资源名称:ixp425BSP.rar [点击查看]
- /* sa150xIntrCtl.c - interrupt controller driver for ARM 1500/1501 */
- /* Copyright 1998, Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01a,21sep98,cdp created from 01a of ambaIntrCtl.c
- */
- /*
- This module implements the interrupt controller driver for the
- Strong-ARM 1500/1501 interrupt controllers.
- The interrupt controllers contained within the SA-1500 and SA-1501
- chips are edge-triggered, flexible controllers for multiple interrupt
- sources. They have registers to configure the priority of interrupts
- (IRQ or FIQ), an enable/disable register, a register to configure
- polarity (inversion of the input signal before edge-capture), status,
- request and latch set/clear registers. This library provides the
- routines to manage interrupts multiplexed by a variable number of these
- controllers.
- The following registers are defined in the header file for this library
- (sa150xIntrCtl.h).
- SA150X_INT_DESTINATION (read/write): this is the SA-1500 IPRI or the
- SA-1501 INTDEST register. When this register is written, each bit
- determines whether the corresponding interrupt will be directed to the
- IRQ or FIQ interrupt. On the versions of these chips available at the
- time of writing, the sense of the bits is different between the two
- chips (0 configures IRQ on SA-1500 but FIQ on SA-1501). To handle this
- in a flexible way, the symbol "SA150X_INT_HANDLE_1501_DESTINATION" can
- be #defined before including this source file (see below).
- SA150X_INT_SPECIAL (read/write): this is the SA-1500 IDIR register
- which is a test register on the SA-1501. This is used during
- configuration. For details, see the BIU section of the SA-1500
- documentation.
- SA150X_INT_ENABLE (read/write): this is the SA-1500 IENAB or the
- SA-1501 INTENABLE register. When this register is written, each data
- bit that is set (1) causes the corresponding interrupt to be enabled.
- Each bit that is that is clear (0) causes the corresponding interrupt
- to be disabled. This register controls enabling of FIQs as well as
- IRQs (the actual destination of the interrupt is controlled by
- SA150X_INT_POLARITY (read/write): this is the SA-1500 IPOL or SA-1501
- INTPOL register. When this register is written, each data bit that is
- set (1) causes the corresponding raw interrupt source to be inverted
- before it is clocked by the edge-capture logic. Each bit that is clear
- (0) leaves the raw interrupt source unaltered before capture. This
- effectively controls whether rising or falling edges of the interrupt
- source cause interrupts. The values read from the status registers
- (below) take into account what has been written to this register.
- SA150X_INT_IRQ_REQUEST (read): this is the SA-1500 IRQ or SA-1501
- INTRIRQ register. When this register is read, each data bit that is
- set (1) indicates an IRQ interrupt source that is both active and
- enabled i.e. can interrupt the CPU.
- SA150X_INT_FIQ_REQUEST (read): this is the SA-1500 FIQ or SA-1501
- INTRFIQ register. When this register is read, each data bit that is
- set (1) indicates a FIQ interrupt source that is both active and
- enabled i.e. can interrupt the CPU. This register is not used by
- VxWorks.
- SA150X_INT_STATUS (read): this is the SA-1500 ISTAT or SA-1501
- INTSTATCLR register. When this register is read, each data bit that is
- set (1) indicates that an interrupt for the corresponding source is
- pending. Each data bit that is clear (0) indicates that no such
- interrupt is pending. This is the same register as SA150X_INT_CLEAR.
- SA150X_INT_CLEAR (write): this is the SA-1500 ICLR or SA-1501
- INTSTATCLR register. When this register is written, each data bit that
- is set (1) clears the corresponding pending interrupt. Each data bit
- that is clear (0) has no effect. This is the same register as
- SA150X_INT_SOURCE (read): this is the SA-1500 ISRC or SA-1501 INTSRCSET
- register. When this register is read, each data bit that is set (1)
- indicates that the corresponding interrupt is active. Each bit that is
- clear (0) indicates that the raw interrupt source is inactive. The
- values read are after the polarity configuration but before the
- edge-capture logic i.e. they indicate the states of the raw sources.
- This is the same register as SA150X_INT_SET.
- SA150X_INT_SET (write): this is the SA-1500 ISET or SA-1501 INTSRCSET
- register. When this register is written, each data bit that is set (1)
- sets the corresponding interrupt to be active. Each bit that is clear
- (0) has no effect. This is the same register as SA150X_INT_SOURCE.
- This driver uses an array of "sa150xIntrCtlDetails" to describe the
- multiple controllers to be handled. At its simplest, each element
- gives the base address of the controller. If various features are
- enabled, other details are required (see below and sa150xIntrCtl.h).
- The number of devices supported by this driver i.e. the number of
- register blocks is specified by SA150X_INT_NUM_CONTROLLERS. There must
- be this number of entries in the sa150xIntrCtlDetails array.
- The number of interrupts supported is specified by
- SA150X_INT_NUM_LEVELS. Thirty-two bits per device are assumed so
- This driver assumes that the chip is memory-mapped and does direct
- memory accesses to the registers which are assumed to be 32 bits wide.
- If a different access method is needed, the BSP can redefine the macros
- SA150X_INT_REG_READ(addr,result) and SA150X_INT_REG_WRITE(addr,data).
- This driver assumes that interrupt vector numbers are calculated and
- not the result of a special cycle on the bus. Vector numbers are
- generated by adding the current interrupt bit number (bit number +
- controller_number * 32) to SA150X_INT_VEC_BASE to generate a vector
- number which the architecture level will use to invoke the proper
- handling routine. If a different mapping scheme, or a special hardware
- routine is needed, then the BSP should redefine the macro
- SA150X_INT_LVL_VEC_MAP(level,vector) to override the version defined in
- the header file for this driver.
- This driver was designed to support multiple devices. For the SA-1500,
- it expects one entry in the sa150xIntrCtlDetails array; for the SA-1501
- (which has two sets of registers), it expects two entries.
- Priorities
- ==========
- The order of interrupt level priority is undefined at the architecture
- level. In this driver, level 0 is highest and and indicates that all
- levels are disabled; level <SA150X_INT_NUM_LEVELS> is the lowest and
- indicates that all levels are enabled.
- This driver implements a BSP-configurable interrupt priority scheme.
- The BSP should define an array of int called sa150xIntLvlPriMap, each
- element of which is a bit number to be polled, where 0 is bit 0 in the
- 0th controller, 31 is bit 31 in the 0th controller, 32 is bit 0 in the
- 1st controller etc.. The list should be terminated with an entry
- containing -1. This list is used in the interrupt handler to check
- bits in the requested order and is also used to generate a map of
- interrupt source to new interrupt level such that whilst servicing an
- interrupt, all interrupts defined by the BSP to be of lower priority
- than that interrupt are disabled. Interrupt sources not in the list
- are serviced after all others with the least-significant bit being
- highest priority. (Note that the list is a list of ints rather than
- bytes because it causes the current compiler to generate faster code.)
- Note that in this priority system, intLevelSet(n) does not necessarily
- disable interrupt bit n and all lower-priority ones but uses
- sa150xIntLvlPriMap to determine which interrupts should be masked e.g.
- if sa150xIntLvlPriMap[] contains { 9, 4, 8, 5, -1 }, intLevelSet(0)
- disables all interrupt bits; intLevelSet(1) enables interrupt bit 9 but
- disables interrupts 4, 8, 5 and all others not listed; intLevelSet(3)
- enables interrupt bits 9, 4 and 8 but disables all others. This
- enabling of interrupts only occurs if the interrupt has been explicitly
- enabled via a call to sa150xIntLvlEnable().
- If the list is empty (contains just a terminator) or sa150xIntLvlPriMap
- is declared as an int pointer of value 0 (this is more efficient),
- interrupts are handled as least-significant bit is highest priority.
- FIQs
- ====
- Because the SA150X_INT_ENABLE register controls the enabling of FIQ as
- well as IRQ (see above), individual FIQs *must* be enabled/disabled by
- calling the routines in this file (sa150xIntFiqEnable and
- sa150xIntFiqDisable) rather than by direct accesses to the register.
- Otherwise, each IRQ will cause FIQs previously enabled to be disabled.
- In other respects, this driver (and VxWorks) do not support FIQ (see
- the ARM Architecture Supplement).
- Special features
- ================
- This driver can be compiled with certain features enabled by predefining
- certain symbols (e.g. in bsp.h or config.h). Some have been described above
- but here is the complete list.
- Configures the driver so that the sa150xIntDevInit() call sets all interrupt
- sources to IRQ, disables and clears them all and sets their polarity.
- Configures the driver to handle the different meaning of bits within
- the DESTINATION register on different SA-150X chips. If this symbol is
- defined, each element of the sa150xIntrCtlDetails array must have an
- extra field to modify the value written to the DESTINATION register
- (the value specified in the structure is exclusive ORred with the value
- to be written to the register).
- #define SA150X_INT_RETRY_READS
- Configures the driver to retry reads from the controller, where safe,
- to attempt to cope with corruption of values read.
- Configures the driver to retry writes to the controller, where safe, to
- attempt to cope with corruption of values written.
- Configures the driver to cache the interrupt request registers i.e. for
- each interrupt request, the IRQ_REQUEST registers will only be read
- once. Depending on the speed of RAM versus I/O, it is possible that
- this might improve performance but it was originally added to improve
- reliability on some systems.
- The BSP will initialize this driver in sysHwInit2(), after initializing
- the main interrupt library, usually intLibInit(). The initialization
- routine, sa150xIntDevInit() will setup the interrupt controller device,
- it will mask off all individual interrupt sources and then set the
- interrupt level to enable all interrupts. See sa150xIntDevInit for
- more information.
- All of the functions in this library are global. This allows them to
- be used by the BSP if it is necessary to create wrapper routines or to
- incorporate several drivers together as one.
- */
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #include "config.h"
- #include "intLib.h"
- #include "drv/intrCtl/sa150xIntrCtl.h"
- /* imports */
- IMPORT int ffsLsb(UINT32);
- /* Defines from config.h, or <bsp>.h */
- #if !defined(SA150X_INT_NUM_LEVELS) || !defined(SA150X_INT_NUM_CONTROLLERS)
- #error missing definitions for sa150xIntrCtl.c
- #endif
- #error number of sa150x interrupt levels/controllers incompatible
- #endif
- #define SA150X_INT_VEC_BASE (0x0)
- /* driver constants */
- #define SA150X_INT_ALL_DISABLED 0
- /* Local data */
- /* Current interrupt level setting (sa150xIntLvlChg). */
- LOCAL UINT32 sa150xIntLvlCurrent = SA150X_INT_ALL_DISABLED;
- /*
- * Controller masks: for each interrupt level, this provides a mask for
- * each controller (see IntLvlChg).
- * Mask is 32 bits/controller * (levels + 1)
- */
- (1 + SA150X_INT_NUM_LEVELS) *
- sizeof(UINT32)];
- /*
- * Map of interrupt bit number to level: if bit n is set,
- * sa150xIntLvlMap[n] is the interrupt level to change to such that
- * interrupt n and all lower priority ones are disabled.
- */
- LOCAL int sa150xIntLvlMap[SA150X_INT_NUM_LEVELS * sizeof(int)];
- /* forward declarations */
- STATUS sa150xIntLvlVecChk (int*, int*);
- STATUS sa150xIntLvlVecAck (int, int);
- int sa150xIntLvlChg (int);
- STATUS sa150xIntLvlEnable (int);
- STATUS sa150xIntLvlDisable (int);
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * sa150xIntDevInit - initialize the interrupt controller
- *
- * This routine will initialize the interrupt controller device,
- * disabling all interrupt sources. It will also connect the device
- * driver specific routines into the architecture level hooks. If the BSP
- * needs to create a wrapper routine around any of the architecture level
- * routines, it should install the pointer to the wrapper routine after
- * calling this routine.
- *
- * Before this routine is called, sa150xIntLvlPriMap should be initialised
- * as a list of interrupt bits to poll in order of decreasing priority and
- * terminated by <-1>. If sa150xIntLvlPriMap is a null pointer or an
- * empty list, the priority scheme used will be least-significant bit
- * first.
- *
- * The return value ERROR indicates that the contents of
- * sa150xIntLvlPriMap were invalid.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK or ERROR if sa150xIntLvlPriMap invalid.
- */
- int sa150xIntDevInit (void)
- {
- int i, j;
- int level, ctl;
- UINT32 bit;
- UINT32 val;
- sa150xIntrCtlDetails *p;
- /* if priorities are supplied, validate the supplied list */
- if (sa150xIntLvlPriMap != 0)
- {
- /* first check the list is terminated (VecChk requires this) */
- for (i = 0; i < SA150X_INT_NUM_LEVELS; ++i)
- if (sa150xIntLvlPriMap[i] == -1)
- break;
- if (!(i < SA150X_INT_NUM_LEVELS))
- return ERROR; /* no terminator */
- /* now check that all are in range and that there are no duplicates */
- for (i = 0; sa150xIntLvlPriMap[i] != -1; ++i)
- if (sa150xIntLvlPriMap[i] < 0 ||
- sa150xIntLvlPriMap[i] >= SA150X_INT_NUM_LEVELS)
- {
- return ERROR; /* out of range */
- }
- else
- for (j = i + 1; sa150xIntLvlPriMap[j] != -1; ++j)
- if (sa150xIntLvlPriMap[j] == sa150xIntLvlPriMap[i])
- {
- return ERROR; /* duplicate */
- }
- }
- /*
- * Now initialise the mask array.
- * For each level (in ascending order), the mask is the mask of the
- * previous level with the bit for the current level set to enable it.
- */
- for (ctl = 0; ctl < SA150X_INT_NUM_CONTROLLERS; ++ctl)
- sa150xIntLvlMask[ctl] = 0; /* mask for level 0 = all disabled */
- /* do the levels for which priority has been specified */
- level = 1;
- if (sa150xIntLvlPriMap != 0)
- {
- for ( ; level <= SA150X_INT_NUM_LEVELS &&
- (i = sa150xIntLvlPriMap[level - 1], i >= 0); ++level)
- {
- /* copy previous level's mask to this one's */
- for (ctl = 0; ctl < SA150X_INT_NUM_CONTROLLERS; ++ctl)
- sa150xIntLvlMask[
- level * SA150X_INT_NUM_CONTROLLERS + ctl] =
- sa150xIntLvlMask[
- (level - 1) * SA150X_INT_NUM_CONTROLLERS + ctl];
- /* OR in the bit indicated by the next entry in PriMap[] */
- ctl = i / 32;
- bit = 1 << (i % 32);
- sa150xIntLvlMask[level * SA150X_INT_NUM_CONTROLLERS + ctl] |= bit;
- /*
- * set index in level map: to disable this interrupt and all
- * lower-priority ones, select the level one less than this
- */
- sa150xIntLvlMap[i] = level - 1;
- }
- }
- /* do the rest of the levels */
- i = 0; /* lowest-numbered interrupt bit */
- for ( ; level <= SA150X_INT_NUM_LEVELS; ++level)
- {
- /* copy previous level's mask to this one's */
- for (ctl = 0; ctl < SA150X_INT_NUM_CONTROLLERS; ++ctl)
- sa150xIntLvlMask[
- level * SA150X_INT_NUM_CONTROLLERS + ctl] =
- sa150xIntLvlMask[
- (level - 1) * SA150X_INT_NUM_CONTROLLERS + ctl];
- /* try to find a bit that has not yet been set */
- for ( ; ; ++i)
- {
- ctl = i / 32;
- bit = 1 << (i % 32);
- if ((sa150xIntLvlMask[level * SA150X_INT_NUM_CONTROLLERS + ctl] &
- bit) == 0)
- {
- /* this bit not set so put it in the mask */
- sa150xIntLvlMask[level * SA150X_INT_NUM_CONTROLLERS + ctl] |=
- bit;
- /*
- * set index in level map: to disable this interrupt and all
- * lower-priority ones, select the level one less than this
- */
- sa150xIntLvlMap[i] = level - 1;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- /* install the driver routines in the architecture hooks */
- sysIntLvlVecChkRtn = sa150xIntLvlVecChk;
- sysIntLvlVecAckRtn = sa150xIntLvlVecAck;
- sysIntLvlChgRtn = sa150xIntLvlChg;
- sysIntLvlEnableRtn = sa150xIntLvlEnable;
- sysIntLvlDisableRtn = sa150xIntLvlDisable;
- /* set up the controllers */
- for (i = 0; i < SA150X_INT_NUM_CONTROLLERS; ++i)
- {
- p = &sa150xIntrCtl[i];
- /* disable all sources */
- SA150X_INT_REG_WRITE_RETRY (SA150X_INT_ENABLE (p->base), 0);
- #else
- SA150X_INT_REG_WRITE (SA150X_INT_ENABLE (p->base), 0);
- #endif
- /* set all sources to IRQ - note: must not retry write (locks up) */
- val = 0;
- val ^= p->destModifier;
- #endif
- SA150X_INT_REG_WRITE (SA150X_INT_DESTINATION (p->base), val);
- /* set polarity of edge-triggered interrupt to positive */
- #else
- SA150X_INT_REG_WRITE (SA150X_INT_POLARITY (p->base), 0);
- #endif
- /* clear all latches */
- SA150X_INT_REG_WRITE (SA150X_INT_CLEAR (p->base), ~0);
- p->enabledIrqs = 0; /* all sources disabled */
- }
- sa150xIntLvlChg (SA150X_INT_ALL_ENABLED); /* enable all levels */
- return OK;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * sa150xIntLvlConfigure - configure polarity and type of interrupt
- *
- * This routine configures the polarity and type (edge or level) or an
- * interrupt. It should be called after initialisation of the driver and
- * before enabling the level.
- *
- * The return value ERROR indicates that the parameters were invalid.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK or ERROR if parameters invalid.
- */
- STATUS sa150xIntLvlConfigure
- (
- int level, /* level to configure */
- int features /* edge/level/positive/negative */
- )
- {
- int key;
- int bit;
- UINT32 val;
- sa150xIntrCtlDetails *p;
- if (level < 0 ||
- level >= SA150X_INT_NUM_LEVELS)
- return ERROR;
- bit = 1 << (level % 32);
- p = &sa150xIntrCtl[level / 32];
- key = intIFLock (); /* disable IRQ and FIQ */
- /* configure destination - note: must not retry write (locks up) */
- SA150X_INT_REG_READ (SA150X_INT_DESTINATION (p->base), val);
- val &= ~bit; /* clear bit for this interrupt */
- if (features & SA150X_INT_DESTINATION_FIQ)
- val |= bit & (bit ^ p->destModifier);
- else
- val |= bit & (0 ^ p->destModifier);
- #else
- if (features & SA150X_INT_DESTINATION_FIQ)
- val |= bit;
- #endif
- SA150X_INT_REG_WRITE (SA150X_INT_DESTINATION (p->base), val);
- /* configure polarity */
- SA150X_INT_REG_READ (SA150X_INT_POLARITY (p->base), val);
- if (features & SA150X_INT_POLARITY_POSITIVE)
- val &= ~bit;
- else
- val |= bit;
- SA150X_INT_REG_WRITE_RETRY (SA150X_INT_POLARITY (p->base), val);
- #else
- SA150X_INT_REG_WRITE (SA150X_INT_POLARITY (p->base), val);
- #endif
- intIFUnlock (key); /* restore IRQ and FIQ */
- /* clear any pending interrupt */
- SA150X_INT_REG_WRITE (SA150X_INT_CLEAR (p->base), bit);
- /*
- * if level interrupt, and source register (which takes account of
- * polarity) indicates that interrupt is still active, set request
- */
- if (features & SA150X_INT_TYPE_LEVEL)
- {
- SA150X_INT_REG_READ (SA150X_INT_SOURCE (p->base), val);
- if (val & bit)
- SA150X_INT_REG_WRITE (SA150X_INT_SET (p->base), bit);
- }
- return OK;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * sa150xIntLvlVecChk - check for and return any pending interrupts
- *
- * This routine interrogates the hardware to determine the highest priority
- * interrupt pending. It returns the vector associated with that interrupt, and
- * also the interrupt priority level prior to the interrupt (not the
- * level of the interrupt). The current interrupt priority level is then
- * raised to the level of the current interrupt so that only higher priority
- * interrupts will be accepted until this interrupt is finished.
- *
- * This routine must be called with CPU interrupts disabled.
- *
- * The return value ERROR indicates that no pending interrupt was found and
- * that the level and vector values were not returned.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK or ERROR if no interrupt is pending.
- */
- STATUS sa150xIntLvlVecChk
- (
- int* pLevel, /* ptr to receive old interrupt level */
- int* pVector /* ptr to receive current interrupt vector */
- )
- {
- int newLevel;
- sa150xIntrCtlDetails *p;
- UINT32 isr, bit;
- UINT32 *priPtr;
- int ctl;
- int bitNum;
- int ok;
- #define TRIES 2
- #endif
- /* initialise vars to stop compiler warnings */
- p = 0;
- bit = 0;
- SA150X_INT_DEBUG(0x00, 0);
- /* mark all cached requests as invalid */
- for (ctl = 0; ctl < SA150X_INT_NUM_CONTROLLERS; ++ctl)
- sa150xIntrCtl[ctl].requestsValid = FALSE;
- #endif
- if (priPtr = sa150xIntLvlPriMap, priPtr == 0)
- bitNum = -1;
- else
- {
- /* service interrupts according to priority specified in map */
- while (bitNum = *priPtr++, bitNum != -1)
- {
- /*
- * bitNum = interrupt bit from priority map - convert it to
- * a bit position in a specific controller
- * Note: UINT32 cast of bitNum is an optimisation(!)
- */
- ctl = (UINT32)bitNum / 32;
- bit = 1 << ((UINT32)bitNum % 32);
- p = &sa150xIntrCtl[ctl];
- if (p->requestsValid)
- {
- isr = p->irqRequests;
- SA150X_INT_DEBUG(0x81, ctl);
- }
- else
- {
- #endif
- /* read pending interrupt register for this controller */
- SA150X_INT_DEBUG(0x80, ctl);
- SA150X_INT_REQ_REG_READ (SA150X_INT_IRQ_REQUEST (p->base), isr,
- ~p->enabledIrqs, TRIES, ok);
- if (ok)
- #endif
- {
- p->requestsValid = TRUE;
- p->irqRequests = isr;
- }
- else
- {
- isr = 0;
- SA150X_INT_DEBUG(0x83, bitNum);
- }
- #endif
- }
- #endif /* SA150X_INT_CACHE_IRQ_REQUEST */
- if (isr & bit)
- {
- SA150X_INT_DEBUG(0x82, bitNum);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * If priority scan didn't find anything, look for any bit set in any
- * controller, starting with the lowest-numbered bit
- */
- if (bitNum == -1)
- for (ctl = 0; ctl < SA150X_INT_NUM_CONTROLLERS; ++ctl)
- {
- p = &sa150xIntrCtl[ctl];
- if (p->requestsValid)
- {
- isr = p->irqRequests;
- SA150X_INT_DEBUG(0x91, ctl);
- }
- else
- {
- #endif
- /* read pending interrupt register for this controller */
- SA150X_INT_DEBUG(0x90, ctl);
- SA150X_INT_REQ_REG_READ (SA150X_INT_IRQ_REQUEST (p->base), isr,
- ~p->enabledIrqs, TRIES, ok);
- if (ok)
- #endif
- {
- p->requestsValid = TRUE;
- p->irqRequests = isr;
- }
- else
- {
- isr = 0;
- SA150X_INT_DEBUG(0x93, ctl);
- }
- #endif
- }
- #endif /* SA150X_INT_CACHE_IRQ_REQUEST */
- /* find lowest bit set */
- bitNum = ffsLsb (isr) - 1; /* ffsLsb returns 1..n, not 0..n-1 */
- if (bitNum != -1)
- {
- bit = 1 << bitNum;
- bitNum += ctl * 32;
- SA150X_INT_DEBUG(0x92, bitNum);
- break;
- }
- }
- /* If no interrupt is pending, return ERROR */
- if (bitNum == -1)
- {
- SA150X_INT_DEBUG(0xEE, 0xEE);
- return ERROR;
- }
- /*
- * bitNum is the bit that is interrupting (0..SA150X_INT_NUM_LEVELS-1)
- * ctl is the controller number (0..SA150X_INT_NUM_CONTROLLERS-1)
- * bit is the bit within that controller
- * p-> sa150xIntrCtl structure for this controller
- *
- * clear the interrupt
- */
- SA150X_INT_REG_WRITE (SA150X_INT_CLEAR (p->base), bit);
- /* map the interrupting device to an interrupt level number */
- newLevel = sa150xIntLvlMap[bitNum];
- /* change to new interrupt level, returning previous level to caller */
- *pLevel = sa150xIntLvlChg (newLevel);
- /* fetch, or compute the interrupt vector number */
- SA150X_INT_LVL_VEC_MAP (bitNum, *pVector);
- SA150X_INT_DEBUG(0xEE, 0x00);
- return OK;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * sa150xIntLvlVecAck - acknowledge the current interrupt
- *
- * Acknowledge the current interrupt cycle. The level and vector values are
- * those generated during the sa150xIntLvlVecChk() routine for this interrupt
- * cycle. The basic action is to return the interrupt level to its previous
- * setting. Note that the SA150X interrupt controller does not need an
- * acknowledge cycle and that the interrupt has already been cleared in
- * sa150xIntLvlVecChk().
- *
- * RETURNS: OK or ERROR if a hardware fault is detected.
- */
- STATUS sa150xIntLvlVecAck
- (
- int level, /* old interrupt level to be restored */
- int vector /* current interrupt vector, if needed */
- )
- {
- SA150X_INT_DEBUG(0xFF, vector);
- /* restore the previous interrupt level */
- sa150xIntLvlChg (level);
- return OK;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * sa150xIntLvlChg - change the interrupt level value
- *
- * This routine implements the overall interrupt setting. All levels
- * up to and including the specified level are disabled. All levels above
- * the specified level will be enabled, but only if they were specifically
- * enabled by the sa150xIntLvlEnable() routine.
- *
- * The specific priority level SA150X_INT_NUM_LEVELS is valid and represents
- * all levels enabled.
- *
- * RETURNS: Previous interrupt level.
- */
- int sa150xIntLvlChg
- (
- int level /* new interrupt level */
- )
- {
- int oldLevel;
- int i, m;
- sa150xIntrCtlDetails *p;
- int key;
- oldLevel = sa150xIntLvlCurrent;
- if (level >= 0 &&
- level <= SA150X_INT_NUM_LEVELS)
- {
- /* change current interrupt level */
- sa150xIntLvlCurrent = level;
- }
- /* Activate the enabled interrupts */
- m = sa150xIntLvlCurrent * SA150X_INT_NUM_CONTROLLERS;
- for (i = 0; i < SA150X_INT_NUM_CONTROLLERS; ++i)
- {
- p = &sa150xIntrCtl[i];
- key = intIFLock (); /* disable IRQ and FIQ */
- (sa150xIntLvlMask[m + i] & p->enabledIrqs) |
- p->enabledFiqs);
- #else
- SA150X_INT_REG_WRITE (SA150X_INT_ENABLE (p->base),
- (sa150xIntLvlMask[m + i] & p->enabledIrqs) |
- p->enabledFiqs);
- #endif
- intIFUnlock (key);
- }
- return oldLevel;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * sa150xIntLvlEnable - enable a single interrupt level
- *
- * Enable a specific interrupt level. The enabled level will be allowed
- * to generate an interrupt when the overall interrupt level is set to
- * enable interrupts of this priority (as configured by
- * sa150xIntLvlPriMap). Without being enabled, the interrupt is blocked
- * regardless of the overall interrupt level setting.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK or ERROR if the specified level cannot be enabled.
- */
- STATUS sa150xIntLvlEnable
- (
- int level /* level to be enabled */
- )
- {
- int key;
- if (level < 0 ||
- level >= SA150X_INT_NUM_LEVELS)
- return ERROR;
- /* set bit in enable mask */
- key = intIFLock (); /* disable IRQ and FIQ */
- sa150xIntrCtl[level / 32].enabledIrqs |= (1 << (level % 32));
- intIFUnlock (key);
- sa150xIntLvlChg (-1); /* reset current mask */
- return OK;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * sa150xIntLvlDisable - disable a single interrupt level
- *
- * Disable a specific interrupt level. The disabled level is prevented
- * from generating an interrupt even if the overall interrupt level is set
- * to enable interrupts of this priority (as configured by
- * sa150xIntLvlPriMap).
- *
- * RETURNS: OK or ERROR, if the specified interrupt level cannot be disabled.
- */
- STATUS sa150xIntLvlDisable
- (
- int level /* level to be disabled */
- )
- {
- int key;
- if (level < 0 ||
- level >= SA150X_INT_NUM_LEVELS)
- return ERROR;
- /* clear bit in enable mask */
- key = intIFLock (); /* disable IRQ and FIQ */
- sa150xIntrCtl[level / 32].enabledIrqs &= ~(1 << (level % 32));
- intIFUnlock (key);
- sa150xIntLvlChg (-1); /* reset current mask */
- return OK;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * sa150xIntFiqEnable - enable a single FIQ interrupt
- *
- * Enable a specific FIQ interrupt. Unlike an enable IRQ interrupt, an
- * enabled FIQ interrupt will be always be allowed to interrupt,
- * irrespective of the overall interrupt level.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK or ERROR if the specified level cannot be enabled.
- */
- STATUS sa150xIntFiqEnable
- (
- int level /* level to be enabled */
- )
- {
- int key;
- if (level < 0 ||
- level >= SA150X_INT_NUM_LEVELS)
- return ERROR;
- /* set bit in enable mask */
- key = intIFLock (); /* disable IRQ and FIQ */
- sa150xIntrCtl[level / 32].enabledFiqs |= (1 << (level % 32));
- intIFUnlock (key);
- sa150xIntLvlChg (-1); /* reset current mask */
- return OK;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * sa150xIntFiqDisable - disable a single FIQ interrupt
- *
- * Disable a specific FIQ interrupt. The disabled level is prevented
- * from generating an interrupt.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK or ERROR, if the specified interrupt level cannot be disabled.
- */
- STATUS sa150xIntFiqDisable
- (
- int level /* level to be disabled */
- )
- {
- int key;
- if (level < 0 ||
- level >= SA150X_INT_NUM_LEVELS)
- return ERROR;
- /* clear bit in enable mask */
- key = intIFLock (); /* disable IRQ and FIQ */
- sa150xIntrCtl[level / 32].enabledFiqs &= ~(1 << (level % 32));
- intIFUnlock (key);
- sa150xIntLvlChg (-1); /* reset current mask */
- return OK;
- }