- """SCons.Tool
- SCons tool selection.
- This looks for modules that define a callable object that can modify
- a construction environment as appropriate for a given tool (or tool
- chain).
- Note that because this subsystem just *selects* a callable that can
- modify a construction environment, it's possible for people to define
- their own "tool specification" in an arbitrary callable function. No
- one needs to use or tie in to this subsystem in order to roll their own
- tool definition.
- """
- #
- # Copyright (c) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 The SCons Foundation
- #
- # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
- # a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
- # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
- # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
- # distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
- # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
- # the following conditions:
- #
- # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
- # in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
- #
- #
- __revision__ = "src/engine/SCons/Tool/__init__.py 3057 2008/06/09 22:21:00 knight"
- import imp
- import sys
- import SCons.Builder
- import SCons.Errors
- import SCons.Node.FS
- import SCons.Scanner
- import SCons.Scanner.C
- import SCons.Scanner.D
- import SCons.Scanner.LaTeX
- import SCons.Scanner.Prog
- DefaultToolpath=[]
- CScanner = SCons.Scanner.C.CScanner()
- DScanner = SCons.Scanner.D.DScanner()
- LaTeXScanner = SCons.Scanner.LaTeX.LaTeXScanner()
- ProgramScanner = SCons.Scanner.Prog.ProgramScanner()
- SourceFileScanner = SCons.Scanner.Base({}, name='SourceFileScanner')
- CSuffixes = [".c", ".C", ".cxx", ".cpp", ".c++", ".cc",
- ".h", ".H", ".hxx", ".hpp", ".hh",
- ".F", ".fpp", ".FPP",
- ".m", ".mm",
- ".S", ".spp", ".SPP"]
- DSuffixes = ['.d']
- IDLSuffixes = [".idl", ".IDL"]
- LaTeXSuffixes = [".tex", ".ltx", ".latex"]
- for suffix in CSuffixes:
- SourceFileScanner.add_scanner(suffix, CScanner)
- for suffix in DSuffixes:
- SourceFileScanner.add_scanner(suffix, DScanner)
- for suffix in LaTeXSuffixes:
- SourceFileScanner.add_scanner(suffix, LaTeXScanner)
- class Tool:
- def __init__(self, name, toolpath=[], **kw):
- self.name = name
- self.toolpath = toolpath + DefaultToolpath
- # remember these so we can merge them into the call
- self.init_kw = kw
- module = self._tool_module()
- self.generate = module.generate
- self.exists = module.exists
- if hasattr(module, 'options'):
- self.options = module.options
- def _tool_module(self):
- # TODO: Interchange zipimport with normal initilization for better error reporting
- oldpythonpath = sys.path
- sys.path = self.toolpath + sys.path
- try:
- try:
- file, path, desc = imp.find_module(self.name, self.toolpath)
- try:
- return imp.load_module(self.name, file, path, desc)
- finally:
- if file:
- file.close()
- except ImportError, e:
- if str(e)!="No module named %s"%self.name:
- raise SCons.Errors.EnvironmentError, e
- try:
- import zipimport
- except ImportError:
- pass
- else:
- for aPath in self.toolpath:
- try:
- importer = zipimport.zipimporter(aPath)
- return importer.load_module(self.name)
- except ImportError, e:
- pass
- finally:
- sys.path = oldpythonpath
- full_name = 'SCons.Tool.' + self.name
- try:
- return sys.modules[full_name]
- except KeyError:
- try:
- smpath = sys.modules['SCons.Tool'].__path__
- try:
- file, path, desc = imp.find_module(self.name, smpath)
- module = imp.load_module(full_name, file, path, desc)
- setattr(SCons.Tool, self.name, module)
- if file:
- file.close()
- return module
- except ImportError, e:
- if e!="No module named %s"%self.name:
- raise SCons.Errors.EnvironmentError, e
- try:
- import zipimport
- importer = zipimport.zipimporter( sys.modules['SCons.Tool'].__path__[0] )
- module = importer.load_module(full_name)
- setattr(SCons.Tool, self.name, module)
- return module
- except ImportError, e:
- m = "No tool named '%s': %s" % (self.name, e)
- raise SCons.Errors.EnvironmentError, m
- except ImportError, e:
- m = "No tool named '%s': %s" % (self.name, e)
- raise SCons.Errors.EnvironmentError, m
- def __call__(self, env, *args, **kw):
- if self.init_kw is not None:
- # Merge call kws into init kws;
- # but don't bash self.init_kw.
- if kw is not None:
- call_kw = kw
- kw = self.init_kw.copy()
- kw.update(call_kw)
- else:
- kw = self.init_kw
- env.Append(TOOLS = [ self.name ])
- if hasattr(self, 'options'):
- import SCons.Variables
- if not env.has_key('options'):
- from SCons.Script import ARGUMENTS
- env['options']=SCons.Variables.Variables(args=ARGUMENTS)
- opts=env['options']
- self.options(opts)
- opts.Update(env)
- apply(self.generate, ( env, ) + args, kw)
- def __str__(self):
- return self.name
- ##########################################################################
- # Create common executable program / library / object builders
- def createProgBuilder(env):
- """This is a utility function that creates the Program
- Builder in an Environment if it is not there already.
- If it is already there, we return the existing one.
- """
- try:
- program = env['BUILDERS']['Program']
- except KeyError:
- import SCons.Defaults
- program = SCons.Builder.Builder(action = SCons.Defaults.LinkAction,
- emitter = '$PROGEMITTER',
- prefix = '$PROGPREFIX',
- suffix = '$PROGSUFFIX',
- src_suffix = '$OBJSUFFIX',
- src_builder = 'Object',
- target_scanner = ProgramScanner)
- env['BUILDERS']['Program'] = program
- return program
- def createStaticLibBuilder(env):
- """This is a utility function that creates the StaticLibrary
- Builder in an Environment if it is not there already.
- If it is already there, we return the existing one.
- """
- try:
- static_lib = env['BUILDERS']['StaticLibrary']
- except KeyError:
- action_list = [ SCons.Action.Action("$ARCOM", "$ARCOMSTR") ]
- if env.Detect('ranlib'):
- ranlib_action = SCons.Action.Action("$RANLIBCOM", "$RANLIBCOMSTR")
- action_list.append(ranlib_action)
- static_lib = SCons.Builder.Builder(action = action_list,
- emitter = '$LIBEMITTER',
- prefix = '$LIBPREFIX',
- suffix = '$LIBSUFFIX',
- src_suffix = '$OBJSUFFIX',
- src_builder = 'StaticObject')
- env['BUILDERS']['StaticLibrary'] = static_lib
- env['BUILDERS']['Library'] = static_lib
- return static_lib
- def createSharedLibBuilder(env):
- """This is a utility function that creates the SharedLibrary
- Builder in an Environment if it is not there already.
- If it is already there, we return the existing one.
- """
- try:
- shared_lib = env['BUILDERS']['SharedLibrary']
- except KeyError:
- import SCons.Defaults
- action_list = [ SCons.Defaults.SharedCheck,
- SCons.Defaults.ShLinkAction ]
- shared_lib = SCons.Builder.Builder(action = action_list,
- emitter = "$SHLIBEMITTER",
- prefix = '$SHLIBPREFIX',
- suffix = '$SHLIBSUFFIX',
- target_scanner = ProgramScanner,
- src_suffix = '$SHOBJSUFFIX',
- src_builder = 'SharedObject')
- env['BUILDERS']['SharedLibrary'] = shared_lib
- return shared_lib
- def createLoadableModuleBuilder(env):
- """This is a utility function that creates the LoadableModule
- Builder in an Environment if it is not there already.
- If it is already there, we return the existing one.
- """
- try:
- ld_module = env['BUILDERS']['LoadableModule']
- except KeyError:
- import SCons.Defaults
- action_list = [ SCons.Defaults.SharedCheck,
- SCons.Defaults.LdModuleLinkAction ]
- ld_module = SCons.Builder.Builder(action = action_list,
- emitter = "$SHLIBEMITTER",
- prefix = '$LDMODULEPREFIX',
- suffix = '$LDMODULESUFFIX',
- target_scanner = ProgramScanner,
- src_suffix = '$SHOBJSUFFIX',
- src_builder = 'SharedObject')
- env['BUILDERS']['LoadableModule'] = ld_module
- return ld_module
- def createObjBuilders(env):
- """This is a utility function that creates the StaticObject
- and SharedObject Builders in an Environment if they
- are not there already.
- If they are there already, we return the existing ones.
- This is a separate function because soooo many Tools
- use this functionality.
- The return is a 2-tuple of (StaticObject, SharedObject)
- """
- try:
- static_obj = env['BUILDERS']['StaticObject']
- except KeyError:
- static_obj = SCons.Builder.Builder(action = {},
- emitter = {},
- prefix = '$OBJPREFIX',
- suffix = '$OBJSUFFIX',
- src_builder = ['CFile', 'CXXFile'],
- source_scanner = SourceFileScanner,
- single_source = 1)
- env['BUILDERS']['StaticObject'] = static_obj
- env['BUILDERS']['Object'] = static_obj
- try:
- shared_obj = env['BUILDERS']['SharedObject']
- except KeyError:
- shared_obj = SCons.Builder.Builder(action = {},
- emitter = {},
- prefix = '$SHOBJPREFIX',
- suffix = '$SHOBJSUFFIX',
- src_builder = ['CFile', 'CXXFile'],
- source_scanner = SourceFileScanner,
- single_source = 1)
- env['BUILDERS']['SharedObject'] = shared_obj
- return (static_obj, shared_obj)
- def createCFileBuilders(env):
- """This is a utility function that creates the CFile/CXXFile
- Builders in an Environment if they
- are not there already.
- If they are there already, we return the existing ones.
- This is a separate function because soooo many Tools
- use this functionality.
- The return is a 2-tuple of (CFile, CXXFile)
- """
- try:
- c_file = env['BUILDERS']['CFile']
- except KeyError:
- c_file = SCons.Builder.Builder(action = {},
- emitter = {},
- suffix = {None:'$CFILESUFFIX'})
- env['BUILDERS']['CFile'] = c_file
- env.SetDefault(CFILESUFFIX = '.c')
- try:
- cxx_file = env['BUILDERS']['CXXFile']
- except KeyError:
- cxx_file = SCons.Builder.Builder(action = {},
- emitter = {},
- suffix = {None:'$CXXFILESUFFIX'})
- env['BUILDERS']['CXXFile'] = cxx_file
- env.SetDefault(CXXFILESUFFIX = '.cc')
- return (c_file, cxx_file)
- ##########################################################################
- # Create common Java builders
- def CreateJarBuilder(env):
- try:
- java_jar = env['BUILDERS']['Jar']
- except KeyError:
- fs = SCons.Node.FS.get_default_fs()
- jar_com = SCons.Action.Action('$JARCOM', '$JARCOMSTR')
- java_jar = SCons.Builder.Builder(action = jar_com,
- suffix = '$JARSUFFIX',
- src_suffix = '$JAVACLASSSUFIX',
- src_builder = 'JavaClassFile',
- source_factory = fs.Entry)
- env['BUILDERS']['Jar'] = java_jar
- return java_jar
- def CreateJavaHBuilder(env):
- try:
- java_javah = env['BUILDERS']['JavaH']
- except KeyError:
- fs = SCons.Node.FS.get_default_fs()
- java_javah_com = SCons.Action.Action('$JAVAHCOM', '$JAVAHCOMSTR')
- java_javah = SCons.Builder.Builder(action = java_javah_com,
- src_suffix = '$JAVACLASSSUFFIX',
- target_factory = fs.Entry,
- source_factory = fs.File,
- src_builder = 'JavaClassFile')
- env['BUILDERS']['JavaH'] = java_javah
- return java_javah
- def CreateJavaClassFileBuilder(env):
- try:
- java_class_file = env['BUILDERS']['JavaClassFile']
- except KeyError:
- fs = SCons.Node.FS.get_default_fs()
- javac_com = SCons.Action.Action('$JAVACCOM', '$JAVACCOMSTR')
- java_class_file = SCons.Builder.Builder(action = javac_com,
- emitter = {},
- #suffix = '$JAVACLASSSUFFIX',
- src_suffix = '$JAVASUFFIX',
- src_builder = ['JavaFile'],
- target_factory = fs.Entry,
- source_factory = fs.File)
- env['BUILDERS']['JavaClassFile'] = java_class_file
- return java_class_file
- def CreateJavaClassDirBuilder(env):
- try:
- java_class_dir = env['BUILDERS']['JavaClassDir']
- except KeyError:
- fs = SCons.Node.FS.get_default_fs()
- javac_com = SCons.Action.Action('$JAVACCOM', '$JAVACCOMSTR')
- java_class_dir = SCons.Builder.Builder(action = javac_com,
- emitter = {},
- target_factory = fs.Dir,
- source_factory = fs.Dir)
- env['BUILDERS']['JavaClassDir'] = java_class_dir
- return java_class_dir
- def CreateJavaFileBuilder(env):
- try:
- java_file = env['BUILDERS']['JavaFile']
- except KeyError:
- java_file = SCons.Builder.Builder(action = {},
- emitter = {},
- suffix = {None:'$JAVASUFFIX'})
- env['BUILDERS']['JavaFile'] = java_file
- env['JAVASUFFIX'] = '.java'
- return java_file
- class ToolInitializerMethod:
- """
- This is added to a construction environment in place of a
- method(s) normally called for a Builder (env.Object, env.StaticObject,
- etc.). When called, it has its associated ToolInitializer
- object search the specified list of tools and apply the first
- one that exists to the construction environment. It then calls
- whatever builder was (presumably) added to the construction
- environment in place of this particular instance.
- """
- def __init__(self, name, initializer):
- """
- Note: we store the tool name as __name__ so it can be used by
- the class that attaches this to a construction environment.
- """
- self.__name__ = name
- self.initializer = initializer
- def get_builder(self, env):
- """
- Returns the appropriate real Builder for this method name
- after having the associated ToolInitializer object apply
- the appropriate Tool module.
- """
- builder = getattr(env, self.__name__)
- self.initializer.apply_tools(env)
- builder = getattr(env, self.__name__)
- if builder is self:
- # There was no Builder added, which means no valid Tool
- # for this name was found (or possibly there's a mismatch
- # between the name we were called by and the Builder name
- # added by the Tool module).
- return None
- self.initializer.remove_methods(env)
- return builder
- def __call__(self, env, *args, **kw):
- """
- """
- builder = self.get_builder(env)
- if builder is None:
- return [], []
- return apply(builder, args, kw)
- class ToolInitializer:
- """
- A class for delayed initialization of Tools modules.
- Instances of this class associate a list of Tool modules with
- a list of Builder method names that will be added by those Tool
- modules. As part of instantiating this object for a particular
- construction environment, we also add the appropriate
- ToolInitializerMethod objects for the various Builder methods
- that we want to use to delay Tool searches until necessary.
- """
- def __init__(self, env, tools, names):
- if not SCons.Util.is_List(tools):
- tools = [tools]
- if not SCons.Util.is_List(names):
- names = [names]
- self.env = env
- self.tools = tools
- self.names = names
- self.methods = {}
- for name in names:
- method = ToolInitializerMethod(name, self)
- self.methods[name] = method
- env.AddMethod(method)
- def remove_methods(self, env):
- """
- Removes the methods that were added by the tool initialization
- so we no longer copy and re-bind them when the construction
- environment gets cloned.
- """
- for method in self.methods.values():
- env.RemoveMethod(method)
- def apply_tools(self, env):
- """
- Searches the list of associated Tool modules for one that
- exists, and applies that to the construction environment.
- """
- for t in self.tools:
- tool = SCons.Tool.Tool(t)
- if tool.exists(env):
- env.Tool(tool)
- return
- # If we fall through here, there was no tool module found.
- # This is where we can put an informative error message
- # about the inability to find the tool. We'll start doing
- # this as we cut over more pre-defined Builder+Tools to use
- # the ToolInitializer class.
- def Initializers(env):
- ToolInitializer(env, ['install'], ['_InternalInstall', '_InternalInstallAs'])
- def Install(self, *args, **kw):
- return apply(self._InternalInstall, args, kw)
- def InstallAs(self, *args, **kw):
- return apply(self._InternalInstallAs, args, kw)
- env.AddMethod(Install)
- env.AddMethod(InstallAs)
- def FindTool(tools, env):
- for tool in tools:
- t = Tool(tool)
- if t.exists(env):
- return tool
- return None
- def FindAllTools(tools, env):
- def ToolExists(tool, env=env):
- return Tool(tool).exists(env)
- return filter (ToolExists, tools)
- def tool_list(platform, env):
- # XXX this logic about what tool to prefer on which platform
- # should be moved into either the platform files or
- # the tool files themselves.
- # The search orders here are described in the man page. If you
- # change these search orders, update the man page as well.
- if str(platform) == 'win32':
- "prefer Microsoft tools on Windows"
- linkers = ['mslink', 'gnulink', 'ilink', 'linkloc', 'ilink32' ]
- c_compilers = ['msvc', 'mingw', 'gcc', 'intelc', 'icl', 'icc', 'cc', 'bcc32' ]
- cxx_compilers = ['msvc', 'intelc', 'icc', 'g++', 'c++', 'bcc32' ]
- assemblers = ['masm', 'nasm', 'gas', '386asm' ]
- fortran_compilers = ['gfortran', 'g77', 'ifl', 'cvf', 'f95', 'f90', 'fortran']
- ars = ['mslib', 'ar', 'tlib']
- elif str(platform) == 'os2':
- "prefer IBM tools on OS/2"
- linkers = ['ilink', 'gnulink', 'mslink']
- c_compilers = ['icc', 'gcc', 'msvc', 'cc']
- cxx_compilers = ['icc', 'g++', 'msvc', 'c++']
- assemblers = ['nasm', 'masm', 'gas']
- fortran_compilers = ['ifl', 'g77']
- ars = ['ar', 'mslib']
- elif str(platform) == 'irix':
- "prefer MIPSPro on IRIX"
- linkers = ['sgilink', 'gnulink']
- c_compilers = ['sgicc', 'gcc', 'cc']
- cxx_compilers = ['sgic++', 'g++', 'c++']
- assemblers = ['as', 'gas']
- fortran_compilers = ['f95', 'f90', 'f77', 'g77', 'fortran']
- ars = ['sgiar']
- elif str(platform) == 'sunos':
- "prefer Forte tools on SunOS"
- linkers = ['sunlink', 'gnulink']
- c_compilers = ['suncc', 'gcc', 'cc']
- cxx_compilers = ['sunc++', 'g++', 'c++']
- assemblers = ['as', 'gas']
- fortran_compilers = ['sunf95', 'sunf90', 'sunf77', 'f95', 'f90', 'f77',
- 'gfortran', 'g77', 'fortran']
- ars = ['sunar']
- elif str(platform) == 'hpux':
- "prefer aCC tools on HP-UX"
- linkers = ['hplink', 'gnulink']
- c_compilers = ['hpcc', 'gcc', 'cc']
- cxx_compilers = ['hpc++', 'g++', 'c++']
- assemblers = ['as', 'gas']
- fortran_compilers = ['f95', 'f90', 'f77', 'g77', 'fortran']
- ars = ['ar']
- elif str(platform) == 'aix':
- "prefer AIX Visual Age tools on AIX"
- linkers = ['aixlink', 'gnulink']
- c_compilers = ['aixcc', 'gcc', 'cc']
- cxx_compilers = ['aixc++', 'g++', 'c++']
- assemblers = ['as', 'gas']
- fortran_compilers = ['f95', 'f90', 'aixf77', 'g77', 'fortran']
- ars = ['ar']
- elif str(platform) == 'darwin':
- "prefer GNU tools on Mac OS X, except for some linkers and IBM tools"
- linkers = ['applelink', 'gnulink']
- c_compilers = ['gcc', 'cc']
- cxx_compilers = ['g++', 'c++']
- assemblers = ['as']
- fortran_compilers = ['gfortran', 'f95', 'f90', 'g77']
- ars = ['ar']
- else:
- "prefer GNU tools on all other platforms"
- linkers = ['gnulink', 'mslink', 'ilink']
- c_compilers = ['gcc', 'msvc', 'intelc', 'icc', 'cc']
- cxx_compilers = ['g++', 'msvc', 'intelc', 'icc', 'c++']
- assemblers = ['gas', 'nasm', 'masm']
- fortran_compilers = ['gfortran', 'g77', 'ifort', 'ifl', 'f95', 'f90', 'f77']
- ars = ['ar', 'mslib']
- c_compiler = FindTool(c_compilers, env) or c_compilers[0]
- # XXX this logic about what tool provides what should somehow be
- # moved into the tool files themselves.
- if c_compiler and c_compiler == 'mingw':
- # MinGW contains a linker, C compiler, C++ compiler,
- # Fortran compiler, archiver and assembler:
- cxx_compiler = None
- linker = None
- assembler = None
- fortran_compiler = None
- ar = None
- else:
- # Don't use g++ if the C compiler has built-in C++ support:
- if c_compiler in ('msvc', 'intelc', 'icc'):
- cxx_compiler = None
- else:
- cxx_compiler = FindTool(cxx_compilers, env) or cxx_compilers[0]
- linker = FindTool(linkers, env) or linkers[0]
- assembler = FindTool(assemblers, env) or assemblers[0]
- fortran_compiler = FindTool(fortran_compilers, env) or fortran_compilers[0]
- ar = FindTool(ars, env) or ars[0]
- other_tools = FindAllTools(['BitKeeper', 'CVS',
- 'dmd',
- 'filesystem',
- 'dvipdf', 'dvips', 'gs',
- 'jar', 'javac', 'javah',
- 'latex', 'lex',
- 'm4', 'midl', 'msvs',
- 'pdflatex', 'pdftex', 'Perforce',
- 'RCS', 'rmic', 'rpcgen',
- 'SCCS',
- # 'Subversion',
- 'swig',
- 'tar', 'tex',
- 'yacc', 'zip', 'rpm', 'wix'],
- env)
- tools = ([linker, c_compiler, cxx_compiler,
- fortran_compiler, assembler, ar]
- + other_tools)
- return filter(lambda x: x, tools)