- #########################################################################
- # OpenKore - Global variables
- #
- # This software is open source, licensed under the GNU General Public
- # License, version 2.
- # Basically, this means that you're allowed to modify and distribute
- # this software. However, if you distribute modified versions, you MUST
- # also distribute the source code.
- # See for the full license.
- #
- # $Revision: 6794 $
- # $Id: 6794 2009-07-28 09:24:01Z Technologyguild $
- #
- #########################################################################
- ##
- # MODULE DESCRIPTION: Global variables
- #
- # This module defines all kinds of global variables.
- package Globals;
- use strict;
- use Exporter;
- use base qw(Exporter);
- use Modules 'register';
- # Do not use any other Kore modules here. It will create circular dependancies.
- our %EXPORT_TAGS = (
- config => [qw(%arrowcraft_items %avoid @chatResponses %cities_lut %config %consoleColors %directions_lut %equipTypes_lut %equipSlot_rlut %equipSlot_lut %haircolors @headgears_lut %items_control %items_lut %itemSlotCount_lut %itemsDesc_lut %itemTypes_lut %jobs_lut %maps_lut %masterServers %monsters_lut %npcs_lut %packetDescriptions %portals_lut %responses %sex_lut %shop %skillsDesc_lut %skillsLooks %skillsArea %skillsEncore %skillsSP_lut %spells_lut %emotions_lut %timeout $char %mon_control %priority %routeWeights %pickupitems %rpackets %itemSlots_lut %skillsStatus %portals_los %skillsState %skillsAilments %elements_lut)],
- ai => [qw(@ai_seq @ai_seq_args %ai_v $AI $AI_forcedOff %targetTimeout)],
- state => [qw($accountID $cardMergeIndex @cardMergeItemsID $charID @chars @chars_old %cart @friendsID %friends %incomingFriend %field $field %homunculus $itemsList @itemsID %items $monstersList @monstersID %monsters @npcsID %npcs $npcsList @playersID %players @portalsID @portalsID_old %portals %portals_old $portalsList @storeList $currentChatRoom @currentChatRoomUsers @chatRoomsID %createdChatRoom %chatRooms @skillsID %storage @storageID @arrowCraftID %guild %incomingGuild @spellsID %spells @unknownPlayers @unknownNPCs $statChanged $skillChanged $useArrowCraft %currentDeal %incomingDeal %outgoingDeal @identifyID @partyUsersID %incomingParty @petsID %pets @venderItemList $venderID @venderListsID @articles $articles %venderLists %monsters_old @monstersID_old %npcs_old %items_old %players_old @playersID_old @servers $sessionID $sessionID2 $accountSex $accountSex2 $map_ip $map_port $KoreStartTime $secureLoginKey $initSync $lastConfChangeTime $petsList $playersList $portalsList @playerNameCacheIDs %playerNameCache %pet $pvp @cashList %repairList $slavesList @slavesID %slaves)],
- network => [qw($remote_socket $net $messageSender $charServer $conState $conState_tries $encryptVal $ipc $bus $lastPacketTime $masterServer $lastswitch $packetParser $bytesSent $bytesReceived $incomingMessages $outgoingClientMessages $enc_val1 $enc_val2)],
- interface => [qw($interface)],
- misc => [qw($quit $reconnectCount @lastpm %lastpm @privMsgUsers %timeout_ex $shopstarted $dmgpsec $totalelasped $elasped $totaldmg %overallAuth %responseVars %talk $startTime_EXP $startingZenny @monsters_Killed $bExpSwitch $jExpSwitch $totalBaseExp $totalJobExp $shopEarned %itemChange $XKore_dontRedirect $monkilltime $monstarttime $startedattack $firstLoginMap $sentWelcomeMessage $versionSearch $monsterBaseExp $monsterJobExp %descriptions %flags %damageTaken $logAppend @sellList $userSeed $taskManager $mailList $auctionList $hotkeyList)],
- syncs => [qw($syncSync $syncMapSync)],
- cmdqueue => [qw($cmdQueue @cmdQueueList $cmdQueueStartTime $cmdQueueTime @cmdQueuePriority)],
- );
- our @EXPORT = (
- @{$EXPORT_TAGS{config}},
- @{$EXPORT_TAGS{ai}},
- @{$EXPORT_TAGS{state}},
- @{$EXPORT_TAGS{network}},
- @{$EXPORT_TAGS{interface}},
- @{$EXPORT_TAGS{misc}},
- @{$EXPORT_TAGS{syncs}},
- @{$EXPORT_TAGS{cmdqueue}},
- );
- # Configuration variables
- our %arrowcraft_items;
- our %avoid;
- our @chatResponses;
- our $char;
- our %cities_lut;
- our %config;
- our %consoleColors;
- our %equipTypes_lut;
- our %equipSlot_lut = (
- '0' => 'Item',
- '1' => 'lowHead',
- '2' => 'rightHand',
- '4' => 'robe',
- '8' => 'rightAccessory',
- '16' => 'armor',
- '32' => 'leftHand',
- '64' => 'shoes',
- '128' => 'leftAccessory',
- '256' => 'topHead',
- '512' => 'midHead',
- '1024' => 'carry', #used in messyKore don't know if it actually exists
- '32768' => 'arrow' #just use an made up ID since arrow doesn't have any
- );
- our %equipSlot_rlut = (
- 'Item' => 0,
- 'lowHead' => 1,
- 'rightHand' => 2,
- 'robe' => 4,
- 'rightAccessory' => 8,
- 'armor' => 16,
- 'leftHand' => 32,
- 'shoes' => 64,
- 'leftAccessory' => 128,
- 'topHead' => 256,
- 'midHead' => 512,
- 'carry' => 1024,
- 'arrow' => '' #arrow seems not to have any ID
- );
- our %elements_lut;
- our %directions_lut;
- our %haircolors;
- our @headgears_lut;
- our %items_control;
- our %items_lut;
- our %itemSlotCount_lut;
- our %itemsDesc_lut;
- our %itemTypes_lut;
- our %itemSlots_lut;
- our %maps_lut;
- our %masterServers;
- our %mon_control;
- our %monsters_lut;
- our %npcs_lut;
- our %packetDescriptions;
- our %portals_los;
- our %portals_lut;
- our %priority;
- our %responses;
- our %routeWeights;
- our %rpackets;
- our %sex_lut;
- our %shop;
- our %skillsDesc_lut;
- our %skillsSP_lut;
- our %skillsLooks;
- our %skillsAilments;
- our %skillsArea;
- our %skillsEncore;
- our %skillsState;
- our %skillsStatus;
- our %spells_lut;
- our %timeout;
- our %jobs_lut = (
- 0 => 'Novice',
- 1 => 'Swordsman',
- 2 => 'Mage',
- 3 => 'Archer',
- 4 => 'Acolyte',
- 5 => 'Merchant',
- 6 => 'Thief',
- 7 => 'Knight',
- 8 => 'Priest',
- 9 => 'Wizard',
- 10 => 'Blacksmith',
- 11 => 'Hunter',
- 12 => 'Assassin',
- 13 => 'Peco Knight',
- 14 => 'Crusader',
- 15 => 'Monk',
- 16 => 'Sage',
- 17 => 'Rogue',
- 18 => 'Alchemist',
- 19 => 'Bard',
- 20 => 'Dancer',
- 21 => 'Peco Crusader',
- 22 => 'Wedding Suit',
- 23 => 'Super Novice',
- 24 => 'Gunslinger',
- 25 => 'Ninja',
- 161 => 'High Novice',
- 162 => 'High Swordsman',
- 163 => 'High Magician',
- 164 => 'High Archer',
- 165 => 'High Acolyte',
- 166 => 'High Merchant',
- 167 => 'High Thief',
- 168 => 'Lord Knight',
- 169 => 'High Priest',
- 170 => 'High Wizard',
- 171 => 'Whitesmith',
- 172 => 'Sniper',
- 173 => 'Assassin Cross',
- 174 => 'Peco Lord Knight',
- 175 => 'Paladin',
- 176 => 'Champion',
- 177 => 'Professor',
- 178 => 'Stalker',
- 179 => 'Creator',
- 180 => 'Clown',
- 181 => 'Gypsy',
- 4001 => 'High Novice',
- 4002 => 'High Swordsman',
- 4003 => 'High Magician',
- 4004 => 'High Archer',
- 4005 => 'High Acolyte',
- 4006 => 'High Merchant',
- 4007 => 'High Thief',
- 4008 => 'Lord Knight',
- 4009 => 'High Priest',
- 4010 => 'High Wizard',
- 4011 => 'Whitesmith',
- 4012 => 'Sniper',
- 4013 => 'Assassin Cross',
- 4014 => 'Peco Lord Knight',
- 4015 => 'Paladin',
- 4016 => 'Champion',
- 4017 => 'Professor',
- 4018 => 'Stalker',
- 4019 => 'Creator',
- 4020 => 'Clown',
- 4021 => 'Gypsy',
- 4022 => 'Peco Paladin',
- 4023 => 'Baby Novice',
- 4024 => 'Baby Swordsman',
- 4025 => 'Baby Magician',
- 4026 => 'Baby Archer',
- 4027 => 'Baby Acolyte',
- 4028 => 'Baby Merchant',
- 4029 => 'Baby Thief',
- 4030 => 'Baby Knight',
- 4031 => 'Baby Priest',
- 4032 => 'Baby Wizard',
- 4033 => 'Baby Blacksmith',
- 4034 => 'Baby Hunter',
- 4035 => 'Baby Assassin',
- 4036 => 'Baby Peco Knight',
- 4037 => 'Baby Crusader',
- 4038 => 'Baby Monk',
- 4039 => 'Baby Sage',
- 4040 => 'Baby Rogue',
- 4041 => 'Baby Alchemist',
- 4042 => 'Baby Bard',
- 4043 => 'Baby Dancer',
- 4044 => 'Baby Peco Crusader',
- 4045 => 'Super Baby', # or Baby Super Novice, I like the way eAthena calls it though
- 4046 => 'Taekwon',
- 4047 => 'Star Gladiator',
- 4048 => 'Flying Star Gladiator',
- 4049 => 'Soul Linker',
- 4050 => 'Munak',
- 4051 => 'Death Knight',
- 4052 => 'Dark Collector',
- 4054 => 'Rune Knight',
- 4055 => 'Warlock',
- 4056 => 'Ranger',
- 4057 => 'Arch Bishop',
- 4058 => 'Mechanic',
- 4059 => 'Glt. Cross',
- 4060 => 'Rune Knight',
- 4061 => 'Warlock',
- 4062 => 'Ranger',
- 4063 => 'Arch Bishop',
- 4064 => 'Mechanic',
- 4065 => 'Glt. Cross',
- 4066 => 'Royal Guard',
- 4067 => 'Sorcerer',
- 4068 => 'Minstrel',
- 4069 => 'Wanderer',
- 4070 => 'Sura',
- 4071 => 'Genetic',
- 4072 => 'Shadow Chaser',
- 4073 => 'Royal Guard',
- 4074 => 'Sorcerer',
- 4075 => 'Minstrel',
- 4076 => 'Wanderer',
- 4077 => 'Sura',
- 4078 => 'Genetic',
- 4079 => 'Shadow Chaser',
- 4080 => 'Rune Knight',
- 4081 => 'Rune Knight',
- 4082 => 'Royal Guard',
- 4083 => 'Royal Guard',
- # Homunculus
- 6001 => 'Lif',
- 6002 => 'Amistr',
- 6003 => 'Filir',
- 6004 => 'Vanilmirth',
- 6005 => 'Lif 2',
- 6006 => 'Amistr 2',
- 6007 => 'Filir 2',
- 6008 => 'Vanilmirth 2',
- 6009 => 'High Lif',
- 6010 => 'High Amistr',
- 6011 => 'High Filir',
- 6012 => 'High Vanilmirth',
- 6013 => 'High Lif 2',
- 6014 => 'High Amistr 2',
- 6015 => 'High Filir 2',
- 6016 => 'High Vanilmirth 2',
- # Mercenary
- 6017 => 'Mercenary Archer 1',
- 6018 => 'Mercenary Archer 2',
- 6019 => 'Mercenary Archer 3',
- 6020 => 'Mercenary Archer 4',
- 6021 => 'Mercenary Archer 5',
- 6022 => 'Mercenary Archer 6',
- 6023 => 'Mercenary Archer 7',
- 6024 => 'Mercenary Archer 8',
- 6025 => 'Mercenary Archer 9',
- 6026 => 'Mercenary Archer 10',
- 6027 => 'Mercenary Lancer 1',
- 6028 => 'Mercenary Lancer 2',
- 6029 => 'Mercenary Lancer 3',
- 6030 => 'Mercenary Lancer 4',
- 6031 => 'Mercenary Lancer 5',
- 6032 => 'Mercenary Lancer 6',
- 6033 => 'Mercenary Lancer 7',
- 6034 => 'Mercenary Lancer 8',
- 6035 => 'Mercenary Lancer 9',
- 6036 => 'Mercenary Lancer 10',
- 6037 => 'Mercenary Swordman 1',
- 6038 => 'Mercenary Swordman 2',
- 6039 => 'Mercenary Swordman 3',
- 6040 => 'Mercenary Swordman 4',
- 6041 => 'Mercenary Swordman 5',
- 6042 => 'Mercenary Swordman 6',
- 6043 => 'Mercenary Swordman 7',
- 6044 => 'Mercenary Swordman 8',
- 6045 => 'Mercenary Swordman 9',
- 6046 => 'Mercenary Swordman 10'
- );
- # AI
- our @ai_seq;
- our @ai_seq_args;
- our %ai_v;
- our %targetTimeout;
- our $AI = 2;
- our $AI_forcedOff;
- # Game state
- our $accountID;
- our $cardMergeIndex;
- our @cardMergeItemsID;
- our @chars;
- our @chars_old;
- our %cart;
- our %field;
- our $field;
- our @friendsID;
- our %friends;
- our %homunculus;
- our %incomingFriend;
- our $itemsList;
- our @itemsID;
- our %items;
- our $monstersList;
- our @monstersID;
- our %monsters;
- our @npcsID;
- our %npcs;
- our @playersID;
- our %players;
- our @portalsID;
- our @portalsID_old;
- our %portals;
- our %portals_old;
- our @storeList;
- our $currentChatRoom;
- our @currentChatRoomUsers;
- our @chatRoomsID;
- our %createdChatRoom;
- our %chatRooms;
- our @skillsID;
- our %storage;
- our @storageID;
- our @arrowCraftID;
- our %guild;
- our %incomingGuild;
- our @spellsID;
- our %spells;
- our @unknownPlayers;
- our @unknownNPCs;
- our $statChanged;
- our $skillChanged;
- our $useArrowCraft;
- our %currentDeal;
- our %incomingDeal;
- our %outgoingDeal;
- our @identifyID;
- our $playersList;
- our $npcsList;
- our $petsList;
- our $portalsList;
- our $slavesList;
- our @slavesID;
- our %slaves;
- our @petsID;
- our %pets;
- our $pvp;
- our @venderItemList;
- our $venderID;
- our @venderListsID;
- our @articles;
- our $articles;
- our %monsters_old;
- our @monstersID_old;
- our %npcs_old;
- our %items_old;
- our %players_old;
- our @playersID_old;
- our @servers;
- our $sessionID;
- our $sessionID2;
- our $accountSex;
- our $accountSex2;
- our $map_ip;
- our $map_port;
- our $KoreStartTime;
- our $secureLoginKey;
- our $initSync;
- our $lastConfChangeTime;
- our @playerNameCacheIDs;
- our %playerNameCache;
- our %pet;
- our @cashList;
- our %repairList;
- # Network
- our $remote_socket; # Unused, but required for outdated plugins
- our $net;
- our $messageSender;
- our $charServer;
- our $conState;
- our $conState_tries;
- our $encryptVal;
- our $ipc;
- our $bus;
- our $lastPacketTime;
- our $masterServer;
- our $incomingMessages;
- our $outgoingClientMessages;
- our $lastswitch;
- our $enc_val1;
- our $enc_val2;
- # Interface
- our $interface;
- # Misc
- our $quit;
- our $reconnectCount;
- our @lastpm;
- our %lastpm;
- our @privMsgUsers;
- our %timeout_ex;
- our %overallAuth;
- our $shopstarted;
- our $dmgpsec;
- our $totalelasped;
- our $elasped;
- our $totaldmg;
- our %responseVars;
- our %talk;
- our $startTime_EXP;
- our $startingZenny;
- our @monsters_Killed;
- our $bExpSwitch;
- our $jExpSwitch;
- our $totalBaseExp;
- our $totalJobExp;
- our $shopEarned;
- our %itemChange;
- our %damageTaken;
- our $XKore_dontRedirect;
- our $monkilltime;
- our $monstarttime;
- our $startedattack;
- our $firstLoginMap;
- our $sentWelcomeMessage;
- our $versionSearch;
- our $monsterBaseExp;
- our $monsterJobExp;
- our %descriptions;
- our %flags;
- our $logAppend;
- our @sellList;
- our $userSeed;
- our $taskManager;
- our $bytesSent = 0;
- our $bytesReceived = 0;
- our $syncSync;
- our $syncMapSync;
- our $cmdQueue = 0;
- our $cmdQueueStartTime;
- our $cmdQueueTime = 0;
- our @cmdQueueList;
- our @cmdQueuePriority = ('ai','aiv','al','debug','chist','dl','exp','friend','g','guild','help','i',
- 'ihist','il','ml','nl','p','party','petl','pl','plugin','relog','pml','portals','quit','rc',
- 'reload','s','skills','spells','st','stat_add','store','vl','weight');
- our $mailList;
- our $auctionList;
- our $hotkeyList;
- END {
- undef $interface if defined $interface;
- }
- return 1;