- /*
- * $Id: json_tokener.h,v 1.10 2006/07/25 03:24:50 mclark Exp $
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2004, 2005 Metaparadigm Pte. Ltd.
- * Michael Clark <michael@metaparadigm.com>
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the MIT license. See COPYING for details.
- *
- */
- #ifndef _json_tokener_h_
- #define _json_tokener_h_
- #include <stddef.h>
- #include "json_object.h"
- enum json_tokener_error {
- json_tokener_success,
- json_tokener_continue,
- json_tokener_error_depth,
- json_tokener_error_parse_eof,
- json_tokener_error_parse_unexpected,
- json_tokener_error_parse_null,
- json_tokener_error_parse_boolean,
- json_tokener_error_parse_number,
- json_tokener_error_parse_array,
- json_tokener_error_parse_object_key_name,
- json_tokener_error_parse_object_key_sep,
- json_tokener_error_parse_object_value_sep,
- json_tokener_error_parse_string,
- json_tokener_error_parse_comment
- };
- enum json_tokener_state {
- json_tokener_state_eatws,
- json_tokener_state_start,
- json_tokener_state_finish,
- json_tokener_state_null,
- json_tokener_state_comment_start,
- json_tokener_state_comment,
- json_tokener_state_comment_eol,
- json_tokener_state_comment_end,
- json_tokener_state_string,
- json_tokener_state_string_escape,
- json_tokener_state_escape_unicode,
- json_tokener_state_boolean,
- json_tokener_state_number,
- json_tokener_state_array,
- json_tokener_state_array_add,
- json_tokener_state_array_sep,
- json_tokener_state_object_field_start,
- json_tokener_state_object_field,
- json_tokener_state_object_field_end,
- json_tokener_state_object_value,
- json_tokener_state_object_value_add,
- json_tokener_state_object_sep
- };
- struct json_tokener_srec
- {
- enum json_tokener_state state, saved_state;
- struct json_object *obj;
- struct json_object *current;
- char *obj_field_name;
- };
- struct json_tokener
- {
- char *str;
- struct printbuf *pb;
- int depth, is_double, st_pos, char_offset;
- ptrdiff_t err;
- unsigned int ucs_char;
- char quote_char;
- struct json_tokener_srec stack[JSON_TOKENER_MAX_DEPTH];
- };
- extern const char* json_tokener_errors[];
- extern struct json_tokener* json_tokener_new(void);
- extern void json_tokener_free(struct json_tokener *tok);
- extern void json_tokener_reset(struct json_tokener *tok);
- extern struct json_object* json_tokener_parse(char *str);
- extern struct json_object* json_tokener_parse_ex(struct json_tokener *tok,
- char *str, int len);
- #endif