- package Carp::Assert;
- require 5.004;
- use strict qw(subs vars);
- use Exporter;
- use vars qw(@ISA $VERSION %EXPORT_TAGS);
- $VERSION = '0.18';
- @ISA = qw(Exporter);
- NDEBUG => [qw(assert affirm should shouldnt DEBUG)],
- );
- Exporter::export_tags(qw(NDEBUG DEBUG));
- }
- #, alas, adds too much load time (yes, I benchmarked it)
- sub REAL_DEBUG () { 1 } # CONSTANT
- sub NDEBUG () { 0 } # CONSTANT
- # Export the proper DEBUG flag according to if :NDEBUG is set.
- # Also export noop versions of our routines if NDEBUG
- sub noop { undef }
- sub noop_affirm (&;$) { undef };
- sub import {
- my $env_ndebug = exists $ENV{PERL_NDEBUG} ? $ENV{PERL_NDEBUG}
- : $ENV{'NDEBUG'};
- if( grep(/^:NDEBUG$/, @_) or $env_ndebug ) {
- my $caller = caller;
- foreach my $func (grep !/^DEBUG$/, @{$EXPORT_TAGS{'NDEBUG'}}) {
- if( $func eq 'affirm' ) {
- *{$caller.'::'.$func} = &noop_affirm;
- } else {
- *{$caller.'::'.$func} = &noop;
- }
- }
- *{$caller.'::DEBUG'} = &NDEBUG;
- }
- else {
- Carp::Assert->_export_to_level(1, @_);
- }
- }
- # 5.004's Exporter doesn't have export_to_level.
- sub _export_to_level
- {
- my $pkg = shift;
- my $level = shift;
- (undef) = shift; # XXX redundant arg
- my $callpkg = caller($level);
- $pkg->export($callpkg, @_);
- }
- sub unimport {
- push @_, ':NDEBUG';
- goto &import;
- }
- # Can't call confess() here or the stack trace will be wrong.
- sub _fail_msg {
- my($name) = shift;
- my $msg = 'Assertion';
- $msg .= " ($name)" if defined $name;
- $msg .= " failed!n";
- return $msg;
- }
- =head1 NAME
- Carp::Assert - executable comments
- =head1 SYNOPSIS
- # Assertions are on.
- use Carp::Assert;
- $next_sunrise_time = sunrise();
- # Assert that the sun must rise in the next 24 hours.
- assert(($next_sunrise_time - time) < 24*60*60) if DEBUG;
- # Assert that your customer's primary credit card is active
- affirm {
- my @cards = @{$customer->credit_cards};
- $cards[0]->is_active;
- };
- # Assertions are off.
- no Carp::Assert;
- $next_pres = divine_next_president();
- # Assert that if you predict Dan Quayle will be the next president
- # your crystal ball might need some polishing. However, since
- # assertions are off, IT COULD HAPPEN!
- shouldnt($next_pres, 'Dan Quayle') if DEBUG;
- =for testing
- use Carp::Assert;
- "We are ready for any unforseen event that may or may not
- occur."
- - Dan Quayle
- Carp::Assert is intended for a purpose like the ANSI C library
- assert.h. If you're already familiar with assert.h, then you can
- probably skip this and go straight to the FUNCTIONS section.
- Assertions are the explict expressions of your assumptions about the
- reality your program is expected to deal with, and a declaration of
- those which it is not. They are used to prevent your program from
- blissfully processing garbage inputs (garbage in, garbage out becomes
- garbage in, error out) and to tell you when you've produced garbage
- output. (If I was going to be a cynic about Perl and the user nature,
- I'd say there are no user inputs but garbage, and Perl produces
- nothing but...)
- An assertion is used to prevent the impossible from being asked of
- your code, or at least tell you when it does. For example:
- =for example begin
- # Take the square root of a number.
- sub my_sqrt {
- my($num) = shift;
- # the square root of a negative number is imaginary.
- assert($num >= 0);
- return sqrt $num;
- }
- =for example end
- =for example_testing
- is( my_sqrt(4), 2, 'my_sqrt example with good input' );
- ok( !eval{ my_sqrt(-1); 1 }, ' and pukes on bad' );
- The assertion will warn you if a negative number was handed to your
- subroutine, a reality the routine has no intention of dealing with.
- An assertion should also be used as something of a reality check, to
- make sure what your code just did really did happen:
- open(FILE, $filename) || die $!;
- @stuff = <FILE>;
- @stuff = do_something(@stuff);
- # I should have some stuff.
- assert(@stuff > 0);
- The assertion makes sure you have some @stuff at the end. Maybe the
- file was empty, maybe do_something() returned an empty list... either
- way, the assert() will give you a clue as to where the problem lies,
- rather than 50 lines down at when you wonder why your program isn't
- printing anything.
- Since assertions are designed for debugging and will remove themelves
- from production code, your assertions should be carefully crafted so
- as to not have any side-effects, change any variables, or otherwise
- have any effect on your program. Here is an example of a bad
- assertation:
- assert($error = 1 if $king ne 'Henry'); # Bad!
- It sets an error flag which may then be used somewhere else in your
- program. When you shut off your assertions with the $DEBUG flag,
- $error will no longer be set.
- Here's another example of B<bad> use:
- assert($next_pres ne 'Dan Quayle' or goto Canada); # Bad!
- This assertion has the side effect of moving to Canada should it fail.
- This is a very bad assertion since error handling should not be
- placed in an assertion, nor should it have side-effects.
- In short, an assertion is an executable comment. For instance, instead
- of writing this
- # $life ends with a '!'
- $life = begin_life();
- you'd replace the comment with an assertion which B<enforces> the comment.
- $life = begin_life();
- assert( $life =~ /!$/ );
- =for testing
- my $life = 'Whimper!';
- ok( eval { assert( $life =~ /!$/ ); 1 }, 'life ends with a bang' );
- =head1 FUNCTIONS
- =over 4
- =item B<assert>
- assert(EXPR) if DEBUG;
- assert(EXPR, $name) if DEBUG;
- assert's functionality is effected by compile time value of the DEBUG
- constant, controlled by saying C<use Carp::Assert> or C<no
- Carp::Assert>. In the former case, assert will function as below.
- Otherwise, the assert function will compile itself out of the program.
- See L<Debugging vs Production> for details.
- =for testing
- {
- package Some::Other;
- no Carp::Assert;
- ::ok( eval { assert(0) if DEBUG; 1 } );
- }
- Give assert an expression, assert will Carp::confess() if that
- expression is false, otherwise it does nothing. (DO NOT use the
- return value of assert for anything, I mean it... really!).
- =for testing
- ok( eval { assert(1); 1 } );
- ok( !eval { assert(0); 1 } );
- The error from assert will look something like this:
- Assertion failed!
- Carp::Assert::assert(0) called at prog line 23
- main::foo called at prog line 50
- =for testing
- eval { assert(0) };
- like( $@, '/^Assertion failed!/', 'error format' );
- like( $@, '/Carp::Assert::assert(0) called at/', ' with stack trace' );
- Indicating that in the file "prog" an assert failed inside the
- function main::foo() on line 23 and that foo() was in turn called from
- line 50 in the same file.
- If given a $name, assert() will incorporate this into your error message,
- giving users something of a better idea what's going on.
- assert( Dogs->isa('People'), 'Dogs are people, too!' ) if DEBUG;
- # Result - "Assertion (Dogs are people, too!) failed!"
- =for testing
- eval { assert( Dogs->isa('People'), 'Dogs are people, too!' ); };
- like( $@, '/^Assertion (Dogs are people, too!) failed!/', 'names' );
- =cut
- sub assert ($;$) {
- unless($_[0]) {
- require Carp;
- Carp::confess( _fail_msg($_[1]) );
- }
- return undef;
- }
- =item B<affirm>
- affirm BLOCK if DEBUG;
- affirm BLOCK $name if DEBUG;
- Very similar to assert(), but instead of taking just a simple
- expression it takes an entire block of code and evaluates it to make
- sure its true. This can allow more complicated assertions than
- assert() can without letting the debugging code leak out into
- production and without having to smash together several
- statements into one.
- =for example begin
- affirm {
- my $customer = Customer->new($customerid);
- my @cards = $customer->credit_cards;
- grep { $_->is_active } @cards;
- } "Our customer has an active credit card";
- =for example end
- =for testing
- my $foo = 1; my $bar = 2;
- eval { affirm { $foo == $bar } };
- like( $@, '/$foo == $bar/' );
- affirm() also has the nice side effect that if you forgot the C<if DEBUG>
- suffix its arguments will not be evaluated at all. This can be nice
- if you stick affirm()s with expensive checks into hot loops and other
- time-sensitive parts of your program.
- If the $name is left off and your Perl version is 5.6 or higher the
- affirm() diagnostics will include the code begin affirmed.
- =cut
- sub affirm (&;$) {
- unless( eval { &{$_[0]}; } ) {
- my $name = $_[1];
- if( !defined $name ) {
- eval {
- require B::Deparse;
- $name = B::Deparse->new->coderef2text($_[0]);
- };
- $name =
- 'code display non-functional on this version of Perl, sorry'
- if $@;
- }
- require Carp;
- Carp::confess( _fail_msg($name) );
- }
- return undef;
- }
- =item B<should>
- =item B<shouldnt>
- should ($this, $shouldbe) if DEBUG;
- shouldnt($this, $shouldntbe) if DEBUG;
- Similar to assert(), it is specially for simple "this should be that"
- or "this should be anything but that" style of assertions.
- Due to Perl's lack of a good macro system, assert() can only report
- where something failed, but it can't report I<what> failed or I<how>.
- should() and shouldnt() can produce more informative error messages:
- Assertion ('this' should be 'that'!) failed!
- Carp::Assert::should('this', 'that') called at moof line 29
- main::foo() called at moof line 58
- So this:
- should($this, $that) if DEBUG;
- is similar to this:
- assert($this eq $that) if DEBUG;
- except for the better error message.
- Currently, should() and shouldnt() can only do simple eq and ne tests
- (respectively). Future versions may allow regexes.
- =cut
- sub should ($$) {
- unless($_[0] eq $_[1]) {
- require Carp;
- &Carp::confess( _fail_msg("'$_[0]' should be '$_[1]'!") );
- }
- return undef;
- }
- sub shouldnt ($$) {
- unless($_[0] ne $_[1]) {
- require Carp;
- &Carp::confess( _fail_msg("'$_[0]' shouldn't be that!") );
- }
- return undef;
- }
- # Sorry, I couldn't resist.
- sub shouldn't ($$) { # emacs cperl-mode madness #' sub {
- my $env_ndebug = exists $ENV{PERL_NDEBUG} ? $ENV{PERL_NDEBUG}
- : $ENV{'NDEBUG'};
- if( $env_ndebug ) {
- return undef;
- }
- else {
- shouldnt($_[0], $_[1]);
- }
- }
- =back
- =head1 Debugging vs Production
- Because assertions are extra code and because it is sometimes necessary to
- place them in 'hot' portions of your code where speed is paramount,
- Carp::Assert provides the option to remove its assert() calls from your
- program.
- So, we provide a way to force Perl to inline the switched off assert()
- routine, thereby removing almost all performance impact on your production
- code.
- no Carp::Assert; # assertions are off.
- assert(1==1) if DEBUG;
- DEBUG is a constant set to 0. Adding the 'if DEBUG' condition on your
- assert() call gives perl the cue to go ahead and remove assert() call from
- your program entirely, since the if conditional will always be false.
- # With C<no Carp::Assert> the assert() has no impact.
- for (1..100) {
- assert( do_some_really_time_consuming_check ) if DEBUG;
- }
- If C<if DEBUG> gets too annoying, you can always use affirm().
- # Once again, affirm() has (almost) no impact with C<no Carp::Assert>
- for (1..100) {
- affirm { do_some_really_time_consuming_check };
- }
- Another way to switch off all asserts, system wide, is to define the
- NDEBUG or the PERL_NDEBUG environment variable.
- You can safely leave out the "if DEBUG" part, but then your assert()
- function will always execute (and its arguments evaluated and time
- spent). To get around this, use affirm(). You still have the
- overhead of calling a function but at least its arguments will not be
- evaluated.
- =head1 Differences from ANSI C
- assert() is intended to act like the function from ANSI C fame.
- Unfortunately, due to Perl's lack of macros or strong inlining, it's not
- nearly as unobtrusive.
- Well, the obvious one is the "if DEBUG" part. This is cleanest way I could
- think of to cause each assert() call and its arguments to be removed from
- the program at compile-time, like the ANSI C macro does.
- Also, this version of assert does not report the statement which
- failed, just the line number and call frame via Carp::confess. You
- can't do C<assert('$a == $b')> because $a and $b will probably be
- lexical, and thus unavailable to assert(). But with Perl, unlike C,
- you always have the source to look through, so the need isn't as
- great.
- With C<no Carp::Assert> (or NDEBUG) and using the C<if DEBUG> suffixes
- on all your assertions, Carp::Assert has almost no impact on your
- production code. I say almost because it does still add some load-time
- to your code (I've tried to reduce this as much as possible).
- If you forget the C<if DEBUG> on an C<assert()>, C<should()> or
- C<shouldnt()>, its arguments are still evaluated and thus will impact
- your code. You'll also have the extra overhead of calling a
- subroutine (even if that subroutine does nothing).
- Forgetting the C<if DEBUG> on an C<affirm()> is not so bad. While you
- still have the overhead of calling a subroutine (one that does
- nothing) it will B<not> evaluate its code block and that can save
- alot.
- Try to remember the B<if DEBUG>.
- =over 4
- =item NDEBUG
- Defining NDEBUG switches off all assertions. It has the same effect
- as changing "use Carp::Assert" to "no Carp::Assert" but it effects all
- code.
- Same as NDEBUG and will override it. Its provided to give you
- something which won't conflict with any C programs you might be
- working on at the same time.
- =back
- =head1 BUGS, CAVETS and other MUSINGS
- Someday, Perl will have an inline pragma, and the C<if DEBUG>
- bletcherousness will go away.
- affirm() mucks with the expression's caller and it is run in an eval
- so anything that checks $^S will be wrong.
- Yes, there is a C<shouldn't> routine. It mostly works, but you B<must>
- put the C<if DEBUG> after it.
- It would be nice if we could warn about missing C<if DEBUG>.
- =head1 COPYRIGHT
- Copyright 2002 by Michael G Schwern E<lt>schwern@pobox.comE<gt>.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
- See F<>
- =head1 AUTHOR
- Michael G Schwern <>
- =cut
- return q|You don't just EAT the largest turnip in the world!|;