- #########################################################################
- # OpenKore - Exception utility functions and common exception objects
- #
- # Copryight (c) 2006 OpenKore Development Team
- #
- # This software is open source, licensed under the GNU General Public
- # License, version 2.
- # Basically, this means that you're allowed to modify and distribute
- # this software. However, if you distribute modified versions, you MUST
- # also distribute the source code.
- # See http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html for the full license.
- #########################################################################
- ##
- # MODULE DESCRIPTION: Exception utility functions and common exception objects.
- #
- # This module provides some exception utility functions, to be used in combination
- # with <a href="http://cpan.uwinnipeg.ca/htdocs/Exception-Class/Exception/Class.html">Exeption::Class</a>.
- #
- # It also defines the following commonly-used exception objects:
- # `l
- # - ArgumentException - An invalid argument is passed to a function.
- # - ModuleLoadException - A Perl module cannot be loaded.
- # - ClassLoadException - A class cannot be created.
- # - IOException - Input/output exception occured.
- # - FileNotFoundException - A file is not found.
- # - SocketException - An error occured during a socket operating, such as connecting to a server.
- # - BusNotRunningException - The OpenKore bus system is not running.
- # - DataFormatException - The data format is invalid.
- # - UTF8MalformedException - Invalid UTF-8 data encountered.
- # `l`
- package Utils::Exceptions;
- use strict;
- use Exporter;
- use base qw(Exporter);
- use Scalar::Util;
- use Exception::Class (
- 'ArgumentException',
- 'ModuleLoadException' => { fields => 'module' },
- 'ClassCreateException' => { fields => 'class' },
- 'IOException',
- 'FileNotFoundException' => { isa => 'IOException', fields => 'filename' },
- 'SocketException' => { isa => 'IOException' },
- 'BusNotRunningException' => { isa => 'IOException' },
- 'ProtocolException' => { isa => 'IOException' },
- 'DataFormatException',
- 'UTF8MalformedException' => { isa => 'DataFormatException', fields => ['textfileline', 'textfile'] }
- );
- our @EXPORT = qw(caught);
- ##
- # Object caught(class1, [class2, class3, ...])
- # classN: The class name of an exception object.
- #
- # Checks whether the currently caught exception ($@) is one of the types
- # specified in the parameters. Returns $@ if it is, undef otherwise. This
- # function is allows you to write in try-catch-style syntax.
- #
- # This symbol is exported by default.
- #
- # Example:
- # eval {
- # SomeException->throw(error => "foo");
- # };
- # if (my $e = caught("SomeException")) {
- # print "SomeException caught: " . $e->error . "n";
- # } elsif (my $e = caught("OtherException")) {
- # print "OtherException caught: " . $e->error . "n";
- # } elsif (my $e = caught("YetAnotherException1", "YetAnotherException2")) {
- # print "Caught YetAnotherException1 or YetAnotherException1.n";
- # } elsif ($@) {
- # # Rethrow exception.
- # die $@;
- # }
- sub caught {
- my $e = $@;
- foreach my $class (@_) {
- if (UNIVERSAL::isa($e, $class)) {
- return $e;
- }
- }
- return undef;
- }
- 1;