资源名称:ixp425BSP.rar [点击查看]
- /* ncr710Lib2.c - NCR 53C710 SCSI I/O Processor (SIOP) library (SCSI-2) */
- /* Copyright 1989-2001 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- #include "copyright_wrs.h"
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 04p,19oct01,dat Documentation formatting
- 04o,26feb99,dat added init of wideXfer to FALSE. SPR 24089
- 04n,03dec98,ihw Modified handling of ident message for new thread:
- add normal message out (if any) - e.g. sync/wide xfer.
- 04m,26aug98,sut renamed ncr710StepEnable into ncr710StepEnable2 ;
- in ncr710CtrlCreate added support to use
- ncr710StepEnable2 as the ncr710StepEnable
- see also ncr710CommLib.c
- 04l,24aug98,sut renamed ncr710SingleStep into ncr710SingleStep2 ;
- In ncr710CtrlCreateScsi2 added support to use
- ncr710SingleStep2 as the ncr710SingleStep
- see also ncr710CommLib.c
- 04k,18May98,pfl SPR 21260: added ncr710ResetATN()
- 04j,09jul97,dgp doc: correct fonts per SPR 7853
- 04i,29oct96,dgp doc: editing for newly published SCSI libraries
- 04h,06may96,jds and more doc tweaks...
- 04g,01may96,jds yet more doc tweaks...
- 04f,08nov95,jds more doc tweaks
- 04e,20sep95,jdi doc cleanup.
- 04d,28apr95,jds worked with ian on selection problem (hang) with WD33c93;
- integrated into WRS tree; backward compatability stuff
- 04c,16mar94,ihw fixed problems highlighted by selection by WD 33C93
- 04b,27may94,ihw documented prior to release
- 04a,02may94,ihw major modifications to work with new SCSI architecture
- supports tagged commands
- 03b,23feb94,ihw improved single-step support
- 03a,18feb94,ihw modified for enhanced SCSI library: multiple initiators,
- disconnect/reconnect and synchronous transfer supported
- 02l,10feb93,ccc fixed cache problem and null pointers (spr 1995).
- 02k,26sep92,ccc doc changes.
- 02j,18aug92,ccc fixed warnings.
- 02i,31jul92,dnw Changed to new cacheLib.
- Added requirement that dma cache be write coherent and
- removed corresponding flushes.
- 02h,20jul92,eve Move debug macros from ncr710.h.
- 02g,20jul92,eve Added cache support for 5.1.
- 02f,18jul92,smb Changed errno.h to errnoLib.h.
- 02e,13jul92,eve Make a single exit process both for OK and ERROR in
- ncr710ScsiPhase() and create ncr710CheckStatRegs().
- 02d,11jul92,eve Suppress ncr710CmdBuild() since scsiCmdBuild() is public
- in scsiLib.c.Suppress ncr710Relocation() routine.
- 02c,02jul92,eve start ANSI modifications.
- 02b,21apr92,eve Add disconnect capability.
- 02a,03mar92,eve Add the process for new bit in the ncr710HwRegister()
- and suppress access to the EA bit in the other routines.
- 01n,20feb92,eve Change the clock frequency parameter by a value
- like xxns * 100 in ncr710CtrlCreate().
- 01m,12jan91,eve Add support for sync transfer capability.
- 01l,10dec91,eve Correct bug in ncr710ScsiPhase() regarding the Bus fault
- Wtd timeout and illegal instruction.
- 01k,29nov91,eve Change semTake timeout in ncr710StartPhase().
- 01j,29nov91,eve Correct use of pDevToSelect,suppress initialisation
- devSync semaphore in ncr710HwInit().
- 01i,07nov91,eve Perform a select with attention in ncr710ScsiPhase()
- if useIdentify is set.
- 01h,01nov91,ccc Documentation changes, changed modification numbers.
- 01g,01nov91,eve Suppress pccchip2 include
- 01f,27oct91,eve Suppress regOffset argument in ncr710CtlrCreate(),
- the chip need to be connected to all of the address
- bus (31-0).
- 01e,27oct91,eve Add ncr710SetHwRegister() routine.
- 01d,25oct91,eve Allocate dynamicly ncrCtlShare data structure
- keep only a pointer in SIOP info.
- 01c,24oct91,eve Change clockPeriod by a frequency value
- in ncr710CtrlCreate().
- 01b,24oct91,eve Try to cleaning up documentation.
- 01a,23oct91,eve Created.
- */
- /*
- This is the I/O driver for the NCR 53C710 SCSI I/O Processor (SIOP).
- It is designed to work with scsi2Lib. This driver runs in
- conjunction with a script program for the NCR 53C710 chip.
- The script uses the NCR 53C710 DMA function for data transfers.
- This driver supports cache functions through cacheLib.
- Most of the routines in this driver are accessible only through the I/O
- system. Three routines, however, must be called directly.
- ncr710CtrlCreateScsi2() creates a controller structure and
- ncr710CtrlInitScsi2() initializes it.
- The NCR 53C710 hardware registers need to be configured according to
- the hardware implementation. If the default configuration is not correct,
- the routine ncr710SetHwRegisterScsi2() must be used to properly configure
- the registers.
- This driver supports multiple initiators, disconnect/reconnect, tagged
- command queueing and synchronous data transfer protocol. In general, the
- SCSI system and this driver will automatically choose the best combination
- of these features to suit the target devices used. However, the default
- choices may be over-ridden by using the function "scsiTargetOptionsSet()"
- (see scsi2Lib).
- There are debug variables to trace events in the driver.
- <scsiDebug> scsi2Lib debug variable, trace event in scsi2Lib, ncr710ScsiPhase(),
- and ncr710Transact().
- <scsiIntsDebug> prints interrupt informations.
- ncr710.h, ncr710_2.h, ncr710Script.h, ncr710Script2.h
- SEE ALSO: scsiLib, scsi2Lib, cacheLib,
- .pG "I/O System"
- */
- #define INCLUDE_SCSI2
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #include "memLib.h"
- #include "ctype.h"
- #include "stdlib.h"
- #include "string.h"
- #include "stdio.h"
- #include "logLib.h"
- #include "semLib.h"
- #include "intLib.h"
- #include "errnoLib.h"
- #include "cacheLib.h"
- #include "taskLib.h"
- #include "drv/scsi/ncr710.h"
- #include "drv/scsi/ncr710Script.h"
- /* defines */
- typedef NCR_710_SCSI_CTRL SIOP;
- #define SIOP_MAX_XFER_LENGTH ((UINT) (0x00ffffff)) /* max data xfer length */
- /* External */
- IMPORT BOOL scsiDebug;
- IMPORT BOOL scsiErrors;
- IMPORT BOOL scsiIntsDebug;
- IMPORT VOIDFUNCPTR ncr710SingleStepRtn; /* Single step routine */
- IMPORT VOIDFUNCPTR ncr710StepEnableRtn; /* Step enable step routine */
- /*
- * Configurable options
- */
- int ncr710SingleStepSemOptions = SEM_Q_PRIORITY;
- char *ncr710ScsiTaskName = SCSI_DEF_TASK_NAME;
- int ncr710ScsiTaskOptions = SCSI_DEF_TASK_OPTIONS;
- int ncr710ScsiTaskPriority = SCSI_DEF_TASK_PRIORITY;
- int ncr710ScsiTaskStackSize = SCSI_DEF_TASK_STACK_SIZE;
- /* forward declarations */
- LOCAL void ncr710HwInit (SIOP *pSiop);
- LOCAL int ncr710BusIdGet (SIOP *pSiop, UINT busIdBits);
- LOCAL UINT ncr710RemainderGet (SIOP *pSiop, UINT phase);
- LOCAL int ncr710EventTypeGet (SIOP *pSiop);
- LOCAL STATUS ncr710PhaseMismatch (NCR710_THREAD * pThread,
- int phase,
- UINT remCount);
- LOCAL STATUS ncr710ScsiBusControl (SIOP *pSiop, int operation);
- LOCAL void ncr710ScsiBusReset (SIOP *pSiop);
- LOCAL STATUS ncr710ThreadActivate (SIOP *pSiop, NCR710_THREAD *pThread);
- LOCAL BOOL ncr710ThreadAbort (SIOP *pSiop, NCR710_THREAD *pThread);
- LOCAL void ncr710Event (SIOP *pSiop, NCR710_EVENT *pEvent);
- LOCAL void ncr710ThreadEvent (NCR710_THREAD *pThread, NCR710_EVENT *pEvent);
- LOCAL void ncr710InitEvent (NCR710_THREAD *pThread, NCR710_EVENT *pEvent);
- LOCAL void ncr710InitIdentEvent(NCR710_THREAD *pThread, NCR710_EVENT *pEvent);
- LOCAL void ncr710TargIdentEvent(NCR710_THREAD *pThread, NCR710_EVENT *pEvent);
- LOCAL void ncr710IdentInContinue (NCR710_THREAD *pThread);
- LOCAL void ncr710ThreadReconnect (NCR710_THREAD *pThread);
- LOCAL void ncr710SharedMemInit (SIOP *pSiop, NCR710_SHARED *pShMem);
- LOCAL STATUS ncr710ThreadInit (SIOP *pSiop, NCR710_THREAD *pThread);
- LOCAL STATUS ncr710IdentThreadInit (NCR710_THREAD *pThread);
- LOCAL void ncr710ThreadUpdate (NCR710_THREAD *pThread);
- LOCAL void ncr710ThreadComplete (NCR710_THREAD *pThread);
- LOCAL void ncr710ThreadDefer (NCR710_THREAD *pThread);
- LOCAL void ncr710ThreadFail (NCR710_THREAD *pThread, int errNum);
- LOCAL void ncr710ThreadStateSet (NCR710_THREAD *pThread,
- LOCAL STATUS ncr710Activate (SIOP *pSiop,
- NCR710_THREAD *pThread);
- LOCAL STATUS ncr710Resume (SIOP *pSiop,
- NCR710_THREAD *pThread,
- NCR710_SCRIPT_ENTRY entryId);
- LOCAL void ncr710Abort (SIOP *pSiop);
- LOCAL void ncr710ScriptStart (SIOP *pSiop,
- NCR710_THREAD *pThread,
- NCR710_SCRIPT_ENTRY entryId);
- LOCAL STATUS ncr710ThreadParamsSet (NCR710_THREAD * pThread,
- UINT8 offset,
- UINT8 period);
- LOCAL STATUS ncr710XferParamsQuery (SCSI_CTRL *pScsiCtrl,
- UINT8 *pOffset,
- UINT8 *pPeriod);
- LOCAL STATUS ncr710XferParamsSet (SCSI_CTRL *pScsiCtrl,
- UINT8 offset,
- UINT8 period);
- LOCAL BOOL ncr710XferParamsCvt (SIOP *pSiop,
- UINT8 *pOffset,
- UINT8 *pPeriod,
- UINT8 *pXferParams,
- UINT8 *pClockDiv);
- LOCAL void ncr710ResetATN ( FAST SCSI_CTRL *pScsiCtrl );
- LOCAL void ncr710SingleStep2 (SIOP* pSiop, BOOL verbose);
- LOCAL void ncr710StepEnable2 (SIOP* pSiop, BOOL boolValue);
- LOCAL void ncr710ResetATN ( FAST SCSI_CTRL *pScsiCtrl );
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * ncr710CtrlCreateScsi2 - create a control structure for the NCR 53C710 SIOP
- *
- * This routine creates an SIOP data structure and must be called before
- * using an SIOP chip. It must be called exactly once for a
- * specified SIOP controller.
- * Since it allocates memory for a structure needed by all routines in
- * ncr710Lib, it must be called before any other routines in the library.
- * After calling this routine, ncr710CtrlInitScsi2() must be called at least
- * once before any SCSI transactions are initiated using the SIOP.
- *
- * A detailed description of the input parameters follows:
- * .iP <baseAdrs>
- * the address at which the CPU accesses the lowest (SCNTL0/SIEN)
- * register of the SIOP.
- * .iP <clkPeriod>
- * the period of the SIOP SCSI clock input, in nanoseconds, multiplied
- * by 100. This is used to determine the clock period for the
- * SCSI core of the chip and affects the timing of both asynchronous
- * and synchronous transfers.
- * Several commonly used values are defined in ncr710.h as follows:
- *.CS
- * NCR710_1667MHZ 6000 /@ 16.67Mhz chip @/
- * NCR710_20MHZ 5000 /@ 20Mhz chip @/
- * NCR710_25MHZ 4000 /@ 25Mhz chip @/
- * NCR710_3750MHZ 2667 /@ 37.50Mhz chip @/
- * NCR710_40MHZ 2500 /@ 40Mhz chip @/
- * NCR710_50MHZ 2000 /@ 50Mhz chip @/
- * NCR710_66MHZ 1515 /@ 66Mhz chip @/
- * NCR710_6666MHZ 1500 /@ 66.66Mhz chip @/
- *.CE
- *
- * RETURNS: A pointer to the NCR_710_SCSI_CTRL structure, or NULL if memory
- * is unavailable or there are invalid parameters.
- */
- NCR_710_SCSI_CTRL *ncr710CtrlCreateScsi2
- (
- UINT8 *baseAdrs, /* base address of the SIOP */
- UINT clkPeriod /* clock controller period (nsec*100) */
- )
- {
- FAST SIOP *pSiop; /* ptr to SIOP info */
- int nBytes; /* total amount of cache-coherent memory */
- SCSI_CTRL *pScsiCtrl;
- static NCR710_HW_REGS ncr710HwRegs = DEFAULT_710_HW_REGS;
- /* SingleStep routine selection */
- ncr710SingleStepRtn = ncr710SingleStep2;
- ncr710StepEnableRtn = ncr710StepEnable2;
- /* verify parameters */
- if (baseAdrs == ((UINT8 *) NULL))
- return ((SIOP *) NULL);
- if ((clkPeriod > NCR710_1667MHZ) ||
- (clkPeriod < NCR710_6666MHZ))
- return ((SIOP *) NULL);
- /* check that dma buffers are cache-coherent */
- {
- SCSI_MSG ("ncr710CtrlCreateScsi2: shared memory not cache coherent.n",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- return ((SIOP *) NULL);
- }
- /* calloc the controller info structure and two shared data areas */
- nBytes = sizeof (SIOP) + 2 * sizeof (NCR710_SHARED);
- if ((pSiop = (SIOP *) cacheDmaMalloc (nBytes)) == (SIOP *) NULL)
- return ((SIOP *) NULL);
- bzero ((char *) pSiop, nBytes);
- pSiop->pIdentShMem = (NCR710_SHARED *) (pSiop + 1);
- pSiop->pClientShMem = pSiop->pIdentShMem + 1;
- /* set up configuration variables */
- pScsiCtrl = (SCSI_CTRL *) pSiop;
- pScsiCtrl->eventSize = sizeof (NCR710_EVENT);
- pScsiCtrl->threadSize = sizeof (NCR710_THREAD);
- /* fill in virtual functions used by SCSI library */
- pScsiCtrl->maxBytesPerXfer = SIOP_MAX_XFER_LENGTH;
- pScsiCtrl->scsiTransact = (FUNCPTR) scsiTransact;
- pScsiCtrl->scsiEventProc = (VOIDFUNCPTR) ncr710Event;
- pScsiCtrl->scsiThreadInit = (FUNCPTR) ncr710ThreadInit;
- pScsiCtrl->scsiThreadActivate = (FUNCPTR) ncr710ThreadActivate;
- pScsiCtrl->scsiThreadAbort = (FUNCPTR) ncr710ThreadAbort;
- pScsiCtrl->scsiBusControl = (FUNCPTR) ncr710ScsiBusControl;
- pScsiCtrl->scsiXferParamsQuery = (FUNCPTR) ncr710XferParamsQuery;
- pScsiCtrl->scsiXferParamsSet = (FUNCPTR) ncr710XferParamsSet;
- /* the following virtual functions are not used with the NCR 53C710 */
- pScsiCtrl->wideXfer = FALSE;
- pScsiCtrl->scsiWideXferParamsQuery = NULL;
- pScsiCtrl->scsiWideXferParamsSet = NULL;
- pScsiCtrl->scsiDevSelect = NULL;
- pScsiCtrl->scsiInfoXfer = NULL;
- /* fill in generic SCSI info for this controller */
- scsiCtrlInit (&pSiop->scsiCtrl);
- /* fill in SIOP specific data for this controller */
- pSiop->pSien = baseAdrs + OFF_SIEN;
- pSiop->pSdid = baseAdrs + OFF_SDID;
- pSiop->pScntl1 = baseAdrs + OFF_SCNTL1;
- pSiop->pScntl0 = baseAdrs + OFF_SCNTL0;
- pSiop->pSocl = baseAdrs + OFF_SOCL;
- pSiop->pSodl = baseAdrs + OFF_SODL;
- pSiop->pSxfer = baseAdrs + OFF_SXFER;
- pSiop->pScid = baseAdrs + OFF_SCID;
- pSiop->pSbcl = baseAdrs + OFF_SBCL;
- pSiop->pSbdl = baseAdrs + OFF_SBDL;
- pSiop->pSidl = baseAdrs + OFF_SIDL;
- pSiop->pSfbr = baseAdrs + OFF_SFBR;
- pSiop->pSstat2 = baseAdrs + OFF_SSTAT2;
- pSiop->pSstat1 = baseAdrs + OFF_SSTAT1;
- pSiop->pSstat0 = baseAdrs + OFF_SSTAT0;
- pSiop->pDstat = baseAdrs + OFF_DSTAT;
- pSiop->pDsa = (UINT *) (baseAdrs + OFF_DSA);
- pSiop->pCtest3 = baseAdrs + OFF_CTEST3;
- pSiop->pCtest2 = baseAdrs + OFF_CTEST2;
- pSiop->pCtest1 = baseAdrs + OFF_CTEST1;
- pSiop->pCtest0 = baseAdrs + OFF_CTEST0;
- pSiop->pCtest7 = baseAdrs + OFF_CTEST7;
- pSiop->pCtest6 = baseAdrs + OFF_CTEST6;
- pSiop->pCtest5 = baseAdrs + OFF_CTEST5;
- pSiop->pCtest4 = baseAdrs + OFF_CTEST4;
- pSiop->pTemp = (UINT *) (baseAdrs + OFF_TEMP);
- pSiop->pLcrc = baseAdrs + OFF_LCRC;
- pSiop->pCtest8 = baseAdrs + OFF_CTEST8;
- pSiop->pIstat = baseAdrs + OFF_ISTAT;
- pSiop->pDfifo = baseAdrs + OFF_DFIFO;
- pSiop->pDcmd = baseAdrs + OFF_DCMD;
- pSiop->pDbc = (UINT *) (baseAdrs + OFF_DBC);
- pSiop->pDnad = (UINT *) (baseAdrs + OFF_DNAD);
- pSiop->pDsp = (UINT *) (baseAdrs + OFF_DSP);
- pSiop->pDsps = (UINT *) (baseAdrs + OFF_DSPS);
- pSiop->pScratch0 = baseAdrs + OFF_SCRATCH0;
- pSiop->pScratch1 = baseAdrs + OFF_SCRATCH1;
- pSiop->pScratch2 = baseAdrs + OFF_SCRATCH2;
- pSiop->pScratch3 = baseAdrs + OFF_SCRATCH3;
- pSiop->pDcntl = baseAdrs + OFF_DCNTL;
- pSiop->pDwt = baseAdrs + OFF_DWT;
- pSiop->pDien = baseAdrs + OFF_DIEN;
- pSiop->pDmode = baseAdrs + OFF_DMODE;
- pSiop->pAdder = (UINT *) (baseAdrs + OFF_ADDER);
- pSiop->clkPeriod = clkPeriod;
- /*
- * Initialise hardware-dependent registers to default values.
- */
- bcopy ((char *)&ncr710HwRegs, (char *)&pSiop->hwRegs,
- sizeof (NCR710_HW_REGS));
- /*
- * Create synchronisation semaphore for single-step support
- */
- if ((pSiop->singleStepSem = semBCreate(ncr710SingleStepSemOptions,
- {
- SCSI_MSG ("ncr710CtrlCreateScsi2: semBCreate of singleStepSem failed.n"
- , 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- goto failed;
- }
- /*
- * Initialise controller state variables
- */
- pSiop->state = NCR710_STATE_IDLE;
- pSiop->cmdPending = FALSE;
- /*
- * Initialize fixed fields in client shared data area
- */
- ncr710SharedMemInit (pSiop, pSiop->pClientShMem);
- /*
- * Identification thread has been created by the generic initialisation.
- * Initialise it for use with the NCR 53C710.
- */
- ncr710IdentThreadInit ((NCR710_THREAD *) pScsiCtrl->pIdentThread);
- /* spawn SCSI manager - use generic code from "scsiLib.c" */
- pScsiCtrl->scsiMgrId = taskSpawn (ncr710ScsiTaskName,
- ncr710ScsiTaskPriority,
- ncr710ScsiTaskOptions,
- ncr710ScsiTaskStackSize,
- (FUNCPTR) scsiMgr,
- (int) pSiop, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- if (pScsiCtrl->scsiMgrId == ERROR)
- {
- SCSI_MSG ("ncr710CtrlCreateScsi2: can't spawn SCSI manager taskn",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- goto failed;
- }
- return (pSiop);
- failed:
- if (pSiop->singleStepSem != NULL)
- (void) semDelete (pSiop->singleStepSem);
- (void) cacheDmaFree ((char *) pSiop);
- return (NULL);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * ncr710CtrlInitScsi2 - initialize a control structure for the NCR 53C710 SIOP
- *
- * This routine initializes an SIOP structure after the structure is created
- * with ncr710CtrlCreateScsi2(). This structure must be initialized before the
- * SIOP can be used. It may be called more than once if needed; however,
- * it must only be called while there is no activity on the SCSI interface.
- *
- * A detailed description of the input parameters follows:
- * .iP <pSiop>
- * a pointer to the NCR_710_SCSI_CTRL structure created with
- * ncr710CtrlCreateScsi2().
- * .iP <scsiCtrlBusId>
- * the SCSI bus ID of the SIOP. Its value is somewhat arbitrary: seven (7),
- * or highest priority, is conventional. The value must be in the range 0 - 7.
- * .iP <scsiPriority>
- * this parameter is ignored. All SCSI I/O is now done in the context of
- * the SCSI manager task; if necessary, the priority of the manager task may be
- * changed using taskPrioritySet() or by setting the value of the global
- * variable `ncr710ScsiTaskPriority' before calling ncr710CtrlCreateScsi2().
- * .LP
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if the parameters are out of range.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: ncr710CtrlCreateScsi2()
- */
- STATUS ncr710CtrlInitScsi2
- (
- FAST NCR_710_SCSI_CTRL *pSiop, /* ptr to SIOP struct */
- int scsiCtrlBusId, /* SCSI bus ID of this SIOP */
- int scsiPriority /* task priority when doing SCSI I/O */
- )
- {
- SCSI_CTRL * pScsiCtrl = (SCSI_CTRL *) pSiop;
- /*
- * Validate parameters
- */
- if (pSiop == (SIOP *)NULL)
- return (ERROR);
- /*
- * Validate and set bus ID
- */
- if (scsiCtrlBusId < SCSI_MIN_BUS_ID || scsiCtrlBusId > SCSI_MAX_BUS_ID)
- return (ERROR);
- pScsiCtrl->scsiCtrlBusId = scsiCtrlBusId;
- /*
- * Initialise the SIOP
- */
- ncr710HwInit (pSiop);
- ncr710ScriptStart (pSiop,
- (NCR710_THREAD *) pScsiCtrl->pIdentThread,
- pSiop->state = NCR710_STATE_PASSIVE;
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * ncr710HwInit - initialize the SIOP chip to a known state
- *
- * This routine puts the SIOP into a known quiescent state. Because the value
- * of some registers depend upon the hardware implementation of the chip you
- * may have to use ncr710SetHwRegister() to adjust them.
- *
- * This routine does not touch the bits in registers that are set by
- * the ncr710SetHwRegister() routine.
- *
- * See the NCR 53C710 Data Manual for fuller details of the registers
- * programmed by this routine.
- *
- * ncr710SetHwRegister()
- *
- */
- LOCAL void ncr710HwInit
- (
- FAST SIOP *pSiop /* ptr to an SIOP info structure */
- )
- {
- UINT clkPeriod;
- /*
- * Software reset the SIOP
- */
- *pSiop->pIstat = B_SOFTRST;
- *pSiop->pIstat = 0;
- /*
- * Initialise hardware-dependent registers
- */
- ncr710SetHwRegisterScsi2 (pSiop, &pSiop->hwRegs);
- /*
- * DMA mode, control and watchdog timer registers
- *
- * Use manual start and NCR 53C700 compatibility mode.
- * Set clock conversion factor (the clkPeriod has been checked in
- * "ncr710CtrlCreate()") and save async clock period for use by
- * "ncr710XferParamsCvt()". Disable the watchdog timer.
- */
- *pSiop->pDwt = 0;
- *pSiop->pDmode |= B_MAN;
- *pSiop->pDcntl |= B_COM;
- clkPeriod = pSiop->clkPeriod;
- if (clkPeriod >= NCR710_25MHZ) /* 16.67 - 25.00 MHz */
- {
- *pSiop->pDcntl |= NCR710_16MHZ_DIV;
- pSiop->asyncClkPeriod = clkPeriod;
- }
- else if (clkPeriod >= NCR710_3750MHZ) /* 25.01 - 37.50 MHz */
- {
- *pSiop->pDcntl |= NCR710_25MHZ_DIV;
- pSiop->asyncClkPeriod = clkPeriod * 3 / 2;
- }
- else if (clkPeriod >= NCR710_50MHZ) /* 37.51 - 50.00 MHz */
- {
- *pSiop->pDcntl |= NCR710_50MHZ_DIV;
- pSiop->asyncClkPeriod = clkPeriod * 2;
- }
- else /* (clkPeriod >= NCR710_6666MHZ) */ /* 50.01 - 66.67 MHz */
- {
- *pSiop->pDcntl |= NCR710_66MHZ_DIV;
- pSiop->asyncClkPeriod = clkPeriod * 3;
- }
- /*
- * SCSI control registers
- *
- * If disconnect/reconnect is enabled, use full arbitration.
- * Always generate parity; check for parity if required to do so.
- * Set slow cable mode if specified.
- */
- *pSiop->pScntl0 = B_EPG;
- *pSiop->pScntl1 = 0;
- if (pSiop->scsiCtrl.disconnect)
- {
- *pSiop->pScntl0 |= (B_ARB1 | B_ARB0);
- *pSiop->pScntl1 |= B_ESR;
- }
- if (pSiop->parityCheckEnbl)
- *pSiop->pScntl0 |= B_EPC;
- if (pSiop->slowCableMode)
- *pSiop->pScntl1 |= B_EXC;
- /*
- * Chip test registers
- *
- * Enable active negation (needed for fast SCSI)
- */
- *pSiop->pCtest0 = B_EAN;
- /*
- * Set own SCSI bus ID (checked in "ncr710CtrlInit()")
- */
- *pSiop->pScid = (1 << pSiop->scsiCtrl.scsiCtrlBusId);
- /*
- * Enable relevant SCSI and DMA interrupts (see "ncr710EventTypeGet()")
- *
- * Note: in target mode the phase mismatch interrupt (B_MA) is used to
- * signal assertion of ATN. Currently we cannot handle this either in
- * this library or in the script. Therefore, the script automatically
- * disables this interrupt in target mode and enables it (for phase
- * mismatch) in initiator mode. Also see "ncr710EventTypeGet()".
- */
- *pSiop->pSien = (B_STO | B_SGE | B_UDC | B_RSTE | B_PAR);
- *pSiop->pDien = (B_BF | B_ABT | B_SIR | B_WTD | B_IID);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * ncr710SetHwRegisterScsi2 - set hardware-dependent registers for the NCR 53C710
- *
- * This routine sets up the registers used in the hardware
- * implementation of the chip. Typically, this routine is called by
- * the sysScsiInit() routine from the BSP.
- *
- * The input parameters are as follows:
- * .iP <pSiop> 4
- * a pointer to the NCR_710_SCSI_CTRL structure created with
- * ncr710CtrlCreateScsi2().
- * .iP <pHwRegs>
- * a pointer to a NCR710_HW_REGS structure that is filled with the logical
- * values 0 or 1 for each bit of each register described below.
- *
- * This routine includes only the bit registers that can be used to modify
- * the behavior of the chip. The default configuration used during
- * ncr710CtlrCreateScsi2() and ncr710CrtlInitScsi2() is
- * {0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0}.
- *
- *.CS
- * typedef struct
- * {
- * int ctest4Bit7; /@ Host bus multiplex mode @/
- * int ctest7Bit7; /@ Disable/enable burst cache capability @/
- * int ctest7Bit6; /@ Snoop control bit1 @/
- * int ctest7Bit5; /@ Snoop control bit0 @/
- * int ctest7Bit1; /@ invert tt1 pin (sync bus host mode only)@/
- * int ctest7Bit0; /@ enable differential scsi bus capability@/
- * int ctest8Bit0; /@ Set snoop pins mode @/
- * int dmodeBit7; /@ Burst Length transfer bit 1 @/
- * int dmodeBit6; /@ Burst Length transfer bit 0 @/
- * int dmodeBit5; /@ Function code bit FC2 @/
- * int dmodeBit4; /@ Function code bit FC1 @/
- * int dmodeBit3; /@ Program data bit (FC0) @/
- * int dmodeBit1; /@ user programmable transfer type @/
- * int dcntlBit5; /@ Enable Ack pin @/
- * int dcntlBit1; /@ Enable fast arbitration on host port @/
- * } NCR710_HW_REGS;
- *
- *.CE
- * For a more detailed explanation of the register bits, refer to the
- * .I "NCR 53C710 SCSI I/O Processor Programming Guide."
- *
- * NOTE
- * Because this routine writes to the chip registers you cannot use it
- * if there is any SCSI bus activity.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if any input parameter is NULL.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: ncr710CtrlCreateScsi2(),
- * .I "NCR 53C710 SCSI I/O Processor Programming Guide"
- */
- STATUS ncr710SetHwRegisterScsi2
- (
- FAST SIOP *pSiop, /* pointer to SIOP info */
- NCR710_HW_REGS *pHwRegs /* pointer to a NCR710_HW_REGS info */
- )
- {
- /* check input parameters */
- if ((pSiop == NULL) || (pHwRegs == NULL))
- return (ERROR);
- /* fill the SIOP structure with new parameters */
- bcopy ((char *)pHwRegs, (char *) &pSiop->hwRegs, sizeof(NCR710_HW_REGS));
- /* Set each bit register to the new value */
- /* This bit must be set first else the chip will not anwser to a slave
- * access in some hardware implementations.
- */
- ((pHwRegs->dcntlBit5) ? (*pSiop->pDcntl = B_EA)
- : (*pSiop->pDcntl = 0));
- ((pHwRegs->ctest4Bit7) ? (*pSiop->pCtest4 |= B_MUX)
- : (*pSiop->pCtest4 &= ~B_MUX));
- ((pHwRegs->ctest7Bit7) ? (*pSiop->pCtest7 |= B_CDIS)
- : (*pSiop->pCtest7 &= ~B_CDIS));
- ((pHwRegs->ctest7Bit6) ? (*pSiop->pCtest7 |= B_SC1)
- : (*pSiop->pCtest7 &= ~B_SC1));
- ((pHwRegs->ctest7Bit5) ? (*pSiop->pCtest7 |= B_SC0)
- : (*pSiop->pCtest7 &= ~B_SC0));
- ((pHwRegs->ctest7Bit1) ? (*pSiop->pCtest7 |= B_TT1)
- : (*pSiop->pCtest7 &= ~B_TT1));
- ((pHwRegs->ctest7Bit0) ? (*pSiop->pCtest7 |= B_DIFF)
- : (*pSiop->pCtest7 &= ~B_DIFF));
- ((pHwRegs->ctest8Bit0) ? (*pSiop->pCtest8 |= B_SM)
- : (*pSiop->pCtest8 &= ~B_SM));
- ((pHwRegs->dmodeBit7) ? (*pSiop->pDmode |= B_BL1)
- : (*pSiop->pDmode &= ~B_BL1));
- ((pHwRegs->dmodeBit6) ? (*pSiop->pDmode |= B_BL0)
- : (*pSiop->pDmode &= ~B_BL0));
- ((pHwRegs->dmodeBit5) ? (*pSiop->pDmode |= B_FC2)
- : (*pSiop->pDmode &= ~B_FC2));
- ((pHwRegs->dmodeBit4) ? (*pSiop->pDmode |= B_FC1)
- : (*pSiop->pDmode &= ~B_FC1));
- ((pHwRegs->dmodeBit3) ? (*pSiop->pDmode |= B_PD)
- : (*pSiop->pDmode &= ~B_PD));
- ((pHwRegs->dmodeBit1) ? (*pSiop->pDmode |= B_U0TT0)
- : (*pSiop->pDmode &= ~B_U0TT0));
- ((pHwRegs->dcntlBit1) ? (*pSiop->pDcntl |= B_FA)
- : (*pSiop->pDcntl &= ~B_FA));
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * ncr710ScsiBusControl - miscellaneous low-level SCSI bus control operations
- *
- * Currently supports only the SCSI_BUS_RESET operation; other operations are
- * not used explicitly by the driver because they are carried out automatically
- * by the script program.
- *
- * NOTE: after the SCSI bus has been reset, the SIOP generates an interrupt
- * which causes an NCR710_BUS_RESET event to be sent to the SCSI manager.
- * See "ncr710Intr()".
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if an invalid operation is requested.
- *
- */
- LOCAL STATUS ncr710ScsiBusControl
- (
- SIOP * pSiop, /* ptr to controller info */
- int operation /* bitmask for operation(s) to be performed */
- )
- {
- if ((operation & ~SCSI_BUS_RESET) != 0)
- return (ERROR);
- if (operation & SCSI_BUS_RESET)
- ncr710ScsiBusReset (pSiop);
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * ncr710ScsiBusReset - assert the RST line on the SCSI bus
- *
- * Issue a SCSI Bus Reset command to the NCR 710. This should put all devices
- * on the SCSI bus in an initial quiescent state.
- *
- * The bus reset will generate an interrupt which is handled by the normal
- * ISR (see "ncr710Intr()").
- *
- *
- */
- LOCAL void ncr710ScsiBusReset
- (
- FAST SIOP *pSiop /* ptr to SIOP info */
- )
- {
- *pSiop->pScntl1 |= B_RST;
- taskDelay (2); /* pause for at least 250 us */
- *pSiop->pScntl1 &= ~B_RST;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * ncr710IntrScsi2 - interrupt service routine for the SIOP
- *
- * Find the event type corresponding to this interrupt, and carry out any
- * actions which must be done before the SIOP is re-started. Determine
- * whether or not the SIOP is connected to the bus (depending on the event
- * type - see note below). If not, start a client script if possible or
- * else just make the SIOP wait for something else to happen.
- *
- * Notify the SCSI manager of a controller event.
- *
- * NOTE:
- * The "connected" Boolean tells whether there is a SCSI thread in progress
- * which must be continued before any other SCSI activity can occur. In
- * principle, it might seem that reading the appropriate bit in the SIOP's
- * SCNTL1 register would be better than inferring the value from the interrupt
- * code.
- *
- * However, the SCNTL1 register may change between the time the script
- * completes (generates the interrupt) and the time it is read - for example,
- * if the SIOP is reselected immediately after generating a DISCONNECTED
- * interrupt.
- *
- * Because the action taken by the ISR depends critically on what will happen
- * in software as a result of the current interrupt, and _not_ on the current
- * state of the SIOP hardware, if the hardware "connected" bit were used, the
- * above scenario would cause the ISR to fail to re-start a script when in
- * fact it should do. The result would be that the SIOP would forever remain
- * IDLE, and the SCSI system would become deadlocked. (I've seen it happen !)
- *
- * One disadvantage is that the ISR has to know a little too much about the
- * semantics of the interrupt codes - an improvement might be to have a
- * distinguishing feature (e.g. bit set) in the interrupt code to indicate
- * whether or not to start a new script.
- *
- *
- */
- void ncr710IntrScsi2
- (
- SIOP *pSiop
- )
- {
- NCR710_EVENT event;
- SCSI_EVENT * pScsiEvent = (SCSI_EVENT *) &event;
- SCSI_CTRL * pScsiCtrl = (SCSI_CTRL *) pSiop;
- NCR710_THREAD * pThread = (NCR710_THREAD *) pSiop->pHwThread;
- BOOL connected = FALSE;
- BOOL notify = TRUE;
- int oldState = (int) pSiop->state;
- /*
- * Save (partial) SIOP register context in current thread
- */
- pThread->scratch0 = *pSiop->pScratch0;
- pThread->scratch1 = *pSiop->pScratch1;
- pThread->scratch2 = *pSiop->pScratch2;
- pThread->scratch3 = *pSiop->pScratch3;
- pScsiEvent->type = ncr710EventTypeGet (pSiop);
- SCSI_INT_DEBUG_MSG ("ncr710Intr: DSA = 0x%08x, DSP = 0x%08x, type = %d.n",
- *pSiop->pDsa, *pSiop->pDsp, pScsiEvent->type, 0, 0, 0);
- /*
- * Synchronise with single-step routine, if enabled.
- */
- if (pSiop->singleStep)
- semGive (pSiop->singleStepSem);
- if (pScsiEvent->type == NCR710_SINGLE_STEP)
- return;
- /*
- * Handle interrupt according to type.
- */
- switch (pScsiEvent->type)
- {
- /*
- * Following cases result from completion of a script run.
- */
- connected = FALSE;
- break;
- case NCR710_NO_MSG_OUT:
- connected = TRUE;
- break;
- event.remCount = ncr710RemainderGet (pSiop, pThread->nBusPhase);
- connected = TRUE;
- break;
- /*
- * Following cases are asynchronous conditions, i.e. not resulting
- * directly from running a script.
- */
- case NCR710_READY:
- connected = FALSE;
- notify = FALSE;
- break;
- case NCR710_SELECTED:
- pScsiEvent->busId = ncr710BusIdGet (pSiop, pThread->nBusIdBits);
- pScsiEvent->nBytesIdent =
- (pThread->nHostFlags & FLAGS_IDENTIFY) ? 1 : 0;
- connected = TRUE;
- break;
- connected = FALSE;
- break;
- /*
- * Following cases are error conditions (mixture of synchronous
- * and asynchronous).
- */
- connected = FALSE;
- break;
- connected = TRUE;
- break;
- connected = FALSE;
- break;
- case NCR710_NO_IDENTIFY:
- logMsg ("ncr710Intr: no valid IDENTIFY message at (re)select.n",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- connected = TRUE;
- break;
- logMsg ("ncr710Intr: spurious command interrupt.n",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- connected = FALSE;
- break;
- case NCR710_FATAL_ERROR:
- logMsg ("ncr710Intr: unrecoverable error - re-starting SIOP.n",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- ncr710HwInit (pSiop);
- connected = FALSE;
- break;
- default:
- logMsg ("ncr710Intr: unexpected interrupt status (%d).n",
- pScsiEvent->type, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- break;
- }
- /*
- * Controller is now idle: if possible, make it run a script.
- *
- * If a SCSI thread is suspended and must be processed at task-level,
- * leave the SIOP idle. It will be re-started by the SCSI manager
- * calling "ncr710Resume()".
- *
- * Otherwise, if there's a new SCSI thread to start (i.e., the SCSI
- * manager has called "ncr710Activate()"), start the appropriate script.
- *
- * Otherwise, start a script which puts the SIOP into passive mode
- * waiting for re-selection, selection or a host command.
- *
- * In all cases, clear any request to start a new thread. The only
- * tricky case is when there was a request pending and the SIOP is
- * left IDLE. This should only ever occur when the current event is
- * selection or reselection, in which case the SCSI manager will retry
- * the activation request. (Also see "ncr710Activate ()".)
- */
- if (connected)
- {
- pSiop->state = NCR710_STATE_IDLE;
- }
- else if (pSiop->cmdPending)
- {
- ncr710ScriptStart (pSiop,
- (NCR710_THREAD *) pSiop->pNewThread,
- pSiop->state = NCR710_STATE_ACTIVE;
- }
- else
- {
- ncr710ScriptStart (pSiop,
- (NCR710_THREAD *) pScsiCtrl->pIdentThread,
- pSiop->state = NCR710_STATE_PASSIVE;
- }
- pSiop->cmdPending = FALSE;
- SCSI_INT_DEBUG_MSG ("ncr710Intr: state %d -> %dn",
- oldState, pSiop->state, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- /*
- * Send the event to the SCSI manager to be processed.
- */
- if (notify)
- scsiMgrEventNotify ((SCSI_CTRL *) pSiop, pScsiEvent, sizeof (event));
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * ncr710BusIdGet - find bus ID of device which selected/reselected the SIOP.
- *
- * Calculate bus ID of SCSI peer which (re)selected the SIOP; "busIdBits"
- * contains a copy of the LCRC register, i.e. an image of the data bits
- * asserted on the SCSI bus during (re)selection. Extract the peer's ID
- * by masking out the bit corresponding to our bus ID then shifting until
- * we find a bit set.
- *
- * RETURNS: bus ID of connected peer device
- *
- * NOTE: This routine is called at interrupt level.
- *
- */
- LOCAL int ncr710BusIdGet
- (
- SIOP * pSiop, /* ptr to controller info */
- UINT busIdBits /* bits corresponding to bus ID */
- )
- {
- UINT8 devBusId;
- busIdBits &= ~(*pSiop->pScid);
- for (devBusId = 0; devBusId <= SCSI_MAX_BUS_ID; ++devBusId)
- {
- if (busIdBits & (1 << devBusId))
- break;
- }
- return (devBusId);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * ncr710RemainderGet - get remaining xfer count and clean up after mismatch
- *
- * Clean up the SIOP's data path and calculate the number of bytes which
- * were expected to be, but have not been transferred.
- *
- * The information transfer phase which halted because of the mismatch has
- * been saved as part of the SIOP's register context.
- *
- * RETURNS: number of bytes not transferred
- *
- * NOTE: This routine is called at interrupt level.
- *
- */
- LOCAL UINT ncr710RemainderGet
- (
- SIOP *pSiop, /* pointer to controller info */
- UINT phase /* phase terminated by mismatch */
- )
- {
- UINT remCount;
- UINT8 tmpCount;
- UINT8 countFifo;
- /*
- * Find remaining byte count (may be corrected later). For a fuller
- * explanation, see Chapter 2 of the NCR 53C710 Data Manual.
- */
- remCount = *pSiop->pDbc & NCR710_COUNT_MASK;
- switch (phase)
- {
- case PHASE_MSG_IN:
- /*
- * Input phases: check for pending byte to store, update
- * buffer if there is one.
- */
- if (*pSiop->pSstat1 & B_ILF)
- {
- *((UINT8 *)pSiop->pDnad) = *pSiop->pSidl;
- remCount--;
- }
- break;
- /*
- * Output phases: check for data in fifo and output registers
- * (SODR & SODL), count from DBC minus DFIFO count and 0x7f
- * (see NCR 53C710 Data Manual).
- */
- tmpCount = (UINT8)(remCount & 0x7f);
- countFifo = *pSiop->pDfifo & 0x7f;
- tmpCount = (countFifo - tmpCount) & 0x7f;
- if (*pSiop->pSstat1 & B_OLF)
- tmpCount++;
- if (*pSiop->pSstat1 & B_ORF)
- tmpCount++;
- remCount += tmpCount;
- break;
- default:
- logMsg ("ncr710RemainderGet: invalid phase.n", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- break;
- }
- /*
- * Clear data FIFOs
- */
- *pSiop->pCtest8 |= B_CLF;
- return (remCount);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * ncr710EventTypeGet - parse SCSI and DMA status registers at interrupt time
- *
- * NOTE
- * Only status bits which have corresponding interrupts enabled are checked !
- *
- * RETURNS: an interrupt (event) type code
- *
- */
- LOCAL int ncr710EventTypeGet
- (
- SIOP * pSiop
- )
- {
- UINT intrRegs;
- UINT8 scsiStatus;
- UINT8 dmaStatus;
- /*
- * Read interrupt status registers
- *
- * Note: read as a long word to avoid requirement for a delay when
- * SCSI status and DMA status registers are read individually.
- */
- scsiStatus = dmaStatus = 0;
- *pSiop->pIstat &= ~B_ABORT;
- while ((*pSiop->pIstat & (B_SIP | B_DIP)) != 0)
- {
- intrRegs = *((UINT *)pSiop->pSstat2);
- scsiStatus |= (UINT8)((intrRegs >> 8) & 0x0FF);
- dmaStatus |= (UINT8)( intrRegs & 0x0FF);
- #else
- intrRegs = *((UINT *)pSiop->pDstat);
- scsiStatus |= (UINT8)((intrRegs >> 16) & 0x0FF);
- dmaStatus |= (UINT8)((intrRegs >> 24) & 0x0FF);
- #endif
- }
- SCSI_INT_DEBUG_MSG ("ncr710EventTypeGet: SCSI status = 0x%02x, "
- "DMA status = 0x%02xn",
- scsiStatus, dmaStatus, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- /*
- * Check for fatal errors (first !)
- */
- if (scsiStatus & B_SGE)
- {
- logMsg ("ncr710: SCSI bus gross error.n", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- return (NCR710_FATAL_ERROR);
- }
- if (scsiStatus & B_PAR)
- {
- logMsg ("ncr710: parity error.n", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- return (NCR710_FATAL_ERROR);
- }
- if (dmaStatus & B_IID)
- {
- logMsg ("ncr710: illegal instruction (DSP = 0x%08x).n",
- *pSiop->pDsp, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- return (NCR710_FATAL_ERROR);
- }
- if (dmaStatus & B_BF)
- {
- logMsg ("ncr710: bus fault (DSP = 0x%08x).n",
- *pSiop->pDsp, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- return (NCR710_FATAL_ERROR);
- }
- if (dmaStatus & B_WTD)
- {
- logMsg ("ncr710: watchdog timeout (DSP = 0x%08x).n",
- *pSiop->pDsp, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- return (NCR710_FATAL_ERROR);
- }
- /*
- * No fatal errors; try the rest (NB order of tests is important !)
- */
- if (scsiStatus & B_RSTE)
- {
- SCSI_INT_DEBUG_MSG ("ncr710EventTypeGet: SCSI bus reset.n",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- *pSiop->pCtest8 |= B_CLF; /* clear FIFOs */
- return (NCR710_SCSI_BUS_RESET);
- }
- if (scsiStatus & B_UDC)
- {
- SCSI_INT_DEBUG_MSG ("ncr710EventTypeGet: unexpected disconnection.n",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- *pSiop->pCtest8 |= B_CLF; /* clear FIFOs */
- }
- if (scsiStatus & B_STO)
- {
- SCSI_INT_DEBUG_MSG ("ncr710EventTypeGet: SCSI bus timeout.n",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- *pSiop->pCtest8 |= B_CLF; /* clear FIFOs */
- return (NCR710_SCSI_TIMEOUT);
- }
- if (scsiStatus & B_MA)
- {
- /*
- * workaround for problem with ATN when selected
- * by ncr710 (negates and then briefly re-asserts
- * ATN during REQ/ACK cycle, causing an ATN
- * interrupt even though ATN ends up negated).
- *
- * The "phase mismatch" interrupt is used to indicate assertion of
- * ATN in target mode. This interrupt should have been disabled
- * by the script when in target mode, because the current code does
- * not know how to handle it.
- */
- if (*pSiop->pScntl0 & B_TRG)
- {
- if (*pSiop->pSien & B_MA)
- {
- logMsg ("ncr710EventTypeGet: enabled ATN interrupt!n",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- return (NCR710_FATAL_ERROR);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- SCSI_INT_DEBUG_MSG ("ncr710EventTypeGet: phase mismatch.n",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- return (NCR710_PHASE_MISMATCH);
- }
- }
- if (dmaStatus & B_ABT)
- {
- SCSI_INT_DEBUG_MSG ("ncr710EventTypeGet: script aborted.n",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- return (NCR710_SCRIPT_ABORTED);
- }
- if (dmaStatus & B_SIR)
- {
- SCSI_INT_DEBUG_MSG ("ncr710EventTypeGet: script completed.n",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- return (*pSiop->pDsps);
- }
- if (dmaStatus & B_SSI)
- {
- SCSI_INT_DEBUG_MSG ("ncr710EventTypeGet: single-step.n",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- return (NCR710_SINGLE_STEP);
- }
- /*
- * No (expected) reason for the interrupt !
- */
- logMsg ("ncr710EventTypeGet: spurious interrupt !n", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- return (NCR710_FATAL_ERROR);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- * ncr710ThreadActivate - activate a SCSI connection for an initiator thread
- *
- * Set whatever thread/controller state variables need to be set. Ensure that
- * all buffers used by the thread are coherent with the contents of the
- * system caches (if any).
- *
- * Set transfer parameters for the thread based on what its target device
- * last negotiated.
- *
- * Update the thread context (including shared memory area) and note that
- * there is a new client script to be activated (see "ncr710Activate()").
- *
- * Set the thread's state to ESTABLISHED. This is strictly a bit premature,
- * but there is no distinction as far as this driver is concerned between a
- * thread which is connecting and one which has connected (i.e., the script
- * just runs to completion and we have to examine its exit status to determine
- * how far through the process the thread got).
- *
- * Do not wait for the script to be activated. Completion of the script will
- * be signalled by an event which is handled by "ncr710Event()".
- *
- *
- */
- LOCAL STATUS ncr710ThreadActivate
- (
- SIOP * pSiop, /* ptr to controller info */
- NCR710_THREAD * pThread /* ptr to thread info */
- )
- {
- SCSI_CTRL * pScsiCtrl = (SCSI_CTRL *) pSiop;
- SCSI_THREAD * pScsiThread = (SCSI_THREAD *) pThread;
- SCSI_TARGET * pScsiTarget = pScsiThread->pScsiTarget;
- SCSI_DEBUG_MSG ("ncr710ThreadActivate: thread 0x%08x: activatingn",
- (int) pThread, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- scsiCacheSynchronize (pScsiThread, SCSI_CACHE_PRE_COMMAND);
- /*
- * Reset controller state variables: set sync xfer parameters
- */
- pScsiCtrl->msgOutState = SCSI_MSG_OUT_NONE;
- pScsiCtrl->msgInState = SCSI_MSG_IN_NONE;
- scsiSyncXferNegotiate (pScsiCtrl, pScsiTarget, SYNC_XFER_NEW_THREAD);
- if (ncr710ThreadParamsSet (pThread, pScsiTarget->xferOffset,
- pScsiTarget->xferPeriod) != OK)
- {
- SCSI_ERROR_MSG ("ncr710ThreadActivate: failed to set thread params.n",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /*
- * Concatenate the ident message with a pending 'normal' message out,
- * if possible. This allows the script to send the first message out
- * within the same MSG OUT phase as the IDENTIFY message - needed on
- * some target systems (e.g. DG Clariion RAID) to avoid the message
- * being rejected(!).
- */
- pSiop->identMsgLength = 0;
- bcopy (pScsiThread->identMsg,
- pSiop->identMsg,
- pScsiThread->identMsgLength);
- pSiop->identMsgLength += pScsiThread->identMsgLength;
- if (pScsiCtrl->msgOutState == SCSI_MSG_OUT_PENDING)
- {
- bcopy (pScsiCtrl->msgOutBuf,
- pSiop->identMsg + pSiop->identMsgLength,
- pScsiCtrl->msgOutLength);
- pSiop->identMsgLength += pScsiCtrl->msgOutLength;
- }
- /*
- * Update thread context; activate the thread
- */
- ncr710ThreadUpdate (pThread);
- if (ncr710Activate (pSiop, pThread) != OK)
- {
- SCSI_ERROR_MSG ("ncr710ThreadActivate: failed to activate thread.n",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- pScsiCtrl->pThread = pScsiThread;
- ncr710ThreadStateSet (pThread, SCSI_THREAD_ESTABLISHED);
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- * ncr710ThreadAbort - abort a thread
- *
- * If the thread is not currently connected, do nothing and return FALSE to
- * indicate that the SCSI manager should abort the thread.
- *
- * Otherwise (the thread is active onthe controller), build an ABORT or
- * ABORT TAG message which will (eventually) be sent, causing the taget to
- * disconnect. Abort the current script run so that this message can be
- * sent. Set the state of the thread accordingly, and return TRUE to
- * indicate that the controller driver will handle the abort process.
- *
- * RETURNS: TRUE if the thread is being aborted by this driver (i.e. it is
- * currently active on the controller, else FALSE.
- *
- */
- LOCAL BOOL ncr710ThreadAbort
- (
- SIOP * pSiop, /* ptr to controller info */
- NCR710_THREAD * pThread /* ptr to thread info */
- )
- {
- BOOL tagged;
- SCSI_CTRL * pScsiCtrl = (SCSI_CTRL *) pSiop;
- SCSI_THREAD * pScsiThread = (SCSI_THREAD *) pThread;
- SCSI_DEBUG_MSG ("ncr710ThreadAbort: thread 0x%08x (state = %d) abortingn",
- (int) pThread, pScsiThread->state, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- if (pScsiThread != pScsiCtrl->pThread)
- return (FALSE);
- switch (pScsiThread->state)
- {
- return (FALSE);
- break;
- default:
- /*
- * Build an ABORT (or ABORT TAG) message. When this has been
- * sent, the target should disconnect. Mark the thread aborted
- * and continue until disconnection.
- */
- tagged = (pScsiThread->tagNumber != NONE);
- pScsiCtrl->msgOutBuf[0] = tagged ? SCSI_MSG_ABORT_TAG
- pScsiCtrl->msgOutLength = 1;
- pScsiCtrl->msgOutState = SCSI_MSG_OUT_PENDING;
- ncr710Abort (pSiop);
- ncr710ThreadStateSet (pThread, SCSI_THREAD_ABORTING);
- break;
- }
- return (TRUE);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- * ncr710Event - NCR 53C710 SCSI controller event processing routine
- *
- * Parse the event type and act accordingly. Controller-level events are
- * handled within this function, and the event is then passed to the current
- * thread (if any) for thread-level processing.
- *
- * Note the special case when (re)selection occurs: if there is a current
- * thread when the event occurs, it receives the event (and is assumed to
- * defer itself) before the identification thread is made current. The
- * event is then forwarded to the identification thread.
- *
- */
- LOCAL void ncr710Event
- (
- SIOP * pSiop,
- NCR710_EVENT * pEvent
- )
- {
- SCSI_CTRL * pScsiCtrl = (SCSI_CTRL *) pSiop;
- SCSI_EVENT * pScsiEvent = (SCSI_EVENT *) pEvent;
- NCR710_THREAD * pThread = (NCR710_THREAD *) pScsiCtrl->pThread;
- SCSI_DEBUG_MSG ("ncr710Event: received event %d (thread = 0x%08x)n",
- pScsiEvent->type, (int) pThread, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- /*
- * Do controller-level event processing
- */
- switch (pScsiEvent->type)
- {
- case NCR710_SELECTED:
- /*
- * Forward event to current thread, if any (it should defer)
- * then install a reserved thread for identification purposes.
- */
- if (pThread != 0)
- ncr710ThreadEvent (pThread, pEvent);
- pScsiCtrl->peerBusId = pScsiEvent->busId;
- pScsiCtrl->pThread = pScsiCtrl->pIdentThread;
- pScsiCtrl->pThread->role = (pScsiEvent->type == NCR710_SELECTED)
- pThread = (NCR710_THREAD *) pScsiCtrl->pThread;
- scsiMgrCtrlEvent (pScsiCtrl, SCSI_EVENT_CONNECTED);
- break;
- pScsiCtrl->peerBusId = NONE;
- pScsiCtrl->pThread = 0;
- scsiMgrCtrlEvent (pScsiCtrl, SCSI_EVENT_DISCONNECTED);
- /* assert (pThread != 0); */
- break;
- pScsiCtrl->peerBusId = NONE;
- pScsiCtrl->pThread = 0;
- scsiMgrBusReset (pScsiCtrl);
- break;
- default:
- /*
- * Any other event type is assumed to be thread-specific.
- * The thread event handler will report an error if it's
- * not a valid type.
- */
- if (pThread == 0)
- {
- logMsg ("ncr710Event: invalid event type (%d)n",
- pScsiEvent->type, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- }
- break;
- }
- /*
- * If there's a thread on the controller, forward the event to it
- */
- if (pThread != 0)
- ncr710ThreadEvent (pThread, pEvent);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- * ncr710ThreadEvent - NCR 53C710 thread event processing routine
- *
- * Forward the event to the proper handler for the thread's current role.
- *
- * If the thread is still active, update the thread context (including
- * shared memory area) and resume the thread.
- *
- *
- */
- LOCAL void ncr710ThreadEvent
- (
- NCR710_THREAD * pThread,
- NCR710_EVENT * pEvent
- )
- {
- SCSI_EVENT * pScsiEvent = (SCSI_EVENT *) pEvent;
- SCSI_THREAD * pScsiThread = (SCSI_THREAD *) pThread;
- SIOP * pSiop = (SIOP *) pScsiThread->pScsiCtrl;
- NCR710_SCRIPT_ENTRY entryPt;
- SCSI_DEBUG_MSG ("ncr710ThreadEvent: thread 0x%08x: received event %dn",
- (int) pThread, pScsiEvent->type, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- switch (pScsiThread->role)
- {
- ncr710InitEvent (pThread, pEvent);
- break;
- ncr710InitIdentEvent (pThread, pEvent);
- break;
- ncr710TargIdentEvent (pThread, pEvent);
- break;
- default:
- logMsg ("ncr710ThreadEvent: thread 0x%08x: invalid role (%d)n",
- (int) pThread, pScsiThread->role, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- break;
- }
- /*
- * Resume thread iff it is still connected
- */
- switch (pScsiThread->state)
- {
- break;
- default:
- ncr710ThreadUpdate (pThread);
- if (ncr710Resume (pSiop, pThread, entryPt) != OK)
- {
- SCSI_ERROR_MSG ("ncr710ThreadEvent: failed to resume threadn",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- ncr710ThreadFail (pThread, S_scsiLib_DISCONNECTED);
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- * ncr710InitEvent - NCR 53C710 initiator thread event processing routine
- *
- * Parse the event type and handle it accordingly. This may result in state
- * changes for the thread, state variables being updated, etc.
- *
- *
- */
- LOCAL void ncr710InitEvent
- (
- NCR710_THREAD * pThread,
- NCR710_EVENT * pEvent
- )
- {
- SCSI_EVENT * pScsiEvent = (SCSI_EVENT *) pEvent;
- SCSI_THREAD * pScsiThread = (SCSI_THREAD *) pThread;
- SCSI_CTRL * pScsiCtrl = pScsiThread->pScsiCtrl;
- /*
- * Update controller msg in/out state after script completes
- */
- pScsiCtrl->msgOutState = pThread->nMsgOutState;
- pScsiCtrl->msgInState = pThread->nMsgInState;
- /*
- * Parse script exit status; handle as necessary
- */
- switch (pScsiEvent->type)
- {
- SCSI_DEBUG_MSG ("DISCONNECT message inn", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- scsiMgrThreadEvent (pScsiThread, SCSI_THREAD_EVENT_DISCONNECTED);
- ncr710ThreadStateSet (pThread, SCSI_THREAD_DISCONNECTED);
- break;
- SCSI_DEBUG_MSG ("COMMAND COMPLETE message inn", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- ncr710ThreadComplete (pThread);
- break;
- case NCR710_SELECTED:
- SCSI_DEBUG_MSG ("ncr710InitEvent: thread 0x%08x: (re)selection.n",
- (int) pThread, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- ncr710ThreadDefer (pThread);
- break;
- (void) scsiMsgOutComplete (pScsiCtrl, pScsiThread);
- break;
- (void) scsiMsgInComplete (pScsiCtrl, pScsiThread);
- break;
- case NCR710_NO_MSG_OUT:
- /*
- * The target has requested a message out when there is none
- * pending. Set up a NO-OP message to be sent when thread is
- * resumed.
- *
- * The script could handle this on its own, but arguably the
- * host should be involved as it may represent an error.
- */
- pScsiCtrl->msgOutBuf[0] = SCSI_MSG_NO_OP;
- pScsiCtrl->msgOutLength = 1;
- pScsiCtrl->msgOutState = SCSI_MSG_OUT_NONE; /* sic */
- break;
- /*
- * The SIOP has just read the length byte for an extended
- * message in. The shared memory area is updated with the
- * appropriate length just before the thread is resumed (see
- * "ncr710ThreadUpdate()".
- */
- /* assert (pScsiCtrl->msgInState == SCSI_MSG_IN_EXT_MSG_DATA); */
- break;
- if (ncr710PhaseMismatch (pThread,
- pThread->nBusPhase,
- pEvent->remCount) != OK)
- {
- ncr710ThreadFail (pThread, errno);
- }
- break;
- SCSI_ERROR_MSG ("ncr710InitEvent: thread 0x%08x: select timeout.n",
- (int) pThread, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- ncr710ThreadFail (pThread, S_scsiLib_SELECT_TIMEOUT);
- break;
- SCSI_DEBUG_MSG ("ncr710InitEvent: thread 0x%08x: abortedn",
- (int) pThread, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- break;
- SCSI_DEBUG_MSG ("ncr710InitEvent: thread 0x%08x: bus resetn",
- (int) pThread, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- /*
- * Do not try to resume this thread. SCSI mgr will tidy up.
- */
- ncr710ThreadStateSet (pThread, SCSI_THREAD_INACTIVE);
- break;
- /* not really unexpected after an abort message ... */
- SCSI_ERROR_MSG ("ncr710InitEvent: thread 0x%08x: "
- "unexpected disconnectionn",
- (int) pThread, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- ncr710ThreadFail (pThread, S_scsiLib_DISCONNECTED);
- break;
- SCSI_ERROR_MSG ("ncr710InitEvent: thread 0x%08x: "
- "illegal phase requested.n",
- (int) pThread, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- ncr710ThreadFail (pThread, S_scsiLib_INVALID_PHASE);
- break;
- default:
- logMsg ("ncr710InitEvent: invalid event type (%d)n",
- pScsiEvent->type, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- break;
- }
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- * ncr710InitIdentEvent - NCR 53C710 identification thread event processing routine
- *
- * Parse the event type and handle it accordingly. This may result in state
- * changes for the thread, state variables being updated, etc.
- *
- *
- */
- LOCAL void ncr710InitIdentEvent
- (
- NCR710_THREAD * pThread,
- NCR710_EVENT * pEvent
- )
- {
- SCSI_EVENT * pScsiEvent = (SCSI_EVENT *) pEvent;
- SCSI_THREAD * pScsiThread = (SCSI_THREAD *) pThread;
- SCSI_CTRL * pScsiCtrl = pScsiThread->pScsiCtrl;
- /*
- * Update controller msg in/out state after script completes
- */
- pScsiCtrl->msgOutState = pThread->nMsgOutState;
- pScsiCtrl->msgInState = pThread->nMsgInState;
- /*
- * Parse script exit status; handle as necessary
- */
- switch (pScsiEvent->type)
- {
- pScsiThread->nBytesIdent = pScsiEvent->nBytesIdent;
- bcopy ((char *) pScsiCtrl->identBuf,
- (char *) pScsiThread->identMsg,
- pScsiThread->nBytesIdent);
- ncr710ThreadStateSet (pThread, SCSI_THREAD_IDENT_IN);
- ncr710IdentInContinue (pThread);
- break;
- /*
- * This will be after we have sent an "ABORT (TAG)" msg.
- * The target will disconnect any time; it may have already
- * done so, in which case we won't be able to resume the
- * thread, but no matter.
- */
- break;
- /*
- * Continue parsing the identification message. It
- * should by now be complete.
- */
- /*
- * First byte of ident msg is already in ident buffer.
- * Remaining bytes are in the normal message input buffer.
- * This should always be a two-byte message (viz. QUEUE TAG);
- * it would be nicer if there were a way to avoid hard-coding
- * this.
- */
- bcopy ((char *) pScsiCtrl->msgInBuf,
- (char *) pScsiThread->identMsg + pScsiThread->nBytesIdent,
- 2);
- pScsiThread->nBytesIdent += 2;
- ncr710IdentInContinue (pThread);
- break;
- SCSI_DEBUG_MSG ("ncr710InitIdentEvent: thread 0x%08x: abortedn",
- (int) pThread, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- break;
- SCSI_DEBUG_MSG ("ncr710InitIdentEvent: thread 0x%08x: disconnectedn",
- (int) pThread, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- ncr710ThreadFail (pThread, S_scsiLib_DISCONNECTED);
- break;
- SCSI_DEBUG_MSG ("ncr710InitIdentEvent: thread 0x%08x: bus resetn",
- (int) pThread, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- /*
- * Do not try to resume this thread. SCSI mgr will tidy up.
- */
- ncr710ThreadStateSet (pThread, SCSI_THREAD_INACTIVE);
- break;
- /* not really unexpected after an abort message ... */
- SCSI_ERROR_MSG ("ncr710InitIdentEvent: thread 0x%08x: "
- "unexpected disconnectionn",
- (int) pThread, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- ncr710ThreadFail (pThread, S_scsiLib_DISCONNECTED);
- break;
- SCSI_ERROR_MSG ("ncr710InitIdentEvent: thread 0x%08x: "
- "illegal phase requested.n",
- (int) pThread, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- ncr710ThreadFail (pThread, S_scsiLib_INVALID_PHASE);
- break;
- default:
- logMsg ("ncr710InitIdentEvent: invalid event type (%d)n",
- pScsiEvent->type, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- break;
- }
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- * ncr710TargIdentEvent - NCR 53C710 identification thread event processing routine
- *
- * Parse the event type and handle it accordingly. This may result in state
- * changes for the thread, state variables being updated, etc.
- *
- *
- */
- LOCAL void ncr710TargIdentEvent
- (
- NCR710_THREAD * pThread,
- NCR710_EVENT * pEvent
- )
- {
- SCSI_EVENT * pScsiEvent = (SCSI_EVENT *) pEvent;
- SCSI_THREAD * pScsiThread = (SCSI_THREAD *) pThread;
- SCSI_CTRL * pScsiCtrl = pScsiThread->pScsiCtrl;
- /*
- * Update controller msg in/out state after script completes
- */
- pScsiCtrl->msgOutState = pThread->nMsgOutState;
- pScsiCtrl->msgInState = pThread->nMsgInState;
- /*
- * Parse script exit status; handle as necessary
- */
- switch (pScsiEvent->type)
- {
- case NCR710_SELECTED:
- pScsiThread->nBytesIdent = pScsiEvent->nBytesIdent;
- bcopy ((char *) pScsiCtrl->identBuf,
- (char *) pScsiThread->identMsg,
- pScsiThread->nBytesIdent);
- ncr710ThreadStateSet (pThread, SCSI_THREAD_IDENT_IN);
- break;
- SCSI_DEBUG_MSG ("ncr710TargIdentEvent: thread 0x%08x: disconnectedn",
- (int) pThread, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- ncr710ThreadStateSet (pThread, SCSI_THREAD_INACTIVE);
- break;
- SCSI_DEBUG_MSG ("ncr710TargIdentEvent: thread 0x%08x: bus resetn",
- (int) pThread, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- /*
- * Do not try to resume this thread. SCSI mgr will tidy up.
- */
- ncr710ThreadStateSet (pThread, SCSI_THREAD_INACTIVE);
- break;
- SCSI_ERROR_MSG ("ncr710TargIdentEvent: thread 0x%08x: "
- "unexpected disconnectionn",
- (int) pThread, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- ncr710ThreadStateSet (pThread, SCSI_THREAD_INACTIVE);
- break;
- default:
- logMsg ("ncr710TargIdentEvent: invalid event type (%d)n",
- pScsiEvent->type, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- break;
- }
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * ncr710PhaseMismatch - recover from a SCSI bus phase mismatch
- *
- * This routine does whatever is required to keep the pointers, counts, etc.
- * used by task-level software in step when a SCSI phase mismatch occurs.
- *
- * The interrupt-level mismatch processing has stored the phase of the
- * information transfer before the mismatch, and the number of bytes
- * remaining to be transferred. See "ncr710RemainderGet()".
- *
- * Note that the only phase mismatches supported at this level are:
- *
- * 1) during data in/out phases - presumably because the target has
- * transferred as much data as it intends to before sending a message
- * in (typically DISCONNECT or COMMAND COMPLETE). Recovery consists
- * of updating the active data pointer/count according to the number
- * of data bytes actually transferred before the mismatch.
- *
- * 2) during a message out phase - presumably because the target does not
- * understand our outgoing message and is sending a MESSAGE REJECT
- * message, or similar. No recovery is needed here - it's all done
- * when the MESSAGE REJECT message has been received (see routine
- * "scsiMsgOutReject()").
- *
- * 3) during a message in phase - presumably because we have asserted ATN
- * to abort or reject an incoming message. No recovery is needed here -
- * it's done by the thread management code, which should have enough
- * state information to know what to do.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR for an unsupported or invalid phase
- *
- */
- LOCAL STATUS ncr710PhaseMismatch
- (
- NCR710_THREAD * pThread, /* ptr to thread info */
- int phase, /* bus phase before mismatch */
- UINT remCount /* # bytes not yet transferred */
- )
- {
- SCSI_THREAD *pScsiThread = (SCSI_THREAD *) pThread;
- UINT xferCount;
- switch (phase)
- {
- xferCount = pThread->pShMem->data.size - remCount;
- pScsiThread->activeDataAddress += xferCount;
- pScsiThread->activeDataLength -= xferCount;
- SCSI_DEBUG_MSG ("ncr710PhaseMismatch: data transfer aborted "
- "(%d of %d bytes transferred).n",
- xferCount, pThread->pShMem->data.size, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- break;
- SCSI_DEBUG_MSG("ncr710PhaseMismatch: message out aborted "
- "(%d of %d bytes sent).n",
- pScsiThread->pScsiCtrl->msgOutLength,
- pScsiThread->pScsiCtrl->msgOutLength - remCount,
- 0, 0, 0, 0);
- /* Abort the Out message */
- pScsiThread->pScsiCtrl->msgOutLength = 0;
- pScsiThread->pScsiCtrl->msgOutState = SCSI_MSG_OUT_NONE;
- ncr710ResetATN(pScsiThread->pScsiCtrl);
- break;
- SCSI_DEBUG_MSG("ncr710PhaseMismatch: message in aborted "
- "(%d bytes received).n",
- pScsiThread->pScsiCtrl->msgInLength,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- break;
- SCSI_ERROR_MSG ("ncr710PhaseMismatch: unsupported phase (%d).n",
- phase, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- return (ERROR);
- default:
- logMsg ("ncr710PhaseMismatch: invalid phase (%d).n",
- phase, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * ncr710IdentInContinue - continue incoming identification
- *
- * Parse the message built up so far. If it is not yet complete, do nothing.
- * If the message is complete, attempt to reconnect the thread it identifies,
- * and deactivate this thread (the identification thread is no longer active).
- * Otherwise (identification has failed), abort the identification sequence.
- *
- * NOTE:
- * This is almost entirely generic code. It would be nice if the non-hardware
- * specific parts could be provided as a standard routine by the SCSI library.
- *
- *
- */
- LOCAL void ncr710IdentInContinue
- (
- NCR710_THREAD * pThread
- )
- {
- SCSI_THREAD * pNewThread;
- SCSI_THREAD * pScsiThread = (SCSI_THREAD *) pThread;
- SCSI_CTRL * pScsiCtrl = pScsiThread->pScsiCtrl;
- status = scsiIdentMsgParse (pScsiCtrl, pScsiThread->identMsg,
- pScsiThread->nBytesIdent,
- &pScsiThread->pScsiPhysDev,
- &pScsiThread->tagNumber);
- switch (status)
- {
- break;
- scsiMgrThreadEvent (pScsiThread, SCSI_THREAD_EVENT_RECONNECTED);
- if ((pNewThread = scsiMgrPhysDevActiveThreadFind (
- pScsiThread->pScsiPhysDev,
- pScsiThread->tagNumber)) == 0)
- {
- }
- else
- {
- ncr710ThreadReconnect ((NCR710_THREAD *) pNewThread);
- }
- break;
- break;
- default:
- logMsg ("ncr710IdentInContinue: invalid ident status (%d)n",
- status, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- break;
- }
- ncr710ThreadAbort ((SIOP *) pScsiCtrl, pThread);
- ncr710ThreadStateSet (pThread, state);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * ncr710ThreadReconnect - reconnect a thread
- *
- * Restore the SCSI pointers for the thread (this really should be in a more
- * generic section of code - perhaps part of the SCSI manager's thread event
- * procesing ?). Update the newly-connected thread's context (including
- * shared memory area) and resume it. Set the thread's state to ESTABLISHED.
- *
- *
- */
- LOCAL void ncr710ThreadReconnect
- (
- NCR710_THREAD * pThread
- )
- {
- SCSI_THREAD * pScsiThread = (SCSI_THREAD *) pThread;
- SCSI_CTRL * pScsiCtrl = pScsiThread->pScsiCtrl;
- SIOP * pSiop = (SIOP *) pScsiCtrl;
- SCSI_DEBUG_MSG ("ncr710ThreadReconnect: reconnecting thread 0x%08xn",
- (int) pThread, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- pScsiCtrl->pThread = pScsiThread;
- /* Implied RESTORE POINTERS action: see "scsiMsgInComplete ()" */
- pScsiThread->activeDataAddress = pScsiThread->savedDataAddress;
- pScsiThread->activeDataLength = pScsiThread->savedDataLength;
- ncr710ThreadUpdate (pThread);
- if (ncr710Resume (pSiop, pThread, NCR710_SCRIPT_INIT_CONTINUE) != OK)
- {
- SCSI_ERROR_MSG ("ncr710ThreadReconnect: failed to resume thread.n",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- ncr710ThreadFail (pThread, S_scsiLib_DISCONNECTED);
- return;
- }
- ncr710ThreadStateSet (pThread, SCSI_THREAD_ESTABLISHED);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- * ncr710SharedMemInit - initialize the fields in a shared memory area
- *
- * Initialise pointers and counts for all message transfers. These are
- * always directed to buffers provided by the SCSI_CTRL structure.
- *
- *
- */
- LOCAL void ncr710SharedMemInit
- (
- SIOP * pSiop,
- NCR710_SHARED * pShMem
- )
- {
- pShMem->identIn.size = 1;
- pShMem->identIn.addr = CACHE_DMA_VIRT_TO_PHYS (pSiop->scsiCtrl.identBuf);
- pShMem->msgOut.size = 0; /* set dynamically */
- pShMem->msgOut.addr = CACHE_DMA_VIRT_TO_PHYS (pSiop->scsiCtrl.msgOutBuf);
- pShMem->msgIn.size = 1;
- pShMem->msgIn.addr = CACHE_DMA_VIRT_TO_PHYS (pSiop->scsiCtrl.msgInBuf);
- pShMem->msgInSecond.size = 1;
- pShMem->msgInSecond.addr = pShMem->msgIn.addr + 1;
- pShMem->msgInRest.size = 0; /* set dynamically */
- pShMem->msgInRest.addr = pShMem->msgIn.addr + 2;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * ncr710ThreadInit - initialize a client thread structure
- *
- * Initialize the fixed data for a thread (i.e., independent of the command).
- * Called once when a thread structure is first created.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if an error occurs
- *
- */
- LOCAL STATUS ncr710ThreadInit
- (
- SIOP * pSiop,
- NCR710_THREAD * pThread
- )
- {
- if (scsiThreadInit (&pThread->scsiThread) != OK)
- return (ERROR);
- pThread->pShMem = pSiop->pClientShMem;
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * ncr710IdentThreadInit - initialize an identification thread structure
- *
- * Set up pointers and counts for all buffers other than messages. Also set
- * transfer parameters for asynchronous mode, and update the shared memory
- * area to match this thread.
- *
- * NOTE:
- * The pointers/counts set here are normally never used by the identification
- * thread; however, when an identification thread is aborted, it's possible
- * that the target will attempt to transfer one or more non-message bytes
- * before requesting the abort message out. To handle this, the thread's
- * pointers and counts all specify a dummy buffer. There is no re-entrancy
- * problem here because we do not care what data is transferred. This might
- * be handled more elegantly if there were a special script entry to abort
- * an identification thread.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if an error occurs
- *
- */
- LOCAL STATUS ncr710IdentThreadInit
- (
- NCR710_THREAD * pThread
- )
- {
- SCSI_THREAD * pScsiThread = (SCSI_THREAD *) pThread;
- SIOP * pSiop = (SIOP *) pScsiThread->pScsiCtrl;
- static UINT8 dummy;
- /*
- * Initialise Pointers and counts in thread
- */
- pScsiThread->cmdLength = 1;
- pScsiThread->cmdAddress = &dummy;
- pScsiThread->dataLength = 1;
- pScsiThread->dataAddress = &dummy;
- pScsiThread->activeDataLength = 1;
- pScsiThread->activeDataAddress = &dummy;
- pScsiThread->savedDataLength = 1;
- pScsiThread->savedDataAddress = &dummy;
- pScsiThread->statusLength = 1;
- pScsiThread->statusAddress = &dummy;
- pScsiThread->identMsgLength = 1;
- /*
- * Initialise SIOP register context in thread
- */
- pThread->nHostFlags = 0;
- pThread->nMsgOutState = SCSI_MSG_OUT_NONE;
- pThread->nMsgInState = SCSI_MSG_IN_NONE;
- pThread->sxfer = NCR710_SYNC_XFER_PARAMS_ASYNC;
- pThread->sbcl = NCR710_CLOCK_DIVIDE_ASYNC;
- /*
- * Initialise shared memory area
- */
- pThread->pShMem = pSiop->pIdentShMem;
- ncr710SharedMemInit (pSiop, pThread->pShMem);
- ncr710ThreadUpdate (pThread);
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * ncr710ThreadUpdate - update the thread structure for a current SCSI command
- *
- * Update the dynamic data (e.g. data pointers, transfer parameters) in
- * the thread to reflect the latest state of the corresponding physical device.
- *
- *
- */
- LOCAL void ncr710ThreadUpdate
- (
- NCR710_THREAD * pThread /* thread info */
- )
- {
- SCSI_THREAD * pScsiThread = (SCSI_THREAD *) pThread;
- SCSI_CTRL * pScsiCtrl = pScsiThread->pScsiCtrl;
- SIOP * pSiop = (SIOP *) pScsiCtrl;
- NCR710_SHARED * pShMem = pThread->pShMem;
- UINT flags = 0;
- UINT msgOutSize;
- UINT msgInSize;
- /*
- * If there is an identification message, ensure ATN is asserted
- * during (re)selection.
- */
- if (pScsiThread->identMsgLength != 0)
- flags |= FLAGS_IDENTIFY;
- /*
- * Update SIOP register context
- */
- pThread->nHostFlags = flags;
- pThread->nMsgOutState = pScsiCtrl->msgOutState;
- pThread->nMsgInState = pScsiCtrl->msgInState;
- /*
- * Update dynamic message in/out sizes
- */
- if (pScsiCtrl->msgOutState == SCSI_MSG_OUT_NONE)
- msgOutSize = 0;
- else
- msgOutSize = pScsiCtrl->msgOutLength;
- if (pScsiCtrl->msgInState != SCSI_MSG_IN_EXT_MSG_DATA)
- msgInSize = 0;
- else if ((msgInSize = pScsiCtrl->msgInBuf[SCSI_EXT_MSG_LENGTH_BYTE]) == 0)
- /*
- * Update shared memory area
- */
- pShMem->command.size = pScsiThread->cmdLength;
- pShMem->command.addr = pScsiThread->cmdAddress;
- pShMem->data.size = pScsiThread->activeDataLength;
- pShMem->data.addr = pScsiThread->activeDataAddress;
- pShMem->status.size = pScsiThread->statusLength;
- pShMem->status.addr = pScsiThread->statusAddress;
- /* These used to be pScsiThread->identMsg/identMsgLength */
- pShMem->identOut.size = pSiop->identMsgLength;
- pShMem->identOut.addr = pSiop->identMsg;
- pShMem->msgOut.size = msgOutSize;
- pShMem->msgInRest.size = msgInSize;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * ncr710ThreadComplete - successfully complete execution of a client thread
- *
- * Set the thread status and errno appropriately, depending on whether or
- * not the thread has been aborted. Set the thread inactive, and notify
- * the SCSI manager of the completion.
- *
- *
- */
- LOCAL void ncr710ThreadComplete
- (
- NCR710_THREAD * pThread
- )
- {
- SCSI_THREAD * pScsiThread = (SCSI_THREAD *) pThread;
- SCSI_DEBUG_MSG ("ncr710ThreadComplete: thread 0x%08x completedn",
- (int) pThread, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- if (pScsiThread->state == SCSI_THREAD_ABORTING)
- {
- pScsiThread->status = ERROR;
- pScsiThread->errNum = S_scsiLib_ABORTED;
- }
- else
- {
- pScsiThread->status = OK;
- pScsiThread->errNum = 0;
- }
- ncr710ThreadStateSet (pThread, SCSI_THREAD_INACTIVE);
- scsiCacheSynchronize (pScsiThread, SCSI_CACHE_POST_COMMAND);
- scsiMgrThreadEvent (pScsiThread, SCSI_THREAD_EVENT_COMPLETED);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * ncr710ThreadDefer - defer execution of a thread
- *
- * Set the thread's state to INACTIVE and notify the SCSI manager of the
- * deferral event.
- *
- *
- */
- LOCAL void ncr710ThreadDefer
- (
- NCR710_THREAD * pThread
- )
- {
- SCSI_THREAD * pScsiThread = (SCSI_THREAD *) pThread;
- SCSI_DEBUG_MSG ("ncr710ThreadDefer: thread 0x%08x deferredn",
- (int) pThread, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- ncr710ThreadStateSet (pThread, SCSI_THREAD_INACTIVE);
- scsiMgrThreadEvent (pScsiThread, SCSI_THREAD_EVENT_DEFERRED);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * ncr710ThreadFail - complete execution of a thread, with error status
- *
- * Set the thread's status and errno according to the type of error. Set
- * the thread's state to INACTIVE, and notify the SCSI manager of the
- * completion event.
- *
- *
- */
- LOCAL void ncr710ThreadFail
- (
- NCR710_THREAD * pThread,
- int errNum
- )
- {
- SCSI_THREAD * pScsiThread = (SCSI_THREAD *) pThread;
- SCSI_DEBUG_MSG ("ncr710ThreadFail: thread 0x%08x failed (errno = %d)n",
- (int) pThread, errNum, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- pScsiThread->status = ERROR;
- if (pScsiThread->state == SCSI_THREAD_ABORTING)
- pScsiThread->errNum = S_scsiLib_ABORTED;
- else
- pScsiThread->errNum = errNum;
- ncr710ThreadStateSet (pThread, SCSI_THREAD_INACTIVE);
- scsiMgrThreadEvent (pScsiThread, SCSI_THREAD_EVENT_COMPLETED);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * ncr710ThreadStateSet - set the state of a thread
- *
- * This is really just a place-holder for debugging and possible future
- * enhancements such as state-change logging.
- *
- *
- */
- LOCAL void ncr710ThreadStateSet
- (
- NCR710_THREAD * pThread, /* ptr to thread info */
- )
- {
- SCSI_THREAD * pScsiThread = (SCSI_THREAD *) pThread;
- SCSI_DEBUG_MSG ("ncr710ThreadStateSet: thread 0x%08x: %d -> %dn",
- (int) pThread, pScsiThread->state, state, 0, 0, 0);
- pScsiThread->state = state;
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * ncr710Activate - activate a script corresponding to a new thread
- *
- * Request activation of (the script for) a new thread, if possible; do not
- * wait for the script to complete (or even start) executing. Activation
- * is requested by signalling the controller, which causes an interrupt.
- * The script is started by the ISR in response to this event.
- *
- * There is a race condition inherent in SCSI between the synchronous
- * activation of a thread (i.e., execution of this routine) and asynchronous
- * activation of a thread as a result of selection or reselection. The SCSI
- * manager is designed to take account of this, and assumes that either the
- * new thread has been successfully activated or a (re)selection has taken
- * place, as determined by the next event it receives. In the case when
- * (re)selection occurs, the current activation request is deferred and
- * retried later.
- *
- * Therefore, an activation request is lodged only if the controller is
- * currently PASSIVE (waiting for (re)selection or a host command). If the
- * controller is IDLE, (re)selection is assumed to have already occurred.
- * Note that this is not an error condition; there is no way for the
- * caller to distinguish the two cases, because even if the thread appears
- * to have been activated it may yet be "pre-empted" by (re)selection.
- *
- * The controller should never be ACTIVE. If it is, the SCSI manager has
- * tried to activate multiple concurrent threads on the controller, which
- * indicates a major (software) disaster.
- *
- * NOTE: Interrupt locking is required to ensure that the correct action
- * is taken once the controller state has been checked.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if the controller is in an invalid state (this
- * indicates a major software failure).
- *
- */
- LOCAL STATUS ncr710Activate
- (
- SIOP * pSiop,
- NCR710_THREAD * pThread
- )
- {
- STATUS status;
- int key;
- if (pSiop->cmdPending)
- {
- logMsg ("ncr710Activate: activation request already pending !n",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /*
- * Check controller state, set a new command pending and signal it
- * if necessary.
- */
- key = intLock ();
- switch (pSiop->state)
- {
- case NCR710_STATE_IDLE:
- status = OK;
- break;
- pSiop->pNewThread = pThread;
- pSiop->cmdPending = TRUE;
- *pSiop->pIstat |= B_SIGP;
- status = OK;
- break;
- default:
- status = ERROR;
- break;
- }
- intUnlock (key);
- if (status != OK)
- {
- logMsg ("ncr710Activate: invalid controller state.n",
- pSiop->state, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- errnoSet (S_scsiLib_SOFTWARE_ERROR);
- }
- return (status);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- * ncr710Resume - resume a script corresponding to a suspended thread
- *
- * NOTE: the script can only be resumed if the controller is currently idle.
- * To avoid races, interrupts must be locked while this is checked and the
- * script re-started.
- *
- * Reasons why the controller might not be idle include SCSI bus reset and
- * unexpected disconnection, both of which might occur in practice. Hence
- * this is not considered to be a major software error.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if the controller is in an invalid state (this
- * should not be treated as a major software failure).
- *
- */
- LOCAL STATUS ncr710Resume
- (
- SIOP * pSiop, /* ptr to controller info */
- NCR710_THREAD * pThread, /* ptr to thread info */
- NCR710_SCRIPT_ENTRY entryId /* entry point of script to resume */
- )
- {
- STATUS status;
- int key;
- /*
- * Check validity of connection and start script if OK
- */
- key = intLock ();
- switch (pSiop->state)
- {
- case NCR710_STATE_IDLE:
- SCSI_INT_DEBUG_MSG ("ncr710Resume: thread: 0x%08x: state %d -> %dn",
- (int) pThread,
- 0, 0, 0);
- ncr710ScriptStart (pSiop, pThread, entryId);
- pSiop->state = NCR710_STATE_ACTIVE;
- status = OK;
- break;
- default:
- status = ERROR;
- break;
- }
- intUnlock (key);
- return (status);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- * ncr710Abort - abort the active script corresponding to the current thread
- *
- * Check that there is currently an active script running. If so, set the
- * SIOP's Abort flag which will halt the script and cause an interrupt.
- *
- *
- */
- LOCAL void ncr710Abort
- (
- SIOP * pSiop /* ptr to controller info */
- )
- {
- STATUS status;
- int key;
- key = intLock ();
- switch (pSiop->state)
- {
- case NCR710_STATE_IDLE:
- status = OK;
- break;
- *pSiop->pIstat |= B_ABORT;
- status = OK;
- break;
- default:
- status = ERROR;
- break;
- }
- intUnlock (key);
- if (status != OK)
- {
- logMsg ("ncr710Abort: thread = 0x%08x: invalid state (%d)n",
- pSiop->state, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- }
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * ncr710ScriptStart - start the SIOP executing a script
- *
- * Restore the SIOP register context, including the shared memory area, from
- * the thread context. Put the address of the script entry point into the
- * DSP register. If not in single-step mode, start the script.
- *
- * NOTE: should always be called with SIOP interrupts locked.
- *
- *
- */
- LOCAL void ncr710ScriptStart
- (
- SIOP *pSiop, /* pointer to SIOP info */
- NCR710_THREAD *pThread, /* ncr thread info */
- NCR710_SCRIPT_ENTRY entryId /* routine address entry point */
- )
- {
- /*
- * Script entry point addresses. These are resolved by PROCs
- * defined in the script itself (see "ncr710init.n").
- *
- * NOTE: The number and order of members of this array _must_ match
- * the enum NCR710_SCRIPT_ENTRY.
- */
- static ULONG * ncr710ScriptEntry [] =
- {
- ncr710Wait, /* wait for re-select or host cmd */
- ncr710InitStart, /* start an initiator thread */
- ncr710InitContinue, /* continue an initiator thread */
- ncr710TgtDisconnect, /* disconnect a target thread */
- };
- /*
- * Set current hardware thread pointer for ISR
- */
- pSiop->pHwThread = pThread;
- /*
- * Restore the SIOP register context for this thread.
- */
- *pSiop->pScratch0 = pThread->scratch0;
- *pSiop->pScratch1 = pThread->scratch1;
- *pSiop->pScratch2 = pThread->scratch2;
- *pSiop->pScratch3 = pThread->scratch3;
- *pSiop->pSxfer = pThread->sxfer | B_DHP;
- *pSiop->pSbcl = pThread->sbcl;
- /*
- * Set the shared data address, load the script start address,
- * then start the SIOP unless it's in single-step mode.
- */
- *pSiop->pDsa = (UINT) CACHE_DMA_VIRT_TO_PHYS (pThread->pShMem);
- *pSiop->pDsp = (UINT) ncr710ScriptEntry [entryId];
- if (pSiop->singleStep)
- {
- logMsg ("ncr710ScriptStart: single-step required to start scriptn",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- }
- else
- {
- *pSiop->pDcntl |= B_STD;
- }
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * ncr710ThreadParamsSet - set various parameters for a thread
- *
- * Parameters include transfer offset and period, as well as the ID of the
- * target device. All of these end up as encoded values stored either in
- * the thread's register context or its associated shared memory area.
- *
- * Transfer period is specified in SCSI units (multiples of 4 ns). An offset
- * of zero specifies asynchronous transfer.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK if parameters are OK, else ERROR.
- *
- */
- LOCAL STATUS ncr710ThreadParamsSet
- (
- NCR710_THREAD * pThread, /* thread to be affected */
- UINT8 offset, /* max REQ/ACK offset */
- UINT8 period /* min transfer period */
- )
- {
- SCSI_THREAD * pScsiThread = (SCSI_THREAD *) pThread;
- SIOP * pSiop = (SIOP *) pScsiThread->pScsiCtrl;
- UINT busId = pScsiThread->pScsiTarget->scsiDevBusId;
- NCR710_SHARED * pShMem = pThread->pShMem;
- if (!ncr710XferParamsCvt (pSiop, &offset, &period, &pThread->sxfer,
- &pThread->sbcl))
- { /* should never happen */
- errnoSet (S_scsiLib_ILLEGAL_PARAMETER);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- pShMem->device = (pThread->sxfer << NCR710_XFER_PARAMS_SHIFT) |
- (1 << (NCR710_TARGET_BUS_ID_SHIFT + busId));
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * ncr710XferParamsQuery - get (synchronous) transfer parameters
- *
- * Updates the synchronous transfer parameters suggested in the call to match
- * the NCR 53C710's capabilities. Transfer period is in SCSI units (multiples
- * of 4 ns).
- *
- * Note: the transfer period is made longer and the offset is made smaller if
- * the NCR 53C710 cannot handle the specified values.
- *
- *
- */
- LOCAL STATUS ncr710XferParamsQuery
- (
- SCSI_CTRL *pScsiCtrl, /* ptr to controller info */
- UINT8 *pOffset, /* max REQ/ACK offset [in/out] */
- UINT8 *pPeriod /* min transfer period [in/out] */
- )
- {
- UINT8 unused;
- (void) ncr710XferParamsCvt ((SIOP *) pScsiCtrl, pOffset, pPeriod,
- &unused, &unused);
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * ncr710XferParamsSet - set transfer parameters
- *
- * Validate the requested parameters, convert to the NCR 53C710's native
- * format and save in the current thread for later use (the chip's registers
- * are not actually set until the next script activation for this thread).
- *
- * Transfer period is specified in SCSI units (multiples of 4 ns). An offset
- * of zero specifies asynchronous transfer.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK if transfer parameters are OK, else ERROR.
- *
- */
- LOCAL STATUS ncr710XferParamsSet
- (
- SCSI_CTRL *pScsiCtrl, /* ptr to controller info */
- UINT8 offset, /* max REQ/ACK offset */
- UINT8 period /* min transfer period */
- )
- {
- NCR710_THREAD * pThread = (NCR710_THREAD *) pScsiCtrl->pThread;
- return (ncr710ThreadParamsSet (pThread, offset, period));
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- * ncr710XferParamsCvt - convert transfer period from SCSI to NCR 53C710 units
- *
- * Given a "suggested" REQ/ACK offset and transfer period (in SCSI units of
- * 4 ns), return the nearest offset and transfer period the NCR 53C710 is
- * capable of using. Also return the corresponding values of the NCR 53C710's
- * Synchronous Transfer and Synchronous Bus Control registers.
- *
- * An offset of zero specifies asynchronous transfer, in which case the period
- * is irrelevant. Otherwise, the offset may be clipped to be within the
- * maximum limit the NCR 53C710 is capable of.
- *
- * The transfer period is normally rounded towards longer periods if the NCR
- * 53C710 is not capable of using the exact specified value. The period may
- * also be clipped to be within the NCR 53C710's maximum and minimum limits
- * according to its clock period.
- *
- * If either the offset or period need to be clipped, the value FALSE is
- * retuned as this may reflect an error condition.
- *
- * RETURNS: TRUE if input period is within NCR 53C710's range, else FALSE
- *
- */
- LOCAL BOOL ncr710XferParamsCvt
- (
- FAST SIOP *pSiop, /* ptr to controller info */
- FAST UINT8 *pOffset, /* REQ/ACK offset */
- FAST UINT8 *pPeriod, /* xfer period, SCSI units (x 4 ns) */
- FAST UINT8 *pXferParams, /* corresponding Sync Xfer Reg value */
- FAST UINT8 *pClockDiv /* corresponding clock division bits */
- )
- {
- UINT offset = (UINT) *pOffset;
- UINT period = (UINT) *pPeriod;
- BOOL inRange = TRUE;
- UINT8 xferParams = 0; /* initialised to avoid warnings */
- UINT8 clockDivide = 0; /* initialised to avoid warnings */
- {
- clockDivide = NCR710_CLOCK_DIVIDE_ASYNC;
- period = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- UINT div;
- UINT clkCycles;
- UINT bestPeriod = (UINT) NONE; /* i.e., not a valid SCSI period */
- SCSI_DEBUG_MSG ("ncr710XferParamsCvt: requested: "
- "offset = %d, period = %dn",
- offset, period, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- /*
- * Clip period (if necessary) to be within legal SCSI limits
- */
- {
- inRange = FALSE;
- }
- /*
- * Clip offset (if necessary) to suit NCR 53C710
- */
- if (offset > NCR710_MAX_REQ_ACK_OFFSET)
- {
- offset = NCR710_MAX_REQ_ACK_OFFSET;
- inRange = FALSE;
- }
- /*
- * Find the best attainable period which is equal to or greater than
- * the requested period. Basic formula for period is:
- *
- * period = clkPeriod * (4 + xferParams)
- *
- * where:
- *
- * period = sync transfer period (ns x 100)
- * clkPeriod = sync clock period (ns x 100)
- * xferParams = value in bits 6-4 of SCSI Xfer register (0-7)
- *
- * The sync clock can have four possible values depending on the
- * value of the clock divisor bits in the SCSI Bus Control register
- * bits 1,0:
- *
- * 00 - sync clock period = async clock period (set in HwInit)
- * 01 - sync clock period = input clock period * 1.0 (2/2)
- * 10 - sync clock period = input clock period * 1.5 (3/2)
- * 11 - sync clock period = input clock period * 2.0 (4/2)
- *
- * For each sync clock period, calculate the required number of
- * clock cycles to achieve the requested period (or greater).
- * If less than the minimum possible (4), round up to the minimum.
- * If the result is not greater than the maximum number of clock
- * cycles, then the corresponding period is attainable and is
- * calculated. The lowest attainable period is selected.
- */
- for (div = NCR710_MIN_CLOCK_DIV; div <= NCR710_MAX_CLOCK_DIV; ++div)
- {
- UINT clkPeriod;
- if (div == NCR710_CLOCK_DIVIDE_ASYNC)
- clkPeriod = pSiop->asyncClkPeriod;
- else
- clkPeriod = pSiop->clkPeriod * (div + 1) / 2;
- /*
- * Round (and perhaps clip) transfer period to suit NCR 53C710
- *
- * Note: split into two stages to avoid associativity problems,
- * and careful to round up rather than truncate result.
- */
- clkCycles = (period * 4 * 100) + (clkPeriod - 1);
- clkCycles /= clkPeriod;
- if (clkCycles < 4 + NCR710_MIN_XFER_PERIOD)
- clkCycles = 4 + NCR710_MIN_XFER_PERIOD;
- if (clkCycles <= 4 + NCR710_MAX_XFER_PERIOD)
- {
- UINT actualPeriod = clkPeriod * clkCycles / (4 * 100);
- if ((actualPeriod >= period) &&
- (actualPeriod < bestPeriod))
- {
- bestPeriod = actualPeriod;
- xferParams = ((clkCycles - 4) << NCR710_SYNC_XFER_PERIOD_SHIFT)
- | offset;
- clockDivide = div;
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * If "bestPeriod" has been set, a valid period has been found.
- * Otherwise, reset to use asynchronous transfer.
- */
- if (bestPeriod != (UINT) NONE)
- period = bestPeriod;
- else
- {
- clockDivide = NCR710_CLOCK_DIVIDE_ASYNC;
- period = 0;
- inRange = FALSE;
- }
- SCSI_DEBUG_MSG ("ncr710XferParamsCvt: granted: "
- "offset = %d, period = %dn",
- offset, period, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- }
- *pOffset = offset;
- *pPeriod = period;
- *pXferParams = xferParams;
- *pClockDiv = clockDivide;
- return (inRange);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * ncr710StepEnable2 - Enable/disable script single step
- *
- * Enable/disable single step facility on ncr chip. Also, unmask/mask single
- * step interrupt in Dien register.
- * Before any SCSI execution you just have to use
- * ncr710StepEnable (pSiop, TRUE) to run in single step mode.
- * To run a script step use ncr710SingleStep(pSiop).
- * To disable use ncr710StepEnable (pSiop, FALSE).
- *
- *
- */
- void ncr710StepEnable2
- (
- SIOP *pSiop, /* pointer to SIOP info */
- BOOL enable /* TRUE => enable single-step */
- )
- {
- if (enable)
- {
- /* enable single-step interrupt */
- *pSiop->pDien |= B_SSI;
- /* set single-step mode */
- *pSiop->pDcntl |= B_SSM;
- /* disable manual Start */
- *pSiop->pDmode &= ~B_MAN;
- }
- else
- {
- /* unset single-step mode */
- *pSiop->pDcntl &= ~B_SSM;
- /* disable single-step interrupt */
- *pSiop->pDien &= ~B_SSI;
- /* enable manual Start */
- *pSiop->pDmode |= B_MAN;
- }
- pSiop->singleStep = enable;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * ncr710SingleStep2 - Perform a single step
- *
- * Perform a single step by writing the STD bit in the DCNTL register.
- * The parameter is a pointer to the SIOP information.
- *
- *
- */
- void ncr710SingleStep2
- (
- SIOP * pSiop, /* pointer to SIOP info */
- BOOL verbose /* show all registers */
- )
- {
- UINT *siopPc;
- /*
- * Start the SIOP: if not in single-step mode it will then continue
- * the normal instruction sequence. If in single-step mode, wait
- * until one instruction has been executed.
- */
- *pSiop->pDcntl |= B_STD;
- if (!pSiop->singleStep)
- return;
- semTake (pSiop->singleStepSem, WAIT_FOREVER);
- /*
- * Allow any tasks using SCSI to get a look-in - they may change the
- * controller state, in which case we'd like to see that change now
- * rather than next time.
- */
- taskDelay (5);
- /*
- * Show what the SIOP is about to do
- */
- if (pSiop->state == NCR710_STATE_IDLE)
- printf ("NCR710 is idle.nn");
- else
- {
- siopPc = (UINT *) *pSiop->pDsp;
- printf ("NCR710 [%d] Next Opcode (0x%08x) => 0x%08x 0x%08xnn",
- pSiop->state, (int) siopPc, siopPc[0], siopPc[1]);
- }
- /*
- * Dump the SIOP registers, if in verbose mode
- */
- if (verbose)
- ncr710ShowScsi2 ((SCSI_CTRL *) pSiop);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * ncr710ShowScsi2 - display the values of all readable NCR 53C710 SIOP registers
- *
- * This routine displays the state of the NCR 53C710 SIOP registers in a
- * user-friendly way. It is primarily used for debugging.
- * The input parameter is the pointer to the SIOP information
- * structure returned by the ncr710CtrlCreateScsi2() call.
- *
- * NOTE
- * The only readable register during a script execution is the Istat register.
- * If you use this routine during the execution of a SCSI command, the result
- * could be unpredictable.
- *
- * .CS
- * -> ncr710Show
- * NCR710 Registers
- * ----------------
- * 0xfff47000: Sien = 0xa5 Sdid = 0x00 Scntl1 = 0x00 Scntl0 = 0x04
- * 0xfff47004: Socl = 0x00 Sodl = 0x00 Sxfer = 0x80 Scid = 0x80
- * 0xfff47008: Sbcl = 0x00 Sbdl = 0x00 Sidl = 0x00 Sfbr = 0x00
- * 0xfff4700c: Sstat2 = 0x00 Sstat1 = 0x00 Sstat0 = 0x00 Dstat = 0x80
- * 0xfff47010: Dsa = 0x00000000
- * 0xfff47014: Ctest3 = ???? Ctest2 = 0x21 Ctest1 = 0xf0 Ctest0 = 0x00
- * 0xfff47018: Ctest7 = 0x32 Ctest6 = ???? Ctest5 = 0x00 Ctest4 = 0x00
- * 0xfff4701c: Temp = 0x00000000
- * 0xfff47020: Lcrc = 0x00 Ctest8 = 0x00 Istat = 0x00 Dfifo = 0x00
- * 0xfff47024: Dcmd/Ddc= 0x50000000
- * 0xfff47028: Dnad = 0x00066144
- * 0xfff4702c: Dsp = 0x00066144
- * 0xfff47030: Dsps = 0x00066174
- * 0xfff47037: Scratch3= 0x00 Scratch2= 0x00 Scratch1= 0x00 Scratch0= 0x0a
- * 0xfff47038: Dcntl = 0x21 Dwt = 0x00 Dien = 0x37 Dmode = 0x01
- * 0xfff4703c: Adder = 0x000cc2b8
- * value = 0 = 0x0
- * .CE
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if <pScsiCtrl> and <pSysScsiCtrl> are both NULL.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: ncr710CtrlCreateScsi2()
- */
- STATUS ncr710ShowScsi2
- (
- FAST SCSI_CTRL *pScsiCtrl /* ptr to SCSI controller info */
- )
- {
- FAST SIOP *pSiop; /* prt to SIOP info */
- if (pScsiCtrl == NULL)
- {
- if (pSysScsiCtrl == NULL)
- {
- printErr ("No SCSI controller specified.n");
- return (ERROR);
- }
- pScsiCtrl = pSysScsiCtrl;
- }
- pSiop = (SIOP *) pScsiCtrl;
- printf ("NCR710 Registers n");
- printf ("---------------- n");
- printf ("0x%08x: ", (int) pSiop->pSien);
- printf ("Sien = 0x%02x ", *pSiop->pSien);
- printf ("Sdid = 0x%02x ", *pSiop->pSdid);
- printf ("Scntl1 = 0x%02x ", *pSiop->pScntl1);
- printf ("Scntl0 = 0x%02xn", *pSiop->pScntl0);
- printf ("0x%08x: ", (int) pSiop->pSocl);
- printf ("Socl = 0x%02x ", *pSiop->pSocl);
- printf ("Sodl = 0x%02x ", *pSiop->pSodl);
- printf ("Sxfer = 0x%02x ", *pSiop->pSxfer);
- printf ("Scid = 0x%02xn", *pSiop->pScid);
- printf ("0x%08x: ", (int) pSiop->pSbcl);
- printf ("Sbcl = 0x%02x ", *pSiop->pSbcl);
- printf ("Sbdl = 0x%02x ", *pSiop->pSbdl);
- printf ("Sidl = 0x%02x ", *pSiop->pSidl);
- printf ("Sfbr = 0x%02xn", *pSiop->pSfbr);
- printf ("0x%08x: ", (int) pSiop->pSstat2);
- printf ("Sstat2 = 0x%02x ", *pSiop->pSstat2);
- printf ("Sstat1 = 0x%02x ", *pSiop->pSstat1);
- printf ("Sstat0 = 0x%02x ", *pSiop->pSstat0);
- printf ("Dstat = 0x%02xn", *pSiop->pDstat);
- printf ("0x%08x: ", (int) pSiop->pDsa);
- printf ("Dsa = 0x%08xn", *pSiop->pDsa);
- /* read fifo is not a good idea */
- printf ("0x%08x: ", (int) pSiop->pCtest3);
- printf ("Ctest3 = ???? ");
- printf ("Ctest2 = 0x%02x ", *pSiop->pCtest2);
- printf ("Ctest1 = 0x%02x ", *pSiop->pCtest1);
- printf ("Ctest0 = 0x%02xn", *pSiop->pCtest0);
- printf ("0x%08x: ", (int) pSiop->pCtest7);
- printf ("Ctest7 = 0x%02x ", *pSiop->pCtest7);
- /* read fifo is not a good idea */
- printf ("Ctest6 = ???? ");
- printf ("Ctest5 = 0x%02x ", *pSiop->pCtest5);
- printf ("Ctest4 = 0x%02xn", *pSiop->pCtest4);
- printf ("0x%08x: ", (int) pSiop->pTemp);
- printf ("Temp = 0x%08xn", *pSiop->pTemp);
- printf ("0x%08x: ", (int) pSiop->pLcrc);
- printf ("Lcrc = 0x%02x ", *pSiop->pLcrc);
- printf ("Ctest8 = 0x%02x ", *pSiop->pCtest8);
- printf ("Istat = 0x%02x ", *pSiop->pIstat);
- printf ("Dfifo = 0x%02xn", *pSiop->pDfifo);
- printf ("0x%08x: ", (int) pSiop->pDbc);
- printf ("Dcmd/Ddc= 0x%08xn", *pSiop->pDbc);
- printf ("0x%08x: ", (int) pSiop->pDnad);
- printf ("Dnad = 0x%08xn", *pSiop->pDnad);
- printf ("0x%08x: ", (int) pSiop->pDsp);
- printf ("Dsp = 0x%08xn", *pSiop->pDsp);
- printf ("0x%08x: ", (int) pSiop->pDsps);
- printf ("Dsps = 0x%08xn", *pSiop->pDsps);
- printf ("0x%08x: ", (int) pSiop->pScratch0);
- printf ("Scratch3= 0x%02x ", *pSiop->pScratch3);
- printf ("Scratch2= 0x%02x ", *pSiop->pScratch2);
- printf ("Scratch1= 0x%02x ", *pSiop->pScratch1);
- printf ("Scratch0= 0x%02xn", *pSiop->pScratch0);
- printf ("0x%08x: ", (int) pSiop->pDcntl);
- printf ("Dcntl = 0x%02x ", *pSiop->pDcntl);
- printf ("Dwt = 0x%02x ", *pSiop->pDwt);
- printf ("Dien = 0x%02x ", *pSiop->pDien);
- printf ("Dmode = 0x%02xn", *pSiop->pDmode);
- printf ("0x%08x: ", (int) pSiop->pAdder);
- printf ("Adder = 0x%08xn", *pSiop->pAdder);
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * ncr710ResetATN - Resets the ATN signal
- *
- * This routine resets the ATN line for the give controller
- *
- */
- LOCAL void ncr710ResetATN ( FAST SCSI_CTRL *pScsiCtrl )
- {
- FAST SIOP *pSiop; /* prt to SIOP info */
- pSiop = (SIOP *) pScsiCtrl;
- *pSiop->pSocl &= (UINT8)0xf7;
- }