB * fab;
- rab = (struct RAB*) e_malloc(sizeof(struct RAB));
- fab = (struct FAB*) e_malloc(sizeof(struct FAB));
- *rab = cc$rms_rab; /* initialize RAB*/
- rab->rab$l_fab = fab;
- *fab = cc$rms_fab; /* initialize FAB*/
- fab->fab$l_fna = fn;
- fab->fab$b_fns = strlen(fn);
- fab->fab$w_mrs = 512;
- fab->fab$b_fac = FAB$M_BIO | FAB$M_GET;
- fab->fab$b_org = FAB$C_SEQ;
- fab->fab$b_rfm = FAB$C_FIX;
- fab->fab$l_xab = (char*) 0;
- rms_status = sys$open(rab->rab$l_fab);
- if(rms_status != RMS$_NORMAL && rms_status != RMS$_CREATED)
- error_exit("$OPEN");
- rms_status = sys$connect(rab);
- if(rms_status != RMS$_NORMAL)
- error_exit("$CONNECT");
- return 1;
- }
- static close_file(struct RAB * prab){
- rms_status = sys$close(prab->rab$l_fab);
- free(prab->rab$l_fab);
- free(prab);
- if(rms_status != RMS$_NORMAL)
- error_exit("$CLOSE");
- }
- #define NSECT 16
- extern unsigned int last_extent_written;
- int vms_write_one_file(char * filename, int size, FILE * outfile){
- int status, i;
- char buffer[SECTOR_SIZE * NSECT];
- int count;
- int use;
- int remain;
- open_file(filename);
- remain = size;
- while(remain > 0){
- use = (remain > SECTOR_SIZE * NSECT - 1 ? NSECT*SECTOR_SIZE : remain);
- use = ROUND_UP(use); /* Round up to nearest sector boundary */
- memset(buffer, 0, use);
- rab->rab$l_ubf = buffer;
- rab->rab$w_usz = sizeof(buffer);
- status = sys$read(rab);
- fwrite(buffer, 1, use, outfile);
- last_extent_written += use/SECTOR_SIZE;
- if((last_extent_written % 1000) < use/SECTOR_SIZE) fprintf(stderr,"%d..", last_extent_written);
- remain -= use;
- };
- close_file(rab);
- }
- #endif