- This is a small description for the Reed-Solomon library intended for
- CD sector formatting.
- Basics:
- It is assumed that you have a basic knowledge of cd sector formats.
- The library can handle three types of sector data:
- data sectors,
- audio sectors, and
- sub channel r-w sectors
- Currently only encoding is implemented. Decoding and optionally
- error correction is planned for later.
- Stages:
- The process of sector formatting has several stages. Beginning with
- a data sector (2048, 2324, or 2336 bytes) a sector of 2352 bytes is
- built. This format can be read raw by SCSI MMC-2 and ATAPI drives and
- is accepted by cd burners. The additions are an optionally 32 bit CRC
- checksum and two layers of Reed-Solomon codes (called Reed-Solomon
- Product Code RSPC).
- This sector is then scrambled (exor'ed with a bitstream).
- The result is called F1 frames. Afterwards even and odd bytes are
- swapped, this is called F2 frames. The result is equivalent to an
- audio sector and is treated as such by the cd burner.
- So, if we wrote a series of sectors (F2 frames) into a CDR file and
- later burned them as 'audio', they would turn up as perfect data sectors.
- So, now we are at the level of audio sectors. Audio sectors get their
- own error correction data (called CIRC). Sector size goes up to
- 3136 bytes (that is 4/3 times 2352 bytes). Furthermore different
- words get delayed differently and swap positions. The result is ready
- to be fed into the so-called EightFourteenModulator (when subchannels
- have been added).
- Now, only sub channels are missing. While the p and q sub
- channels have to be generated elsewhere, any supplied r-w subchannel
- user data is protected by two levels of error correction
- codes. This format is read by cd burners when burning cd+graphics.
- The cdimage is a sequence of sectors, each containing audio data and
- after that subchannel data.
- Similar to audio sectors delaying and permutation of words
- takes place. After that the cd burner would mix sub channel data with
- the formatted audio sectors to feed the EFModulator.
- NOTE: Most of the described stages need not to be done in order to
- prepare sectors for burning, since all cd burners do at least CIRC,
- delaying and swaps. For data sectors they also do scrambling and f2
- frame generation.
- Encoding routines:
- For data sectors
- int do_encode_L2(unsigned char *inout, int sectortype, unsigned address);
- encodes data sectors. The returned data is __unscrambled__ and not in
- F2-frame format.
- Parameters are:
- inout pointer to an array of at least 2352 bytes.
- sectortype One of the MODE_* constants from ecc.h. This defines
- how to format the sector.
- address The logical address to be used in the header
- (150 = 0:2.0 MSF).
- NOTE: the data portion has be to aligned properly for performance
- reasons (see ecc.h for details). So, no moves are necessary here.
- Generating f2 frames to be used like audio sectors
- int scramble_L2(unsigned char *inout)
- generates f2 frames in place from sectors generated by do_encode_L2().
- Parameters are:
- inout pointer to an array of at least 2352 bytes.
- For sub channels
- int do_encode_sub(unsigned char in[LSUB_RAW*PACKETS_PER_SUBCHANNELFRAME],
- unsigned char out[(LSUB_RAW+LSUB_Q+LSUB_P)*
- int delay1, int permute);
- repack user data and add error correction data. P and q subchannels
- should be added later, since all bytes are in place then.
- Parameters are:
- in pointer to an array of at least 72 bytes. It contains
- the user data for one frame.
- out pointer to an array of at least 96 bytes. Here is
- output frame is placed.
- delay1 do low level delaying, when set to 1.
- permute do low level permutations, when set to 1.
- NOTE: Probably both options need either to be set on (1) or off (0) together.
- There is more, but that is seldomly used.
- Tests:
- The library is accompanied by small verify programs, that compare real
- raw sectors with the formatted results. They are also intended as demo
- applications (how to use the library). In order to be able to feed
- real raw sectors into them, the package read2448 is recommended/needed.
- You can only verify sector streams of one sector type, currently no mix.
- For more information have a look into ecc.h
- recommended Documents:
- Yellow Book or ISO 10149
- Appendix Red Book
- Red Book or IEC 908