- #########################################################################
- # OpenKore - Unix-specific functions
- #
- # This software is open source, licensed under the GNU General Public
- # License, version 2.
- # Basically, this means that you're allowed to modify and distribute
- # this software. However, if you distribute modified versions, you MUST
- # also distribute the source code.
- # See http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html for the full license.
- #
- # $Revision: 5265 $
- # $Id: Unix.pm 5265 2006-12-26 18:43:32Z vcl_kore $
- #
- #########################################################################
- ##
- # MODULE DESCRIPTION: Unix-specific utility functions.
- # Functions in this module are implemented in auto/XSTools/unix/unix.xs
- package Utils::Unix;
- use strict;
- use warnings;
- use XSTools;
- XSTools::bootModule("Utils::Unix");
- my (%fgcolors, %bgcolors);
- ##
- # Utils::Unix::getTerminalSize()
- # Returns: an array with 2 elements: the width and height.
- #
- # Get the size of the active terminal.
- ##
- # Bytes Utils::Unix::getColorForMessage(Hash consoleColors, String type, String domain)
- #
- # Return the ANSI color code for the given message type and domain.
- sub getColorForMessage {
- my ($consoleColors, $type, $domain) = @_;
- return '' if (!$consoleColors->{''} || !$consoleColors->{''}{useColors});
- my $colorName;
- if ($consoleColors->{$type}) {
- $domain = 'default' if (!defined $domain);
- $colorName = $consoleColors->{$type}{$domain};
- $colorName = $consoleColors->{$type}{default} if (!defined $colorName);
- }
- $colorName = 'default' if (!defined $colorName);
- return getColor($colorName);
- }
- ##
- # Bytes Utils::Unix::getColor(String colorName)
- #
- # Return the ANSI color code for the given color name.
- sub getColor {
- my $colorName = $_[0];
- my $code = '';
- $colorName =~ s//(.*)//;
- my $bgcolor = $1;
- $code = $fgcolors{$colorName} if (defined($colorName) && defined($fgcolors{$colorName}));
- $code .= $bgcolors{$bgcolor} if (defined($bgcolor) && defined($bgcolors{$bgcolor}));
- $code = '' if (!defined $code);
- return $code;
- }
- # The following variables map foreground and background colors to ANSI color codes.
- {
- use bytes;
- %fgcolors = (
- 'reset' => "e[0m",
- 'default' => "e[0m",
- 'black' => "e[0;30m",
- 'darkgray' => "e[1;30m",
- 'darkgrey' => "e[1;30m",
- 'darkred' => "e[0;31m",
- 'red' => "e[1;31m",
- 'darkgreen' => "e[0;32m",
- 'green' => "e[1;32m",
- 'brown' => "e[0;33m",
- 'yellow' => "e[1;33m",
- 'darkblue' => "e[0;34m",
- 'blue' => "e[1;34m",
- 'darkmagenta' => "e[0;35m",
- 'magenta' => "e[1;35m",
- 'darkcyan' => "e[0;36m",
- 'cyan' => "e[1;36m",
- 'gray' => "e[0;37m",
- 'grey' => "e[0;37m",
- 'white' => "e[1;37m",
- );
- %bgcolors = (
- 'default' => "e[22;40m",
- 'black' => "e[22;40m",
- 'darkgray' => "e[5;40m",
- 'darkgrey' => "e[5;40m",
- 'darkred' => "e[22;41m",
- 'red' => "e[5;41m",
- 'darkgreen' => "e[22;42m",
- 'green' => "e[5;42m",
- 'brown' => "e[22;43m",
- 'yellow' => "e[5;43m",
- 'darkblue' => "e[22;44m",
- 'blue' => "e[5;44m",
- 'darkmagenta' => "e[22;45m",
- 'magenta' => "e[5;45m",
- 'darkcyan' => "e[22;46m",
- 'cyan' => "e[5;46m",
- 'gray' => "e[22;47m",
- 'grey' => "e[22;47m",
- 'white' => "e[5;47m",
- );
- }
- 1;