资源名称:ixp425BSP.rar [点击查看]
- /* sysALib.s - ixp425 IXDP425 system-dependent routines */
- /* Copyright 2002 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01d,24sep02,jb3 Going for Csr_Gold
- 01c,05sep02,jb3 Merge in changes from w/ t2.1 ongiong development
- 01c,20aug02,jb Adding visionClick download support
- 01b,13jun02,jb Fixing sysToMonitor support
- 01a,05jun02,jb initial version...
- */
- /*
- This module contains system-dependent routines written in assembly
- language.
- This module must be the first specified in the f3ldf1 command used to
- build the system. The sysInit() routine is the system start-up code.
- Many routines in this module doesn't use the "c" frame pointer %r11@ !
- This is only for the benefit of the stacktrace facility to allow it
- to properly trace tasks executing within these routines.
- .I "ARM Architecture Reference Manual"
- */
- #define _ASMLANGUAGE
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #include "regs.h"
- #include "arch/arm/arm.h"
- #include "arch/arm/mmuArmLib.h"
- #include "arch/arm/excArmLib.h"
- #include "sysLib.h"
- #include "ixdp425.h"
- #include "ixp425IntrCtl.h"
- #include "config.h"
- .data
- .globl FUNC(copyright_wind_river)
- .long FUNC(copyright_wind_river)
- #define SYS_A_LIB_DEBUG
- /* internals */
- .globl FUNC(sysInit) /* start of system code */
- .globl FUNC(sysIntStackSplit)
- .globl FUNC(sysEnableIRQMasks)
- .globl FUNC(sysPhysMemSize)
- .globl FUNC(sysByteSwap)
- .globl FUNC(sysToMonSwitchFlashRam)
- /* externals */
- .extern FUNC(usrInit) /* system initialization routine */
- .extern FUNC(vxSvcIntStackBase) /* base of SVC-mode interrupt stack */
- .extern FUNC(vxSvcIntStackEnd) /* end of SVC-mode interrupt stack */
- .extern FUNC(vxIrqIntStackBase) /* base of IRQ-mode interrupt stack */
- .extern FUNC(vxIrqIntStackEnd) /* end of IRQ-mode interrupt stack */
- .text
- .align 4
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * sysInit - start after boot
- *
- * This routine is the system start-up entry point for VxWorks in RAM, the
- * first code executed after booting. It disables interrupts, sets up
- * the stack, and jumps to the C routine usrInit() in usrConfig.c.
- *
- * The initial stack is set to grow down from the address of sysInit(). This
- * stack is used only by usrInit() and is never used again. Memory for the
- * stack must be accounted for when determining the system load address.
- *
- * NOTE: This routine should not be called by the user.
- *
- */
- FUNC_LABEL(sysInit)
- /* Disable Interrupts */
- MRS r1, cpsr /* get current status */
- ORR r1, r1, #I_BIT | F_BIT /* disable IRQ and FIQ */
- MSR cpsr, r1
- /* Interrupts Disabled */
- ldr r1, =IXP425_ICMR /* Zero-out Interrupt Mask */
- mov r2, #0x0
- str r2, [r1]
- adr sp, FUNC(sysInit) /* initialise stack pointer */
- mov fp, #0 /* initialise frame pointer */
- /* Make sure Boot type is set correctly. visionClick doesn't */
- mov r1,#BOOT_NORMAL
- cmp r1,r0
- beq L$_Good_Boot
- cmp r1,r0
- beq L$_Good_Boot
- mov r1,#BOOT_CLEAR
- cmp r1,r0
- beq L$_Good_Boot
- cmp r1,r0
- beq L$_Good_Boot
- mov r0, #BOOT_NORMAL /* pass startType */
- /* Pass r0 through */
- L$_Good_Boot:
- /* now call usrInit */
- b FUNC(usrInit)
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * sysIntStackSplit - split interrupt stack and set interrupt stack pointers
- *
- * This routine is called, via a function pointer, during kernel
- * initialisation. It splits the allocated interrupt stack into IRQ and
- * SVC-mode stacks and sets the processor's IRQ stack pointer. Note that
- * the pointer passed points to the bottom of the stack allocated i.e.
- * highest address+1.
- *
- * void sysIntStackSplit
- * (
- * char *pBotStack /@ pointer to bottom of interrupt stack @/
- * long size /@ size of stack @/
- * )
- */
- FUNC_LABEL(sysIntStackSplit)
- /*
- * Split stack into 2 - IRQ and SVC-mode interrupt stacks.
- * IRQ stack needs 6 words per nested interrupt;
- * SVC-mode will need a good deal more for the C interrupt handlers.
- * For now, use ratio 1:7 with any excess allocated to the SVC-mode stack
- * at the lowest address.
- *
- * Note that FIQ is not handled by VxWorks so no stack is allocated for it.
- *
- * The stacks and the variables that describe them look like this.
- *
- * ------------------------ <--- vxIrqIntStackBase (r0 on entry)
- * | |
- * | IRQ-mode |
- * | interrupt stack |
- * | |
- * ------------------------ <--{ vxIrqIntStackEnd
- * | | { vxSvcIntStackBase
- * | SVC-mode |
- * | interrupt stack |
- * | |
- * ------------------------ <--- vxSvcIntStackEnd
- * - LOW MEMORY -
- *
- *
- * r0 = base of space allocated for stacks (i.e. highest address)
- * r1 = size of space
- */
- SUB r2,r0,r1 /* r2 -> lowest usable address */
- LDR r3,L$_vxSvcIntStackEnd
- STR r2,[r3] /* == end of SVC-mode stack */
- SUB r2,r0,r1,ASR #3 /* leave 1/8 for IRQ */
- LDR r3,L$_vxSvcIntStackBase
- STR r2,[r3]
- /* now allocate IRQ stack, setting irq_sp */
- LDR r3,L$_vxIrqIntStackEnd
- STR r2,[r3]
- LDR r3,L$_vxIrqIntStackBase
- STR r0,[r3]
- MRS r2,cpsr
- BIC r3,r2,#MASK_MODE
- ORR r3,r3,#MODE_IRQ32 | I_BIT /* set irq_sp */
- MSR cpsr,r3
- MOV sp,r0
- /* switch back to original mode and return */
- MSR cpsr,r2
- MOV pc,lr
- FUNC_LABEL(sysEnableIRQMasks)
- /**************************************************
- INTCTL : Nothing to do. Just return.
- *****************************************************/
- mov pc, lr
- /* Retrieve auto-sized memory. */
- /* UINT32 sysPhysMemSize(void) */
- FUNC_LABEL(sysPhysMemSize)
- /* No support for dynamic memory sizeing, return Configured size. */
- mov r0, #LOCAL_MEM_SIZE /* return Configured size*/
- mov pc, lr
- FUNC_LABEL(sysByteSwap)
- EOR r1,r0,r0,ROR #16
- BIC r1,r1,#0xff0000
- MOV r0,r0,ROR #8
- EOR r0,r0,r1,LSR #8
- mov pc, lr
- /*
- * This is called from sysToMonitor, it jumps to an aliased version of code currently running.
- * Then it puts flash down at 0x0 so that sysToMonitor may perform a reboot.
- * There is an implicit asumption that physical=locgical memory if the MMU is enabled.
- * Note: distroys r0,r1
- */
- FUNC_LABEL(sysToMonSwitchFlashRam)
- /* Jump back to relocated ram */
- ldr r0, =IXP425_SDRAM_BASE_ALT
- orr r0,r0,pc
- mov pc,r0
- nop
- /* Adjust the link register, frame pointer, and stack pointer
- * to reference the first aliased memory area (+ 0x10000000)
- */
- add lr,lr,#IXP425_SDRAM_BASE_ALT
- add fp,fp,#IXP425_SDRAM_BASE_ALT
- add sp,sp,#IXP425_SDRAM_BASE_ALT
- /* Write to Expansion Bus controller to swap Flash & Ram Now running from low down */
- ldr r0,=IXP425_EXP_CNFG0
- ldr r1,[r0]
- orr r1,r1,#0x80000000
- str r1,[r0]
- mov pc,lr
- L$_vxSvcIntStackBase:
- .long FUNC(vxSvcIntStackBase)
- L$_vxSvcIntStackEnd:
- .long FUNC(vxSvcIntStackEnd)
- L$_vxIrqIntStackBase:
- .long FUNC(vxIrqIntStackBase)
- L$_vxIrqIntStackEnd: .long FUNC(vxIrqIntStackEnd)
- /***EOF***/