资源名称:ixp425BSP.rar [点击查看]
- // VXWTask/vxwTaskLib.h - task class
- // Copyright 1995-1999 Wind River Systems, Inc.
- // modification history
- // --------------------
- // 01c,08mar99,jdi doc: fixed wrong cross-references.
- // 01b,23feb99,fle doc : made it refgen compliant
- // 01c,21feb99,jdi added library section, checked in documentation.
- // 01b,29sep95,rhp documented.
- // 01a,15jun95,srh written.
- // This library provides the interface to the VxWorks task management
- // facilities. This class library provides task control services,
- // programmatic access to task information and debugging features, and
- // higher-level task information display routines.
- //
- // Tasks are created with the constructor VXWTask::VXWTask(). Task
- // creation consists of the following: allocation of memory for the stack
- // and task control block (WIND_TCB), initialization of the WIND_TCB, and
- // activation of the WIND_TCB. Special needs may require the use of the
- // lower-level method VXWTask::activate().
- //
- // Tasks in VxWorks execute in the most privileged state of the underlying
- // architecture. In a shared address space, processor privilege offers no
- // protection advantages and actually hinders performance.
- //
- // There is no limit to the number of tasks created in VxWorks, as long as
- // sufficient memory is available to satisfy allocation requirements.
- //
- // If a task exits its "main" routine, specified during task creation,
- // the kernel implicitly calls exit() to delete the task. Tasks can
- // be deleted with the exit() routine, or explicitly with the <delete>
- // operator, which arranges to call the class destructor
- // VXWTask::~VXWTask().
- //
- // Task deletion must be handled with extreme care, due to the inherent
- // difficulties of resource reclamation. Deleting a task that owns a
- // critical resource can cripple the system, since the resource may no longer
- // be available. Simply returning a resource to an available state is not a
- // viable solution, since the system can make no assumption as to the state
- // of a particular resource at the time a task is deleted.
- //
- // A task can protect itself from deletion by taking a
- // mutual-exclusion semaphore created with the SEM_DELETE_SAFE option
- // (see vxwSemLib for more information). Many VxWorks system resources
- // are protected in this manner, and application designers may wish to
- // consider this facility where dynamic task deletion is a
- // possibility.
- //
- // The sigLib facility may also be used to allow a task to
- // execute clean-up code before actually expiring.
- //
- // The following methods control task state: VXWTask::resume(),
- // VXWTask::suspend(), VXWTask::restart(), VXWTask::priority(),
- // and VXWTask::registers().
- //
- // VxWorks schedules tasks on the basis of priority. Tasks may have
- // priorities ranging from 0, the highest priority, to 255, the lowest
- // priority. The priority of a task in VxWorks is dynamic, and an existing
- // task's priority can be changed or examined using VXWTask:priority().
- //
- // INCLUDE FILES: taskLib.h
- //
- // SEE ALSO: taskLib, taskHookLib, VXWSem,
- // kernelLib,
- // .pG "Basic OS"
- //
- // SECTION: 1C
- //
- #ifndef vxwTaskLib_h
- #define vxwTaskLib_h
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #include "envLib.h"
- #include "errnoLib.h"
- #include "sigLib.h"
- #include "taskArchLib.h"
- #include "taskLib.h"
- #include "taskVarLib.h"
- #include "vxwObject.h"
- #include "vxwErr.h"
- class VXWTask : virtual public VXWIdObject
- {
- public:
- //_ VXWTask Public Constructors
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // VXWTask::VXWTask - initialize a task object
- //
- // This constructor creates a task object from the task ID of an existing task.
- // Because of the VxWorks convention that a task ID of 0 refers to the calling
- // task, this constructor can be used to derive a task object for the
- // calling task, as follows:
- // .CS
- // myTask = VXWTask (0);
- // .CE
- //
- //
- // SEE ALSO: taskLib, VXWTask::~VXWTask(), sp()
- VXWTask (int tid)
- : tid_ (tid), managePrivateEnv_ (FALSE)
- {
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // VXWTask::VXWTask - create and spawn a task
- //
- // This constructor creates and activates a new task with a specified priority
- // and options.
- //
- // A task may be assigned a name as a debugging aid. This name appears
- // in displays generated by various system information facilities such as
- // i(). The name may be of arbitrary length and content, but the current
- // VxWorks convention is to limit task names to ten characters and prefix
- // them with a "t". If <name> is specified as NULL, an ASCII name is
- // assigned to the task of the form "t<n>" where <n> is an integer which
- // increments as new tasks are spawned.
- //
- // The only resource allocated to a spawned task is a stack of a specified
- // size <stackSize>, which is allocated from the system memory partition.
- // Stack size should be an even integer. A task control block (TCB) is
- // carved from the stack, as well as any memory required by the task name.
- // The remaining memory is the task's stack and every byte is filled with the
- // value 0xEE for the checkStack() facility. See the manual entry for
- // checkStack() for stack-size checking aids.
- //
- // The entry address <entryPt> is the address of the "main" routine of the task.
- // The routine is called after the C environment is set up.
- // The specified routine is called with the ten arguments provided.
- // Should the specified main routine return, a call to exit() is
- // made automatically.
- //
- // Note that ten (and only ten) arguments must be passed for the
- // spawned function.
- //
- // Bits in the options argument may be set to run with the following modes:
- // .iP VX_FP_TASK 22
- // execute with floating-point coprocessor support.
- // include private environment support.
- // do not fill the stack for use by checkstack().
- // do not allow breakpoint debugging.
- // .LP
- // See the definitions in taskLib.h.
- //
- //
- // SEE ALSO: VXWTask::~VXWTask(), VXWTask::activate(), sp(),
- // .pG "Basic OS"
- VXWTask (char * name,
- int priority,
- int options,
- int stackSize,
- FUNCPTR entryPoint,
- int arg1=0,
- int arg2=0,
- int arg3=0,
- int arg4=0,
- int arg5=0,
- int arg6=0,
- int arg7=0,
- int arg8=0,
- int arg9=0,
- int arg10=0)
- : tid_ (taskSpawn (name,
- priority,
- options,
- stackSize,
- entryPoint,
- arg1,
- arg2,
- arg3,
- arg4,
- arg5,
- arg6,
- arg7,
- arg8,
- arg9,
- arg10)), managePrivateEnv_ (FALSE)
- {
- if (tid_ == ERROR)
- vxwThrowErrno ();
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // VXWTask::VXWTask - initialize a task with a specified stack
- //
- // This constructor initializes user-specified regions of memory for a task
- // stack and control block instead of allocating them from memory.
- // This constructor uses the specified pointers to the WIND_TCB
- // and stack as the components of the task. This allows, for example, the
- // initialization of a static WIND_TCB variable. It also allows for special
- // stack positioning as a debugging aid.
- //
- // As in other constructors, a task may be given a name. If no name is
- // specified, this constructor creates a task without a name (rather
- // than assigning a default name).
- //
- // Other arguments are the same as in the previous constructor. This
- // constructor does not activate the task. This must be done by calling
- // VXWTask::activate().
- //
- // Normally, tasks should be started using the previous constructor rather
- // than this one,
- // except when additional control is required for task memory allocation or
- // a separate task activation is desired.
- //
- // RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if the task cannot be initialized.
- //
- // SEE ALSO: VXWTask::activate()
- VXWTask (WIND_TCB * pTcb,
- char * name,
- int priority,
- int options,
- char * pStackBase,
- int stackSize,
- FUNCPTR entryPoint,
- int arg1=0,
- int arg2=0,
- int arg3=0,
- int arg4=0,
- int arg5=0,
- int arg6=0,
- int arg7=0,
- int arg8=0,
- int arg9=0,
- int arg10=0)
- : tid_ (-1), managePrivateEnv_ (FALSE)
- {
- if (taskInit (pTcb,
- name,
- priority,
- options,
- pStackBase,
- stackSize,
- entryPoint,
- arg1,
- arg2,
- arg3,
- arg4,
- arg5,
- arg6,
- arg7,
- arg8,
- arg9,
- arg10) != OK)
- vxwThrowErrno ();
- else
- tid_ = int (pTcb);
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // VXWTask::~VXWTask - delete a task
- //
- // This destructor causes the task to cease to exist and deallocates the
- // stack and WIND_TCB memory resources. Upon deletion, all routines specified
- // by taskDeleteHookAdd() are called in the context of the deleting task.
- //
- //
- // SEE ALSO: excLib, taskDeleteHookAdd(), VXWTask::VXWTask(),
- // .pG "Basic OS"
- virtual ~VXWTask ()
- {
- if (managePrivateEnv_ && envPrivateDestroy (tid_) != OK)
- vxwThrowErrno ();
- if (taskDelete (tid_) != OK)
- vxwThrowErrno ();
- }
- //_ VXWTask Public Member Functions
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // VXWTask::activate - activate a task
- //
- // This routine activates tasks created by the form of the constructor
- // that does not automatically activate a task. Without activation, a
- // task is ineligible for CPU allocation by the scheduler.
- //
- // RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if the task cannot be activated.
- //
- // SEE ALSO: VXWTask::VXWTask()
- STATUS activate ()
- {
- return taskActivate (tid_);
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // VXWTask::deleteForce - delete a task without restriction
- //
- // This routine deletes a task even if the task is protected from deletion.
- // It is similar to VXWTask::~VXWTask(). Upon deletion, all routines
- // specified by taskDeleteHookAdd() are called in the context of the
- // deleting task.
- //
- // This routine is intended as a debugging aid, and is generally inappropriate
- // for applications. Disregarding a task's deletion protection could leave the
- // the system in an unstable state or lead to system deadlock.
- //
- // The system does not protect against simultaneous VXWTask:deleteForce() calls.
- // Such a situation could leave the system in an unstable state.
- //
- // RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if the task cannot be deleted.
- //
- // SEE ALSO: taskDeleteHookAdd(), VXWTask::~VXWTask()
- STATUS deleteForce ()
- {
- return taskDeleteForce (tid_);
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // VXWTask::envCreate - create a private environment
- //
- // This routine creates a private set of environment variables for a specified
- // task, if the environment variable task create hook is not installed.
- //
- // RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if memory is insufficient.
- //
- // SEE ALSO: envLib
- STATUS envCreate (int envSource)
- {
- STATUS rval = OK;
- if (envPrivateCreate (tid_, envSource) != OK)
- rval = ERROR;
- managePrivateEnv_ = TRUE;
- return rval;
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // VXWTask::errNo - retrieve error status value
- //
- // This routine gets the error status for the task.
- //
- // The error status value contained in `errno'.
- //
- int errNo () const
- {
- return errnoOfTaskGet (tid_);
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // VXWTask::errNo - set error status value
- //
- // This routine sets the error status value for its task.
- //
- STATUS errNo (int errorValue)
- {
- return errnoOfTaskSet (tid_, errorValue);
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // VXWTask::id - reveal task ID
- //
- // This routine reveals the task ID for its task. The task ID is necessary
- // to call C routines that affect or inquire on a task.
- //
- // RETURNS: task ID
- //
- // SEE ALSO: taskLib
- int id () const
- {
- return tid_;
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // VXWTask::info - get information about a task
- //
- // This routine fills in a specified task descriptor (TASK_DESC) for its
- // task. The information in the task descriptor is, for the most
- // part, a copy of information kept in the task control block (WIND_TCB).
- // The TASK_DESC structure is useful for common information and avoids
- // dealing directly with the unwieldy WIND_TCB.
- //
- // NOTE
- // Examination of WIND_TCBs should be restricted to debugging aids.
- //
- STATUS info (TASK_DESC *pTaskDesc) const
- {
- return taskInfoGet (tid_, pTaskDesc);
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // VXWTask::isReady - check if task is ready to run
- //
- // This routine tests the status field of its task to determine
- // whether the task is ready to run.
- //
- // RETURNS: TRUE if the task is ready, otherwise FALSE.
- BOOL isReady () const
- {
- return taskIsReady (tid_);
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // VXWTask::isSuspended - check if task is suspended
- //
- // This routine tests the status field of its task to determine
- // whether the task is suspended.
- //
- // RETURNS: TRUE if the task is suspended, otherwise FALSE.
- BOOL isSuspended () const
- {
- return taskIsSuspended (tid_);
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // VXWTask::kill - send a signal to task
- //
- // This routine sends a signal <signo> to its task.
- //
- // RETURNS: OK (0), or ERROR (-1) if the signal number is invalid.
- //
- int kill (int signo)
- {
- return ::kill (tid_, signo);
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // VXWTask::name - get the name associated with a task ID
- //
- // This routine returns a pointer to the name of its task, if
- // it has a name; otherwise it returns NULL.
- //
- // RETURNS: A pointer to the task name, or NULL.
- char * name () const
- {
- return taskName (tid_);
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // VXWTask::options - examine task options
- //
- // This routine gets the current execution options of its task.
- // The option bits returned indicate the following modes:
- // .iP VX_FP_TASK 22
- // execute with floating-point coprocessor support.
- // include private environment support (see envLib).
- // do not fill the stack for use by checkstack().
- // do not allow breakpoint debugging.
- // .LP
- // For definitions, see taskLib.h.
- //
- STATUS options (int *pOptions) const
- {
- return taskOptionsGet (tid_, pOptions);
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // VXWTask::options - change task options
- //
- // This routine changes the execution options of its task.
- // The only option that can be changed after a task has been created is:
- // do not allow breakpoint debugging.
- // .LP
- // For definitions, see taskLib.h.
- //
- STATUS options (int mask, int newOptions)
- {
- return taskOptionsSet (tid_, mask, newOptions);
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // VXWTask::priority - examine the priority of task
- //
- // This routine reports the current priority of its task.
- // The current priority is copied to the integer pointed to by <pPriority>.
- //
- STATUS priority (int *pPriority) const
- {
- return taskPriorityGet (tid_, pPriority);
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // VXWTask::priority - change the priority of a task
- //
- // This routine changes its task's priority to a specified priority.
- // Priorities range from 0, the highest priority, to 255, the lowest priority.
- //
- STATUS priority (int newPriority)
- {
- return taskPrioritySet (tid_, newPriority);
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // VXWTask::registers - set a task's registers
- //
- // This routine loads a specified register set <pRegs> into the
- // task's TCB.
- //
- // NOTE
- // This routine only works well if the task is known not to be in the ready
- // state. Suspending the task before changing the register set is
- // recommended.
- //
- //
- // SEE ALSO: VXWTask::suspend()
- STATUS registers (const REG_SET *pRegs)
- {
- return taskRegsSet (tid_, (REG_SET *)(pRegs));
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // VXWTask::registers - get task registers from the TCB
- //
- // This routine gathers task information kept in the TCB. It copies the
- // contents of the task's registers to the register structure <pRegs>.
- //
- // NOTE
- // This routine only works well if the task is known to be in a stable,
- // non-executing state. Self-examination, for instance, is not advisable,
- // as results are unpredictable.
- //
- //
- // SEE ALSO: VXWTask::suspend()
- STATUS registers (REG_SET *pRegs) const
- {
- return taskRegsGet (tid_, pRegs);
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // VXWTask::restart - restart task
- //
- // This routine "restarts" its task. The task is first terminated, and then
- // reinitialized with the same ID, priority, options, original entry point,
- // stack size, and parameters it had when it was terminated. Self-restarting
- // of a calling task is performed by the exception task.
- //
- // NOTE
- // If the task has modified any of its start-up parameters, the restarted
- // task will start with the changed values.
- //
- // RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if the task could not be restarted.
- STATUS restart ()
- {
- return taskRestart (tid_);
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // VXWTask::resume - resume task
- //
- // This routine resumes its task. Suspension is cleared, and
- // the task operates in the remaining state.
- //
- // RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if the task cannot be resumed.
- STATUS resume ()
- {
- return taskResume (tid_);
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // VXWTask::show - display the contents of task registers
- //
- // This routine displays the register contents of its task
- // on standard output.
- //
- // EXAMPLE: The following shell command line displays the register of a task
- // `vxwT28':
- // .CS 4
- // -> vxwT28.show ()
- // .CE
- //
- // The example prints on standard output a display like the following
- // (68000 family):
- // .CS
- // d0 = 0 d1 = 0 d2 = 578fe d3 = 1
- // d4 = 3e84e1 d5 = 3e8568 d6 = 0 d7 = ffffffff
- // a0 = 0 a1 = 0 a2 = 4f06c a3 = 578d0
- // a4 = 3fffc4 a5 = 0 fp = 3e844c sp = 3e842c
- // sr = 3000 pc = 4f0f2
- // .CE
- //
- void show () const
- {
- taskRegsShow (tid_);
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // VXWTask::show - display task information from TCBs
- //
- // This routine displays the contents of its task's task control block (TCB).
- // If <level> is 1, it also displays task options
- // and registers. If <level> is 2, it displays all tasks.
- //
- // The TCB display contains the following fields:
- //
- // .TS
- // tab(|);
- // lf3 lf3
- // l l .
- // Field | Meaning
- // _
- // NAME | Task name
- // ENTRY | Symbol name or address where task began execution
- // TID | Task ID
- // PRI | Priority
- // STATUS | Task status, as formatted by taskStatusString()
- // PC | Program counter
- // SP | Stack pointer
- // ERRNO | Most recent error code for this task
- // DELAY | If task is delayed, number of clock ticks remaining in delay (0 otherwise)
- // .TE
- //
- // The following example shows the TCB contents for a task named `t28':
- // .CS
- //
- // ---------- --------- -------- --- --------- -------- -------- ------ -----
- // t28 _appStart 20efcac 1 READY 201dc90 20ef980 0 0
- //
- // stack: base 0x20efcac end 0x20ed59c size 9532 high 1452 margin 8080
- //
- // options: 0x1e
- //
- //
- // D0 = 0 D4 = 0 A0 = 0 A4 = 0
- // D1 = 0 D5 = 0 A1 = 0 A5 = 203a084 SR = 3000
- // D2 = 0 D6 = 0 A2 = 0 A6 = 20ef9a0 PC = 2038614
- // D3 = 0 D7 = 0 A3 = 0 A7 = 20ef980
- // .CE
- //
- //
- // SEE ALSO:
- // VXWTaskstatusString(),
- // .tG "The Tornado Shell"
- STATUS show (int level) const
- {
- return taskShow (tid_, level);
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // VXWTask::sigqueue - send a queued signal to task
- //
- // The routine sigqueue() sends to its task the signal specified by <signo> with
- // the signal-parameter value specified by <value>.
- //
- // RETURNS: OK (0), or ERROR (-1) if the signal number is invalid,
- // or if there are no queued-signal buffers available.
- //
- int sigqueue (int signo, const union sigval value)
- {
- return ::sigqueue (tid_, signo, value);
- }
- #if (CPU_FAMILY == MC680X0)
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // VXWTask::SRSet - set the task status register (MC680x0, MIPS, i386/i486)
- //
- // SYNOPSIS (I80X86)
- // .CS
- // (
- // UINT sr
- // )
- // .CE
- //
- // .CS
- // (
- // UINT32 sr
- // )
- // .CE
- //
- // This routine sets the status register of a task that is not running;
- // that is, you must not call this->SRSet().
- // Debugging facilities use this routine to set the trace bit in the
- // status register of a task that is being single-stepped.
- //
- STATUS SRSet (UINT16 sr)
- #elif (CPU_FAMILY == I80X86)
- #elif (CPU_FAMILY == MIPS)
- STATUS SRSet (UINT32 sr)
- #endif
- #if (CPU_FAMILY == MC680X0) || (CPU_FAMILY == I80X86) || (CPU_FAMILY == MIPS)
- {
- return taskSRSet (tid_, sr);
- }
- #endif
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // VXWTask::statusString - get task status as a string
- //
- // This routine deciphers the WIND task status word in the TCB for its
- // task, and copies the appropriate string to <pString>.
- //
- // The formatted string is one of the following:
- //
- // .TS
- // tab(|);
- // lf3 lf3
- // l l .
- // String | Meaning
- // _
- // READY | Task is not waiting for any resource other than the CPU.
- // PEND | Task is blocked due to the unavailability of some resource.
- // DELAY | Task is asleep for some duration.
- // SUSPEND | Task is unavailable for execution (but not suspended, delayed, or pended).
- // DELAY+S | Task is both delayed and suspended.
- // PEND+S | Task is both pended and suspended.
- // PEND+T | Task is pended with a timeout.
- // PEND+S+T | Task is pended with a timeout, and also suspended.
- // &...+I | Task has inherited priority (+I may be appended to any string above).
- // DEAD | Task no longer exists.
- // .TE
- //
- STATUS statusString (char *pString) const
- {
- return taskStatusString (tid_, pString);
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // VXWTask::suspend - suspend task
- //
- // This routine suspends its task. Suspension is additive: thus, tasks
- // can be delayed and suspended, or pended and suspended. Suspended, delayed
- // tasks whose delays expire remain suspended. Likewise, suspended,
- // pended tasks that unblock remain suspended only.
- //
- // Care should be taken with asynchronous use of this facility. The
- // task is suspended regardless of its current state. The task could, for
- // instance, have mutual exclusion to some system resource, such as the network
- // or system memory partition. If suspended during such a time, the facilities
- // engaged are unavailable, and the situation often ends in deadlock.
- //
- // This routine is the basis of the debugging and exception handling packages.
- // However, as a synchronization mechanism, this facility should be rejected
- // in favor of the more general semaphore facility.
- //
- // RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if the task cannot be suspended.
- STATUS suspend ()
- {
- return taskSuspend (tid_);
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // VXWTask::tcb - get the task control block
- //
- // This routine returns a pointer to the task control block (WIND_TCB) for
- // its task. Although all task state information is contained in the
- // TCB, users must not modify it directly. To change registers, for instance,
- // use VXWTask::registers().
- //
- // RETURNS: A pointer to a WIND_TCB.
- WIND_TCB * tcb () const
- {
- return taskTcb (tid_);
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // VXWTask::varAdd - add a task variable to task
- //
- // This routine adds a specified variable <pVar> (4-byte memory location) to
- // its task's context. After calling this routine, the variable is
- // private to the task. The task can access and modify the variable, but
- // the modifications are not visible to other tasks, and other tasks'
- // modifications to that variable do not affect the value seen by the
- // task. This is accomplished by saving and restoring the variable's initial
- // value each time a task switch occurs to or from the calling task.
- //
- // This facility can be used when a routine is to be spawned repeatedly as
- // several independent tasks. Although each task has its own stack,
- // and thus separate stack variables, they all share the same static and
- // global variables. To make a variable f2notfP shareable, the routine can
- // call VXWTask::varAdd() to make a separate copy of the variable for each
- // task, but all at the same physical address.
- //
- // Note that task variables increase the task switch time to and from the
- // tasks that own them. Therefore, it is desirable to limit the number of
- // task variables that a task uses. One efficient way to use task variables
- // is to have a single task variable that is a pointer to a dynamically
- // allocated structure containing the task's private data.
- //
- // Assume that three identical tasks are spawned with a main routine called
- // f2operator()f1. All three use the structure OP_GLOBAL for all variables
- // that are specific to a particular incarnation of the task. The following
- // code fragment shows how this is set up:
- //
- // .CS
- // OP_GLOBAL *opGlobal; // ptr to operator task's global variables
- // VXWTask me; // task object for self
- //
- // void operator
- // (
- // int opNum // number of this operator task
- // )
- // {
- // me = VXWTask (0); // task object for running task
- // if (me.varAdd ((int *)&opGlobal) != OK)
- // {
- // printErr ("operator%d: can't VXWTask::varAdd opGlobalen", opNum);
- // me.suspend ();
- // }
- //
- // if ((opGlobal = (OP_GLOBAL *) malloc (sizeof (OP_GLOBAL))) == NULL)
- // {
- // printErr ("operator%d: can't malloc opGlobalen", opNum);
- // me.suspend ();
- // }
- // ...
- // }
- // .CE
- //
- // OK, or ERROR if memory is insufficient for the task variable descriptor.
- //
- // SEE ALSO: VXWTask::varDelete(), VXWTask::varGet(), VXWTask::varSet()
- STATUS varAdd (int * pVar)
- {
- return taskVarAdd (tid_, pVar);
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // VXWTask::varDelete - remove a task variable from task
- //
- // This routine removes a specified task variable, <pVar>, from its
- // task's context. The private value of that variable is lost.
- //
- // OK, or
- // ERROR if the task variable does not exist for the task.
- //
- // SEE ALSO: VXWTask::varAdd(), VXWTask::varGet(), VXWTask:varSet()
- STATUS varDelete (int * pVar)
- {
- return taskVarDelete (tid_, pVar);
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // VXWTask::varGet - get the value of a task variable
- //
- // This routine returns the private value of a task variable for its
- // task. The task is usually not the calling task,
- // which can get its private value by directly accessing the variable.
- // This routine is provided primarily for debugging purposes.
- //
- // The private value of the task variable, or
- // ERROR if the task does not own the task variable.
- //
- // SEE ALSO: VXWTask::varAdd(), VXWTask::varDelete(), VXWTask::varSet()
- int varGet (int * pVar) const
- {
- return taskVarGet (tid_, pVar);
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // VXWTask::varInfo - get a list of task variables
- //
- // This routine provides the calling task with a list of all of the task
- // variables of its task. The unsorted array of task variables is
- // copied to <varList>.
- //
- // Kernel rescheduling is disabled while task variables are
- // looked up.
- //
- // There is no guarantee that all the task variables are still
- // valid or that new task variables have not been created by the time this
- // routine returns.
- //
- // RETURNS: The number of task variables in the list.
- int varInfo (TASK_VAR varList[], int maxVars) const
- {
- return taskVarInfo (tid_, varList, maxVars);
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // VXWTask::varSet - set the value of a task variable
- //
- // This routine sets the private value of the task variable for a specified
- // task. The specified task is usually not the calling task, which can set
- // its private value by directly modifying the variable. This routine is
- // provided primarily for debugging purposes.
- //
- // OK, or ERROR if the task does not own the task variable.
- //
- // SEE ALSO: VXWTask::varAdd(), VXWTask::varDelete(), VXWTask::varGet()
- STATUS varSet (int * pVar, int value)
- {
- return taskVarSet (tid_, pVar, value);
- }
- protected:
- VXWTask ()
- {
- }
- VXWTask (const VXWTask &)
- {
- }
- VXWTask & operator = (const VXWTask &)
- {
- return *this;
- }
- virtual void * myValue ();
- int tid_;
- BOOL managePrivateEnv_;
- };
- #endif /* ifndef vxwTaskLib_h */