- cdrecord - record audio or data Compact Discs from a master
- ccccddddrrrreeeeccccoooorrrrdddd [ _g_e_n_e_r_a_l _o_p_t_i_o_n_s ] ddddeeeevvvv====_d_e_v_i_c_e [ _t_r_a_c_k _o_p_t_i_o_n_s ]
- _t_r_a_c_k_1..._t_r_a_c_k_n
- CCCCddddrrrreeeeccccoooorrrrdddd is used to record data or audio Compact Discs on an
- Orange Book CD-Recorder.
- The _d_e_v_i_c_e refers to _s_c_s_i_b_u_s/_t_a_r_g_e_t/_l_u_n of the CD-Recorder.
- Communication on _S_u_n_O_S is done with the SCSI general driver
- ssssccccgggg.... Other operating systems are using a library simulation
- of this driver. Possible syntax is: ddddeeeevvvv====
- _s_c_s_i_b_u_s,_t_a_r_g_e_t,_l_u_n or ddddeeeevvvv==== _t_a_r_g_e_t,_l_u_n. In the latter case,
- the CD-Recorder has to be connected to the default SCSI bus
- of the machine. _S_c_s_i_b_u_s, _t_a_r_g_e_t and _l_u_n are integer
- numbers. Some operating systems or SCSI transport implemen-
- tations may require to specify a filename in addition. In
- this case the corect syntax for the device is: ddddeeeevvvv====
- _d_e_v_i_c_e_n_a_m_e:_s_c_s_i_b_u_s,_t_a_r_g_e_t, or ddddeeeevvvv==== _d_e_v_i_c_e_n_a_m_e:_t_a_r_g_e_t,_l_u_n.
- If the name of the device node that has been specified on
- such a system referres to exactly one SCSI device, a short-
- hand in the form ddddeeeevvvv==== _d_e_v_i_c_e_n_a_m_e:@ or ddddeeeevvvv==== _d_e_v_i_c_e_n_a_m_e:@,_l_u_n
- may be used instead of ddddeeeevvvv==== _d_e_v_i_c_e_n_a_m_e:_s_c_s_i_b_u_s,_t_a_r_g_e_t,
- To make ccccddddrrrreeeeccccoooorrrrdddd portable to all UNIX platforms, the syntax
- ddddeeeevvvv==== _d_e_v_i_c_e_n_a_m_e:_s_c_s_i_b_u_s,_t_a_r_g_e_t, is preferred as is hides OS
- specific knowledge about device names from the user. A
- specific OS must not necessarily support a way to specify a
- real device file name nor a way to specify
- _s_c_s_i_b_u_s,_t_a_r_g_e_t,_l_u_n.
- _S_c_s_i_b_u_s 0 is the default SCSI bus on the machine. Watch the
- boot messages for more information or look into
- ////vvvvaaaarrrr////aaaaddddmmmm////mmmmeeeessssssssaaaaggggeeeessss for more information about the SCSI confi-
- guration of your machine. If you have problems to figure
- out what values for _s_c_s_i_b_u_s,_t_a_r_g_e_t,_l_u_n should be used, try
- the ----ssssccccaaaannnnbbbbuuuussss option of ccccddddrrrreeeeccccoooorrrrdddd described below.
- If a file /etc/default/cdrecord exists, the parameter to the
- ddddeeeevvvv==== option may also be a drive name label in said file (see
- FILES section).
- On SSSSVVVVrrrr4444 compliant systems, ccccddddrrrreeeeccccoooorrrrdddd uses the the real time
- class to get the highest scheduling priotity that is
- Joerg Schilling Last change: Version 1.8 1
- possible (higher than all kernel processes). On systems
- with PPPPOOOOSSSSIIIIXXXX rrrreeeeaaaallll ttttiiiimmmmeeee sssscccchhhheeeedddduuuulllliiiinnnngggg cdrecord uses real time
- scheduling too, but may not be able to gain a priority that
- is higher than all kernel processes.
- In _T_r_a_c_k _A_t _O_n_c_e mode, each _t_r_a_c_k corresponds to a single
- file that contains the prepared data for that track. If the
- argument is `----', standard input is used for that track. Only
- one track may be taken from _s_t_d_i_n.
- General options must be before any track file name or track
- option.
- ----vvvveeeerrrrssssiiiioooonnnn
- Print version information and exit.
- ----vvvv Increment the level of general verbosity by one. This
- is used e.g. to display the progress of the writing
- process.
- ----VVVV Increment the verbose level in respect of SCSI command
- transport by one. This helps to debug problems during
- the writing process, that occur in the CD-Recorder. If
- you get incomprehensible error messages you should use
- this flag to get more detailed output. ----VVVVVVVV will show
- data buffer content in addition. Using ----VVVV or ----VVVVVVVV slows
- down the process and may be the reason for a buffer
- underrun. Using
- ----ddddeeeebbbbuuuugggg
- Print additional debug messages. This may help to find
- out problems with sector sizes and sector types. Using
- ----ddddeeeebbbbuuuugggg slows down the process and may be the reason for
- a buffer underrun.
- ----ffffoooorrrrcccceeee
- Force to continue on some errors. This option
- currently implements some tricks that will allow you to
- blank bad CD-RW disks.
- ----dddduuuummmmmmmmyyyy
- The CD-Recorder will go through all steps of the
- recording process, but the laser is turned off during
- this procedure. It is recommended to run several tests
- before actually writing to a Compact Disk, if the tim-
- ing and load response of the system is not known.
- ----ddddaaaaoooo Set DDDDiiiisssskkkk AAAAtttt OOOOnnnncccceeee mmmmooooddddeeee.... This currently only works with
- MMC drives that support non raw SSSSeeeessssssssiiiioooonnnn AAAAtttt OOOOnnnncccceeee mode.
- Joerg Schilling Last change: Version 1.8 2
- ----mmmmuuuullllttttiiii
- Allow multi session CD's to be made. This flag needs to
- be present on all sessions of a multi session disk,
- except you want to create a session that will be the
- last session on the media. The fixation will be done
- in a way that allows the CD-Recorder to append addi-
- tional sessions later. This is done by generation a TOC
- with a link to the next program area. The so generated
- media is not 100% compatible to manufactured CD's
- (except for CDplus). Use only for recording of multi
- session CD's. If this option is present, the default
- track type is CCCCDDDD----RRRROOOOMMMM XXXXAAAA mmmmooooddddeeee 2222. The _S_o_n_y drives have
- no hardware support for CCCCDDDD----RRRROOOOMMMM XXXXAAAA mmmmooooddddeeee 2222. You have to
- specify the ----ddddaaaattttaaaa option in order to create multi ses-
- sion disks on these drives. As long as cdrecord does
- not have a coder for converting data sectors to audio
- sectors, you need to force CCCCDDDD----RRRROOOOMMMM sectors by including
- the ----ddddaaaattttaaaa option if you like to record a multisession
- disk in DAO/SAO mode. Not all drives allow multises-
- sion CD's in DAO/SAO mode.
- ----mmmmssssiiiinnnnffffoooo
- Retrieve multi session info in a form suitable for
- mmmmkkkkiiiissssooooffffssss----1111....11110000 or later.
- This option makes only sense with a CD that contains at
- least one closed session and is appendable (not finally
- closed yet). Some drives create error messages if you
- try to get the multi session info for a disk that is
- not suitable for this operation.
- ----ttttoooocccc Retrieve and print out the table of content or PMA of
- a CD. With this option, ccccddddrrrreeeeccccoooorrrrdddd will work with CD-R
- drives and with CD-ROM drives.
- ----aaaattttiiiipppp
- Retrieve and print out the ATIP (absolute Time in Pre-
- groove) info of a CD recordable or CD rewritable media.
- With this option, ccccddddrrrreeeeccccoooorrrrdddd will try to retrieve the
- ATIP info. If the actual drive does not support to read
- the ATIP info, it may be that only a reduced set of
- information records or even nothing is displayed. Only
- a limited number of MMC compliant drives support to
- read the ATIP info.
- If ccccddddrrrreeeeccccoooorrrrdddd is able to retrieve the lead-in start time
- for the first session, it will try to decode and print
- the manufacturer info from the media.
- ----ffffiiiixxxx The disk will only be fixated (i.e. a TOC for a CD-
- Reader will be written). This may be used, if for some
- reason the disk has been written but not fixated. This
- Joerg Schilling Last change: Version 1.8 3
- option currently does not work with TEAC drives.
- ----nnnnooooffffiiiixxxx
- Do not fixate the disk after writing the tracks. This
- may be used to create an audio disk in steps. An un-
- fixated disk can usually not be used on a non CD-writer
- type drive but there are audio CD players that will be
- able to play such a disk.
- ----llllooooaaaadddd
- Load the media and exit. This only works with a tray
- loading mechanism but seems to be useful when using the
- Kodak disk transporter.
- ----eeeejjjjeeeecccctttt
- Eject disk after doing the work. Some Devices (e.g.
- Philips) need to eject the medium before creating a new
- disk. Doing a -dummy test and immediately creating a
- real disk would not work on these devices.
- ssssppppeeeeeeeedddd====####
- Set the speed factor of the writing process to #. # is
- an integer, representing a multiple of the audio speed.
- This is about 150 KB/s for CD-ROM and about 172 KB/s
- for CD-Audio. If no _s_p_e_e_d option is present, ccccddddrrrreeeeccccoooorrrrdddd
- will try to get the speed value from the CCCCDDDDRRRR____SSSSPPPPEEEEEEEEDDDD
- environment. If your drive has problems with _s_p_e_e_d=_2
- or _s_p_e_e_d=_4, you should try _s_p_e_e_d=_0.
- bbbbllllaaaannnnkkkk====_t_y_p_e
- Blank a CD-RW and exit or blank a CD-RW before writing.
- The blanking type may be one of:
- help Display a list of possible blanking types.
- all Blank the entire disk. This may take a long
- time.
- fast Minimally blank the disk. This results in
- erasing the PMA, the TOC and the pregap.
- track Blank a track.
- unreserve Unreserve a reserved track.
- trtail Blank the tail of a track.
- unclose Unclose last session.
- session Blank the last session.
- If used together with the ----ffffoooorrrrcccceeee flag, this option may be
- used to blank CD-RW disks that otherwise cannot be blanked.
- Joerg Schilling Last change: Version 1.8 4
- Note that you may need to specify bbbbllllaaaannnnkkkk====_a_l_l because some
- drives will not continue with certain types of bad CD-RW
- disks. Note also that ccccddddeeeeccccoooorrrrdddd does it's best if the ---- ffffoooorrrrcccceeee
- flag is used but it finally depends on the drive's firmware
- whether the blanking operation will succeed or not.
- ffffssss====# Set the fifo (ring buffer) size to #. You may use the
- same method as in dddddddd(1), ssssdddddddd(1) or ssssttttaaaarrrr(1). The number
- representing the size is taken in bytes unless other-
- wise specified. If a number is followed directly by
- the letter `b', `k', `m', `s' of `f', the size is mul-
- tiplied by 512, 1024, 1024*1024, 2048 or 2352. If the
- size consists of numbers separated by `x' or `*', mul-
- tiplication of the two numbers is performed. Thus
- _f_s=_1_0_x_6_3_k will specify a fifo size of 630 kBytes.
- The size specified by the _f_s= argument includes the
- shared memory that is needed for administration. This
- is at least one page of memory. If no _f_s= option is
- present, ccccddddrrrreeeeccccoooorrrrdddd will try to get the fifo size value
- size is currently 4 MB.
- The fifo is used to increase buffering for the real
- time writing process. It allows to run a pipe from
- mmmmkkkkiiiissssooooffffssss directly into ccccddddrrrreeeeccccoooorrrrdddd. If the fifo is active
- and a pipe from mmmmkkkkiiiissssooooffffssss into ccccddddrrrreeeeccccoooorrrrdddd is used to create
- a CD, ccccddddrrrreeeeccccoooorrrrdddd will abort prior to do any modifications
- on the disk if mmmmkkkkiiiissssooooffffssss dies before it starts writing.
- The recommended fifo size is between 4 and 32 MBytes.
- As a rule of thumb, the fifo size should be at least
- equal to the size of the internal buffer of the CD-
- Recorder and no more than half of the physical amount
- of RAM available in the machine. If the fifo size is
- big enough, the fifo statistics will print a fifo empty
- count of zero and the fifo min fill is not below 20%.
- It is not wise to use too much space for the fifo. If
- you need more than 8 MB to write a CD on an idle
- machine, your machine is either underpowered, has
- hardware problems or is mis-configured. The sun4c
- architecture (e.g. a Sparcstation-2) has only MMU page
- table entries for 16 MBytes per process. Using more
- than 14 MBytes for the fifo may cause the operating
- system in this case to spend much time to constantly
- reload the MMU tables. Newer machines from Sun do not
- have this MMU hardware problem. I have no information
- on PC-hardware reflecting this problem.
- If you have buffer underruns or similar problems and
- observe a zero _f_i_f_o _e_m_p_t_y _c_o_u_n_t, you have hardware
- problems. The fifo size in this case is sufficient.
- Joerg Schilling Last change: Version 1.8 5
- ddddeeeevvvv====_t_a_r_g_e_t
- Sets the SCSI target for the CD-Recorder, see notes
- above. A typical device specification is ddddeeeevvvv====_6,_0 . If
- a filename must be provided together with the numerical
- target specification, the filename is implementation
- specific. The correct filename in this case can be
- found in the system specific manuals of the target
- operating system. On a _F_r_e_e_B_S_D system without _C_A_M sup-
- port, you need to use the control device (e.g.
- /_d_e_v/_r_c_d_0._c_t_l). A correct device specification in this
- case may be ddddeeeevvvv====/_d_e_v/_r_c_d_0._c_t_l:@ .
- On Linux, drives connected to a parallel port adapter
- are mapped to a virtual SCSI bus. Different adapters
- are mapped to different targets on this virtual SCSI
- bus.
- If no _d_e_v option is present, ccccddddrrrreeeeccccoooorrrrdddd will try to get
- the device from the CCCCDDDDRRRR____DDDDEEEEVVVVIIIICCCCEEEE environment.
- If the argument to the ddddeeeevvvv==== option does not contain the
- characters ',', '/', '@' or ':', it is interpreted as
- an label name that may be found in the file
- /etc/default/cdrecord (see FILES section).
- ttttiiiimmmmeeeeoooouuuutttt====#
- Set the default SCSI command timeout value to #. The
- default SCSI command timeout is the minimum timeout
- used for sending SCSI commands. If a SCSI command
- fails due to a timeout, you may try to raise the
- default SCSI command timeout above the timeout value of
- the failed command. If the command runs correctly with
- a raised command timeout, please report the better
- timeout value and the corresponding command to the
- author of the program. If no _t_i_m_e_o_u_t option is
- present, a default timeout of 40 seconds is used.
- ddddrrrriiiivvvveeeerrrr====_n_a_m_e
- Allows to use a user supplied driver name for the dev-
- ice. To get a list of possible drivers use
- ddddrrrriiiivvvveeeerrrr====hhhheeeellllpppp. The reason for the existence of this
- option is to allow users to use ccccddddrrrreeeeccccoooorrrrdddd with drives
- that are similar to supported drives but not known
- directly by ccccddddrrrreeeeccccoooorrrrdddd. Use this option with extreme
- care. If a wrong driver is used for a device, the pos-
- sibility of creating corrupted disks is high. The
- minimum problem related to a wrong driver is that the ----
- ssssppppeeeeeeeedddd or ----dddduuuummmmmmmmyyyy will not work.
- There are two special driver entries in the list:
- ccccddddrrrr____ssssiiiimmmmuuuullll and ddddvvvvdddd____ssssiiiimmmmuuuullll. These driver entries are
- designed to make timing tests at any speed or timing
- Joerg Schilling Last change: Version 1.8 6
- tests for drives that do not support the ----dddduuuummmmmmmmyyyy option.
- The simulation drivers implement a drive with a buffer
- size of 1MB that can be changed via the
- driver correctly simulates even a buffer underrun con-
- dition. If the ----dddduuuummmmmmmmyyyy option is present, the simul-
- taion is not aborted in case of a buffer underrun.
- ----cccchhhheeeecccckkkkddddrrrriiiivvvveeee
- Checks if a driver for the current drive is present and
- exit. If the drive is a known drive, ccccddddrrrreeeeccccoooorrrrdddd uses
- exit code 0.
- ----pppprrrrccccaaaapppp
- Print the drive capabilities for SCSI-3/mmc compliant
- drives as obtained from mode page 0x2A. Values marked
- with _k_B use 1000 bytes as kilo-byte, values marked with
- _K_B use 1024 bytes as Kilo-byte.
- ----iiiinnnnqqqq Do an inquiry for the drive, print the inquiry info
- and exit.
- ----ssssccccaaaannnnbbbbuuuussss
- Scan all SCSI devices on all SCSI busses and print the
- inquiry strings. This option may be used to find SCSI
- address of the CD-Recorder on a system. The numbers
- printed out as labels are computed by: bbbbuuuussss **** 111100000000 ++++ ttttaaaarrrr----
- ggggeeeetttt
- ----rrrreeeesssseeeetttt
- Try to reset the SCSI bus where the CD recorder is
- located. This works not on all operating systems.
- ----iiiiggggnnnnssssiiiizzzzeeee
- Ignore the known size of the medium. This options
- should be used with extreme care, it exists only for
- debugging purposes don't use it for other reasons. It
- is not needed to write disks with more than the nominal
- capacity.
- ----uuuusssseeeeiiiinnnnffffoooo
- Use *.inf files to overwrite audio options. If this
- option is used, the pregap size information is read
- from the *.inf file that is associated with the file
- that contains the audio data for a track.
- ddddeeeeffffpppprrrreeeeggggaaaapppp=#
- Set the default pre-gap size for all tracks except
- track number 1. This option currently only makes sense
- with the TEAC drive when creating track-at-once disks
- without the 2 second silence before each track.
- Joerg Schilling Last change: Version 1.8 7
- This option may go away in future.
- ----ppppaaaacccckkkkeeeetttt
- Set PPPPaaaacccckkkkeeeetttt wwwwrrrriiiittttiiiinnnngggg mmmmooooddddeeee.... This is an experimental inter-
- face.
- ppppkkkkttttssssiiiizzzzeeee=#
- Set the paket size to #, forces fixed packet mode.
- This is an experimental interface.
- ----nnnnoooocccclllloooosssseeee
- Do not close the current track, useful only when in
- packet writing mode. This is an experimental inter-
- face.
- mmmmccccnnnn====mmmmeeeedddd____ccccaaaatttt____nnnnrrrr
- Set the MMMMeeeeddddiiiiaaaa CCCCaaaattttaaaalllloooogggg NNNNuuuummmmbbbbeeeerrrr of the CD to _m_e_d__c_a_t__n_r.
- Track options may be mixed with track file names.
- iiiissssrrrrcccc====IIIISSSSRRRRCCCC____nnnnuuuummmmbbbbeeeerrrr
- Set the IIIInnnntttteeeerrrrnnnnaaaattttiiiioooonnnnaaaallll SSSSttttaaaannnnddddaaaarrrrdddd RRRReeeeccccoooorrrrddddiiiinnnngggg NNNNuuuummmmbbbbeeeerrrr for the
- next track to _I_S_R_C__n_u_m_b_e_r.
- iiiinnnnddddeeeexxxx====_l_i_s_t
- Sets an index list for the next track. In index list
- is a comma separated list of numbers that are counting
- from index 1. The first entry in this list must contain
- a 0, the following numbers must be an ascending list of
- numbers (counting in 1/75 seconds) that represent the
- start of the indices. An index list in the form:
- 0,7500,15000 sets index 1 to the start of the track,
- index 2 100 seconds from the start of the track and
- index 3 200 seconds from the start of the track.
- ----aaaauuuuddddiiiioooo
- If this flag is present, all subsequent tracks are
- written in CCCCDDDD----DDDDAAAA (similar to Red Book) audio format.
- The file with data for this tracks should contain
- stereo, 16-bit digital audio with 44100 samples/s. The
- byte order should be the following: MSB left, LSB left,
- MSB right, LSB right, MSB left and so on. The track
- should be a multiple of 2352 bytes. It is not possible
- to put the master image of an audio track on a raw disk
- because data will be read in multiple of 2352 bytes
- during the recording process.
- If a filename ends in ._a_u or ._w_a_v the file is con-
- sidered to be a structured audio data file. CCCCddddrrrreeeeccccoooorrrrdddd
- assumes that the file in this case is a Sun audio file
- Joerg Schilling Last change: Version 1.8 8
- or a Microsoft .WAV file and extracts the audio data
- from the files by skipping over the non-audio header
- information. In all other cases, cdrecord will only
- work correctly if the audio data stream does not have
- any header. Because many structured audio files do not
- have an integral number of blocks (1/75th second) in
- length, it is often necessary to specify the ----ppppaaaadddd
- option as well. ccccddddrrrreeeeccccoooorrrrdddd recognizes that audio data in
- a .WAV file is stored in Intel (little-endian) byte
- order, and will automatically byte-swap the data if the
- CD recorder requires big-endian data. CCCCddddrrrreeeeccccoooorrrrdddd will
- reject any audio file that does not match the Red Book
- requirements of 16-bit stereo samples in PCM coding at
- 44100 samples/second.
- Using other structured audio data formats as input to
- ccccddddrrrreeeeccccoooorrrrdddd will usually work if the structure of the data
- is the structure described above (raw pcm data in big-
- endian byte order). However, if the data format
- includes a header, you will hear a click at the start
- of a track.
- If neither -_d_a_t_a nor - _a_u_d_i_o have been specified,
- ccccddddrrrreeeeccccoooorrrrdddd defaults to -_a_u_d_i_o for all filenames that end
- in ._a_u or ._w_a_v and to -_d_a_t_a for all other files.
- ----sssswwwwaaaabbbb
- If this flag is present, audio data is assumed to be in
- byte-swapped (little-endian) order. Some types of CD-
- Writers e.g. Yamaha, Sony and the new SCSI-3/mmc drives
- require audio data to be presented in little-endian
- order, while other writers require audio data to be
- presented in the big-endian (network) byte order nor-
- mally used by the SCSI protocol. CCCCddddrrrreeeeccccoooorrrrdddd knows if a
- CD-Recorder needs audio data in big- or little-endian
- order, and corrects the byte order of the data stream
- to match the needs of the recorder. You only need the
- -_s_w_a_b flag if your data stream is in Intel (little-
- endian) byte order.
- Note that the verbose output of ccccddddrrrreeeeccccoooorrrrdddd will show you
- if swapping is necessary to make the byte order of the
- input data fit the required byte order of the recorder.
- CCCCddddrrrreeeeccccoooorrrrdddd will not show you if the -_s_w_a_b flag was actu-
- ally present for a track.
- ----ddddaaaattttaaaa
- If this flag is present, all subsequent tracks are
- written in CCCCDDDD----RRRROOOOMMMM mmmmooooddddeeee 1111 (Yellow Book) format. The data
- is a multiple of 2048 bytes. The file with track data
- should contain an IIIISSSSOOOO----9999666666660000 or RRRRoooocccckkkk RRRRiiiiddddggggeeee filesystem
- image (see mmmmkkkkiiiissssooooffffssss for more details). If the track data
- Joerg Schilling Last change: Version 1.8 9
- is an uuuuffffssss filesystem image, fragment size should be set
- to 2 KB or more to allow CR-drives with 2 KB sector
- size to to be used for reading.
- -data is the default, if no other flag is present.
- If neither -_d_a_t_a nor - _a_u_d_i_o have been specified,
- ccccddddrrrreeeeccccoooorrrrdddd defaults to -_a_u_d_i_o for all filenames that end
- in ._a_u or ._w_a_v and to -_d_a_t_a for all other files.
- ----mmmmooooddddeeee2222
- If this flag is present, all subsequent tracks are
- written in CCCCDDDD----RRRROOOOMMMM mmmmooooddddeeee 2222 format. The data is a multiple
- of 2048 bytes.
- ----xxxxaaaa1111 If this flag is present, all subsequent tracks are
- written in CCCCDDDD----RRRROOOOMMMM XXXXAAAA mmmmooooddddeeee 1111 format. The data is a mul-
- tiple of 2048 bytes.
- ----xxxxaaaa2222 If this flag is present, all subsequent tracks are
- written in CCCCDDDD----RRRROOOOMMMM XXXXAAAA mmmmooooddddeeee 2222 format. The data is a mul-
- tiple of 2048 bytes.
- ----ccccddddiiii If this flag is present, all subsequent tracks are
- written in CCCCDDDDIIII format. The data is a multiple of 2048
- bytes.
- ----iiiissssoooossssiiiizzzzeeee
- Use the IIIISSSSOOOO----9999666666660000 file system size as the size of the
- next track. This option is needed if you want to read
- the image of a track from a raw disk partition or on a
- master CD. In the first case the option ----iiiissssoooossssiiiizzzzeeee is
- needed to limit the size of the CD to the size of the
- ISO filesystem. In the second case the option ----iiiissssoooossssiiiizzzzeeee
- is needed to prevent ccccddddrrrreeeeccccoooorrrrdddd from reading the two run
- out blocks that are appended by each CD-recorder in
- track at once mode. These two run out blocks cannot be
- read and would cause a buffer under run that would
- cause a defective copy. Do not use this option if
- ccccddddrrrreeeeccccoooorrrrdddd reads the track data from _s_t_d_i_n. This option
- currently cannot be used to determine the size of a
- file system if the multi session option is present.
- ----ppppaaaadddd If the track is a data track, 15 sectors of zeroed
- data will be added to the end of this and each subse-
- quent data track. In this case, the ---- ppppaaaadddd option is
- superseded by the ppppaaaaddddssssiiiizzzzeeee==== option. It will remain how-
- ever as a shorthand for ppppaaaaddddssssiiiizzzzeeee====11115555ssss.... If the - _p_a_d
- option refers to an audio track, ccccddddrrrreeeeccccoooorrrrdddd will pad the
- audio data to be a multiple of 2352 bytes. The audio
- data padding is done with binary zeroes which is equal
- to absolute silence.
- Joerg Schilling Last change: Version 1.8 10
- ----ppppaaaadddd remains valid until disabled by ----nnnnooooppppaaaadddd.
- ppppaaaaddddssssiiiizzzzeeee====#
- Set the amount of data to be appended as padding to the
- next track to #. Opposed to the behavior of the ----ppppaaaadddd
- option, the value for _p_a_d_s_i_z_e= is reset to zero for
- each new track. See ffffssss= option for possible arguments.
- Use this option if your CD-drive is not able to read
- the last sectors of a track or if you want to be able
- to read the CD on a LLLLiiiinnnnuuuuxxxx system with the ISO-9660
- filesystem read ahead bug. If an empty file is used
- for track data, this option may be used to create a
- disk that is entirely made of padding.
- ----nnnnooooppppaaaadddd
- Do not pad the following tracks - the default.
- pppprrrreeeeggggaaaapppp=#
- Set the pre-gap size for the next track. This option
- currently only makes sense with the TEAC drive when
- creating track-at-once disks without the 2 second
- silence before each track.
- This option may go away in future.
- ----pppprrrreeeeeeeemmmmpppp
- If this flag is present, all TOC entries for subsequent
- audio tracks will indicate that the audio data has been
- sampled with 50/15 祍ec preemphasis. The data, however
- is not modified during the process of transferring from
- file to disk. This option has no effect on data tracks.
- ----nnnnoooopppprrrreeeeeeeemmmmpppp
- If this flag is present, all TOC entries for subsequent
- audio tracks will indicate that the audio data has been
- mastered with linear data - this is the default.
- ttttssssiiiizzzzeeee====####
- If the master image for the next track has been stored
- on a raw disk, use this option to specify the valid
- amount of data on this disk. If the image of the next
- track is stored in a regular file, the size of that
- file is taken to determine the length of this track.
- If the track contains an ISO 9660 filesystem image use
- the -_i_s_o_s_i_z_e option to determine the length of that
- filesystem image.
- In Disk at Once mode and with some drives that use the
- TEAC programming interface, even in Track at Once mode,
- ccccddddrrrreeeeccccoooorrrrdddd needs to know the size of each track before
- starting to write the disk. Cdrecord now checks this
- and aborts before starting to write. If this happens
- you will need to run mmmmkkkkiiiissssooooffffssss ----pppprrrriiiinnnntttt----ssssiiiizzzzeeee before and use
- the output as an argument to the ttttssssiiiizzzzeeee= option of
- Joerg Schilling Last change: Version 1.8 11
- ccccddddrrrreeeeccccoooorrrrdddd.
- See ffffssss= option for possible arguments.
- For all examples below, it will be assumed that the CD-
- Recorder is connected to the primary SCSI bus of the
- machine. The SCSI target id is set to 2.
- To record a pure CD-ROM at double speed, using data from the
- file _c_d_i_m_a_g_e._r_a_w:
- cdrecord -v speed=2 dev=2,0 cdimage.raw
- To create an image for a ISO 9660 filesystem with Rock Ridge
- extensions:
- mkisofs -R -o cdimage.raw /home/joerg/master/tree
- To check the resulting file before writing to CD on Solaris:
- mount -r -F fbk -o type=hsfs /dev/fbk0:cdimage.raw /mnt
- On Linux:
- mount cdimage.raw -r -t iso9660 -o loop /mnt
- Go on with:
- ls -lR /mnt
- umount /mnt
- If the overall speed of the system is sufficient and the
- structure of the filesystem is not too complex, cdrecord
- will run without creating an image of the ISO 9660 filesys-
- tem. Simply run the pipeline:
- mkisofs -R /master/tree | cdrecord - v fs=6m speed=2
- dev=2,0 -
- The recommended minimum fifo size for running this pipeline
- is 4 MBytes. As the default fifo size is 4 MB, the ffffssss====
- option needs only be present if you want to use a different
- fifo size. If your system is loaded, you should run mkisofs
- in the real time class too. To raise the priority of
- mmmmkkkkiiiissssooooffffssss replace the command
- mkisofs -R /master/tree
- by
- priocntl -e -c RT -p 59 mkisofs -R /master/tree
- on Solaris and by
- Joerg Schilling Last change: Version 1.8 12
- nice --18 mkisofs -R /master/tree
- on systems that don't have UUUUNNNNIIIIXXXX IIIInnnntttteeeerrrrnnnnaaaattttiiiioooonnnnaaaallll compliant
- realtime scheduling.
- Cdrecord runs at priority 59 on Solaris, you should run
- mkisofs at no more than priority 58. On other systems, you
- should run mkisofs at no less than nice --18.
- Creating a CD-ROM without file system image on disk has been
- tested on a Sparcstation-2 with a Yamaha CDR-400. It did
- work up to quad speed when the machine was not loaded. A
- faster machine may be able to handle quad speed also in the
- loaded case.
- To record a pure CD-DA (audio) at single speed, with each
- track contained in a file named _t_r_a_c_k_0_1._c_d_a_u_d_i_o,
- _t_r_a_c_k_0_2._c_d_a_u_d_i_o, etc:
- cdrecord -v speed=1 dev=2,0 -audio track*.cdaudio
- To check if it will be ok to use double speed for the exam-
- ple above. Use the dummy write option:
- cdrecord -v -dummy speed=2 dev=2,0 -audio track*.cdaudio
- To record a mixed-mode CD with an ISO 9660 filesystem from
- _c_d_i_m_a_g_e._r_a_w on the first track, the other tracks being audio
- tracks from the files _t_r_a_c_k_0_1._c_d_a_u_d_i_o, _t_r_a_c_k_0_2._c_d_a_u_d_i_o, etc:
- cdrecord - v - dummy dev=2,0 cdimage.raw - audio
- track*.cdaudio
- To handle drives that need to know the size of a track
- before starting to write, first run
- mkisofs -R -q -print-size /master/tree
- and then run
- mkisofs -R /master/tree | cdrecord speed=2 dev=2,0
- tsize=XXXs -
- where _X_X_X is replaced by the output of the previous run of
- mkisofs.
- This may either hold a device identifier that is suit-
- able to the open call of the SCSI transport library or
- a label in the file /etc/default/cdrecord.
- Joerg Schilling Last change: Version 1.8 13
- Sets the default speed value for writing (see also ----
- ssssppppeeeeeeeedddd option).
- Sets the default size of the FIFO (see also ffffssss====####
- option).
- /etc/default/cdrecord
- Default values can be set for the following options in
- /etc/default/cdrecord. For example: CDR_FIFOSIZE=8m
- or CDR_SPEED=2
- This may either hold a device identifier that is
- suitable to the open call of the SCSI transport
- library or a label in the file
- /etc/default/cdrecord that allows to identify a
- specific drive on the system.
- Sets the default speed value for writing (see also
- ----ssssppppeeeeeeeedddd option).
- Sets the default size of the FIFO (see also ffffssss====####
- option).
- Any other label
- is an identifier for a specific drive on the sys-
- tem. Such an identifier may not contain the char-
- acters ',', '/', '@' or ':'.
- Each line that follows a label contains a TAB
- separates list of items. Currently, three items
- are recognized: the SCSI ID of the drive, the
- default speed that should be used for this drive
- and the default FIFO size that should be used for
- this drive. The values for _s_p_e_e_d and _f_i_f_o_s_i_z_e may
- be set to -1 to tell cdrecord to use the global
- defaults. A typical line may look this way:
- teac1= 0,5,0 4 8m
- yamaha= 1,6,0 -1 -1
- This tells ccccddddrrrreeeeccccoooorrrrdddd that a drive named _t_e_a_c_1 is at
- scsibus 0, target 5, lun 0 and should be used with
- speed 4 and a FIFO size of 8 MB. A second drive
- may be found at scsibus 1, target 6, lun 0 and
- Joerg Schilling Last change: Version 1.8 14
- uses the default speed and the default FIFO size.
- mmmmkkkkiiiissssooooffffssss(1), ssssccccgggg(7), ffffbbbbkkkk(7).
- Disks made in TTTTrrrraaaacccckkkk AAAAtttt OOOOnnnncccceeee mode are not suitable as a mas-
- ter for direct mass production by CD manufacturers. You
- will need the ddddiiiisssskkkk aaaatttt oooonnnncccceeee option to record such disks.
- Nevertheless the disks made in TTTTrrrraaaacccckkkk AAAAtttt OOOOnnnncccceeee will normally
- be read in all CD players. Some old audio CD players however
- may produce a two second click between two audio tracks.
- The minimal size of a track is 4 seconds or 300 sectors. If
- you write smaller tracks, the CD-Recorder will add dummy
- blocks. This is not an error, even though the SCSI-error
- message looks this way.
- CCCCddddrrrreeeeccccoooorrrrdddd has been tested on an upgraded Philips CDD-521
- recorder at single and double speed on a SparcStation 20/502
- with no problems, slower computer systems should work also.
- The newer Philips/HP/Plasmon/Grundig drives as well as
- Yamaha CDR-100 and CDR-102 work also. The Plasmon RF-4100
- work, but has not tested in multi session. A Philips CDD-
- 521 that has not been upgraded will not work. The Sony
- CDU-924 has been tested, but does not support XA-mode2 in
- hardware. The sony therefore cannot create conforming multi
- session disks. The Ricoh RO-1420C works, but some people
- seem to have problems to use them with speed=2, try speed=0
- in this case.
- The Yamaha CDR-400 and all new SCSI-3/mmc conforming drives
- are supported in single and multi-session.
- You should run several tests in all supported speeds of your
- drive with the ---- dddduuuummmmmmmmyyyy option turned on if you are using
- ccccddddrrrreeeeccccoooorrrrdddd on an unknown system. Writing a CD is a realtime
- process. NNNNFFFFSSSS will not always deliver constantly the needed
- data rates. If you want to use ccccddddrrrreeeeccccoooorrrrdddd with CD-images that
- are located on a NNNNFFFFSSSS mounted filesystem, be sure that the
- fifo size is big enough. I used ccccddddrrrreeeeccccoooorrrrdddd with with medium
- load on a SS20/502 and even at quad speed on a
- Sparcstation-2 which was heavily loaded, but it is recom-
- mended to leave the system as lightly loaded as possible
- while writing a CD. If you want to make sure that buffer
- underrungs are not caused by your source disk, you may use
- the command
- ccccddddrrrreeeeccccoooorrrrdddd ----dddduuuummmmmmmmyyyy ddddeeeevvvv====2222,,,,0000 ppppaaaaddddssssiiiizzzzeeee====666600000000mmmm ////ddddeeeevvvv////nnnnuuuullllllll
- Joerg Schilling Last change: Version 1.8 15
- to create a disk that is entirely made of dummy data.
- CCCCddddrrrreeeeccccoooorrrrdddd needs to run as root to get access to the ////ddddeeeevvvv////ssssccccgggg????
- device nodes and to be able to lock itself into memory.
- If you don't want to allow users to become root on your sys-
- tem, ccccddddrrrreeeeccccoooorrrrdddd may safely be installed suid root. This allows
- all users or a group of users with no root privileges to use
- ccccddddrrrreeeeccccoooorrrrdddd.... CCCCddddrrrreeeeccccoooorrrrdddd in this case checks, if the real user
- would have been able to read the specified files. To give
- all user access to use ccccddddrrrreeeeccccoooorrrrdddd,,,, enter:
- chown root /usr/local/bin/cdrecord
- chmod 4711 /usr/local/bin/cdrecord
- To give a restricted group of users access to cdrecord
- enter:
- chown root /usr/local/bin/cdrecord
- chgrp cdburners /usr/local/bin/cdrecord
- chmod 4710 /usr/local/bin/cdrecord
- and add a group _c_d_b_u_r_n_e_r_s on your system.
- Never give write permissions for non root users to the
- /_d_e_v/_s_c_g? devices unless you would allow anybody to
- read/write/format all your disks.
- You should not connect old drives that do not support
- disconnect/reconnect to either the SCSI bus that is con-
- nected to the CD-Recorder or the source disk.
- A Compact Disc can have no more than 99 tracks.
- When creating a disc with both audio and data tracks, the
- data should be on track 1 otherwise you should create a
- CDplus disk which is a multi session disk with the first
- session containing the audio tracks and the following ses-
- sion containing the data track.
- Many operating systems are not able to read more than a sin-
- gle data track, or need special software to do so.
- More information on the SCSI command set of a HP CD-Recorder
- can be found at:
- If you have more information or SCSI command manuals for
- currently unsupported CD-Recorders please contact the
- author.
- Joerg Schilling Last change: Version 1.8 16
- The Philips CDD 521 CD-Recorder (even in the upgraded ver-
- sion) has several firmware bugs. Some of them will force you
- to power cycle the device or to reboot the machine.
- When using ccccddddrrrreeeeccccoooorrrrdddd with the broken LLLLiiiinnnnuuuuxxxx SSSSCCCCSSSSIIII ggggeeeennnneeeerrrriiiicccc
- ddddrrrriiiivvvveeeerrrr.... You should note that ccccddddrrrreeeeccccoooorrrrdddd uses a hack, that
- tries to emulate the functionality of the scg driver.
- Unfortunately, the sg driver on LLLLiiiinnnnuuuuxxxx has several severe
- bugs:
- +o It cannot see if a SCSI command could not be sent at
- all.
- +o It cannot get the SCSI status byte. CCCCddddrrrreeeeccccoooorrrrdddd for that
- reason cannot report failing SCSI commands in some
- situations.
- +o It cannot get real DMA count of transfer. CCCCddddrrrreeeeccccoooorrrrdddd
- cannot tell you if there is an DMA residual count.
- +o It cannot get number of bytes valid in auto sense
- data. CCCCddddrrrreeeeccccoooorrrrdddd cannot tell you if device transfers no
- sense data at all.
- +o It fetches to few data in auto request sense
- (CCS/SCSI-2/SCSI-3 needs >= 18).
- The fifo percent output is computed just after a block of
- data has been written to the CD-Recorder. For this reason,
- there will never be 100% fifo fill, while the fifo is in
- streaming mode.
- You have 9 seconds to type ^C to abort ccccddddrrrreeeeccccoooorrrrdddd after you
- see the message:
- Starting to write CD at speed %d in %s mode for %s session.
- A typical error message for a SCSI command looks like:
- cdrecord: I/O error. test unit ready: scsi sendcmd: no error
- CDB: 00 20 00 00 00 00
- status: 0x2 (CHECK CONDITION)
- Sense Bytes: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0A 00 00 00 00 25 00 00 00 00 00
- Sense Key: 0x5 Illegal Request, Segment 0
- Sense Code: 0x25 Qual 0x00 (logical unit not supported) Fru 0x0
- Sense flags: Blk 0 (not valid)
- The first line gives information about the transport of the
- command. The text after the first colon gives the error
- text for the system call from the view of the kernel. It
- Joerg Schilling Last change: Version 1.8 17
- usually is: IIII////OOOO eeeerrrrrrrroooorrrr unless other problems happen. The
- next words contain a short description for the SCSI command
- that fails. The rest of the line tells you if there were any
- problems for the transport of the command over the SCSI bus.
- ffffaaaattttaaaallll eeeerrrrrrrroooorrrr means that it was not possible to transport the
- command (i.e. no device present at the requested SCSI
- address).
- The second line prints the SCSI command descriptor block for
- the failed command.
- The third line gives information on the SCSI status code
- returned by the command, if the transport of the command
- succeeds. This is error information from the SCSI device.
- The fourth line is a hex dump of the auto request sense
- information for the command.
- The fifth line is the error text for the sense key if avail-
- able, followed by the segment number that is only valid if
- the command was a _c_o_p_y command. If the error message is not
- directly related to the current command, the text _d_e_f_e_r_r_e_d
- _e_r_r_o_r is appended.
- The sixth line is the error text for the sense code and the
- sense qualifier if available. If the type of the device is
- known, the sense data is decoded from tables in _s_c_s_i_e_r_r_s._c .
- The text is followed by the error value for a field replace-
- able unit.
- The seventh line prints the block number that is related to
- the failed command and text for several error flags. The
- block number may not be valid.
- The following message is not an error:
- Track 01: Total bytes read/written: 2048/2048 (1 sectors).
- cdrecord: I/O error. flush cache: scsi sendcmd: no error
- CDB: 35 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
- status: 0x2 (CHECK CONDITION)
- Sense Bytes: F0 00 05 80 00 00 27 0A 00 00 00 00 B5 00 00 00 00 00
- Sense Key: 0x5 Illegal Request, Segment 0
- Sense Code: 0xB5 Qual 0x00 (dummy data blocks added) Fru 0x0
- Sense flags: Blk -2147483609 (valid)
- It simply notifies, that a track that is smaller than the
- minimum size has been expanded to 300 sectors.
- CCCCddddrrrreeeeccccoooorrrrdddd has even more options than llllssss.
- CCCCddddrrrreeeeccccoooorrrrdddd currently only warns if the input data will not fit
- on the disk. If you don't abort the command you will get
- Joerg Schilling Last change: Version 1.8 18
- unpredictable results.
- There should be an option to write index numbers for audio
- tracks.
- There should be a recover option to make disks usable, that
- have been written during a power failure.
- Bill Swartz (
- For helping me with the TEAC driver support
- Aaron Newsome (
- For letting me develop Sony support on his
- drive
- Eric Youngdale (
- For supplying mkisofs
- Gadi Oxman (
- For tips on the ATAPI standard
- Finn Arne Gangstad (
- For the first FIFO implementation.
- Dave Platt (
- For creating the experimental packet writing
- support, the first implementation of CD-RW
- blanking support, the first .wav file decoder
- and many nice discussions on cdrecord.
- Chris P. Ross (
- For the first implementation os a BSDI SCSI
- rtansport.
- Grant R. Guenther (
- For creating the first parallel port tran-
- sport implementation for Linux.
- Kenneth D. Merry (
- for providing the CAM port for FreeBSD
- together with Michael Smith
- (
- If you want to actively take part on the development of
- cdrecord, you may join the cdwriting mailing list by sending
- mail to:
- Joerg Schilling Last change: Version 1.8 19
- and include the word _s_u_b_s_c_r_i_b_e in the body. The mail
- address of the list is:
- Joerg Schilling
- Seestr. 110
- D-13353 Berlin
- Germany
- Additional information can be found on:
- Mail bugs and suggestions to:
- jjjjooooeeeerrrrgggg@@@@sssscccchhhhiiiillllyyyy....iiiissssddddnnnn....ccccssss....ttttuuuu----bbbbeeeerrrrlllliiiinnnn....ddddeeee or jjjjssss@@@@ccccssss....ttttuuuu----bbbbeeeerrrrlllliiiinnnn....ddddeeee or
- sssscccchhhhiiiilllllllliiiinnnngggg@@@@ffffooookkkkuuuussss....ggggmmmmdddd....ddddeeee
- Joerg Schilling Last change: Version 1.8 20