- MKISOFS(8) Maintenance Procedures MKISOFS(8)
- mkisofs - create a iso9660 filesystem with optional Rock
- Ridge attributes.
- mmmmkkkkiiiissssooooffffssss [ ----aaaa ] [ ----aaaabbbbssssttttrrrraaaacccctttt _F_I_L_E ] [ ----bbbbiiiibbbblllliiiioooo _F_I_L_E ] [ ---- bbbb
- _e_l_t_o_r_i_t_o__b_o_o_t__i_m_a_g_e ] [ ---- BBBB _s_p_a_r_c__b_o_o_t__i_m_a_g_e__l_i_s_t ] [ ----GGGG
- _g_e_n_e_r_i_c__b_o_o_t__i_m_a_g_e ] [ ----gggguuuuiiii ] [ ----CCCC #,# ] [ ----hhhhaaaarrrrdddd----ddddiiiisssskkkk----bbbbooooooootttt ]
- [ ----nnnnoooo----eeeemmmmuuuullll----bbbbooooooootttt ] [ ----nnnnoooo----bbbbooooooootttt ] [ ----bbbbooooooootttt----llllooooaaaadddd----sssseeeegggg ] [ ----bbbbooooooootttt----
- llllooooaaaadddd----ssssiiiizzzzeeee ] [ ----bbbbooooooootttt----iiiinnnnffffoooo----ttttaaaabbbblllleeee ] [ ----cccc _b_o_o_t__c_a_t_a_l_o_g ] [ ----
- ccccooooppppyyyyrrrriiiigggghhhhtttt _F_I_L_E ] [ ----AAAA _a_p_p_l_i_c_a_t_i_o_n__i_d ] [ ----ffff ] [ ----dddd ] [ ----DDDD ]
- [ ----hhhhiiiiddddeeee _g_l_o_b ] [ ----hhhhiiiiddddeeee----lllliiiisssstttt _f_i_l_e ] [ ----hhhhiiiiddddeeee----jjjjoooolllliiiieeeetttt _g_l_o_b ] [ ----
- hhhhiiiiddddeeee----jjjjoooolllliiiieeeetttt----lllliiiisssstttt _f_i_l_e ] [ ----hhhhiiiiddddeeee----jjjjoooolllliiiieeeetttt----ttttrrrraaaannnnssss----ttttbbbbllll ] [ ----hhhhiiiiddddeeee----
- rrrrrrrr----mmmmoooovvvveeeedddd ] [ ----JJJJ ] [ ----llll ] [ ----LLLL ] [ ----lllloooogggg----ffffiiiilllleeee _l_o_g__f_i_l_e ] [ ---- MMMM
- _p_a_t_h | _d_e_v_i_c_e ] [ ----nnnnoooobbbbaaaakkkk ] [ ----nnnnoooo----bbbbaaaakkkk ] [ ----nnnnoooo----sssspppplllliiiitttt----ssssyyyymmmmlllliiiinnnnkkkk----
- ccccoooommmmppppoooonnnneeeennnnttttssss ] [ ----nnnnoooo----sssspppplllliiiitttt----ssssyyyymmmmlllliiiinnnnkkkk----ffffiiiieeeellllddddssss ] [ ----ppppaaaatttthhhh----lllliiiisssstttt _f_i_l_e
- ] [ ----pppp _p_r_e_p_a_r_e_r ] [ ----pppprrrriiiinnnntttt----ssssiiiizzzzeeee ] [ ----PPPP _p_u_b_l_i_s_h_e_r ] [ ----qqqquuuuiiiieeeetttt
- ] [ ----rrrr ] [ ----RRRR ] [ ----ssssyyyyssssiiiidddd _I_D ] [ ----TTTT ] [ ----UUUU ] [ ----vvvv ] [ ---- VVVV
- _v_o_l_i_d ] [ ----vvvvoooollllsssseeeetttt _I_D ] [ ----vvvvoooollllsssseeeetttt----ssssiiiizzzzeeee # ] [ ----vvvvoooollllsssseeeetttt----sssseeeeqqqqnnnnoooo #
- ] [ ----xxxx _p_a_t_h ] [ ----eeeexxxxcccclllluuuuddddeeee----lllliiiisssstttt _f_i_l_e ] [ ----zzzz ] [ ----mmmm _g_l_o_b ] ---- oooo
- _f_i_l_e_n_a_m_e _p_a_t_h_s_p_e_c [_p_a_t_h_s_p_e_c]
- mmmmkkkkiiiissssooooffffssss is effectively a pre-mastering program to generate
- the iso9660 filesystem - it takes a snapshot of a given
- directory tree, and generates a binary image which will
- correspond to an iso9660 filesystem when written to a block
- device.
- mmmmkkkkiiiissssooooffffssss is also capable of generating the System Use Sharing
- Protocol records specified by the Rock Ridge Interchange
- Protocol. This is used to further describe the files in the
- iso9660 filesystem to a unix host, and provides information
- such as longer filenames, uid/gid, posix permissions, and
- block and character devices.
- Each file written to the iso9660 filesystem must have a
- filename in the 8.3 format (8 characters, period, 3 charac-
- ters, all upper case), even if Rock Ridge is in use. This
- filename is used on systems that are not able to make use of
- the Rock Ridge extensions (such as MS-DOS), and each
- filename in each directory must be different from the other
- filenames in the same directory. mmmmkkkkiiiissssooooffffssss generally tries to
- form correct names by forcing the unix filename to upper
- case and truncating as required, but often times this yields
- unsatisfactory results when there are cases where the trun-
- cated names are not all unique. mmmmkkkkiiiissssooooffffssss assigns weightings
- to each filename, and if two names that are otherwise the
- same are found the name with the lower priority is renamed
- to have a 3 digit number as an extension (where the number
- is guaranteed to be unique). An example of this would be
- the files and - the file
- Version 1.12b5 Last change: 7. Jan 2000 1
- MKISOFS(8) Maintenance Procedures MKISOFS(8)
- would be written as FOO.000;1 and the file would be
- written as FOO.BAR;1
- Note that mmmmkkkkiiiissssooooffffssss is not designed to communicate with the
- writer directly. Most writers have proprietary command sets
- which vary from one manufacturer to another, and you need a
- specialized tool to actually burn the disk. The ccccddddwwwwrrrriiiitttteeee
- utility is one such tool that runs under Linux and performs
- this task. The latest version of ccccddddwwwwrrrriiiitttteeee is capable of com-
- municating with the Phillips/IMS/Kodak, HP and Yamaha drives
- that have been manufactured before 1997. Most writers come
- with some version of DOS software that allows a direct image
- copy of an iso9660 image to the writer. The current version
- of ccccddddwwwwrrrriiiitttteeee is available from /utils/disk-
- management/cdwrite-2.0.tar.gz Note that cdwrite has not been
- actively maintained since 1995.
- The ccccddddrrrreeeeccccoooorrrrdddd utility is another utility capable of burning
- an actual disc. The latest version of ccccddddrrrreeeeccccoooorrrrdddd is available
- from Cdrecord is
- under constant development.
- Also you should know that most cd writers are very particu-
- lar about timing. Once you start to burn a disc, you cannot
- let their buffer empty before you are done, or you will end
- up with a corrupt disc. Thus it is critical that you be
- able to maintain an uninterrupted data stream to the writer
- for the entire time that the disc is being written.
- ppppaaaatttthhhhssssppppeeeecccc is the path of the directory tree to be copied into
- the iso9660 filesystem. Multiple paths can be specified,
- and mmmmkkkkiiiissssooooffffssss will merge the files found in all of the speci-
- fied path components to form the cdrom image.
- It is possible to graft the paths at points other than the
- root directory, and it is possible to graft files or direc-
- tories onto the cdrom image with names different than what
- they have in the source filesystem. This is easiest to
- illustrate with a couple of examples. Let's start by
- assuming that a local file ../old.lis exists, and you wish
- to include it in the cdrom image.
- foo/bar/=../old.lis
- will include the file old.lis in the cdrom image at
- /foo/bar/old.lis, while
- foo/bar/xxx=../old.lis
- will include the file old.lis in the cdrom image at
- /foo/bar/xxx. The same sort of syntax can be used with
- Version 1.12b5 Last change: 7. Jan 2000 2
- MKISOFS(8) Maintenance Procedures MKISOFS(8)
- directories as well. mmmmkkkkiiiissssooooffffssss wwwwiiiillllllll ccccrrrreeeeaaaatttteeee aaaannnnyyyy ddddiiiirrrreeeeccccttttoooorrrriiiieeeessss
- rrrreeeeqqqquuuuiiiirrrreeeedddd ssssuuuucccchhhh tttthhhhaaaatttt tttthhhheeee ggggrrrraaaafffftttt points exist on the cdrom image
- - the directories do not need to appear in one of the paths.
- Any directories that are created on the fly like this will
- have permissions 0555 and appear to be owned by the person
- running mkisofs. If you wish other permissions or owners of
- the intermediate directories, the easiest solution is to
- create real directories in the path such that mkisofs
- doesn't have to invent them.
- ----aaaa Include all files on the iso9660 filesystem. Normally
- files that contain the characters '~' or '#' will not
- be included (these are typically backup files for edi-
- tors under unix). This option is now obsolete (see
- -no-bak option).
- ----aaaabbbbssssttttrrrraaaacccctttt _F_I_L_E
- Specifies the abstract file name. This parameter can
- also be set in the file ....mmmmkkkkiiiissssooooffffssssrrrrcccc with ABST=filename.
- If specified in both places, the command line version
- is used.
- ----AAAA _a_p_p_l_i_c_a_t_i_o_n__i_d
- Specifies a text string that will be written into the
- volume header. This should describe the application
- that will be on the disc. There is space on the disc
- for 128 characters of information. This parameter can
- also be set in the file ....mmmmkkkkiiiissssooooffffssssrrrrcccc with APPI=id. If
- specified in both places, the command line version is
- used.
- ----bbbbiiiibbbblllliiiioooo _F_I_L_E
- Specifies the bibliographic file name. This parameter
- can also be set in the file ....mmmmkkkkiiiissssooooffffssssrrrrcccc with
- BIBLO=filename. If specified in both places, the com-
- mand line version is used.
- ----bbbb _e_l_t_o_r_i_t_o__b_o_o_t__i_m_a_g_e
- Specifies the path and filename of the boot image to be
- used when making an "El Torito" bootable CD. The path-
- name must be relative to the source path specified to
- mmmmkkkkiiiissssooooffffssss.... This option is required to make an "El Torito"
- bootable CD. The boot image must be exactly the size
- of either a 1.2, 1.44, or a 2.88 meg floppy, and
- mmmmkkkkiiiissssooooffffssss will use this size when creating the output
- iso9660 filesystem. It is assumed that the first 512
- byte sector should be read from the boot image (it is
- essentially emulating a normal floppy drive). This
- will work, for example, if the boot image is a LILO
- based boot floppy.
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- MKISOFS(8) Maintenance Procedures MKISOFS(8)
- ----BBBB _i_m_g__s_u_n_4,_i_m_g__s_u_n_4_c,_i_m_g__s_u_n_4_m,_i_m_g__s_u_n_4_d,_i_m_g__s_u_n_4_e
- Specifies a comma separated list of boot images that
- are needed to make a bootable CD for sparc systems.
- There may be empty fields in the comma separated list.
- This option is required to make a bootable CD for Sun
- sparc systems. If the ----BBBB or ---- ssssppppaaaarrrrcccc----bbbbooooooootttt option has
- been specified, the first sector of the resulting image
- will contain a Sun disk label. This disk label speci-
- fies slice 0 for the iso9660 image and slice 1 ...
- slice 7 for the boot images that have been specified
- with this option. Byte offset 512 ... 8191 within each
- of the additional boot images must contain a primary
- boot that works for the appropriate sparc architecture.
- The rest of each of the images usually contains an ufs
- filesystem that is used primary kernel boot stage.
- The implemented boot method is the boot method found
- with SunOS 4.x and SunOS 5.x. However, it does not
- depend on SunOS internals but only on properties of the
- Open Boot prom. For this reason, it should be usable
- for any OS that boots off a sparc system.
- ----GGGG _g_e_n_e_r_i_c__b_o_o_t__i_m_a_g_e
- Specifies the path and filename of the generic boot
- image to be used when making a generic bootable CD.
- The ggggeeeennnneeeerrrriiiicccc____bbbbooooooootttt____iiiimmmmaaaaggggeeee wil be placed on the first 16
- sectors of the CD. The first 16 sectors are the sectors
- that are located before the iso9660 primary volume
- descriptor. If this option is used together with the ----
- ssssppppaaaarrrrcccc----bbbbooooooootttt option, the Sun disk label will overlay the
- first 512 bytes of the generic boot image.
- ----hhhhaaaarrrrdddd----ddddiiiisssskkkk----bbbbooooooootttt
- Specifies that the boot image used to create "El Tor-
- ito" bootable CDs is a hard disk image. The hard disk
- image must begin with a master boot record that con-
- tains a single partition.
- ----nnnnoooo----eeeemmmmuuuullll----bbbbooooooootttt
- Specifies that the boot image used to create "El Tor-
- ito" bootable CDs is a 'no emulation' image. The system
- will load and execute this image without performing any
- disk emulation.
- ----nnnnoooo----bbbbooooooootttt
- Specifies that the created "El Torito" CD should be
- marked as not bootable. The system will provide an emu-
- lated drive for the image, but will boot off a standard
- boot device.
- ----bbbbooooooootttt----llllooooaaaadddd----sssseeeegggg _s_e_g_m_e_n_t__a_d_d_r_e_s_s
- Specifies the load segment address of the boot image
- Version 1.12b5 Last change: 7. Jan 2000 4
- MKISOFS(8) Maintenance Procedures MKISOFS(8)
- for no-emulation "El Torito" CDs.
- ----bbbbooooooootttt----llllooooaaaadddd----ssssiiiizzzzeeee _l_o_a_d__s_e_c_t_o_r_s
- Specifies the number of "virtual" (512-byte) sectors to
- load in no-emulation mode. The default is to load the
- entire boot file. Some BIOSes may have problems if
- this is not a multiple of 4.
- ----bbbbooooooootttt----iiiinnnnffffoooo----ttttaaaabbbblllleeee
- Specifies that a 56-byte table with information of the
- CD-ROM layout will be patched in at offset 8 in the
- boot file. If this option is given, the boot file is
- modified in the source filesystem, so make sure to make
- a copy if this file cannot be easily regenerated! See
- table.
- ----CCCC _l_a_s_t__s_e_s_s__s_t_a_r_t,_n_e_x_t__s_e_s_s__s_t_a_r_t
- This option is needed when mmmmkkkkiiiissssooooffffssss is used to create
- the image of a second session or a higher level session
- for a multi session disk. The option ----CCCC takes a pair
- of two numbers separated by a comma. The first number
- is the sector number of the first sector in the last
- session of the disk that should be appended to. The
- second number is the starting sector number of the new
- session. The expected pair of numbers may be retrieved
- by calling ccccddddrrrreeeeccccoooorrrrdddd ----mmmmssssiiiinnnnffffoooo ............ the ----CCCC option may only
- be uses in conjunction with the ----MMMM option.
- ----cccc _b_o_o_t__c_a_t_a_l_o_g
- Specifies the path and filename of the boot catalog to
- be used when making an "El Torito" bootable CD. The
- pathname must be relative to the source path specified
- to mmmmkkkkiiiissssooooffffssss.... This option is required to make a bootable
- CD. This file will be created by mmmmkkkkiiiissssooooffffssss in the source
- filesystem, so be sure the specified filename does not
- conflict with an existing file, as it will be quietly
- overwritten! Usually a name like "boot.catalog" is
- chosen.
- ----ccccooooppppyyyyrrrriiiigggghhhhtttt _F_I_L_E
- Specifies the Copyright file name. This parameter can
- also be set in the file ....mmmmkkkkiiiissssooooffffssssrrrrcccc with COPY=filename.
- If specified in both places, the command line version
- is used.
- ----dddd Omit trailing period from files that do not have a
- period. This violates the ISO9660 standard, but it
- happens to work on many systems. Use with caution.
- ----DDDD Do not use deep directory relocation, and instead just
- pack them in the way we see them. This violates the
- Version 1.12b5 Last change: 7. Jan 2000 5
- MKISOFS(8) Maintenance Procedures MKISOFS(8)
- ISO9660 standard, but it works on many systems. Use
- with caution.
- ----ffff Follow symbolic links when generating the filesystem.
- When this option is not in use, symbolic links will be
- entered using Rock Ridge if enabled, otherwise the file
- will be ignored.
- ----gggguuuuiiii Switch the behaviour for a GUI. This currently makes
- the output more verbose but may have other effects in
- future.
- ----hhhhiiiiddddeeee _g_l_o_b
- Hide _g_l_o_b from being seen on the ISO9660 or Rock Ridge
- directory. _g_l_o_b is a shell wild-card-style pattern
- that must match any part of the filename or path. Mul-
- tiple globs may be hidden (up to 1000). If _g_l_o_b
- matches a directory, then the contents of that direc-
- tory will be hidden. All the hidden files will still
- be written to the output CD image file. Should be used
- with the ----hhhhiiiiddddeeee----jjjjoooolllliiiieeeetttt option.
- ----hhhhiiiiddddeeee----lllliiiisssstttt _f_i_l_e
- A file containing a list of _g_l_o_b_s to be hidden as
- above.
- ----hhhhiiiiddddeeee----jjjjoooolllliiiieeeetttt _g_l_o_b
- Hide _g_l_o_b from being seen on the Joliet directory.
- _g_l_o_b is a shell wild-card-style pattern that must match
- any part of the filename or path. Multiple globs may
- be hidden (up to 1000). If _g_l_o_b matches a directory,
- then the contents of that directory will be hidden.
- All the hidden files will still be written to the out-
- put CD image file. Should be used with the ---- hhhhiiiiddddeeee
- option.
- ----hhhhiiiiddddeeee----jjjjoooolllliiiieeeetttt----lllliiiisssstttt _f_i_l_e
- A file containing a list of _g_l_o_b_s to be hidden as
- above.
- ----hhhhiiiiddddeeee----jjjjoooolllliiiieeeetttt----ttttrrrraaaannnnssss----ttttbbbbllll
- Hide the TTTTRRRRAAAANNNNSSSS....TTTTBBBBLLLL files from the Joliet tree. These
- files usually don't make sense in the Joliet World as
- they list the real name and the ISO9660 name which may
- both be different from the Joliet name.
- ----hhhhiiiiddddeeee----rrrrrrrr----mmmmoooovvvveeeedddd
- Rename the directory RRRRRRRR____MMMMOOOOVVVVEEEEDDDD to ....rrrrrrrr____mmmmoooovvvveeeedddd in the Rock
- Ridge tree. It seems to be impossible to completely
- hide the RRRRRRRR____MMMMOOOOVVVVEEEEDDDD directory from the Rock Ridge tree.
- This option only makes the visible tree better to
- understand for people who don't know what this
- Version 1.12b5 Last change: 7. Jan 2000 6
- MKISOFS(8) Maintenance Procedures MKISOFS(8)
- directory is for. If you need to have no RRRRRRRR____MMMMOOOOVVVVEEEEDDDD
- directory at all, you should use the ---- DDDD option. Note
- that in case that the ----DDDD option has been specified, the
- resulting filesystem is not ISO9660 level-1 compliant
- and will not be readable on MS-DOS.
- ----llll Allow full 30 character filenames. Normally the
- ISO9660 filename will be in an 8.3 format which is com-
- patible with MS-DOS, even though the ISO9660 standard
- allows filenames of up to 30 characters. If you use
- this option, the disc may be difficult to use on a MS-
- DOS system, but this comes in handy on some other sys-
- tems (such as the Amiga). Use with caution.
- ----JJJJ Generate Joliet directory records in addition to regu-
- lar iso9660 file names. This is primarily useful when
- the discs are to be used on Windows-NT or Windows-95
- machines. The Joliet filenames are specified in
- Unicode and each path component can be up to 64 Unicode
- characters long.
- ----LLLL Allow ISO9660 filenames to begin with a period. Usu-
- ally, a leading dot is replaced with an underscore in
- order to maintain MS-DOS compatibility.
- ----lllloooogggg----ffffiiiilllleeee _l_o_g__f_i_l_e
- Redirect all error, warning and informational messages
- to _l_o_g__f_i_l_e instead of the standard error.
- ----mmmm _g_l_o_b
- Exclude _g_l_o_b from being written to CDROM. _g_l_o_b is a
- shell wild-card-style pattern that must match part of
- the filename (not the path as with option ----xxxx). Techni-
- cally _g_l_o_b is matched against the _d->_d__n_a_m_e part of the
- directory entry. Multiple globs may be excluded (up to
- 1000). Example:
- mkisofs -o rom -m '*.o' -m core -m foobar
- would exclude all files ending in ".o", called "core"
- or "foobar" to be copied to CDROM. Note that if you had
- a directory called "foobar" it too (and of course all
- its descendants) would be excluded.
- NOTE: The -m and -x option description should both be
- updated, they are wrong. Both now work identical and
- use filename globbing. A file is excluded if either the
- last component matches or the whole path matches.
- ----eeeexxxxcccclllluuuuddddeeee----lllliiiisssstttt _f_i_l_e
- A file containing a list of _g_l_o_b_s to be exclude as
- above.
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- MKISOFS(8) Maintenance Procedures MKISOFS(8)
- ----MMMM _p_a_t_h
- or
- ----MMMM _d_e_v_i_c_e
- Specifies path to existing iso9660 image to be merged.
- The alternate form takes a SCSI device specifier that
- uses the same syntax as the ddddeeeevvvv==== parameter of ccccddddrrrreeeeccccoooorrrrdddd....
- The output of mmmmkkkkiiiissssooooffffssss will be a new session which
- should get written to the end of the image specified in
- -M. Typically this requires multi-session capability
- for the recorder and cdrom drive that you are attempt-
- ing to write this image to. This option may only be
- used in conjunction with the ----CCCC option.
- ----NNNN Omit version numbers from ISO9660 file names. This
- may violate the ISO9660 standard, but no one really
- uses the version numbers anyway. Use with caution.
- ----nnnnoooobbbbaaaakkkk
- ----nnnnoooo----bbbbaaaakkkk
- Do not include backup files files on the iso9660
- filesystem. If the ----nnnnoooo----bbbbaaaakkkk option is specified, files
- that contain the characters '~' or '#' or end in '.bak'
- will not be included (these are typically backup files
- for editors under unix).
- ----nnnnoooo----rrrrrrrr
- Do not use the Rock Ridge attributes from previous ses-
- sions. This may help to avoid getting into trouble
- when mmmmkkkkiiiissssooooffffssss finds illegal Rock Ridge signatures on an
- old session.
- ----nnnnoooo----sssspppplllliiiitttt----ssssyyyymmmmlllliiiinnnnkkkk----ccccoooommmmppppoooonnnneeeennnnttttssss
- Don't split the SL components, but begin a new Con-
- tinuation Area (CE) instead. This may waste some space,
- but the SunOS 4.1.4 cdrom driver has a bug in reading
- split SL components (link_size = component_size instead
- of link_size += component_size).
- ----nnnnoooo----sssspppplllliiiitttt----ssssyyyymmmmlllliiiinnnnkkkk----ffffiiiieeeellllddddssss
- Don't split the SL fields, but begin a new Continuation
- Area (CE) instead. This may waste some space, but the
- SunOS 4.1.4 and Solaris 2.5.1 cdrom driver have a bug
- in reading split SL fields (a `/' can be dropped).
- ----oooo _f_i_l_e_n_a_m_e
- is the name of the file to which the iso9660 filesystem
- image should be written. This can be a disk file, a
- tape drive, or it can correspond directly to the device
- name of the optical disc writer. If not specified,
- stdout is used. Note that the output can also be a
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- MKISOFS(8) Maintenance Procedures MKISOFS(8)
- block special device for a regular disk drive, in which
- case the disk partition can be mounted and examined to
- ensure that the premastering was done correctly.
- ----ppppaaaatttthhhh----lllliiiisssstttt _f_i_l_e
- A file containing a list of _p_a_t_h_s_p_e_c directories and
- filenames to be added to the ISO9660 filesystem. This
- list of pathspecs are processed after any that appear
- on the command line. If the argument is -, then the
- list is read from the standard input. There must be at
- least one _p_a_t_h_s_p_e_c given on the command line as well.
- ----PPPP _p_u_b_l_i_s_h_e_r__i_d
- Specifies a text string that will be written into the
- volume header. This should describe the publisher of
- the CDROM, usually with a mailing address and phone
- number. There is space on the disc for 128 characters
- of information. This parameter can also be set in the
- file ....mmmmkkkkiiiissssooooffffssssrrrrcccc with PUBL=. If specified in both
- places, the command line version is used.
- ----pppp _p_r_e_p_a_r_e_r__i_d
- Specifies a text string that will be written into the
- volume header. This should describe the preparer of
- the CDROM, usually with a mailing address and phone
- number. There is space on the disc for 128 characters
- of information. This parameter can also be set in the
- file ....mmmmkkkkiiiissssooooffffssssrrrrcccc with PREP=. If specified in both
- places, the command line version is used.
- ----pppprrrriiiinnnntttt----ssssiiiizzzzeeee
- Print estimated filesystem size and exit. This option
- is needed for Disk At Once mode and with some CD-R
- drives when piping directly into ccccddddrrrreeeeccccoooorrrrdddd.... In this case
- it is needed to know the size of the filesystem before
- the actual CD-creation is done. The option -print-size
- allows to get this size from a "dry-run" before the CD
- is actually written.
- ----RRRR Generate SUSP and RR records using the Rock Ridge pro-
- tocol to further describe the files on the iso9660
- filesystem.
- ----rrrr This is like the -R option, but file ownership and
- modes are set to more useful values. The uid and gid
- are set to zero, because they are usually only useful
- on the author's system, and not useful to the client.
- All the file read bits are set true, so that files and
- directories are globally readable on the client. If
- any execute bit is set for a file, set all of the exe-
- cute bits, so that executables are globally executable
- on the client. If any search bit is set for a
- Version 1.12b5 Last change: 7. Jan 2000 9
- MKISOFS(8) Maintenance Procedures MKISOFS(8)
- directory, set all of the search bits, so that direc-
- tories are globally searchable on the client. All
- write bits are cleared, because the CD-Rom will be
- mounted read-only in any case. If any of the special
- mode bits are set, clear them, because file locks are
- not useful on a read-only file system, and set-id bits
- are not desirable for uid 0 or gid 0.
- ----ssssyyyyssssiiiidddd _I_D
- Specifies the system ID. This parameter can also be
- set in the file ....mmmmkkkkiiiissssooooffffssssrrrrcccc with SYSI=system_id. If
- specified in both places, the command line version is
- used.
- ----TTTT Generate a file TRANS.TBL in each directory on the
- CDROM, which can be used on non-Rock Ridge capable sys-
- tems to help establish the correct file names. There
- is also information present in the file that indicates
- the major and minor numbers for block and character
- devices, and each symlink has the name of the link file
- given.
- ----ttttaaaabbbblllleeee----nnnnaaaammmmeeee _T_A_B_L_E__N_A_M_E
- Alternative translation table file name (see above).
- Implies the ----TTTT option. If you are creating a multi-
- session image you must use the same name as in the pre-
- vious session.
- ----UUUU Allows "Untranslated" filenames, completely violating
- the iso9660 standards described above. Forces on the
- -d, -l, -L and -N flags, and also allows more than one
- '.' character in the filename, as well as mixed case
- filenames. This is useful on HP-UX system, where the
- built-in CDFS filesystem does not recognize ANY exten-
- sions. Use with extreme caution.
- ----VVVV _v_o_l_i_d
- Specifies the volume ID to be written into the master
- block. This parameter can also be set in the file
- ....mmmmkkkkiiiissssooooffffssssrrrrcccc with VOLI=id. If specified in both places,
- the command line version is used. Note that if you
- assign a volume ID, this is the name that will be used
- as the mount point used by the Solaris volume manage-
- ment system and the name that is assigned to the disc
- on a Windows or Mac platform.
- ----vvvvoooollllsssseeeetttt _I_D
- Specifies the volset ID. This parameter can also be
- set in the file ....mmmmkkkkiiiissssooooffffssssrrrrcccc with VOLS=volset_id. If
- specified in both places, the command line version is
- used.
- Version 1.12b5 Last change: 7. Jan 2000 10
- MKISOFS(8) Maintenance Procedures MKISOFS(8)
- ----vvvvoooollllsssseeeetttt----ssssiiiizzzzeeee #
- Sets the volume set size to #. The volume set size is
- the number of CD's that are in a CD set. The ----vvvvoooollllsssseeeetttt----
- ssssiiiizzzzeeee option may be used to create CD's that are part of
- e.g. a Operation System installation set of CD's. The
- option ----vvvvoooollllsssseeeetttt----ssssiiiizzzzeeee must be specified before ---- vvvvoooollllsssseeeetttt----
- sssseeeeqqqqnnnnoooo on each command line.
- ----vvvvoooollllsssseeeetttt----sssseeeeqqqqnnnnoooo #
- Sets the volume set sequence number to #. The volume
- set sequence number is the index number of the current
- CD in a CD set. The option ----vvvvoooollllsssseeeetttt----ssssiiiizzzzeeee must be speci-
- fied before ----vvvvoooollllsssseeeetttt----sssseeeeqqqqnnnnoooo on each command line.
- ----vvvv Verbose execution.
- ----xxxx _p_a_t_h
- Exclude _p_a_t_h from being written to CDROM. _p_a_t_h must be
- the complete pathname that results from concatenating
- the pathname given as command line argument and the
- path relative to this directory. Multiple paths may be
- excluded (up to 1000). Example:
- mkisofs -o cd -x /local/dir1 -x /local/dir2 /local
- NOTE: The -m and -x option description should both be
- updated, they are wrong. Both now work identical and
- use filename globbing. A file is excluded if either the
- last component matches or the whole path matches.
- ---- zzzz Generate special SUSP records for transparently
- compressed files. This is only of use and interest for
- hosts that support transparent decompression. This is
- an experimental feature, and no hosts yet support this,
- but there are ALPHA patches for Linux that can make use
- of this feature.
- When the ----bbbbooooooootttt----iiiinnnnffffoooo----ttttaaaabbbblllleeee option is given, mmmmkkkkiiiissssooooffffssss will
- modify the boot file specified by the ----bbbb option by inserting
- a 56-byte "boot information table" at offset 8 in the file.
- This modification is done in the source filesystem, so make
- sure you use a copy if this file is not easily recreated!
- This file contains pointers which may not be easily or reli-
- ably obtained at boot time.
- The format of this table is as follows; all integers are in
- section 7.3.1 ("little endian") format.
- Offset Name Size Meaning
- 8 bi_pvd 4 bytes LBA of primary volume descriptor
- 12 bi_file 4 bytes LBA of boot file
- Version 1.12b5 Last change: 7. Jan 2000 11
- MKISOFS(8) Maintenance Procedures MKISOFS(8)
- 16 bi_length 4 bytes Boot file length in bytes
- 20 bi_csum 4 bytes 32-bit checksum
- 24 bi_reserved 40 bytes Reserved
- The 32-bit checksum is the sum of all the 32-bit words in
- the boot file starting at byte offset 64. All linear block
- addresses (LBAs) are given in CD sectors (normally 2048
- bytes).
- mmmmkkkkiiiissssooooffffssss looks for the ....mmmmkkkkiiiissssooooffffssssrrrrcccc file, first in the current
- working directory, then in the user's home directory, and
- then in the directory in which the mmmmkkkkiiiissssooooffffssss binary is stored.
- This file is assumed to contain a series of lines of the
- form TTTTAAAAGGGG====_v_a_l_u_e, and in this way you can specify certain
- options. The case of the tag is not significant. Some
- fields in the volume header are not settable on the command
- line, but can be altered through this facility. Comments
- may be placed in this file, using lines which start with a
- hash (#) character.
- AAAAPPPPPPPPIIII The application identifier should describe the applica-
- tion that will be on the disc. There is space on the
- disc for 128 characters of information. May be over-
- ridden using the ----AAAA command line option.
- CCCCOOOOPPPPYYYY The copyright information, often the name of a file on
- the disc containing the copyright notice. There is
- space in the disc for 37 characters of information.
- May be overridden using the ----ccccooooppppyyyyrrrriiiigggghhhhtttt command line
- option.
- AAAABBBBSSSSTTTT The abstract information, often the name of a file on
- the disc containing an abstract. There is space in the
- disc for 37 characters of information. May be overrid-
- den using the ----aaaabbbbssssttttrrrraaaacccctttt command line option.
- BBBBIIIIBBBBLLLL The bibliographic information, often the name of a file
- on the disc containing a bibliography. There is space
- in the disc for 37 characters of information. May be
- overridden using the ----bbbbiiiilllliiiioooo command line option.
- PPPPRRRREEEEPPPP This should describe the preparer of the CDROM, usually
- with a mailing address and phone number. There is
- space on the disc for 128 characters of information.
- May be overridden using the ----pppp command line option.
- PPPPUUUUBBBBLLLL This should describe the publisher of the CDROM, usu-
- ally with a mailing address and phone number. There is
- space on the disc for 128 characters of information.
- May be overridden using the ----PPPP command line option.
- Version 1.12b5 Last change: 7. Jan 2000 12
- MKISOFS(8) Maintenance Procedures MKISOFS(8)
- SSSSYYYYSSSSIIII The System Identifier. There is space on the disc for
- 32 characters of information. May be overridden using
- the ----ssssyyyyssssiiiidddd command line option.
- VVVVOOOOLLLLIIII The Volume Identifier. There is space on the disc for
- 32 characters of information. May be overridden using
- the ----VVVV command line option.
- VVVVOOOOLLLLSSSS The Volume Set Name. There is space on the disc for
- 128 characters of information. May be overridden using
- the ----vvvvoooollllsssseeeetttt command line option.
- mmmmkkkkiiiissssooooffffssss can also be configured at compile time with defaults
- for many of these fields. See the file defaults.h.
- mmmmkkkkiiiissssooooffffssss is not based on the standard mk*fs tools for unix,
- because we must generate a complete copy of an existing
- filesystem on a disk in the iso9660 filesystem. The name
- mkisofs is probably a bit of a misnomer, since it not only
- creates the filesystem, but it also populates it as well.
- Eric Youngdale <> or <>
- wrote both the Linux isofs9660 filesystem and the mkisofs
- utility. The copyright for the mkisofs utility is held by
- Yggdrasil Computing, Incorporated.
- MMMMkkkkiiiissssooooffffssss may safely be installed suid root. This may be
- needed to allow mmmmkkkkiiiissssooooffffssss to read the previous session when
- creating a multi session image.
- +o Any files that have hard links to files not in the
- tree being copied to the iso9660 filesystem will have
- an incorrect file reference count.
- +o Does not check for SUSP record(s) in "." entry of the
- root directory to verify the existence of Rock Ridge
- enhancements.
- This problem is present when reading old sessions while
- adding data in multi-session mode.
- +o Does not properly read relocated directories in
- multi-session mode when adding data.
- Any relocated deep directory is lost if the new session
- does not include the deep directory.
- Repeat by: create first session with deep directory
- relocation then add new session with a single dir that
- Version 1.12b5 Last change: 7. Jan 2000 13
- MKISOFS(8) Maintenance Procedures MKISOFS(8)
- differs from the old deep path.
- +o Does not re-use RR_MOVED when doing multi-session from
- +o Does not create whole_name entry for RR_MOVED in
- multi-session mode.
- There may be some other ones. Please, report them to the
- author.
- Some sort of gui interface.
- mmmmkkkkiiiissssooooffffssss is available for anonymous ftp from
- in /pub/linux/packages/mkisofs and many other mirror sites.
- If you want to actively take part on the development of
- mkisofs, you may join the cdwriting mailing list by sending
- mail to:
- and include the word _s_u_b_s_c_r_i_b_e in the body. The mail
- address of the list is:
- Joerg Schilling
- Seestr. 110
- D-13353 Berlin
- Germany
- Mail bugs and suggestions to:
- sssscccchhhhiiiilllllllliiiinnnngggg@@@@ffffooookkkkuuuussss....ggggmmmmdddd....ddddeeee or jjjjssss@@@@ccccssss....ttttuuuu----bbbbeeeerrrrlllliiiinnnn....ddddeeee or
- jjjjooooeeeerrrrgggg@@@@sssscccchhhhiiiillllyyyy....iiiissssddddnnnn....ccccssss....ttttuuuu----bbbbeeeerrrrlllliiiinnnn....ddddeeee
- Version 1.12b5 Last change: 7. Jan 2000 14