- #!/usr/bin/perl
- # version 0.2 10/03/1999
- use Audio::Wav;
- use Audio::Tools::Time;
- use strict;
- my $wav = new Audio::Wav;
- my ($count, $totalsamples, $divided, $rounded, $remainder);
- my %tracks;
- my @name = split(///, $0);
- my $name = pop(@name);
- print "-------- MP3-to-DAO Helper Script ---------n";
- print "Usage: $name [tocfile]n";
- my $tocfile = $ARGV[0];
- unless ($tocfile) {
- $tocfile = "cd.toc";
- print "No toc file specified, using default "cd.toc"n";
- }
- while (<*>) {
- chomp;
- if (/.mp3$/i) {
- $count++;
- $count = sprintf("%02d", $count);
- $tracks{$count} = $_;
- }
- }
- $count || die "No mp3 files found!n";
- open (TOC, ">$tocfile") || die "Couldn't open $tocfile for write!n";
- my @tracksort = sort {$a <=> $b} keys %tracks;
- my $samplestart = 0;
- my $totaltracks = scalar(@tracksort);
- for (@tracksort) {
- my $infile = quotemeta($tracks{$_});
- unless(-e "$_.wav") { system("mpg123 -w $_.wav -v $infile") }
- else { print "$_.wav exists, skipping mp3 decoden" }
- my $read = $wav->read( "$_.wav" );
- my $audio_bytes = $read -> length();
- my $time = new Audio::Tools::Time 44100, 16, 2;
- my $sample = $time -> bytes_to_samples( $audio_bytes );
- print TOC "// Track $_n";
- print TOC "TRACK AUDIOn";
- print TOC "FILE "$_.wav" ";
- print TOC "$samplestartn";
- $totalsamples = $sample - $samplestart;
- $divided = $totalsamples / 588;
- $rounded = int($divided) * 588;
- $remainder = $totalsamples - $rounded;
- print "Need to pad up $remainder samplesn";
- if (($remainder != 0) && ($_ != $totaltracks)) {
- my $nextfile = $_ + 1;
- $nextfile = sprintf("%02d", $nextfile);
- print TOC "FILE "$nextfile.wav" ";
- print TOC "0 $remaindernn";
- $samplestart = $remainder;
- }
- }
- print "Finished writing TOC file. You may now burn the CD usingnntcdrdao write $tocfilenn";
- close (TOC);
- exit;
- sub seconds_to_cd_time {
- my $seconds = shift;
- my ($minutes, $frames);
- my $minute_increment = int($seconds / 60);
- if ($minute_increment) {
- $seconds = $seconds - ($minute_increment * 60);
- $minutes = $minutes + $minute_increment;
- }
- my $decimal = $seconds - int($seconds);
- if ($decimal) {
- $frames = int($decimal * 75);
- }
- return sprintf ("%02d:%02d:%02d", $minutes, $seconds, $frames);
- }
- __END__
- =head1 NAME
- mp32dao - prepare a set of mp3 files to be burned directly to a CD using cdrdao
- =head1 SYNOPSIS
- B<mp32dao> [ F<tocfile> ]
- mp32dao requires the following:
- =over 8
- =item *
- Perl 5
- =item *
- Audio::Wav Perl module
- Audio::Tools::Time Perl module
- =item *
- cdrdao
- =item *
- mpg123
- =back
- This script was written to facilitate the burning of DAO CD's
- from a set of mp3 files. cdrdao does a good job of burning
- DAO on Linux, but you need a Table of Contents (TOC) such as
- the type that are stored on a CD in order to make it work.
- This script grabs the sample data out of the wave file headers
- and writes the TOC correctly to make each track a multiple of
- 588 samples, by "stealing" samples from the next track, thus
- avoiding having to pad the track with zero bytes, causing a
- pop between tracks.
- For instance, if you have stored your latest live music performance
- in several mp3 files for convenience, but you want the CD to be
- burned without the 2 second "pre-gap" between each file, you would
- need to use this script to generate the TOC with the precise file
- times to ensure continuity.
- =head1 USAGE
- Run this script in a directory containing your mp3 files. (you will
- need to have 650+ megabytes free to hold the wave files)
- It will convert all the mp3's to wave format using mpg123, then
- will write a TOC suitable for burning a CD with cdrdao.
- =head1 BUGS
- Make sure your mp3's are titled appropriately to be listed in numeric
- order, I.E.
- F<01_first_file.mp3>
- F<02_second_file.mp3>
- F<03_third_file.mp3>
- etc...
- This script will write the CD in the order it finds the files in the directory
- list!
- =head1 AUTHOR
- Joe Stewart <>
- =head1 LICENSE
- This program is released under the GNU Public License.