- #########################################################################
- # OpenKore - Pathfinding algorithm
- #
- # This software is open source, licensed under the GNU General Public
- # License, version 2.
- # Basically, this means that you're allowed to modify and distribute
- # this software. However, if you distribute modified versions, you MUST
- # also distribute the source code.
- # See for the full license.
- #########################################################################
- ##
- # MODULE DESCRIPTION: Pathfinding algorithm.
- #
- # This module implements the
- # <a href="">A*</a>
- # (A-Star) pathfinding algorithm, which you can use to calculate how to
- # walk to a certain spot on the map.
- #
- # This module is only for <i>calculation</i> of a route, not for
- # telling OpenKore to walk to a certain place. That's what ai_route() is for.
- # The actual algorithm itself is implemented in auto/XSTools/pathfinding/algorithm.{cpp|h}.
- # This module is a Perl XS wrapper API for that algorithm. Most functions in this module
- # are implemented in auto/XSTools/pathfinding/wrapper.xs.
- package PathFinding;
- use strict;
- use warnings;
- use Carp;
- use XSTools;
- use Modules 'register';
- XSTools::bootModule("PathFinding");
- ##
- # PathFinding->new([args])
- # args: Arguments to pass to $PathFinding->reset().
- #
- # Create a new PathFinding object. If args are given, the object will
- # be initialized for you. If not, you must initialize it yourself
- # by calling $PathFinding->reset().
- sub new {
- my $class = shift;
- my $self = create();
- $self->reset(@_) if (@_);
- return $self;
- }
- ##
- # $PathFinding->reset(args...)
- # Returns: a PathFinding object
- #
- # Required arguments:
- # `l
- # - start: a hash containing x and y values where the path should start.<br>
- # - dest: a hash as above, but for the path's destination.
- # `l`
- #
- # Semi-required arguments:
- # `l
- # - field: a hash with the keys <tt>dstMap</tt>, <tt>width</tt>, and <tt>height</tt>
- # `l`
- # OR all of:
- # `l
- # - distance_map: a reference to a field map with precomuted distances from walls
- # - width: the width of the field
- # - height: the height of the field
- # `l`
- #
- # Optional arguments:
- # `l
- # - timeout: the number of milliseconds to run each step for, defaults to 1500
- # - weights: a reference to a string of 256 characters, used as the weights to give
- # squares from 0 to 255 squares away from the closest wall. The first
- # character must be chr(255).
- # `l`
- sub reset {
- my $class = shift;
- my %args = @_;
- # Check arguments
- croak "Required arguments missing, specify 'field' or 'distance_map' and 'width' and 'height'n"
- unless $args{field} || ($args{distance_map} && $args{width} && $args{height});
- croak "Required argument 'start' missingn" unless $args{start};
- croak "Required argument 'dest' missingn" unless $args{dest};
- # Default optional arguments
- $args{distance_map} = $args{field}{dstMap} unless $args{distance_map};
- $args{width} = $args{field}{width} unless $args{width};
- $args{height} = $args{field}{height} unless $args{height};
- $args{timeout} = 1500 unless $args{timeout};
- die if (!$args{field}{dstMap});
- return $class->_reset($args{distance_map}, $args{weights}, $args{width}, $args{height},
- $args{start}{x}, $args{start}{y},
- $args{dest}{x}, $args{dest}{y},
- $args{timeout});
- }
- ##
- # $PathFinding->run(r_array)
- # r_array: Reference to an array in which the solution is stored. It will contain
- # hashes of x and y coordinates from the start to the end of the path.
- # Returns: -1 on failure, 0 when pathfinding is not yet complete, or the number
- # of steps required to walk from source to destination.
- ##
- # $PathFinding->runref()
- # Returns: undef on failure, 0 when pathfinding is not yet complete, or an array
- # reference when a path is found. The array reference contains hashes of x
- # and y coordinates from the start to the end of the path.
- ##
- # $PathFinding->runstr()
- # Returns: undef on failure, 0 when pathfinding is not yet complete, or a string
- # of packed shorts. The shorts are pairs of X and Y coordinates running
- # from the end to the start of the path. (note that the order is reversed)
- ##
- # $PathFinding->runcount()
- # Returns: -1 on failure, 0 when pathfinding is not yet complete, or the
- # number of steps required to walk from source to destination.
- 1;