- #########################################################################
- # OpenKore - Config File Parsers
- #
- # This software is open source, licensed under the GNU General Public
- # License, version 2.
- # Basically, this means that you're allowed to modify and distribute
- # this software. However, if you distribute modified versions, you MUST
- # also distribute the source code.
- # See for the full license.
- #
- # $Revision$
- # $Id$
- #
- #########################################################################
- ##
- # MODULE DESCRIPTION: Configuration file parsers
- #
- # This module contains functions for parsing an writing config/* and
- # tables/* files.
- package FileParsers;
- use strict;
- use File::Spec;
- use Exporter;
- use base qw(Exporter);
- use encoding 'utf8';
- use Carp;
- use Utils;
- use Utils::TextReader;
- use Plugins;
- use Log qw(warning error);
- our @EXPORT = qw(
- parseArrayFile
- parseAvoidControl
- parseChatResp
- parseCommandsDescription
- parseConfigFile
- parseDataFile
- parseDataFile_lc
- parseDataFile2
- parseEmotionsFile
- parseItemsControl
- parseList
- parseNPCs
- parseMonControl
- parsePortals
- parsePortalsLOS
- parsePriority
- parseResponses
- parseROLUT
- parseRODescLUT
- parseROSlotsLUT
- parseSectionedFile
- parseShopControl
- parseSkillsSPLUT
- parseTimeouts
- parseWaypoint
- processUltimate
- writeDataFile
- writeDataFileIntact
- writeDataFileIntact2
- writePortalsLOS
- writeSectionedFileIntact
- updateMonsterLUT
- updatePortalLUT
- updateNPCLUT
- );
- sub parseArrayFile {
- my $file = shift;
- my $r_array = shift;
- undef @{$r_array};
- my @lines;
- my $reader = new Utils::TextReader($file);
- while (!$reader->eof()) {
- my $line = $reader->readLine();
- $line =~ s/[rnx{FEFF}]//g;
- push @lines, $line;
- }
- @{$r_array} = scalar(@lines) + 1;
- my $i = 1;
- foreach (@lines) {
- $r_array->[$i] = $_;
- $i++;
- }
- return 1;
- }
- sub parseAvoidControl {
- my $file = shift;
- my $r_hash = shift;
- undef %{$r_hash};
- my ($key,@args,$args);
- my $reader = new Utils::TextReader($file);
- my $section = "";
- while (!$reader->eof()) {
- my $line = $reader->readLine();
- $line =~ s/x{FEFF}//g;
- next if ($line =~ /^#/);
- $line =~ s/[rn]//g;
- $line =~ s/s+$//g;
- next if ($line eq "");
- if ($line =~ /^[(.*)]$/) {
- $section = $1;
- next;
- } else {
- ($key, $args) = lc($line) =~ /([sS]+?)[s]+(d+[sS]*)/;
- @args = split / /,$args;
- if ($key ne "") {
- $r_hash->{$section}{$key}{disconnect_on_sight} = $args[0];
- $r_hash->{$section}{$key}{teleport_on_sight} = $args[1];
- $r_hash->{$section}{$key}{disconnect_on_chat} = $args[2];
- }
- }
- }
- return 1;
- }
- sub parseChatResp {
- my $file = shift;
- my $r_array = shift;
- my $reader = new Utils::TextReader($file);
- while (!$reader->eof()) {
- my $line = $reader->readLine();
- $line =~ s/[rnx{FEFF}]//g;
- next if ($line eq "" || $line =~ /^#/);
- if ($line =~ /^first_resp_/) {
- Log::error(Translation::T("The chat_resp.txt format has changed. Please read News.txt and upgrade to the new format.n"));
- return;
- }
- my ($key, $value) = split /t+/, lc($line), 2;
- my @input = split /,+/, $key;
- my @responses = split /,+/, $value;
- foreach my $word (@input) {
- my %args = (
- word => $word,
- responses => @responses
- );
- push @{$r_array}, %args;
- }
- }
- return 1;
- }
- sub parseCommandsDescription {
- my $file = shift;
- my $r_hash = shift;
- my $no_undef = shift;
- undef %{$r_hash} unless $no_undef;
- my ($key, $commentBlock, $description);
- my $reader = new Utils::TextReader($file);
- while (!$reader->eof()) {
- my $line = $reader->readLine();
- $line =~ s/x{FEFF}//g;
- next if ($line =~ /^[st]*#/);
- $line =~ s/[rn]//g; # Remove line endings
- $line =~ s/^[ts]*//; # Remove leading tabs and whitespace
- $line =~ s/s+$//g; # Remove trailing whitespace
- next if ($line eq "");
- if (!defined $commentBlock && $line =~ /^/*/) {
- $commentBlock = 1;
- next;
- } elsif ($line =~ m/*/$/) {
- undef $commentBlock;
- next;
- } elsif (defined $commentBlock) {
- next;
- } elsif ($description) {
- $description = 0;
- push @{$r_hash->{$key}}, $line;
- } elsif ($line =~ /^[(w+)]$/) {
- $key = $1;
- $description = 1;
- $r_hash->{$key} = [];
- } elsif ($line =~ /^(.*?)t+(.*)$/) {
- push @{$r_hash->{$key}}, [$1, $2];
- }
- }
- return 1;
- }
- sub parseConfigFile {
- my $file = shift;
- my $r_hash = shift;
- my $no_undef = shift;
- undef %{$r_hash} unless $no_undef;
- my ($key, $value, $inBlock, $commentBlock, %blocks);
- my $reader = new Utils::TextReader($file);
- while (!$reader->eof()) {
- my $line = $reader->readLine();
- $line =~ s/x{FEFF}//g;
- next if ($line =~ /^[st]*#/);
- $line =~ s/[rn]//g; # Remove line endings
- $line =~ s/^[ts]*//; # Remove leading tabs and whitespace
- $line =~ s/s+$//g; # Remove trailing whitespace
- next if ($line eq "");
- if (!defined $commentBlock && $line =~ /^/*/) {
- $commentBlock = 1;
- next;
- } elsif (defined $commentBlock && $line =~ m/*/$/) {
- undef $commentBlock;
- next;
- } elsif (defined $commentBlock) {
- next;
- } elsif (!defined $inBlock && $line =~ /{$/) {
- # Begin of block
- $line =~ s/ *{$//;
- ($key, $value) = $line =~ /^(.*?) (.*)/;
- $key = $line if ($key eq '');
- if (!exists $blocks{$key}) {
- $blocks{$key} = 0;
- } else {
- $blocks{$key}++;
- }
- if ($key ne 'teleportAuto'){
- $inBlock = "${key}_$blocks{$key}";
- } else {
- $inBlock = "${key}";
- }
- $r_hash->{$inBlock} = $value;
- } elsif (defined $inBlock && $line eq "}") {
- # End of block
- undef $inBlock;
- } else {
- # Option
- ($key, $value) = $line =~ /^(.*?) (.*)/;
- if ($key eq "") {
- $key = $line;
- $key =~ s/ *$//;
- }
- #$value = $r_hash->{$1} if ($value =~ /^constant.(.*)/);
- $key = "${inBlock}_${key}" if (defined $inBlock);
- if ($key eq "!include") {
- # Process special !include directives
- # The filename can be relative to the current file
- my $f = $value;
- if (!File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($value) && $value !~ /^//) {
- if ($file =~ /[/\]/) {
- $f = $file;
- $f =~ s/(.*)[/\].*/$1/;
- $f = File::Spec->catfile($f, $value);
- } else {
- $f = $value;
- }
- }
- if (-f $f) {
- my $ret = parseConfigFile($f, $r_hash, 1);
- return $ret unless $ret;
- } else {
- error Translation::TF("%s: Include file not found: %sn", $file, $f);
- return 0;
- }
- } else {
- $r_hash->{$key} = $value;
- }
- }
- }
- if ($inBlock) {
- error Translation::TF("%s: Unclosed { at EOFn", $file);
- return 0;
- }
- return 1;
- }
- sub parseEmotionsFile {
- my $file = shift;
- my $r_hash = shift;
- undef %{$r_hash};
- my ($key, $word, $name);
- my $reader = new Utils::TextReader($file);
- while (!$reader->eof()) {
- my $line = $reader->readLine();
- $line =~ s/x{FEFF}//g;
- next if ($line =~ /^#/);
- $line =~ s/[rn]//g;
- $line =~ s/s+$//g;
- ($key, $word, $name) = $line =~ /^(d+) (S+) (.*)$/;
- if ($key ne "") {
- $$r_hash{$key}{command} = $word;
- $$r_hash{$key}{display} = $name;
- }
- }
- return 1;
- }
- sub parseDataFile {
- my $file = shift;
- my $r_hash = shift;
- undef %{$r_hash};
- my ($key,$value);
- my $reader = new Utils::TextReader($file);
- while (!$reader->eof()) {
- my $line = $reader->readLine();
- $line =~ s/x{FEFF}//g;
- next if ($line =~ /^#/);
- $line =~ s/[rn]//g;
- $line =~ s/s+$//g;
- ($key, $value) = $line =~ /([sS]*) ([sS]*?)$/;
- if ($key ne "" && $value ne "") {
- $$r_hash{$key} = $value;
- }
- }
- return 1;
- }
- sub parseDataFile_lc {
- my $file = shift;
- my $r_hash = shift;
- undef %{$r_hash};
- my ($key,$value);
- my $reader = new Utils::TextReader($file);
- while (!$reader->eof()) {
- my $line = $reader->readLine();
- $line =~ s/x{FEFF}//g;
- next if ($line =~ /^#/);
- $line =~ s/[rn]//g;
- $line =~ s/s+$//g;
- ($key, $value) = $line =~ /([sS]*) ([sS]*?)$/;
- if ($key ne "" && $value ne "") {
- $$r_hash{lc($key)} = $value;
- }
- }
- return 1;
- }
- sub parseDataFile2 {
- my ($file, $r_hash) = @_;
- %{$r_hash} = ();
- my $reader = new Utils::TextReader($file);
- while (!$reader->eof()) {
- my $line = $reader->readLine();
- $line =~ s/x{FEFF}//g;
- next if ($line =~ /^#/);
- $line =~ s/[rn]//g;
- next if (length($line) == 0);
- my ($key, $value) = split / /, $line, 2;
- $r_hash->{$key} = $value;
- }
- close FILE;
- return 1;
- }
- sub parseList {
- my $file = shift;
- my $r_hash = shift;
- undef %{$r_hash};
- my $reader = new Utils::TextReader($file);
- while (!$reader->eof()) {
- my $line = $reader->readLine();
- chomp($line);
- $r_hash->{$line} = 1;
- }
- return 1;
- }
- ##
- # parseShopControl(file, shop)
- # file: Filename to parse
- # shop: Return hash
- #
- # Parses a shop control file. The shop control file should have the shop title
- # on its first line, followed by "$itemt$pricet$quantity" on subsequent
- # lines. Blank lines, or lines starting with "#" are ignored. If $price
- # contains commas, then they are checked for syntactical validity (e.g.
- # "1,000,000" instead of "1,000,00") to protect the user from entering the
- # wrong price. If $quantity is missing, all available will be sold.
- #
- # Example:
- # My Shop!
- # Poring Card 1,000
- # Andre Card 1,000,000 3
- # +8 Chain [3] 500,000
- sub parseShopControl {
- my ($file, $shop) = @_;
- %{$shop} = ();
- my $reader = new Utils::TextReader($file);
- # Read shop items
- $shop->{items} = [];
- my $linenum = 0;
- my @errors = ();
- my $line;
- while (!$reader->eof()) {
- $line = $reader->readLine();
- $linenum++;
- chomp;
- $line =~ s/[rnx{FEFF}]//g;
- next if $line =~ /^$/ || $line =~ /^#/;
- if (!$shop->{title_line}) {
- $shop->{title_line} = $line;
- next;
- }
- my ($name, $price, $amount) = split(/t+/, $line);
- $price =~ s/^s+//g;
- $amount =~ s/^s+//g;
- my $real_price = $price;
- $real_price =~ s/,//g;
- my $loc = Translation::TF("Line %s: Item '%s'", $linenum, $name);
- if ($real_price !~ /^d+$/) {
- push(@errors, Translation::TF("%s has non-integer price: %s", $loc, $price));
- } elsif ($price ne $real_price && formatNumber($real_price) ne $price) {
- push(@errors, Translation::TF("%s has incorrect comma placement in price: %s", $loc, $price));
- } elsif ($real_price < 0) {
- push(@errors, Translation::TF("%s has non-positive price: %s", $loc, $price));
- } elsif ($real_price > 1000000000) {
- push(@errors, Translation::TF("%s has price over 1,000,000,000: %s", $loc, $price));
- }
- if ($amount > 30000) {
- push(@errors, Translation::TF("%s has amount over 30,000: %s", $loc, $amount));
- }
- push(@{$shop->{items}}, {name => $name, price => $real_price, amount => $amount});
- }
- if (@errors) {
- error Translation::TF("Errors were found in %s:n", $file);
- foreach (@errors) { error("$linen"); }
- error Translation::TF("Please correct the above errors and type 'reload %s'.n", $file);
- return 0;
- }
- return 1;
- }
- sub parseItemsControl {
- my $file = shift;
- my $r_hash = shift;
- undef %{$r_hash};
- my ($key, $args_text, %cache);
- my $reader = new Utils::TextReader($file);
- while (!$reader->eof()) {
- my $line = $reader->readLine();
- $line =~ s/x{FEFF}//g;
- next if ($line =~ /^#/);
- $line =~ s/[rn]//g;
- $line =~ s/s+$//g;
- ($key, $args_text) = lc($line) =~ /([sS]+?) (d+[sS]*)/;
- next if ($key eq "");
- if ($cache{$args_text}) {
- $r_hash->{$key} = $cache{$args_text};
- } else {
- my @args = split / /, $args_text;
- my %item = (
- keep => $args[0],
- storage => $args[1],
- sell => $args[2],
- cart_add => $args[3],
- cart_get => $args[4]
- );
- # Cache similar entries to save memory.
- $r_hash->{$key} = $cache{$args_text} = %item;
- }
- }
- return 1;
- }
- sub parseNPCs {
- my $file = shift;
- my $r_hash = shift;
- my ($i, $string);
- undef %{$r_hash};
- my ($key, $value, @args);
- my $reader = new Utils::TextReader($file);
- while (!$reader->eof()) {
- my $line = $reader->readLine();
- $line =~ s/cM|cJ//g;
- $line =~ s/^s+|s+$//g;
- next if $line =~ /^#/ || $line eq '';
- #izlude 135 78 Charfri
- my ($map,$x,$y,$name) = split /s+/, $line,4;
- next unless $name;
- $$r_hash{"$map $x $y"} = $name;
- }
- return 1;
- }
- sub parseMonControl {
- my $file = shift;
- my $r_hash = shift;
- undef %{$r_hash};
- my ($key,@args,$args);
- my $reader = new Utils::TextReader($file);
- while (!$reader->eof()) {
- my $line = $reader->readLine();
- $line =~ s/x{FEFF}//g;
- next if ($line =~ /^#/);
- $line =~ s/[rn]//g;
- $line =~ s/s+$//g;
- if ($line =~ /t/) {
- ($key, $args) = split /t+/, lc($line);
- } else {
- ($key, $args) = lc($line) =~ /([sS]+?) ([-d.]+[sS]*)/;
- }
- @args = split / /, $args;
- if ($key ne "") {
- $r_hash->{$key}{attack_auto} = $args[0];
- $r_hash->{$key}{teleport_auto} = $args[1];
- $r_hash->{$key}{teleport_search} = $args[2];
- $r_hash->{$key}{skillcancel_auto} = $args[3];
- $r_hash->{$key}{attack_lvl} = $args[4];
- $r_hash->{$key}{attack_jlvl} = $args[5];
- $r_hash->{$key}{attack_hp} = $args[6];
- $r_hash->{$key}{attack_sp} = $args[7];
- $r_hash->{$key}{weight} = $args[8];
- }
- }
- return 1;
- }
- sub parsePortals {
- my $file = shift;
- my $r_hash = shift;
- undef %{$r_hash};
- open FILE, "<", $file;
- while (my $line = <FILE>) {
- next if $line =~ /^#/;
- $line =~ s/cM|cJ//g;
- $line =~ s/s+/ /g;
- $line =~ s/^s+|s+$//g;
- my @args = split /s/, $line, 8;
- if (@args > 5) {
- my $portal = "$args[0] $args[1] $args[2]";
- my $dest = "$args[3] $args[4] $args[5]";
- $$r_hash{$portal}{'source'}{'map'} = $args[0];
- $$r_hash{$portal}{'source'}{'x'} = $args[1];
- $$r_hash{$portal}{'source'}{'y'} = $args[2];
- $$r_hash{$portal}{'dest'}{$dest}{'map'} = $args[3];
- $$r_hash{$portal}{'dest'}{$dest}{'x'} = $args[4];
- $$r_hash{$portal}{'dest'}{$dest}{'y'} = $args[5];
- $$r_hash{$portal}{'dest'}{$dest}{'cost'} = $args[6];
- $$r_hash{$portal}{'dest'}{$dest}{'steps'} = $args[7];
- }
- }
- close FILE;
- return 1;
- }
- sub parsePortalsLOS {
- my $file = shift;
- my $r_hash = shift;
- undef %{$r_hash};
- my $key;
- open FILE, "<", $file;
- foreach (<FILE>) {
- s/x{FEFF}//g;
- next if (/^#/);
- s/[rn]//g;
- s/s+/ /g;
- s/s+$//g;
- my @args = split /s/, $_;
- if (@args) {
- my $map = shift @args;
- my $x = shift @args;
- my $y = shift @args;
- for (my $i = 0; $i < @args; $i += 4) {
- $$r_hash{"$map $x $y"}{"$args[$i] $args[$i+1] $args[$i+2]"} = $args[$i+3];
- }
- }
- }
- close FILE;
- return 1;
- }
- sub parsePriority {
- my $file = shift;
- my $r_hash = shift;
- return unless my $reader = new Utils::TextReader($file);
- my @lines;
- while (!$reader->eof()) {
- push @lines, $reader->readLine();
- }
- my $pri = $#lines;
- foreach (@lines) {
- s/x{FEFF}//g;
- next if (/^#/);
- s/[rn]//g;
- $$r_hash{lc($_)} = $pri + 1;
- $pri--;
- }
- return 1;
- }
- sub parseResponses {
- my $file = shift;
- my $r_hash = shift;
- undef %{$r_hash};
- my ($i, $key,$value);
- my $reader = new Utils::TextReader($file);
- while (!$reader->eof()) {
- my $line = $reader->readLine();
- $line =~ s/x{FEFF}//g;
- next if ($line =~ /^#/);
- $line =~ s/[rn]//g;
- ($key, $value) = $line =~ /([sS]*?) ([sS]*)$/;
- if ($key ne "" && $value ne "") {
- $i = 0;
- while ($$r_hash{"$key_$i"} ne "") {
- $i++;
- }
- $$r_hash{"$key_$i"} = $value;
- }
- }
- return 1;
- }
- sub parseROLUT {
- my ($file, $r_hash) = @_;
- my %ret = (
- file => $file,
- hash => $r_hash
- );
- Plugins::callHook("FileParsers::ROLUT", %ret);
- return if ($ret{return});
- undef %{$r_hash};
- my $reader = new Utils::TextReader($file);
- while (!$reader->eof()) {
- my $line = $reader->readLine();
- $line =~ s/[rnx{FEFF}]//g;
- next if (length($line) == 0 || $line =~ /^///);
- my ($id, $name) = split /#/, $line, 3;
- if ($id ne "" && $name ne "") {
- $name =~ s/_/ /g;
- $r_hash->{$id} = $name;
- }
- }
- return 1;
- }
- sub parseRODescLUT {
- my ($file, $r_hash) = @_;
- my %ret = (
- file => $file,
- hash => $r_hash
- );
- Plugins::callHook("FileParsers::RODescLUT", %ret);
- return if ($ret{return});
- undef %{$r_hash};
- my $ID;
- my $IDdesc;
- open FILE, "< $file";
- foreach (<FILE>) {
- s/r//g;
- if (/^#/) {
- $$r_hash{$ID} = $IDdesc;
- undef $ID;
- undef $IDdesc;
- } elsif (!$ID) {
- ($ID) = /([sS]+)#/;
- } else {
- $IDdesc .= $_;
- $IDdesc =~ s/^......//g;
- $IDdesc =~ s/_/--------------/g;
- }
- }
- close FILE;
- return 1;
- }
- sub parseROSlotsLUT {
- my $file = shift;
- my $r_hash = shift;
- undef %{$r_hash};
- my $ID;
- open FILE, $file;
- foreach (<FILE>) {
- if (!$ID) {
- ($ID) = /(d+)#/;
- } else {
- ($$r_hash{$ID}) = /(d+)#/;
- undef $ID;
- }
- }
- close FILE;
- return 1;
- }
- sub parseSectionedFile {
- my $file = shift;
- my $r_hash = shift;
- undef %{$r_hash};
- my $reader = new Utils::TextReader($file);
- my $section = "";
- while (!$reader->eof()) {
- my $line = $reader->readLine();
- $line =~ s/x{FEFF}//g;
- next if ($line =~ /^#/);
- $line =~ s/[rn]//g;
- $line =~ s/s+$//g;
- next if ($line eq "");
- if ($line =~ /^[(.*)]$/i) {
- $section = $1;
- next;
- } else {
- my ($key, $value);
- if ($line =~ / /) {
- ($key, $value) = $line =~ /^(.*?) (.*)/;
- } else {
- $key = $line;
- }
- $r_hash->{$section}{$key} = $value;
- }
- }
- return 1;
- }
- sub parseSkillsSPLUT {
- my $file = shift;
- my $r_hash = shift;
- undef %{$r_hash};
- my $ID;
- my $i;
- $i = 1;
- open(FILE, "< $file");
- foreach (<FILE>) {
- if (/^@/) {
- undef $ID;
- $i = 1;
- } elsif (!$ID) {
- ($ID) = /([sS]+)#/;
- } else {
- ($$r_hash{$ID}{$i++}) = /(d+)#/;
- }
- }
- close FILE;
- return 1;
- }
- sub parseTimeouts {
- my $file = shift;
- my $r_hash = shift;
- my $reader = new Utils::TextReader($file);
- while (!$reader->eof()) {
- my $line = $reader->readLine();
- $line =~ s/x{FEFF}//g;
- next if ($line =~ /^#/);
- $line =~ s/[rn]//g;
- my ($key, $value) = $line =~ /([sS]+?) ([sS]*?)$/;
- my @args = split (/ /, $value);
- if ($key ne "") {
- $$r_hash{$key}{'timeout'} = $args[0];
- }
- }
- return 1;
- }
- sub parseWaypoint {
- my $file = shift;
- my $r_array = shift;
- @{$r_array} = ();
- open FILE, "< $file";
- foreach (<FILE>) {
- s/x{FEFF}//g;
- next if (/^#/ || /^$/);
- s/[rn]//g;
- my @items = split / +/, $_;
- my %point = (
- map => $items[0],
- x => $items[1],
- y => $items[2]
- );
- push @{$r_array}, %point;
- }
- close FILE;
- return 1;
- }
- # The ultimate config file format. This function is a parser and writer in one.
- # The config file can be divided in section, example:
- #
- # foo 1
- # bar 2
- #
- # [Options]
- # username me
- # password p
- #
- # [Names]
- # joe
- # mike
- #
- # Sections can be treated as hashes or arrays. It's defined by $rules.
- # If you want [Names] to be an array:
- # %rule = (Names => 'list');
- #
- # processUltimate("file", %hash, %rule) returns:
- # {
- # foo => 1,
- # bar => 2,
- # Options => {
- # username => 'me',
- # password => 'p';
- # },
- # Names => [
- # "joe",
- # "mike"
- # ]
- # }
- #
- # When in write mode, this function will automatically add new keys and lines,
- # while preserving comments.
- sub processUltimate {
- my ($file, $hash, $rules, $writeMode) = @_;
- my $f;
- my $secname = '';
- my ($section, $rule, @lines, %written, %sectionsWritten);
- undef %{$hash} if (!$writeMode);
- if (-f $file) {
- my $reader = new Utils::TextReader($file);
- while (!$reader->eof()) {
- my $line = $reader->readLine();
- $line =~ s/x{FEFF}//g;
- $line =~ s/[rn]//g;
- if ($line eq '' || $line =~ /^[ t]*#/) {
- push @lines, $line if ($writeMode);
- next;
- }
- if ($line =~ /^[(.+)]$/) {
- # New section
- if ($writeMode) {
- # First, finish writing everything in the previous section
- my $h = (defined $section) ? $section : $hash;
- my @add;
- if ($rule ne 'list') {
- foreach my $key (keys %{$h}) {
- if (!$written{$key} && !ref($h->{$key})) {
- push @add, "$key $h->{$key}";
- }
- }
- } else {
- foreach (@{$h}) {
- push @add, $_ if (!$written{$_});
- }
- }
- # Add after the first non-empty line from the end
- my $linesFromEnd;
- for (my $i = @lines - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
- if ($lines[$i] ne '') {
- $linesFromEnd = @lines - $i - 1;
- for (my $j = $i + 1; $j < @lines; $j++) {
- delete $lines[$j];
- }
- push @lines, @add;
- for (my $j = 0; $j < $linesFromEnd; $j++) {
- push @lines, '';
- }
- last;
- }
- }
- undef %written;
- }
- # Parse the new section
- $secname = $1;
- $rule = $rules->{$secname};
- if ($writeMode) {
- $section = $hash->{$secname};
- push @lines, $line;
- $sectionsWritten{$secname} = 1;
- } else {
- if ($rule ne 'list') {
- $section = {};
- } else {
- $section = [];
- }
- $hash->{$secname} = $section;
- }
- } elsif ($rule ne 'list') {
- # Line is a key-value pair
- my ($key, $val) = split / /, $line, 2;
- my $h = (defined $section) ? $section : $hash;
- if ($writeMode) {
- # Delete line if value doesn't exist
- if (exists $h->{$key}) {
- if (!defined $h->{$key}) {
- push @lines, $key;
- } else {
- push @lines, "$key $h->{$key}";
- }
- $written{$key} = 1;
- }
- } else {
- $h->{$key} = $val;
- }
- } else {
- # Line is part of a list
- if ($writeMode) {
- # Add line only if it exists in the hash
- push @lines, $line if (defined(binFind($section, $line)));
- $written{$line} = 1;
- } else {
- push @{$section}, $line;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if ($writeMode) {
- # Add stuff that haven't already been added
- my $h = (defined $section) ? $section : $hash;
- if ($rule ne 'list') {
- foreach my $key (keys %{$h}) {
- if (!$written{$key} && !ref($h->{$key})) {
- push @lines, "$key $h->{$key}";
- }
- }
- } else {
- foreach my $line (@{$h}) {
- push @lines, $line if (!$written{$line});
- }
- }
- # Write sections that aren't already in the file
- foreach my $section (keys %{$hash}) {
- next if (!ref($hash->{$section}) || $sectionsWritten{$section});
- push @lines, "", "[$section]";
- if ($rules->{$section} eq 'list') {
- push @lines, @{$hash->{$section}};
- } else {
- foreach my $key (keys %{$hash->{$section}}) {
- push @lines, "$key $hash->{$section}{$key}";
- }
- }
- }
- open($f, ">:utf8", $file);
- print $f join("n", @lines) . "n";
- close $f;
- }
- return 1;
- }
- sub writeDataFile {
- my $file = shift;
- my $r_hash = shift;
- my ($key,$value);
- open(FILE, ">>:utf8", $file);
- foreach (keys %{$r_hash}) {
- if ($_ ne "") {
- print FILE $_;
- print FILE " $$r_hash{$_}" if $$r_hash{$_} ne '';
- print FILE "n";
- }
- }
- close FILE;
- }
- sub writeDataFileIntact {
- my $file = shift;
- my $r_hash = shift;
- my $no_undef = shift;
- my (@lines, $key, $value, $inBlock, $commentBlock, %blocks);
- my $reader = new Utils::TextReader($file);
- while (!$reader->eof()) {
- my $lines = $reader->readLine();
- $lines =~ s/x{FEFF}//g;
- $lines =~ s/[rn]//g; # Remove line endings
- if ($lines =~ /^[st]*#/ || $lines =~ /^[st]*$/ || $lines =~ /^!include( |$)/) {
- push @lines, $lines;
- next;
- }
- $lines =~ s/^[ts]*//; # Remove leading tabs and whitespace
- $lines =~ s/s+$//g; # Remove trailing whitespace
- if (!defined $commentBlock && $lines =~ /^/*/) {
- push @lines, "$lines";
- $commentBlock = 1;
- next;
- } elsif ($lines =~ m/*/$/) {
- push @lines, "$lines";
- undef $commentBlock;
- next;
- } elsif ($commentBlock) {
- push @lines, "$lines";
- next;
- } elsif (!defined $inBlock && $lines =~ /{$/) {
- # Begin of block
- $lines =~ s/ *{$//;
- ($key, $value) = $lines =~ /^(.*?) (.*)/;
- $key = $lines if ($key eq '');
- if (!exists $blocks{$key}) {
- $blocks{$key} = 0;
- } else {
- $blocks{$key}++;
- }
- if ($key ne 'teleportAuto'){
- $inBlock = "${key}_$blocks{$key}";
- } else {
- $inBlock = "${key}";
- }
- my $line = $key;
- $line .= " $r_hash->{$inBlock}" if ($r_hash->{$inBlock} ne '');
- push @lines, "$line {";
- } elsif (defined $inBlock && $lines eq "}") {
- # End of block
- undef $inBlock;
- push @lines, "}";
- } else {
- # Option
- ($key, $value) = $lines =~ /^(.*?) (.*)/;
- if ($key eq "") {
- $key = $lines;
- $key =~ s/ *$//;
- }
- if (defined $inBlock) {
- my $realKey = "${inBlock}_${key}";
- my $line = "t$key";
- $line .= " $r_hash->{$realKey}" if ($r_hash->{$realKey} ne '');
- push @lines, $line;
- } else {
- my $line = $key;
- $line .= " $r_hash->{$key}" if ($r_hash->{$key} ne '');
- push @lines, $line;
- }
- }
- }
- close FILE;
- open FILE, ">:utf8", $file;
- print FILE join("n", @lines) . "n";
- close FILE;
- }
- sub writeDataFileIntact2 {
- my $file = shift;
- my $r_hash = shift;
- my $data;
- my $key;
- my $reader = new Utils::TextReader($file);
- while (!$reader->eof()) {
- my $line = $reader->readLine();
- $line =~ s/x{FEFF}//g;
- if ($line =~ /^#/ || $line =~ /^n/ || $line =~ /^r/) {
- $data .= $line;
- next;
- }
- ($key) = $line =~ /^(w+)/;
- $data .= $key;
- $data .= " $$r_hash{$key}{'timeout'}" if $$r_hash{$key}{'timeout'} ne '';
- $data .= "n";
- }
- close FILE;
- open(FILE, ">:utf8", $file);
- print FILE $data;
- close FILE;
- }
- sub writePortalsLOS {
- my $file = shift;
- my $r_hash = shift;
- open(FILE, "+> $file");
- foreach my $key (sort keys %{$r_hash}) {
- next if (!$$r_hash{$key} || !(keys %{$$r_hash{$key}}));
- print FILE $key;
- foreach (keys %{$$r_hash{$key}}) {
- print FILE " $_ $$r_hash{$key}{$_}";
- }
- print FILE "n";
- }
- close FILE;
- }
- sub writeSectionedFileIntact {
- my $file = shift;
- my $r_hash = shift;
- my $section = "";
- my @lines;
- my $reader = new Utils::TextReader($file);
- while (!$reader->eof()) {
- my $line = $reader->readLine();
- $line =~ s/[rn]//g;
- if ($line =~ /^#/ || $line =~ /^ *$/) {
- push @lines, $line;
- next;
- }
- if ($line =~ /^[(.*)]$/) {
- $section = $1;
- push @lines, $line;
- } else {
- my ($key, $value);
- if ($line =~ / /) {
- ($key) = $line =~ /^(.*?) /;
- } else {
- $key = $line;
- }
- $value = $r_hash->{$section}{$key};
- push @lines, "$key $value";
- }
- }
- close FILE;
- open(FILE, ">:utf8", $file);
- print FILE join("n", @lines) . "n";
- close FILE;
- }
- sub updateMonsterLUT {
- my $file = shift;
- my $ID = shift;
- my $name = shift;
- open FILE, ">>:utf8", $file;
- print FILE "$ID $namen";
- close FILE;
- }
- sub updatePortalLUT {
- my ($file, $src, $x1, $y1, $dest, $x2, $y2) = @_;
- open FILE, ">> $file";
- print FILE "$src $x1 $y1 $dest $x2 $y2n";
- close FILE;
- }
- sub updateNPCLUT {
- my ($file, $location, $name) = @_;
- return unless $name;
- open FILE, ">>:utf8", $file;
- print FILE "$location $namen";
- close FILE;
- }
- 1;