- package Devel::StackTrace;
- use 5.005;
- use strict;
- use vars qw($VERSION);
- use File::Spec;
- use overload
- '""' => &as_string,
- fallback => 1;
- $VERSION = '1.13';
- sub new
- {
- my $class = shift;
- my %p = @_;
- my $self = bless { index => undef,
- frames => [],
- respect_overload => $p{respect_overload},
- }, $class;
- $self->_add_frames(%p);
- return $self;
- }
- sub _add_frames
- {
- my $self = shift;
- my %p = @_;
- $p{no_refs} = delete $p{no_object_refs} if exists $p{no_object_refs};
- my (@i_pack_re, %i_class);
- if ($p{ignore_package})
- {
- $p{ignore_package} =
- [$p{ignore_package}] unless UNIVERSAL::isa( $p{ignore_package}, 'ARRAY' );
- @i_pack_re = map { ref $_ ? $_ : qr/^Q$_E$/ } @{ $p{ignore_package} };
- }
- if ($p{ignore_class})
- {
- $p{ignore_class} = [$p{ignore_class}] unless ref $p{ignore_class};
- %i_class = map {$_ => 1} @{ $p{ignore_class} };
- }
- my $p = __PACKAGE__;
- push @i_pack_re, qr/^Q$pE$/;
- my $x = 0;
- my @c;
- while ( do { package DB; @DB::args = (); @c = caller($x++) } )
- {
- next if grep { $c[0] =~ /$_/ } @i_pack_re;
- next if grep { $c[0]->isa($_) } keys %i_class;
- $self->_add_frame( $p{no_refs}, @c )
- if @c;
- }
- }
- sub _add_frame
- {
- my $self = shift;
- my $no_refs = shift;
- my $c = shift;
- # eval and is_require are only returned when applicable under 5.00503.
- push @$c, (undef, undef) if scalar @$c == 6;
- my @a = @DB::args;
- if ( $no_refs )
- {
- @a = map { ( ref $_
- ? ( UNIVERSAL::isa( $_, 'Exception::Class::Base' ) ?
- do { if ( $_->can('show_trace') )
- {
- my $t = $_->show_trace;
- $_->show_trace(0);
- my $s = "$_";
- $_->show_trace($t);
- $s;
- }
- else
- {
- # hack but should work with older
- # versions of E::C::B
- $_->{message};
- } }
- : $self->_ref_as_string($_)
- )
- : $_
- ) } @a;
- }
- push @{ $self->{frames} },
- Devel::StackTraceFrame->new( $c, @a, $self->{respect_overload} );
- }
- sub _ref_as_string
- {
- my $self = shift;
- local $@;
- if ( ref $_[0] &&
- ! $self->{respect_overload} &&
- eval { overload::Overloaded($_[0]) }
- )
- {
- return overload::StrVal($_[0]);
- }
- else
- {
- # force stringification
- $_[0] . '';
- }
- }
- sub next_frame
- {
- my $self = shift;
- # reset to top if necessary.
- $self->{index} = -1 unless defined $self->{index};
- if (defined $self->{frames}[ $self->{index} + 1 ])
- {
- return $self->{frames}[ ++$self->{index} ];
- }
- else
- {
- $self->{index} = undef;
- return undef;
- }
- }
- sub prev_frame
- {
- my $self = shift;
- # reset to top if necessary.
- $self->{index} = scalar @{ $self->{frames} } unless defined $self->{index};
- if (defined $self->{frames}[ $self->{index} - 1 ] && $self->{index} >= 1)
- {
- return $self->{frames}[ --$self->{index} ];
- }
- else
- {
- $self->{index} = undef;
- return undef;
- }
- }
- sub reset_pointer
- {
- my $self = shift;
- $self->{index} = undef;
- }
- sub frames
- {
- my $self = shift;
- return @{ $self->{frames} };
- }
- sub frame
- {
- my $self = shift;
- my $i = shift;
- return unless defined $i;
- return $self->{frames}[$i];
- }
- sub frame_count
- {
- my $self = shift;
- return scalar @{ $self->{frames} };
- }
- sub as_string
- {
- my $self = shift;
- my $st = '';
- my $first = 1;
- foreach my $f (@{ $self->{frames} })
- {
- $st .= $f->as_string($first) . "n";
- $first = 0;
- }
- return $st;
- }
- package Devel::StackTraceFrame;
- use strict;
- use vars qw($VERSION);
- $VERSION = '0.6';
- # Create accessor routines
- {
- no strict 'refs';
- foreach my $f ( qw( package filename line subroutine hasargs
- wantarray evaltext is_require hints bitmask args ) )
- {
- next if $f eq 'args';
- *{$f} = sub { my $s = shift; return $s->{$f} };
- }
- }
- sub new
- {
- my $proto = shift;
- my $class = ref $proto || $proto;
- my $self = bless {}, $class;
- my @fields =
- ( qw( package filename line subroutine hasargs wantarray evaltext is_require ) );
- push @fields, ( qw( hints bitmask ) ) if $] >= 5.006;
- @{ $self }{ @fields } = @{$_[0]};
- # fixup unix-style paths on win32
- $self->{filename} = File::Spec->canonpath( $self->{filename} );
- $self->{args} = $_[1];
- $self->{respect_overload} = $_[2];
- return $self;
- }
- sub args
- {
- my $self = shift;
- return @{ $self->{args} };
- }
- sub as_string
- {
- my $self = shift;
- my $first = shift;
- my $sub = $self->subroutine;
- # This code stolen straight from and then tweaked. All
- # errors are probably my fault -dave
- if ($first)
- {
- $sub = 'Trace begun';
- }
- else
- {
- # Build a string, $sub, which names the sub-routine called.
- # This may also be "require ...", "eval '...' or "eval {...}"
- if (my $eval = $self->evaltext)
- {
- if ($self->is_require)
- {
- $sub = "require $eval";
- }
- else
- {
- $eval =~ s/([\'])/\$1/g;
- $sub = "eval '$eval'";
- }
- }
- elsif ($sub eq '(eval)')
- {
- $sub = 'eval {...}';
- }
- # if there are any arguments in the sub-routine call, format
- # them according to the format variables defined earlier in
- # this file and join them onto the $sub sub-routine string
- #
- # We copy them because they're going to be modified.
- #
- if ( my @a = $self->args )
- {
- for (@a)
- {
- # set args to the string "undef" if undefined
- $_ = "undef", next unless defined $_;
- # hack!
- $_ = $self->Devel::StackTrace::_ref_as_string($_)
- if ref $_;
- s/'/\'/g;
- # 'quote' arg unless it looks like a number
- $_ = "'$_'" unless /^-?[d.]+$/;
- # print control/high ASCII chars as 'M-<char>' or '^<char>'
- s/([200-377])/sprintf("M-%c",ord($1)&0177)/eg;
- s/([ -37177])/sprintf("^%c",ord($1)^64)/eg;
- }
- # append ('all', 'the', 'arguments') to the $sub string
- $sub .= '(' . join(', ', @a) . ')';
- $sub .= ' called';
- }
- }
- return "$sub at " . $self->filename . ' line ' . $self->line;
- }
- 1;
- __END__
- =head1 NAME
- Devel::StackTrace - Stack trace and stack trace frame objects
- =head1 SYNOPSIS
- use Devel::StackTrace;
- my $trace = Devel::StackTrace->new;
- print $trace->as_string; # like carp
- # from top (most recent) of stack to bottom.
- while (my $frame = $trace->next_frame)
- {
- print "Has argsn" if $frame->hasargs;
- }
- # from bottom (least recent) of stack to top.
- while (my $frame = $trace->prev_frame)
- {
- print "Sub: ", $frame->subroutine, "n";
- }
- The Devel::StackTrace module contains two classes, Devel::StackTrace
- and Devel::StackTraceFrame. The goal of this object is to encapsulate
- the information that can found through using the caller() function, as
- well as providing a simple interface to this data.
- The Devel::StackTrace object contains a set of Devel::StackTraceFrame
- objects, one for each level of the stack. The frames contain all the
- data available from caller() as of Perl 5.6.0 though this module still
- works with 5.00503.
- This code was created to support my L<Exception::Class::Base> class
- (part of Exception::Class) but may be useful in other contexts.
- When describing the methods of the trace object, I use the words 'top'
- and 'bottom'. In this context, the 'top' frame on the stack is the
- most recent frame and the 'bottom' is the least recent.
- Here's an example:
- foo(); # bottom frame is here
- sub foo
- {
- bar();
- }
- sub bar
- {
- Devel::StackTrace->new; # top frame is here.
- }
- =head1 Devel::StackTrace METHODS
- =over 4
- =item * new(%named_params)
- Returns a new Devel::StackTrace object.
- Takes the following parameters:
- =over 8
- =item * ignore_package => $package_name OR @package_names
- Any frames where the package is one of these packages will not be on
- the stack.
- =item * ignore_class => $package_name OR @package_names
- Any frames where the package is a subclass of one of these packages
- (or is the same package) will not be on the stack.
- Devel::StackTrace internally adds itself to the 'ignore_package'
- parameter, meaning that the Devel::StackTrace package is B<ALWAYS>
- ignored. However, if you create a subclass of Devel::StackTrace it
- will not be ignored.
- =item * no_refs => $boolean
- If this parameter is true, then Devel::StackTrace will not store
- references internally when generating stacktrace frames. This lets
- your objects go out of scope.
- Devel::StackTrace replaces any references with their stringified
- representation.
- =item * respect_overload => $boolean
- By default, Devel::StackTrace will call C<overload::StrVal()> to get
- the underlying string representation of an object, instead of
- respecting the object's stringification overloading. If you would
- prefer to see the overloaded representation of objects in stack
- traces, then set this parameter to true.
- =back
- =item * next_frame
- Returns the next Devel::StackTraceFrame object down on the stack. If
- it hasn't been called before it returns the first frame. It returns
- undef when it reaches the bottom of the stack and then resets its
- pointer so the next call to C<next_frame> or C<prev_frame> will work
- properly.
- =item * prev_frame
- Returns the next Devel::StackTraceFrame object up on the stack. If it
- hasn't been called before it returns the last frame. It returns undef
- when it reaches the top of the stack and then resets its pointer so
- pointer so the next call to C<next_frame> or C<prev_frame> will work
- properly.
- =item * reset_pointer
- Resets the pointer so that the next call C<next_frame> or
- C<prev_frame> will start at the top or bottom of the stack, as
- appropriate.
- =item * frames
- Returns a list of Devel::StackTraceFrame objects. The order they are
- returned is from top (most recent) to bottom.
- =item * frame ($index)
- Given an index, returns the relevant frame or undef if there is not
- frame at that index. The index is exactly like a Perl array. The
- first frame is 0 and negative indexes are allowed.
- =item * frame_count
- Returns the number of frames in the trace object.
- =item * as_string
- Calls as_string on each frame from top to bottom, producing output
- quite similar to the Carp module's cluck/confess methods.
- =back
- =head1 Devel::StackTraceFrame METHODS
- See the L<caller> documentation for more information on what these
- methods return.
- =over 4
- =item * package
- =item * filename
- =item * line
- =item * subroutine
- =item * hasargs
- =item * wantarray
- =item * evaltext
- Returns undef if the frame was not part of an eval.
- =item * is_require
- Returns undef if the frame was not part of a require.
- =item * args
- Returns the arguments passed to the frame. Note that any arguments
- that are references are returned as references, not copies.
- =back
- =head2 These only contain data as of Perl 5.6.0 or later
- =over 4
- =item * hints
- =item * bitmask
- =back
- =head1 AUTHOR
- Dave Rolsky, <>
- =head1 SEE ALSO
- Exception::Class
- =cut