- #########################################################################
- # OpenKore - AI
- # Copyright (c) OpenKore Team
- #
- # This software is open source, licensed under the GNU General Public
- # License, version 2.
- # Basically, this means that you're allowed to modify and distribute
- # this software. However, if you distribute modified versions, you MUST
- # also distribute the source code.
- # See for the full license.
- #########################################################################
- # Helper functions for managing @ai_seq.
- #
- # Eventually, @ai_seq should never be referenced directly, and then it can be
- # moved into this package.
- package AI;
- use strict;
- use Globals;
- use Utils qw(binFind);
- use Log qw(message warning error debug);
- use Utils;
- use Field;
- use Exporter;
- use base qw(Exporter);
- use Translation;
- our @EXPORT = (
- qw/
- ai_clientSuspend
- ai_drop
- ai_follow
- ai_partyfollow
- ai_getAggressives
- ai_getPlayerAggressives
- ai_getMonstersAttacking
- ai_getSkillUseType
- ai_mapRoute_searchStep
- ai_items_take
- ai_route
- ai_route_getRoute
- ai_sellAutoCheck
- ai_setMapChanged
- ai_setSuspend
- ai_skillUse
- ai_skillUse2
- ai_storageAutoCheck
- cartGet
- cartAdd
- ai_talkNPC
- attack
- gather
- move
- sit
- stand
- take/
- );
- sub action {
- my $i = (defined $_[0] ? $_[0] : 0);
- return $ai_seq[$i];
- }
- sub args {
- my $i = (defined $_[0] ? $_[0] : 0);
- return %{$ai_seq_args[$i]};
- }
- sub dequeue {
- shift @ai_seq;
- shift @ai_seq_args;
- }
- sub queue {
- unshift @ai_seq, shift;
- my $args = shift;
- unshift @ai_seq_args, ((defined $args) ? $args : {});
- }
- sub clear {
- if (@_) {
- my $changed;
- for (my $i = 0; $i < @ai_seq; $i++) {
- if (defined binFind(@_, $ai_seq[$i])) {
- delete $ai_seq[$i];
- delete $ai_seq_args[$i];
- $changed = 1;
- }
- }
- if ($changed) {
- my (@new_seq, @new_args);
- for (my $i = 0; $i < @ai_seq; $i++) {
- if (defined $ai_seq[$i]) {
- push @new_seq, $ai_seq[$i];
- push @new_args, $ai_seq_args[$i];
- }
- }
- @ai_seq = @new_seq;
- @ai_seq_args = @new_args;
- }
- } else {
- undef @ai_seq;
- undef @ai_seq_args;
- }
- }
- sub suspend {
- my $i = (defined $_[0] ? $_[0] : 0);
- $ai_seq_args[$i]{suspended} = time if $i < @ai_seq_args;
- }
- sub mapChanged {
- my $i = (defined $_[0] ? $_[0] : 0);
- $ai_seq_args[$i]{mapChanged} = time if $i < @ai_seq_args;
- }
- sub findAction {
- return binFind(@ai_seq, $_[0]);
- }
- sub inQueue {
- foreach (@_) {
- # Apparently using a loop is faster than calling
- # binFind() (which is optimized in C), because
- # of function call overhead.
- #return 1 if defined binFind(@ai_seq, $_);
- foreach my $seq (@ai_seq) {
- return 1 if ($_ eq $seq);
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- sub isIdle {
- return $ai_seq[0] eq "";
- }
- sub is {
- foreach (@_) {
- return 1 if ($ai_seq[0] eq $_);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- ##########################################
- ##
- # ai_clientSuspend(packet_switch, duration, args...)
- # initTimeout: a number of seconds.
- #
- # Freeze the AI for $duration seconds. $packet_switch and @args are only
- # used internally and are ignored unless XKore mode is turned on.
- sub ai_clientSuspend {
- my ($type, $duration, @args) = @_;
- my %args;
- $args{type} = $type;
- $args{time} = time;
- $args{timeout} = $duration;
- @{$args{args}} = @args;
- AI::queue("clientSuspend", %args);
- debug "AI suspended by clientSuspend for $args{timeout} secondsn";
- }
- ##
- # ai_drop(items, max)
- # items: reference to an array of inventory item numbers.
- # max: the maximum amount to drop, for each item, or 0 for unlimited.
- #
- # Drop one or more items.
- #
- # Example:
- # # Drop inventory items 2 and 5.
- # ai_drop([2, 5]);
- # # Drop inventory items 2 and 5, but at most 30 of each item.
- # ai_drop([2, 5], 30);
- sub ai_drop {
- my $r_items = shift;
- my $max = shift;
- my %seq = ();
- if (@{$r_items} == 1) {
- # Dropping one item; do it immediately
- Misc::drop($r_items->[0], $max);
- } else {
- # Dropping multiple items; queue an AI sequence
- $seq{items} = @{$r_items};
- $seq{max} = $max;
- $seq{timeout} = 1;
- AI::queue("drop", %seq);
- }
- }
- sub ai_follow {
- my $name = shift;
- return 0 if (!$name);
- if (binFind(@ai_seq, "follow") eq "") {
- my %args;
- $args{name} = $name;
- push @ai_seq, "follow";
- push @ai_seq_args, %args;
- }
- return 1;
- }
- sub ai_partyfollow {
- # we have to enable re-calc of route based on master's possition regulary, even when it is
- # on route and move, otherwise we have finaly moved to the possition and found that the master
- # already teleported to another side of the map.
- # This however will give problem on few seq such as storageAuto as 'move' and 'route' might
- # be triggered to move to the NPC
- my %master;
- $master{id} = main::findPartyUserID($config{followTarget});
- if ($master{id} ne "" && !AI::inQueue("storageAuto","storageGet","sellAuto","buyAuto")) {
- $master{x} = $char->{party}{users}{$master{id}}{pos}{x};
- $master{y} = $char->{party}{users}{$master{id}}{pos}{y};
- ($master{map}) = $char->{party}{users}{$master{id}}{map} =~ /([sS]*).gat/;
- if ($master{map} ne $field{name} || $master{x} == 0 || $master{y} == 0) {
- delete $master{x};
- delete $master{y};
- }
- return unless ($master{map} ne $field{name} || exists $master{x});
- if ((exists $ai_v{master} && distance(%master, $ai_v{master}) > 15)
- || $master{map} != $ai_v{master}{map}
- || (timeOut($ai_v{master}{time}, 15) && distance(%master, $char->{pos_to}) > $config{followDistanceMax})) {
- $ai_v{master}{x} = $master{x};
- $ai_v{master}{y} = $master{y};
- $ai_v{master}{map} = $master{map};
- $ai_v{master}{time} = time;
- if ($ai_v{master}{map} ne $field{name}) {
- message TF("Calculating route to find master: %sn", $ai_v{master}{map}), "follow";
- } elsif (distance(%master, $char->{pos_to}) > $config{followDistanceMax} ) {
- message TF("Calculating route to find master: %s (%s,%s)n", $ai_v{master}{map}, $ai_v{master}{x}, $ai_v{master}{y}), "follow";
- } else {
- return;
- }
- AI::clear("move", "route", "mapRoute");
- ai_route($ai_v{master}{map}, $ai_v{master}{x}, $ai_v{master}{y}, distFromGoal => $config{followDistanceMin});
- my $followIndex = AI::findAction("follow");
- if (defined $followIndex) {
- $ai_seq_args[$followIndex]{ai_follow_lost_end}{timeout} = $timeout{ai_follow_lost_end}{timeout};
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ##
- # ai_getAggressives([check_mon_control], [party])
- # Returns: an array of monster IDs, or a number.
- #
- # Get a list of all aggressive monsters on screen.
- # The definition of "aggressive" is: a monster who has hit or missed me.
- #
- # If $check_mon_control is set, then all monsters in mon_control.txt
- # with the 'attack_auto' flag set to 2, will be considered as aggressive.
- # See also the manual for more information about this.
- #
- # If $party is set, then monsters that have fought with party members
- # (not just you) will be considered as aggressive.
- sub ai_getAggressives {
- my ($type, $party) = @_;
- my $wantArray = wantarray;
- my $num = 0;
- my @agMonsters;
- foreach my $monster (@{$monstersList->getItems()}) {
- my $control = Misc::mon_control($monster->name,$monster->{nameID}) if $type || !$wantArray;
- my $ID = $monster->{ID};
- next if (!timeOut($monster->{attack_failedLOS}, 6));
- if (($type && ($control->{attack_auto} == 2)) ||
- (($monster->{dmgToYou} || $monster->{missedYou}) && Misc::checkMonsterCleanness($ID)) ||
- ($party && ($monster->{dmgToParty} || $monster->{missedToParty} || $monster->{dmgFromParty})) &&
- timeOut($monster->{attack_failed}, $timeout{ai_attack_unfail}{timeout}))
- {
- # Remove monsters that are considered forced agressive (when set to 2 on Mon_Control)
- # but has not yet been damaged or attacked by party AND currently has no LOS
- # if this is not done, Kore will keep trying infinitely attack targets set to aggro but who
- # has no Line of Sight (ex.: GH Cemitery when on a higher position seeing an aggro monster in lower levels).
- # The other parameters are re-checked along, so you can continue to attack a monster who has
- # already been hit but lost the line for some reason.
- # Also, check if the forced aggressive is a clean target when it has not marked as "yours".
- my $myPos = calcPosition($char);
- my $pos = calcPosition($monster);
- next if (($type && $control->{attack_auto} == 2)
- && (($config{'attackCanSnipe'}) ? !Misc::checkLineSnipable($myPos, $pos) : (!Misc::checkLineWalkable($myPos, $pos) || !Misc::checkLineSnipable($myPos, $pos)))
- && !$monster->{dmgToYou} && !$monster->{missedYou}
- && ($party && (!$monster->{dmgToParty} && !$monster->{missedToParty} && !$monster->{dmgFromParty}))
- );
- # Continuing, check whether the forced Agro is really a clean monster;
- next if (($type && $control->{attack_auto} == 2) && !Misc::checkMonsterCleanness($ID));
- if ($wantArray) {
- # Function is called in array context
- push @agMonsters, $ID;
- } else {
- # Function is called in scalar context
- if ($control->{weight} > 0) {
- $num += $control->{weight};
- } elsif ($control->{weight} != -1) {
- $num++;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if ($wantArray) {
- return @agMonsters;
- } else {
- return $num;
- }
- }
- sub ai_getPlayerAggressives {
- my $ID = shift;
- my @agMonsters;
- foreach (@monstersID) {
- next if ($_ eq "");
- if ($monsters{$_}{dmgToPlayer}{$ID} > 0 || $monsters{$_}{missedToPlayer}{$ID} > 0 || $monsters{$_}{dmgFromPlayer}{$ID} > 0 || $monsters{$_}{missedFromPlayer}{$ID} > 0) {
- push @agMonsters, $_;
- }
- }
- return @agMonsters;
- }
- ##
- # ai_getMonstersAttacking($ID)
- #
- # Get the monsters who are attacking player $ID.
- sub ai_getMonstersAttacking {
- my $ID = shift;
- my @agMonsters;
- foreach (@monstersID) {
- next unless $_;
- my $monster = $monsters{$_};
- push @agMonsters, $_ if $monster->{target} eq $ID;
- }
- return @agMonsters;
- }
- ##
- # ai_getSkillUseType(name)
- # name: the internal name of the skill (as found in skills.txt), such as
- # Returns: 1 if it's a location skill, 0 if it's an object skill.
- #
- # Determines whether a skill is a skill that's casted on a location, or one
- # that's casted on an object (monster/player/etc).
- # For example, Firewall is a location skill, while Cold Bolt is an object
- # skill.
- sub ai_getSkillUseType {
- my $skill = shift;
- return 1 if $skillsArea{$skill} == 1;
- return 0;
- }
- sub ai_mapRoute_searchStep {
- my $r_args = shift;
- unless ($r_args->{openlist} && %{$r_args->{openlist}}) {
- $r_args->{done} = 1;
- $r_args->{found} = '';
- return 0;
- }
- my $parent = (sort {$$r_args{'openlist'}{$a}{'walk'} <=> $$r_args{'openlist'}{$b}{'walk'}} keys %{$$r_args{'openlist'}})[0];
- debug "$parent, $$r_args{'openlist'}{$parent}{'walk'}n", "route/path";
- # Uncomment this if you want minimum MAP count. Otherwise use the above for minimum step count
- #foreach my $parent (keys %{$$r_args{'openlist'}})
- {
- my ($portal,$dest) = split /=/, $parent;
- if ($$r_args{'budget'} ne '' && $$r_args{'openlist'}{$parent}{'zenny'} > $$r_args{'budget'}) {
- #This link is too expensive
- delete $$r_args{'openlist'}{$parent};
- next;
- } else {
- #MOVE this entry into the CLOSELIST
- $$r_args{'closelist'}{$parent}{'walk'} = $$r_args{'openlist'}{$parent}{'walk'};
- $$r_args{'closelist'}{$parent}{'zenny'} = $$r_args{'openlist'}{$parent}{'zenny'};
- $$r_args{'closelist'}{$parent}{'parent'} = $$r_args{'openlist'}{$parent}{'parent'};
- #Then delete in from OPENLIST
- delete $$r_args{'openlist'}{$parent};
- }
- if ($portals_lut{$portal}{'dest'}{$dest}{'map'} eq $$r_args{'dest'}{'map'}) {
- if ($$r_args{'dest'}{'pos'}{'x'} eq '' && $$r_args{'dest'}{'pos'}{'y'} eq '') {
- $$r_args{'found'} = $parent;
- $$r_args{'done'} = 1;
- undef @{$$r_args{'mapSolution'}};
- my $this = $$r_args{'found'};
- while ($this) {
- my %arg;
- $arg{'portal'} = $this;
- my ($from,$to) = split /=/, $this;
- ($arg{'map'},$arg{'pos'}{'x'},$arg{'pos'}{'y'}) = split / /,$from;
- ($arg{dest_map}, $arg{dest_pos}{x}, $arg{dest_pos}{y}) = split(' ', $to);
- $arg{'walk'} = $$r_args{'closelist'}{$this}{'walk'};
- $arg{'zenny'} = $$r_args{'closelist'}{$this}{'zenny'};
- $arg{'steps'} = $portals_lut{$from}{'dest'}{$to}{'steps'};
- unshift @{$$r_args{'mapSolution'}},%arg;
- $this = $$r_args{'closelist'}{$this}{'parent'};
- }
- return;
- } elsif ( ai_route_getRoute(@{$$r_args{'solution'}}, $$r_args{'dest'}{'field'}, $portals_lut{$portal}{'dest'}{$dest}, $$r_args{'dest'}{'pos'}) ) {
- my $walk = "$$r_args{'dest'}{'map'} $$r_args{'dest'}{'pos'}{'x'} $$r_args{'dest'}{'pos'}{'y'}=$$r_args{'dest'}{'map'} $$r_args{'dest'}{'pos'}{'x'} $$r_args{'dest'}{'pos'}{'y'}";
- $$r_args{'closelist'}{$walk}{'walk'} = scalar @{$$r_args{'solution'}} + $$r_args{'closelist'}{$parent}{$dest}{'walk'};
- $$r_args{'closelist'}{$walk}{'parent'} = $parent;
- $$r_args{'closelist'}{$walk}{'zenny'} = $$r_args{'closelist'}{$parent}{'zenny'};
- $$r_args{'found'} = $walk;
- $$r_args{'done'} = 1;
- undef @{$$r_args{'mapSolution'}};
- my $this = $$r_args{'found'};
- while ($this) {
- my %arg;
- $arg{'portal'} = $this;
- my ($from,$to) = split /=/, $this;
- ($arg{'map'},$arg{'pos'}{'x'},$arg{'pos'}{'y'}) = split / /,$from;
- $arg{'walk'} = $$r_args{'closelist'}{$this}{'walk'};
- $arg{'zenny'} = $$r_args{'closelist'}{$this}{'zenny'};
- $arg{'steps'} = $portals_lut{$from}{'dest'}{$to}{'steps'};
- unshift @{$$r_args{'mapSolution'}},%arg;
- $this = $$r_args{'closelist'}{$this}{'parent'};
- }
- return;
- }
- }
- #get all children of each openlist
- foreach my $child (keys %{$portals_los{$dest}}) {
- next unless $portals_los{$dest}{$child};
- foreach my $subchild (keys %{$portals_lut{$child}{'dest'}}) {
- my $destID = $subchild;
- my $mapName = $portals_lut{$child}{'source'}{'map'};
- #############################################################
- my $penalty = int($routeWeights{lc($mapName)}) + int(($portals_lut{$child}{'dest'}{$subchild}{'steps'} ne '') ? $routeWeights{'NPC'} : $routeWeights{'PORTAL'});
- my $thisWalk = $penalty + $$r_args{'closelist'}{$parent}{'walk'} + $portals_los{$dest}{$child};
- if (!exists $$r_args{'closelist'}{"$child=$subchild"}) {
- if ( !exists $$r_args{'openlist'}{"$child=$subchild"} || $$r_args{'openlist'}{"$child=$subchild"}{'walk'} > $thisWalk ) {
- $$r_args{'openlist'}{"$child=$subchild"}{'parent'} = $parent;
- $$r_args{'openlist'}{"$child=$subchild"}{'walk'} = $thisWalk;
- $$r_args{'openlist'}{"$child=$subchild"}{'zenny'} = $$r_args{'closelist'}{$parent}{'zenny'} + $portals_lut{$child}{'dest'}{$subchild}{'cost'};
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- sub ai_items_take {
- my ($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2) = @_;
- my %args;
- $args{pos}{x} = $x1;
- $args{pos}{y} = $y1;
- $args{pos_to}{x} = $x2;
- $args{pos_to}{y} = $y2;
- $args{ai_items_take_end}{time} = time;
- $args{ai_items_take_end}{timeout} = $timeout{ai_items_take_end}{timeout};
- $args{ai_items_take_start}{time} = time;
- $args{ai_items_take_start}{timeout} = $timeout{ai_items_take_start}{timeout};
- $args{ai_items_take_delay}{timeout} = $timeout{ai_items_take_delay}{timeout};
- AI::queue("items_take", %args);
- }
- sub ai_route {
- my $map = shift;
- my $x = shift;
- my $y = shift;
- my %args = @_;
- debug "On route to: $maps_lut{$map.'.rsw'}($map): $x, $yn", "route";
- # I can't use 'use' because of circular dependencies.
- require Task::Route;
- require Task::MapRoute;
- my $task;
- my @params = (
- x => $x,
- y => $y,
- maxDistance => $args{maxRouteDistance},
- maxTime => $args{maxRouteTime},
- distFromGoal => $args{distFromGoal},
- pyDistFromGoal => $args{pyDistFromGoal},
- avoidWalls => !$args{noAvoidWalls},
- notifyUponArrival => $args{notifyUponArrival}
- );
- if ($args{noMapRoute}) {
- $task = new Task::Route(@params);
- } else {
- $task = new Task::MapRoute(map => $map, @params);
- }
- $task->{attackID} = $args{attackID};
- $task->{attackOnRoute} = $args{attackOnRoute};
- $task->{noSitAuto} = $args{noSitAuto};
- $task->{LOSSubRoute} = $args{LOSSubRoute};
- AI::queue("route", $task);
- }
- #sellAuto for items_control - chobit andy 20030210
- sub ai_sellAutoCheck {
- foreach my $item (@{$char->inventory->getItems()}) {
- next if ($item->{equipped});
- my $control = Misc::items_control($item->{name});
- if ($control->{sell} && $item->{amount} > $control->{keep}) {
- return 1;
- }
- }
- }
- sub ai_setMapChanged {
- my $index = shift;
- $index = 0 if ($index eq "");
- if ($index < @ai_seq_args) {
- $ai_seq_args[$index]{'mapChanged'} = time;
- }
- }
- sub ai_setSuspend {
- my $index = shift;
- $index = 0 if ($index eq "");
- if ($index < @ai_seq_args) {
- $ai_seq_args[$index]{'suspended'} = time;
- }
- }
- sub ai_skillUse {
- return if ($char->{muted});
- my %args = (
- skillHandle => shift,
- lv => shift,
- maxCastTime => { time => time, timeout => shift },
- minCastTime => { time => time, timeout => shift },
- target => shift,
- y => shift,
- tag => shift,
- ret => shift,
- waitBeforeUse => { time => time, timeout => shift },
- prefix => shift
- );
- $args{giveup}{time} = time;
- $args{giveup}{timeout} = $timeout{ai_skill_use_giveup}{timeout};
- if ($args{y} ne "") {
- $args{x} = $args{target};
- delete $args{target};
- }
- AI::queue("skill_use", %args);
- }
- ##
- # ai_skillUse2($skill, $lvl, $maxCastTime, $minCastTime, $target)
- #
- # Calls ai_skillUse(), resolving $target to ($x, $y) if $skillID is an
- # area skill.
- #
- # FIXME: All code of the following structure:
- #
- # if (!ai_getSkillUseType(...)) {
- # ai_skillUse(..., $ID);
- # } else {
- # ai_skillUse(..., $x, $y);
- # }
- #
- # should be converted to use this helper function. Note that this
- # function uses objects instead of IDs for the skill and target.
- sub ai_skillUse2 {
- my ($skill, $lvl, $maxCastTime, $minCastTime, $target, $prefix) = @_;
- if (!ai_getSkillUseType($skill->getHandle())) {
- ai_skillUse($skill->getHandle(), $lvl, $maxCastTime, $minCastTime, $target->{ID}, undef, undef, undef, undef, $prefix);
- } else {
- ai_skillUse($skill->getHandle(), $lvl, $maxCastTime, $minCastTime, $target->{pos_to}{x}, $target->{pos_to}{y}, undef, undef, undef, $prefix);
- }
- }
- ##
- # ai_storageAutoCheck()
- #
- # Returns 1 if it is time to perform storageAuto sequence.
- # Returns 0 otherwise.
- sub ai_storageAutoCheck {
- return 0 if ($char->getSkillLevel(new Skill(handle => 'NV_BASIC')) < 6);
- if ($config{minStorageZeny}) {
- return 0 if ($char->{zenny} < $config{minStorageZeny});
- }
- foreach my $item (@{$char->inventory->getItems()}) {
- next if ($item->{equipped});
- my $control = Misc::items_control($item->{name});
- if ($control->{storage} && $item->{amount} > $control->{keep}) {
- return 1;
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- ##
- # cartGet(items)
- # items: a reference to an array of indices.
- #
- # Get one or more items from cart.
- # @items is a list of hashes; each has must have an "index" key, and may optionally have an "amount" key.
- # "index" is the index of the cart inventory item number. If "amount" is given, only the given amount of
- # items will retrieved from cart.
- #
- # Example:
- # # You want to get 5 Apples (inventory item 2) and all
- # # Fly Wings (inventory item 5) from cart.
- # my @items;
- # push @items, {index => 2, amount => 5};
- # push @items, {index => 5};
- # cartGet(@items);
- sub cartGet {
- my $items = shift;
- return unless ($items && @{$items});
- my %args;
- $args{items} = $items;
- $args{timeout} = $timeout{ai_cartAuto} ? $timeout{ai_cartAuto}{timeout} : 0.15;
- AI::queue("cartGet", %args);
- }
- ##
- # cartAdd(items)
- # items: a reference to an array of hashes.
- #
- # Put one or more.
- # @items is a list of hashes; each has must have an "index" key, and may optionally have an "amount" key.
- # "index" is the index of the inventory item number. If "amount" is given, only the given amount of items will be put in cart.
- #
- # Example:
- # # You want to add 5 Apples (inventory item 2) and all
- # # Fly Wings (inventory item 5) to cart.
- # my @items;
- # push @items, {index => 2, amount => 5};
- # push @items, {index => 5};
- # cartAdd(@items);
- sub cartAdd {
- my $items = shift;
- return unless ($items && @{$items});
- my %args;
- $args{items} = $items;
- $args{timeout} = $timeout{ai_cartAuto} ? $timeout{ai_cartAuto}{timeout} : 0.15;
- AI::queue("cartAdd", %args);
- }
- ##
- # ai_talkNPC(x, y, sequence)
- # x, y: the position of the NPC to talk to.
- # sequence: A string containing the NPC talk sequences.
- #
- # Talks to an NPC. You can specify an NPC position, or an NPC ID.
- #
- # $sequence is a list of whitespace-separated commands:
- # ~l
- # c : Continue
- # r# : Select option # from menu.
- # n : Stop talking to NPC.
- # b : Send the "Show shop item list" (Buy) packet.
- # w# : Wait # seconds.
- # x : Initialize conversation with NPC. Useful to perform multiple transaction with a single NPC.
- # t="str" : send the text str to NPC, double quote is needed only if the string contains space
- # ~l~
- #
- # Example:
- # # Sends "Continue", "Select option 0" to the NPC at (102, 300)
- # ai_talkNPC(102, 300, "c r0");
- sub ai_talkNPC {
- my %args;
- $args{'pos'}{'x'} = shift;
- $args{'pos'}{'y'} = shift;
- $args{'sequence'} = shift;
- $args{'sequence'} =~ s/^ +| +$//g;
- AI::queue("NPC", %args);
- }
- sub attack {
- my $ID = shift;
- my %args;
- my $target = Actor::get($ID);
- return if (!$target->{'pos_to'} || ! $target->{'pos'});
- $args{'ai_attack_giveup'}{'time'} = time;
- $args{'ai_attack_giveup'}{'timeout'} = $timeout{'ai_attack_giveup'}{'timeout'};
- $args{'ID'} = $ID;
- $args{'unstuck'}{'timeout'} = ($timeout{'ai_attack_unstuck'}{'timeout'} || 1.5);
- %{$args{'pos_to'}} = %{$target->{'pos_to'}};
- %{$args{'pos'}} = %{$target->{'pos'}};
- AI::queue("attack", %args);
- message TF("Attacking: %sn", $target);
- $startedattack = 1;
- Plugins::callHook('attack_start', {ID => $ID});
- #Mod Start
- last AUTOEQUIP if (UNIVERSAL::isa($target, 'Actor::Player'));
- my $i = 0;
- my $Lequip = 0;
- my $Runeq =0;
- my (%eq_list,$Req,$Leq,$arrow,$j);
- while (exists $config{"autoSwitch_$i"}) {
- if (!$config{"autoSwitch_$i"}) {
- $i++;
- next;
- }
- if (existsInList($config{"autoSwitch_$i"}, $monsters{$ID}{'name'})) {
- message TF("Encounter Monster : %sn", $monsters{$ID}{'name'});
- if ($config{"autoSwitch_$i"."_rightHand"}) {
- if ($config{"autoSwitch_$i"."_rightHand"} eq "[NONE]" && $char->{equipment}{'rightHand'}) {
- $Runeq = 1;
- message TF("Auto UnEquiping [R]: %sn", $config{"autoSwitch_$i"."_rightHand"}), "equip";
- $char->{equipment}{'rightHand'}->unequip();
- }
- $Req = $char->inventory->getByName($config{"autoSwitch_${i}_rightHand"});
- if ($Req && !$Req->{equipped}){
- message TF("Auto Equiping [R]: %sn", $config{"autoSwitch_$i"."_rightHand"}), "equip";
- %eq_list = (rightHand => $Req->{invIndex});
- }
- }
- if ($config{"autoSwitch_${i}_leftHand"}) {
- if ($config{"autoSwitch_${i}_leftHand"} eq "[NONE]" && $char->{equipment}{leftHand}) {
- if (!($Runeq && $char->{equipment}{rightHand} == $char->{equipment}{leftHand})) {
- message TF("Auto UnEquiping [L]: %sn", $config{"autoSwitch_${i}_rightHand"}), "equip";
- $char->{equipment}{leftHand}->unequip();
- }
- }
- $Leq = $char->inventory->getByName($config{"autoSwitch_${i}_leftHand"});
- if ($Leq && !$Leq->{equipped}) {
- if ($Req == $Leq) {
- undef $Leq;
- foreach my $item (@{$char->inventory->getItems()}) {
- if ($item->{name} eq $config{"autoSwitch_${i}_leftHand"} && $item != $Req) {
- $Leq = $item;
- last;
- }
- }
- }
- if ($Leq) {
- message TF("Auto Equiping [L]: %s (%s)n", $config{"autoSwitch_$i"."_leftHand"}, $Leq), "equip";
- $eq_list{leftHand} = $Leq->{invIndex};
- }
- }
- }
- if (%eq_list) {
- Actor::Item::bulkEquip(%eq_list);
- }
- $arrow = $char->inventory->getByName($config{"autoSwitch_${i}_arrow"}) if ($config{"autoSwitch_${i}_arrow"});
- if ($arrow && !$arrow->{equipped}) {
- message TF("Auto Equiping [A]: %sn", $config{"autoSwitch_$i"."_arrow"}), "equip";
- $arrow->equip();
- }
- if ($config{"autoSwitch_$i"."_distance"} && $config{"autoSwitch_$i"."_distance"} != $config{'attackDistance'}) {
- $ai_v{'attackDistance'} = $config{'attackDistance'};
- $config{'attackDistance'} = $config{"autoSwitch_$i"."_distance"};
- message TF("Change Attack Distance to : %sn", $config{'attackDistance'}), "equip";
- }
- if ($config{"autoSwitch_$i"."_useWeapon"} ne "") {
- $ai_v{'attackUseWeapon'} = $config{'attackUseWeapon'};
- $config{'attackUseWeapon'} = $config{"autoSwitch_$i"."_useWeapon"};
- message TF("Change Attack useWeapon to : %sn", $config{'attackUseWeapon'}), "equip";
- }
- }
- $i++;
- }
- undef $Leq;
- undef $Req;
- if ($config{"autoSwitch_default_rightHand"}) {
- if ($config{"autoSwitch_default_rightHand"} eq "[NONE]" && $char->{equipment}{'rightHand'}) {
- $Runeq = 1;
- message TF("Auto UnEquiping [R]: %sn", $config{"autoSwitch_default_rightHand"}), "equip";
- $char->{equipment}{'rightHand'}->unequip();
- }
- $Req = $char->inventory->getByName($config{"autoSwitch_default_rightHand"});
- if ($Req && !$Req->{equipped}){
- message TF("Auto Equiping [R]: %sn", $config{"autoSwitch_default_rightHand"}), "equip";
- %eq_list = (rightHand => $Req->{invIndex});
- }
- }
- if ($config{"autoSwitch_default_leftHand"}) {
- if ($config{"autoSwitch_default_leftHand"} eq "[NONE]" && $char->{equipment}{'leftHand'}) {
- if (!($Runeq && $char->{equipment}{'rightHand'} == $char->{equipment}{'leftHand'})) {
- message TF("Auto UnEquiping [L]: %sn", $config{"autoSwitch_default_leftHand"}), "equip";
- $char->{equipment}{'leftHand'}->unequip();
- }
- }
- $Leq = $char->inventory->getByName($config{"autoSwitch_default_leftHand"});
- if ($Leq && !$Leq->{equipped}) {
- if ($Req == $Leq) {
- undef $Leq;
- foreach my $item (@{$char->inventory->getItems()}) {
- if ($item->{name} eq $config{"autoSwitch_default_leftHand"} && $item != $Req) {
- $Leq = $item;
- last;
- }
- }
- }
- if ($Leq) {
- message TF("Auto Equiping [L]: %sn", $config{"autoSwitch_default_leftHand"}), "equip";
- $eq_list{leftHand} = $Leq->{invIndex};
- }
- }
- }
- if (%eq_list) {
- Actor::Item::bulkEquip(%eq_list);
- }
- if ($config{'autoSwitch_default_arrow'}) {
- $arrow = $char->inventory->getByName($config{"autoSwitch_default_arrow"});
- if ($arrow && !$arrow->{equipped}) {
- message TF("Auto equiping default [A]: %sn", $config{'autoSwitch_default_arrow'}), "equip";
- $arrow->equip();
- }
- }
- if ($ai_v{'attackDistance'} && $config{'attackDistance'} != $ai_v{'attackDistance'}) {
- $config{'attackDistance'} = $ai_v{'attackDistance'};
- message TF("Change Attack Distance to Default : %sn", $config{'attackDistance'}), "equip";
- }
- if ($ai_v{'attackUseWeapon'} ne "" && $config{'attackUseWeapon'} != $ai_v{'attackUseWeapon'}) {
- $config{'attackUseWeapon'} = $ai_v{'attackUseWeapon'};
- message TF("Change Attack useWeapon to default : %sn", $config{'attackUseWeapon'}), "equip";
- }
- }
- sub gather {
- my $ID = shift;
- my %args;
- $args{ai_items_gather_giveup}{time} = time;
- $args{ai_items_gather_giveup}{timeout} = $timeout{ai_items_gather_giveup}{timeout};
- $args{ID} = $ID;
- $args{pos} = { %{$items{$ID}{pos}} };
- AI::queue("items_gather", %args);
- debug "Targeting for Gather: $items{$ID}{name} ($items{$ID}{binID})n";
- }
- sub move {
- my $x = shift;
- my $y = shift;
- my $attackID = shift;
- my %args;
- my $dist;
- $args{move_to}{x} = $x;
- $args{move_to}{y} = $y;
- $args{attackID} = $attackID;
- $args{time_move} = $char->{time_move};
- $dist = distance($char->{pos}, $args{move_to});
- $args{ai_move_giveup}{timeout} = $timeout{ai_move_giveup}{timeout};
- if ($x == 0 && $y == 0) {
- # die "BUG: move(0, 0) called!n";
- error "BUG: move(0, 0) called!n";
- return;
- }
- debug sprintf("Sending move from (%d,%d) to (%d,%d) - distance %.2fn",
- $char->{pos}{x}, $char->{pos}{y}, $x, $y, $dist), "ai_move";
- AI::queue("move", %args);
- }
- sub sit {
- require Task::SitStand;
- my $task = new Task::SitStand(mode => 'sit', wait => $timeout{ai_sit_wait}{timeout});
- AI::queue("sitting", $task);
- if (defined $config{sitAuto_look} && !$config{sitAuto_look_from_wall}) {
- Misc::look($config{sitAuto_look});
- } elsif (defined $config{sitAuto_look} && $config{sitAuto_look_from_wall}) {
- my $sitAutoLook = $config{sitAuto_look};
- my $wallRange = $config{sitAuto_look_from_wall};
- for (my $i=1;$i<=$wallRange;$i++) {
- if ((!$field->isWalkable($char->{pos}{x},$char->{pos}{y}+$wallRange) && $sitAutoLook == 0)
- || (!$field->isWalkable($char->{pos}{x}-$wallRange,$char->{pos}{y}+$wallRange) && $sitAutoLook == 1)
- || (!$field->isWalkable($char->{pos}{x}-$wallRange,$char->{pos}{y}) && $sitAutoLook == 2)
- || (!$field->isWalkable($char->{pos}{x}-$wallRange,$char->{pos}{y}-$wallRange) && $sitAutoLook == 3)
- ) {
- $sitAutoLook += 4;
- } elsif ((!$field->isWalkable($char->{pos}{x},$char->{pos}{y}-$wallRange) && $sitAutoLook == 4)
- || (!$field->isWalkable($char->{pos}{x}+$wallRange,$char->{pos}{y}-$wallRange) && $sitAutoLook == 5)
- || (!$field->isWalkable($char->{pos}{x}+$wallRange,$char->{pos}{y}) && $sitAutoLook == 6)
- || (!$field->isWalkable($char->{pos}{x}+$wallRange,$char->{pos}{y}+$wallRange) && $sitAutoLook == 7)
- ) {
- $sitAutoLook -= 4;
- }
- }
- Misc::look($sitAutoLook);
- }
- }
- sub stand {
- require Task::SitStand;
- my $task = new Task::SitStand(mode => 'stand', wait => $timeout{ai_stand_wait}{timeout});
- AI::queue("standing", $task);
- }
- sub take {
- my $ID = shift;
- my %args;
- return if (!$items{$ID});
- $args{ai_take_giveup}{time} = time;
- $args{ai_take_giveup}{timeout} = $timeout{ai_take_giveup}{timeout};
- $args{ID} = $ID;
- $args{pos} = {%{$items{$ID}{pos}}};
- AI::queue("take", %args);
- debug "Picking up: $items{$ID}{name} ($items{$ID}{binID})n";
- }
- return 1;