- #########################################################################
- # OpenKore - WxWidgets Interface
- # You need:
- # * WxPerl (the Perl bindings for WxWidgets) - http://wxperl.sourceforge.net/
- #
- # More information about WxWidgets here: http://www.wxwidgets.org/
- #
- # Copyright (c) 2004,2005,2006,2007 OpenKore development team
- #
- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- # (at your option) any later version.
- #
- # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- # GNU General Public License for more details.
- #
- # $Revision$
- # $Id$
- #
- #########################################################################
- package Interface::Wx;
- # Note: don't use wxTimer for anything important. It's known to cause reentrancy issues!
- require Wx::Perl::Packager if ($^O eq 'MSWin32');
- }
- use strict;
- use Wx ':everything';
- use Time::HiRes qw(time sleep);
- use File::Spec;
- use FindBin qw($RealBin);
- use Globals;
- use Interface;
- use base qw(Wx::App Interface);
- use Modules;
- use Field;
- use Interface::Wx::Dock;
- use Interface::Wx::MapViewer;
- use Interface::Wx::LogView;
- use Interface::Wx::Console;
- use Interface::Wx::Input;
- use Interface::Wx::ItemList;
- use Interface::Wx::DockNotebook;
- use Interface::Wx::PasswordDialog;
- use AI;
- use Settings qw(%sys);
- use Plugins;
- use Misc;
- use Commands;
- use Utils;
- our $CVS;
- our ($iterationTime, $updateUITime, $updateUITime2);
- sub OnInit {
- my $self = shift;
- $CVS = ($Settings::SVN =~ /SVN/);
- $self->createInterface;
- $self->iterate;
- my $onChat = sub { $self->onChatAdd(@_); };
- $self->{hooks} = Plugins::addHooks(
- ['loadfiles', sub { $self->onLoadFiles(@_); }],
- ['postloadfiles', sub { $self->onLoadFiles(@_); }],
- ['parseMsg/addPrivMsgUser', sub { $self->onAddPrivMsgUser(@_); }],
- ['initialized', sub { $self->onInitialized(@_); }],
- ['ChatQueue::add', $onChat],
- ['packet_selfChat', $onChat],
- ['packet_privMsg', $onChat],
- ['packet_sentPM', $onChat],
- ['mainLoop_pre', sub { $self->onUpdateUI(); }]
- );
- $self->{history} = [];
- $self->{historyIndex} = -1;
- $self->{frame}->Update;
- return 1;
- }
- sub DESTROY {
- my $self = shift;
- Plugins::delHooks($self->{hooks});
- }
- ######################
- ######################
- sub mainLoop {
- my ($self) = @_;
- my $timer = new Wx::Timer($self, 246);
- # Start the real main loop in 100 msec, so that the UI has
- # the chance to layout correctly.
- EVT_TIMER($self, 246, sub { $self->realMainLoop(); });
- $timer->Start(100, 1);
- $self->MainLoop;
- }
- sub realMainLoop {
- my ($self) = @_;
- my $timer = new Wx::Timer($self, 247);
- my $sleepTime = $config{sleepTime};
- my $quitting;
- my $sub = sub {
- return if ($quitting);
- if ($quit) {
- $quitting = 1;
- $self->ExitMainLoop;
- $timer->Stop;
- return;
- } elsif ($self->{iterating}) {
- return;
- }
- $self->{iterating}++;
- if ($sleepTime ne $config{sleepTime}) {
- $sleepTime = $config{sleepTime};
- $timer->Start(($sleepTime / 1000) > 0
- ? ($sleepTime / 1000)
- : 10);
- }
- main::mainLoop();
- $self->{iterating}--;
- };
- EVT_TIMER($self, 247, $sub);
- $timer->Start(($sleepTime / 1000) > 0
- ? ($sleepTime / 1000)
- : 10);
- }
- sub iterate {
- my $self = shift;
- if ($self->{iterating} == 0) {
- $self->{console}->Refresh;
- $self->{console}->Update;
- }
- $self->Yield();
- $iterationTime = time;
- }
- sub getInput {
- my $self = shift;
- my $timeout = shift;
- my $msg;
- if ($timeout < 0) {
- while (!defined $self->{input} && !$quit) {
- $self->iterate;
- sleep 0.01;
- }
- $msg = $self->{input};
- } elsif ($timeout == 0) {
- $msg = $self->{input};
- } else {
- my $begin = time;
- until (defined $self->{input} || time - $begin > $timeout || $quit) {
- $self->iterate;
- sleep 0.01;
- }
- $msg = $self->{input};
- }
- undef $self->{input};
- undef $msg if (defined($msg) && $msg eq "");
- # Make sure we update the GUI. This is to work around the effect
- # of functions that block for a while
- $self->iterate if (timeOut($iterationTime, 0.05));
- return $msg;
- }
- sub query {
- my $self = shift;
- my $message = shift;
- my %args = @_;
- $args{title} = "Query" if (!defined $args{title});
- $args{cancelable} = 1 if (!exists $args{cancelable});
- $message = wrapText($message, 70);
- $message =~ s/n$//s;
- my $dialog;
- if ($args{isPassword}) {
- # WxPerl doesn't support wxPasswordEntryDialog :(
- $dialog = new Interface::Wx::PasswordDialog($self->{frame}, $message, $args{title});
- } else {
- $dialog = new Wx::TextEntryDialog($self->{frame}, $message, $args{title});
- }
- while (1) {
- my $result;
- if ($dialog->ShowModal == wxID_OK) {
- $result = $dialog->GetValue;
- }
- if (!defined($result) || $result eq '') {
- if ($args{cancelable}) {
- $dialog->Destroy;
- return undef;
- }
- } else {
- $dialog->Destroy;
- return $result;
- }
- }
- }
- sub showMenu {
- my $self = shift;
- my $message = shift;
- my $choices = shift;
- my %args = @_;
- $args{title} = "Menu" if (!defined $args{title});
- $args{cancelable} = 1 if (!exists $args{cancelable});
- $message = wrapText($message, 70);
- $message =~ s/n$//s;
- my $dialog = new Wx::SingleChoiceDialog($self->{frame},
- $message, $args{title}, $choices);
- while (1) {
- my $result;
- if ($dialog->ShowModal == wxID_OK) {
- $result = $dialog->GetSelection;
- }
- if (!defined($result)) {
- if ($args{cancelable}) {
- $dialog->Destroy;
- return -1;
- }
- } else {
- $dialog->Destroy;
- return $result;
- }
- }
- }
- sub writeOutput {
- my $self = shift;
- $self->{console}->add(@_);
- # Make sure we update the GUI. This is to work around the effect
- # of functions that block for a while
- $self->iterate if (timeOut($iterationTime, 0.05));
- }
- sub title {
- my $self = shift;
- my $title = shift;
- if (defined $title) {
- if ($title ne $self->{title}) {
- $self->{frame}->SetTitle($title);
- $self->{title} = $title;
- }
- } else {
- return $self->{title};
- }
- }
- sub displayUsage {
- my $self = shift;
- my $text = shift;
- print $text;
- }
- sub errorDialog {
- my $self = shift;
- my $msg = shift;
- my $fatal = shift;
- my $title = ($fatal) ? "Fatal error" : "Error";
- $self->{iterating}++;
- Wx::MessageBox($msg, "$title - $Settings::NAME", wxICON_ERROR, $self->{frame});
- $self->{iterating}--;
- }
- sub beep {
- Wx::Bell();
- }
- #########################
- #########################
- sub createInterface {
- my $self = shift;
- ### Main window
- my $frame = $self->{frame} = new Wx::Frame(undef, -1, $Settings::NAME);
- $self->{title} = $frame->GetTitle();
- ### Menu bar
- $self->createMenuBar;
- ### Vertical box sizer
- my $vsizer = $self->{vsizer} = new Wx::BoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
- $frame->SetSizer($vsizer);
- ### Horizontal panel with HP/SP/Exp box
- $self->createInfoPanel;
- ## Splitter with console and another splitter
- my $splitter = new Wx::SplitterWindow($frame, 928, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize,
- $self->{splitter} = $splitter;
- $vsizer->Add($splitter, 1, wxGROW);
- # $splitter->SetMinimumPaneSize(50);
- $self->createSplitterContent;
- ### Input field
- $self->createInputField;
- ### Status bar
- my $statusbar = $self->{statusbar} = new Wx::StatusBar($frame, -1, wxST_SIZEGRIP);
- $statusbar->SetFieldsCount(3);
- $statusbar->SetStatusWidths(-1, 65, 175);
- $frame->SetStatusBar($statusbar);
- #################
- $frame->SetSizeHints(300, 250);
- $frame->SetClientSize(730, 400);
- $frame->SetIcon(Wx::GetWxPerlIcon);
- $frame->Show(1);
- EVT_CLOSE($frame, &onClose);
- # For some reason the input box doesn't get focus even if
- # I call SetFocus(), so do it in 100 msec.
- # And the splitter window's sash position is placed incorrectly
- # if I call SetSashGravity immediately.
- my $timer = new Wx::Timer($self, 73289);
- EVT_TIMER($self, 73289, sub {
- $self->{inputBox}->SetFocus;
- $self->{notebook}->switchPage('Console');
- # $splitter->SetSashGravity(1);
- });
- $timer->Start(500, 1);
- # Hide console on Win32
- if ($^O eq 'MSWin32' && $sys{wxHideConsole}) {
- eval 'use Win32::Console; Win32::Console->new(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE)->Free();';
- }
- }
- sub createMenuBar {
- my $self = shift;
- my $menu = $self->{menu} = new Wx::MenuBar;
- my $frame = $self->{frame};
- $frame->SetMenuBar($menu);
- EVT_MENU_OPEN($self->{frame}, sub { $self->onMenuOpen; });
- # Program menu
- my $opMenu = new Wx::Menu;
- $self->{mPause} = $self->addMenu($opMenu, '&Pause Botting', &onDisableAI, 'Pause all automated botting activity');
- $self->{mManual} = $self->addMenu($opMenu, '&Manual Botting', &onManualAI, 'Pause automated botting and allow manual control');
- $self->{mResume} = $self->addMenu($opMenu, '&Automatic Botting', &onEnableAI, 'Resume all automated botting activity');
- $opMenu->AppendSeparator;
- $self->addMenu($opMenu, 'Copy Last 100 Lines of Text', &onCopyLastOutput);
- $self->addMenu($opMenu, 'Minimize to &Tray', &onMinimizeToTray, 'Minimize to a small task bar tray icon');
- $opMenu->AppendSeparator;
- $self->addMenu($opMenu, 'E&xit Ctrl-W', &quit, 'Exit this program');
- $menu->Append($opMenu, 'P&rogram');
- # Info menu
- my $infoMenu = new Wx::Menu;
- $self->addMenu($infoMenu, '&Status Alt-S', sub { Commands::run("s"); });
- $self->addMenu($infoMenu, 'S&tatistics', sub { Commands::run("st"); });
- $self->addMenu($infoMenu, '&Inventory Alt-I', sub { Commands::run("i"); });
- $self->addMenu($infoMenu, 'S&kills', sub { Commands::run("skills"); });
- $infoMenu->AppendSeparator;
- $self->addMenu($infoMenu, '&Players Alt-P', sub { Commands::run("pl"); });
- $self->addMenu($infoMenu, '&Monsters Alt-M', sub { Commands::run("ml"); });
- $self->addMenu($infoMenu, '&NPCs', sub { Commands::run("nl"); });
- $infoMenu->AppendSeparator;
- $self->addMenu($infoMenu, '&Experience Report Alt+E', sub { Commands::run("exp"); });
- $menu->Append($infoMenu, 'I&nfo');
- # View menu
- my $viewMenu = $self->{viewMenu} = new Wx::Menu;
- $self->addMenu($viewMenu,
- '&Map Ctrl-M', &onMapToggle, 'Show where you are on the current map');
- $self->{infoBarToggle} = $self->addCheckMenu($viewMenu,
- '&Info Bar', &onInfoBarToggle, 'Show or hide the information bar.');
- $self->{chatLogToggle} = $self->addCheckMenu($viewMenu,
- 'Chat &Log', &onChatLogToggle, 'Show or hide the chat log.');
- $viewMenu->AppendSeparator;
- $self->addMenu($viewMenu,
- '&Font...', &onFontChange, 'Change console font');
- $viewMenu->AppendSeparator;
- $self->addMenu($viewMenu, 'Clear Console', sub {my $self = shift; $self->{console}->Remove(0, 40000)}, 'Clear content of console');
- $menu->Append($viewMenu, '&View');
- # Settings menu
- my $settingsMenu = new Wx::Menu;
- $self->createSettingsMenu($settingsMenu) if ($self->can('createSettingsMenu'));
- $self->addMenu($settingsMenu, '&Advanced...', &onAdvancedConfig, 'Edit advanced configuration options.');
- $menu->Append($settingsMenu, '&Settings');
- $self->createSettingsMenu2($settingsMenu) if ($self->can('createSettingsMenu2'));
- # Help menu
- my $helpMenu = new Wx::Menu();
- $self->addMenu($helpMenu, '&Manual F1', &onManual, 'Read the manual');
- $self->addMenu($helpMenu, '&Forum Shift-F1', &onForum, 'Visit the forum');
- $self->createHelpMenu($helpMenu) if ($self->can('createHelpMenu'));
- $menu->Append($helpMenu, '&Help');
- }
- sub createInfoPanel {
- my $self = shift;
- my $frame = $self->{frame};
- my $vsizer = $self->{vsizer};
- my $infoPanel = $self->{infoPanel} = new Wx::Panel($frame, -1);
- my $hsizer = new Wx::BoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
- my $label = new Wx::StaticText($infoPanel, -1, "HP: ");
- $hsizer->Add($label, 0, wxLEFT, 3);
- ## HP
- my $hpBar = $self->{hpBar} = new Wx::Gauge($infoPanel, -1, 100,
- wxDefaultPosition, [0, $label->GetBestSize->GetHeight + 2],
- $hsizer->Add($hpBar, 1, wxRIGHT, 8);
- $label = new Wx::StaticText($infoPanel, -1, "SP: ");
- $hsizer->Add($label, 0);
- ## SP
- my $spBar = $self->{spBar} = new Wx::Gauge($infoPanel, -1, 100,
- wxDefaultPosition, [0, $label->GetBestSize->GetHeight + 2],
- $hsizer->Add($spBar, 1, wxRIGHT, 8);
- $label = new Wx::StaticText($infoPanel, -1, "Exp: ");
- $hsizer->Add($label, 0);
- ## Exp and job exp
- my $expBar = $self->{expBar} = new Wx::Gauge($infoPanel, -1, 100,
- wxDefaultPosition, [0, $label->GetBestSize->GetHeight + 2],
- $hsizer->Add($expBar, 1);
- my $jobExpBar = $self->{jobExpBar} = new Wx::Gauge($infoPanel, -1, 100,
- wxDefaultPosition, [0, $label->GetBestSize->GetHeight + 2],
- $hsizer->Add($jobExpBar, 1, wxRIGHT, 8);
- $label = new Wx::StaticText($infoPanel, -1, "Weight: ");
- $hsizer->Add($label, 0);
- ## Weight
- my $weightBar = $self->{weightBar} = new Wx::Gauge($infoPanel, -1, 100,
- wxDefaultPosition, [0, $label->GetBestSize->GetHeight + 2],
- $hsizer->Add($weightBar, 1);
- $infoPanel->SetSizerAndFit($hsizer);
- $vsizer->Add($infoPanel, 0, wxGROW);
- }
- sub createInputField {
- my $self = shift;
- my $vsizer = $self->{vsizer};
- my $frame = $self->{frame};
- my $hsizer = new Wx::BoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
- $vsizer->Add($hsizer, 0, wxGROW);
- my $targetBox = $self->{targetBox} = new Wx::ComboBox($frame, -1, "", wxDefaultPosition,
- [115, 0]);
- $targetBox->SetName('targetBox');
- $hsizer->Add($targetBox, 0, wxGROW);
- EVT_KEY_DOWN($self, &onTargetBoxKeyDown);
- my $inputBox = $self->{inputBox} = new Interface::Wx::Input($frame);
- $inputBox->onEnter($self, &onInputEnter);
- $hsizer->Add($inputBox, 1, wxGROW);
- my $choice = $self->{inputType} = new Wx::Choice($frame, 456, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize,
- ['Command', 'Public chat', 'Party chat', 'Guild chat']);
- $choice->SetSelection(0);
- EVT_CHOICE($self, 456, sub { $inputBox->SetFocus; });
- $hsizer->Add($choice, 0, wxGROW);
- }
- sub createSplitterContent {
- my $self = shift;
- my $splitter = $self->{splitter};
- my $frame = $self->{frame};
- ## Dockable notebook with console and chat log
- my $notebook = $self->{notebook} = new Interface::Wx::DockNotebook($splitter, -1);
- $notebook->SetName('notebook');
- my $page = $notebook->newPage(0, 'Console');
- my $console = $self->{console} = new Interface::Wx::Console($page);
- $page->set($console);
- $page = $notebook->newPage(1, 'Chat Log', 0);
- my $chatLog = $self->{chatLog} = new Interface::Wx::LogView($page);
- $page->set($chatLog);
- $chatLog->addColor("selfchat", 0, 148, 0);
- $chatLog->addColor("pm", 142, 120, 0);
- $chatLog->addColor("p", 164, 0, 143);
- $chatLog->addColor("g", 0, 177, 108);
- $chatLog->addColor("warning", 214, 93, 0);
- ## Parallel to the notebook is another sub-splitter
- my $subSplitter = new Wx::SplitterWindow($splitter, 583,
- wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxSP_LIVE_UPDATE);
- ## Inside this splitter is a player/monster/item list, and a dock with map viewer
- my $itemList = $self->{itemList} = new Interface::Wx::ItemList($subSplitter);
- $itemList->onActivate(&onItemListActivate, $self);
- $self->customizeItemList($itemList) if ($self->can('customizeItemList'));
- $subSplitter->Initialize($itemList);
- # Dock
- my $mapDock = $self->{mapDock} = new Interface::Wx::Dock($subSplitter, -1, 'Map');
- $mapDock->Show(0);
- $mapDock->setHideFunc($self, sub {
- $subSplitter->Unsplit($mapDock);
- $mapDock->Show(0);
- $self->{inputBox}->SetFocus;
- });
- $mapDock->setShowFunc($self, sub {
- $subSplitter->SplitVertically($itemList, $mapDock, -$mapDock->GetBestSize->GetWidth);
- $mapDock->Show(1);
- $self->{inputBox}->SetFocus;
- });
- # Map viewer
- my $mapView = $self->{mapViewer} = new Interface::Wx::MapViewer($mapDock);
- $mapDock->setParentFrame($frame);
- $mapDock->set($mapView);
- # vcl code $mapView->onMouseMove($self, &onMapMouseMove);
- # vcl code $mapView->onClick->add($self, &onMapClick);
- # vcl code $mapView->onMapChange($self, &onMap_MapChange, $mapDock);
- $mapView->onMouseMove(&onMapMouseMove, $self);
- $mapView->onClick(&onMapClick, $self);
- $mapView->onMapChange(&onMap_MapChange, $mapDock);
- $mapView->parsePortals(Settings::getTableFilename("portals.txt"));
- if ($field && $char) {
- $mapView->set($field->name(), $char->{pos_to}{x}, $char->{pos_to}{y}, $field);
- }
- my $position;
- if (Wx::wxMSW()) {
- $position = 600;
- } else {
- $position = 545;
- }
- $splitter->SplitVertically($notebook, $subSplitter, $position);
- }
- sub addMenu {
- my ($self, $menu, $label, $callback, $help) = @_;
- $self->{menuIDs}++;
- my $item = new Wx::MenuItem(undef, $self->{menuIDs}, $label, $help);
- $menu->Append($item);
- EVT_MENU($self->{frame}, $self->{menuIDs}, sub { $callback->($self); });
- return $item;
- }
- sub addCheckMenu {
- my ($self, $menu, $label, $callback, $help) = @_;
- $self->{menuIDs}++;
- my $item = new Wx::MenuItem(undef, $self->{menuIDs}, $label, $help, wxITEM_CHECK);
- $menu->Append($item);
- EVT_MENU($self->{frame}, $self->{menuIDs}, sub { $callback->($self); }) if ($callback);
- return $item;
- }
- ##########################
- ##########################
- sub onUpdateUI {
- my $self = shift;
- if (timeOut($updateUITime, 0.15)) {
- $self->updateStatusBar;
- $self->updateMapViewer;
- $updateUITime = time;
- }
- if (timeOut($updateUITime2, 0.35)) {
- $self->updateItemList;
- $updateUITime2 = time;
- }
- }
- sub updateStatusBar {
- my $self = shift;
- my ($statText, $xyText, $aiText) = ('', '', '');
- if ($self->{loadingFiles}) {
- $statText = sprintf("Loading files... %.0f%%", $self->{loadingFiles}{percent} * 100);
- } elsif (!$conState) {
- $statText = "Initializing...";
- } elsif ($conState == 1) {
- $statText = "Not connected";
- } elsif ($conState > 1 && $conState < 5) {
- $statText = "Connecting...";
- } elsif ($self->{mouseMapText}) {
- $statText = $self->{mouseMapText};
- }
- if ($conState == 5) {
- $xyText = "$char->{pos_to}{x}, $char->{pos_to}{y}";
- if ($AI) {
- if (@ai_seq) {
- my @seqs = @ai_seq;
- foreach (@seqs) {
- s/^route_//;
- s/_/ /g;
- s/([a-z])([A-Z])/$1 $2/g;
- $_ = lc $_;
- }
- substr($seqs[0], 0, 1) = uc substr($seqs[0], 0, 1);
- $aiText = join(', ', @seqs);
- } else {
- $aiText = "";
- }
- } else {
- $aiText = "Paused";
- }
- }
- # Only set status bar text if it has changed
- my $i = 0;
- my $setStatus = sub {
- if (defined $_[1] && $self->{$_[0]} ne $_[1]) {
- $self->{$_[0]} = $_[1];
- $self->{statusbar}->SetStatusText($_[1], $i);
- }
- $i++;
- };
- $setStatus->('statText', $statText);
- $setStatus->('xyText', $xyText);
- $setStatus->('aiText', $aiText);
- }
- sub updateMapViewer {
- my $self = shift;
- my $map = $self->{mapViewer};
- return unless ($map && $field && $char);
- my $myPos;
- $myPos = calcPosition($char);
- $map->set($field->name(), $myPos->{x}, $myPos->{y}, $field);
- my $i = AI::findAction("route");
- my $args;
- if (defined $i && ($args = AI::args($i)) && $args->{dest} && $args->{dest}{pos}) {
- $map->setDest($args->{dest}{pos}{x}, $args->{dest}{pos}{y});
- } else {
- $map->setDest;
- }
- my @players = values %players;
- $map->setPlayers(@players);
- my @monsters = values %monsters;
- $map->setMonsters(@monsters);
- my @npcs = values %npcs;
- $map->setNPCs(@npcs);
- my @slaves = values %slaves;
- $map->setSlaves(@slaves);
- $map->update;
- $self->{mapViewTimeout}{time} = time;
- }
- sub updateItemList {
- my $self = shift;
- if ($conState == 5) {
- $self->{hpBar}->SetValue($char->{hp} / $char->{hp_max} * 100) if ($char->{hp_max});
- $self->{spBar}->SetValue($char->{sp} / $char->{sp_max} * 100) if ($char->{sp_max});
- $self->{expBar}->SetValue($char->{exp} / $char->{exp_max} * 100) if ($char->{exp_max});
- $self->{jobExpBar}->SetValue($char->{exp_job} / $char->{exp_job_max} * 100) if ($char->{exp_job_max});
- $self->{weightBar}->SetValue($char->{weight} / $char->{weight_max} * 100) if ($char->{weight_max});
- }
- }
- ##################
- ## Callbacks
- ##################
- sub onInputEnter {
- my $self = shift;
- my $text = shift;
- my $command;
- my $n = $self->{inputType}->GetSelection;
- if ($n == 0 || $text =~ /^/(.*)/) {
- my $command = ($n == 0) ? $text : $1;
- $self->{console}->add("input", "$commandn");
- $self->{inputBox}->Remove(0, -1);
- $self->{input} = $command;
- return;
- }
- if ($conState != 5) {
- $self->{console}->add("error", "You're not logged in.n");
- return;
- }
- if ($self->{targetBox}->GetValue ne "") {
- sendMessage($messageSender, "pm", $text, $self->{targetBox}->GetValue);
- } elsif ($n == 1) { # Public chat
- sendMessage($messageSender, "c", $text);
- } elsif ($n == 2) { # Party chat
- sendMessage($messageSender, "p", $text);
- } else { # Guild chat
- sendMessage($messageSender, "g", $text);
- }
- }
- sub onMenuOpen {
- my $self = shift;
- $self->{mPause}->Enable($AI);
- $self->{mManual}->Enable($AI != 1);
- $self->{mResume}->Enable($AI != 2);
- $self->{infoBarToggle}->Check($self->{infoPanel}->IsShown);
- $self->{chatLogToggle}->Check(defined $self->{notebook}->hasPage('Chat Log') ? 1 : 0);
- }
- sub onLoadFiles {
- my ($self, $hook, $param) = @_;
- if ($hook eq 'loadfiles') {
- $self->{loadingFiles}{percent} = $param->{current} / scalar(@{$param->{files}});
- } else {
- delete $self->{loadingFiles};
- }
- }
- sub onEnableAI {
- $AI = 2;
- }
- sub onManualAI {
- $AI = 1;
- }
- sub onDisableAI {
- $AI = 0;
- }
- sub onCopyLastOutput {
- my ($self) = @_;
- $self->{console}->copyLastLines(100);
- }
- sub onMinimizeToTray {
- my $self = shift;
- my $tray = new Wx::TaskBarIcon;
- my $title = ($char) ? "$char->{name} - $Settings::NAME" : "$Settings::NAME";
- $tray->SetIcon(Wx::GetWxPerlIcon, $title);
- EVT_TASKBAR_LEFT_DOWN($tray, sub {
- $tray->RemoveIcon;
- undef $tray;
- $self->{frame}->Show(1);
- });
- $self->{frame}->Show(0);
- }
- sub onClose {
- my ($self, $event) = @_;
- quit();
- if ($event->CanVeto) {
- $self->Show(0);
- }
- }
- sub onFontChange {
- my $self = shift;
- $self->{console}->selectFont($self->{frame});
- }
- sub onAdvancedConfig {
- my $self = shift;
- if ($self->{notebook}->hasPage('Advanced Configuration')) {
- $self->{notebook}->switchPage('Advanced Configuration');
- return;
- }
- my $page = $self->{notebook}->newPage(1, 'Advanced Configuration');
- my $panel = new Wx::Panel($page, -1);
- my $vsizer = new Wx::BoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
- $panel->SetSizer($vsizer);
- require Interface::Wx::ConfigEditor;
- my $cfg = new Interface::Wx::ConfigEditor($panel, -1);
- $cfg->setConfig(%config);
- $cfg->addCategory('All', 'Grid');
- $cfg->addCategory('server', 'Grid', ['master', 'server', 'username', 'password', 'char', 'serverType']);
- $cfg->addCategory('X-Kore', 'Grid', ['XKore', 'XKore_silent', 'XKore_bypassBotDetection', 'XKore_exeName', 'XKore_listenIp', 'XKore_listenPort', 'XKore_publicIp', 'secureAdminPassword', 'adminPassword', 'callSign', 'commandPrefix']);
- $cfg->addCategory('lockMap', 'Grid', ['lockMap', 'lockMap_x', 'lockMap_y', 'lockMap_randX', 'lockMap_randY']);
- $cfg->addCategory('attack', 'Grid', ['attackAuto', 'attackAuto_party', 'attackAuto_onlyWhenSafe', 'attackAuto_followTarget', 'attackAuto_inLockOnly', 'attackDistance', 'attackDistanceAuto', 'attackMaxDistance', 'attackMaxRouteDistance', 'attackMaxRouteTime', 'attackMinPlayerDistance', 'attackMinPortalDistance', 'attackUseWeapon', 'attackNoGiveup', 'attackCanSnipe', 'attackCheckLOS', 'attackLooters', 'attackChangeTarget', 'aggressiveAntiKS']);
- $cfg->addCategory('route', 'Grid', ['route_escape_reachedNoPortal', 'route_escape_randomWalk', 'route_escape_shout', 'route_randomWalk', 'route_randomWalk_inTown', 'route_randomWalk_maxRouteTime', 'route_maxWarpFee', 'route_maxNpcTries', 'route_teleport', 'route_teleport_minDistance', 'route_teleport_maxTries', 'route_teleport_notInMaps', 'route_step']);
- $cfg->addCategory('teleport', 'Grid', ['teleportAuto_hp', 'teleportAuto_sp', 'teleportAuto_idle', 'teleportAuto_portal', 'teleportAuto_search', 'teleportAuto_minAggressives', 'teleportAuto_minAggressivesInLock', 'teleportAuto_onlyWhenSafe', 'teleportAuto_maxDmg', 'teleportAuto_maxDmgInLock', 'teleportAuto_deadly', 'teleportAuto_useSkill', 'teleportAuto_useChatCommand', 'teleportAuto_allPlayers', 'teleportAuto_atkCount', 'teleportAuto_atkMiss', 'teleportAuto_unstuck', 'teleportAuto_dropTarget', 'teleportAuto_dropTargetKS', 'teleportAuto_attackedWhenSitting', 'teleportAuto_totalDmg', 'teleportAuto_totalDmgInLock', 'teleportAuto_equip_leftAccessory', 'teleportAuto_equip_rightAccessory', 'teleportAuto_lostHomunculus']);
- $cfg->addCategory('follow', 'Grid', ['follow', 'followTarget', 'followEmotion', 'followEmotion_distance', 'followFaceDirection', 'followDistanceMax', 'followDistanceMin', 'followLostStep', 'followSitAuto', 'followBot']);
- $cfg->addCategory('items', 'Grid', ['itemsTakeAuto', 'itemsTakeAuto_party', 'itemsGatherAuto', 'itemsMaxWeight', 'itemsMaxWeight_sellOrStore', 'itemsMaxNum_sellOrStore', 'cartMaxWeight']);
- $cfg->addCategory('sellAuto', 'Grid', ['sellAuto', 'sellAuto_npc', 'sellAuto_standpoint', 'sellAuto_distance']);
- $cfg->addCategory('storageAuto', 'Grid', ['storageAuto', 'storageAuto_npc', 'storageAuto_distance', 'storageAuto_npc_type', 'storageAuto_npc_steps', 'storageAuto_password', 'storageAuto_keepOpen', 'storageAuto_useChatCommand', 'relogAfterStorage']);
- $cfg->addCategory('disconnect', 'Grid', ['dcOnDeath', 'dcOnDualLogin', 'dcOnDisconnect', 'dcOnEmptyArrow', 'dcOnMute', 'dcOnPM', 'dcOnZeny', 'dcOnStorageFull', 'dcOnPlayer']);
- $cfg->onChange(sub {
- my ($key, $value) = @_;
- configModify($key, $value) if ($value ne $config{$key});
- });
- $vsizer->Add($cfg, 1, wxGROW | wxALL, 8);
- my $sizer = new Wx::BoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
- $vsizer->Add($sizer, 0, wxGROW | wxLEFT | wxRIGHT | wxBOTTOM, 8);
- my $revert = new Wx::Button($panel, 46, '&Revert');
- $revert->SetToolTip('Revert settings to before you opened the selected category');
- $sizer->Add($revert, 0);
- EVT_BUTTON($revert, 46, sub {
- $cfg->revert;
- });
- $revert->Enable(0);
- $cfg->onRevertEnable(sub {
- $revert->Enable($_[0]);
- });
- my $pad = new Wx::Window($panel, -1);
- $sizer->Add($pad, 1);
- my $close = new Wx::Button($panel, 47, '&Close');
- $close->SetToolTip('Close this panel/dialog');
- $close->SetDefault;
- $sizer->Add($close, 0);
- EVT_BUTTON($close, 47, sub {
- $self->{notebook}->closePage('Advanced Configuration');
- });
- $page->set($panel);
- }
- sub onMapToggle {
- my $self = shift;
- $self->{mapDock}->attach;
- }
- sub onInfoBarToggle {
- my $self = shift;
- $self->{vsizer}->Show($self->{infoPanel}, $self->{infoBarToggle}->IsChecked);
- $self->{frame}->Layout;
- }
- sub onChatLogToggle {
- my $self = shift;
- if (!$self->{chatLogToggle}->IsChecked) {
- $self->{notebook}->closePage('Chat Log');
- } elsif (!$self->{notebook}->hasPage('Chat Log')) {
- my $page = $self->{notebook}->newPage(1, 'Chat Log', 0);
- my $chatLog = $self->{chatLog} = new Interface::Wx::LogView($page);
- $page->set($chatLog);
- $chatLog->addColor("selfchat", 0, 148, 0);
- $chatLog->addColor("pm", 142, 120, 0);
- $chatLog->addColor("p", 164, 0, 143);
- $chatLog->addColor("g", 0, 177, 108);
- $chatLog->addColor("warning", 214, 93, 0);
- $page->set($chatLog);
- } else {
- $self->{notebook}->switchPage('Chat Log');
- }
- }
- sub onManual {
- my $self = shift;
- launchURL('http://openkore.sourceforge.net/manual/');
- }
- sub onForum {
- my $self = shift;
- launchURL('http://forums.openkore.com/');
- }
- sub onItemListActivate {
- my ($self, $actor) = @_;
- if ($actor->isa('Actor::Player')) {
- Commands::run("lookp " . $actor->{binID});
- Commands::run("pl " . $actor->{binID});
- } elsif ($actor->isa('Actor::Monster')) {
- main::attack($actor->{ID});
- } elsif ($actor->isa('Actor::Item')) {
- $self->{console}->add("message", "Taking item " . $actor->nameIdx . "n", "info");
- main::take($actor->{ID});
- } elsif ($actor->isa('Actor::NPC')) {
- Commands::run("nl " . $actor->{binID});
- }
- $self->{inputBox}->SetFocus;
- }
- sub onTargetBoxKeyDown {
- my $self = shift;
- my $event = shift;
- if ($event->GetKeyCode == WXK_TAB && !$event->ShiftDown) {
- $self->{inputBox}->SetFocus;
- } else {
- $event->Skip;
- }
- }
- sub onInitialized {
- my ($self) = @_;
- $self->{itemList}->init($npcsList, new Wx::Colour(103, 0, 162),
- $slavesList, new Wx::Colour(200, 100, 0),
- $playersList, undef,
- $monstersList, new Wx::Colour(200, 0, 0),
- $itemsList, new Wx::Colour(0, 0, 200));
- }
- sub onAddPrivMsgUser {
- my $self = shift;
- my $param = $_[1];
- $self->{targetBox}->Append($param->{user});
- }
- sub onChatAdd {
- my ($self, $hook, $params) = @_;
- my @tmpdate = localtime();
- if ($tmpdate[1] < 10) {$tmpdate[1] = "0".$tmpdate[1]};
- if ($tmpdate[2] < 10) {$tmpdate[2] = "0".$tmpdate[2]};
- return if (!$self->{notebook}->hasPage('Chat Log'));
- if ($hook eq "ChatQueue::add" && $params->{type} ne "pm") {
- my $msg = '';
- if ($params->{type} ne "c") {
- $msg = "[$params->{type}] ";
- }
- $msg .= "[$tmpdate[2]:$tmpdate[1]] $params->{user}: $params->{msg}n";
- $self->{chatLog}->add($msg, $params->{type});
- } elsif ($hook eq "packet_selfChat") {
- # only display this message if it's a real self-chat
- $self->{chatLog}->add("[$tmpdate[2]:$tmpdate[1]] $params->{user}: $params->{msg}n", "selfchat") if ($params->{user});
- } elsif ($hook eq "packet_privMsg") {
- $self->{chatLog}->add("([$tmpdate[2]:$tmpdate[1]] From: $params->{privMsgUser}): $params->{privMsg}n", "pm");
- } elsif ($hook eq "packet_sentPM") {
- $self->{chatLog}->add("([$tmpdate[2]:$tmpdate[1]] To: $params->{to}): $params->{msg}n", "pm");
- }
- }
- sub onMapMouseMove {
- # Mouse moved over the map viewer control
- #vcl code my ($self, undef, $args) = @_;
- #vcl code my ($x, $y) = @{$args};
- my ($self, $x, $y) = @_;
- my $walkable;
- $walkable = $field->isWalkable($x, $y);
- if ($x >= 0 && $y >= 0 && $walkable) {
- $self->{mouseMapText} = "Mouse over: $x, $y";
- } else {
- delete $self->{mouseMapText};
- }
- $self->{statusbar}->SetStatusText($self->{mouseMapText}, 0);
- }
- sub onMapClick {
- # Clicked on map viewer control
- #vcl code my ($self, undef, $args) = @_;
- #vcl code my ($x, $y) = @{$args};
- my ($self, $x, $y) = @_;
- my $checkPortal = 0;
- delete $self->{mouseMapText};
- if ($self->{mapViewer} && $self->{mapViewer}->{portals}
- && $self->{mapViewer}->{portals}->{$field->name()}
- && @{$self->{mapViewer}->{portals}->{$field->name()}}){
- foreach my $portal (@{$self->{mapViewer}->{portals}->{$field->name()}}){
- if (distance($portal,{x=>$x,y=>$y}) <= 5) {
- $x = $portal->{x};
- $y = $portal->{y};
- $self->writeOutput("message", "Moving to Portal $x, $yn", "info");
- $checkPortal = 1;
- last;
- }
- }
- }
- $self->writeOutput("message", "Moving to $x, $yn", "info") unless $checkPortal;
- AI::clear("mapRoute", "route", "move");
- main::ai_route($field->name(), $x, $y, attackOnRoute => 1);
- $self->{inputBox}->SetFocus;
- }
- sub onMap_MapChange {
- #vcl code my (undef, undef, undef, $mapDock) = @_;
- my ($mapDock) = @_;
- $mapDock->title($field->name());
- $mapDock->Fit;
- }
- 1;