- #########################################################################
- # Win32::GUI Interface for OpenKore
- # by: amacc_boy (
- #
- #########################################################################
- package Interface::Win32;
- use strict;
- use warnings;
- use Interface;
- use base qw/Interface/;
- use Time::HiRes qw/time usleep/;
- use Settings qw(%sys);
- use Plugins;
- use Globals;
- use Settings;
- use Misc;
- use Win32::GUI();
- use Interface::Win32::Map; #Map Viewer
- our ($currentHP, $currentSP, $currentLvl, $currentJob, $currentStatus);
- our $map;
- our @input_que;
- our @input_list;
- our %fgcolors;
- our %bgcolors;
- our $line_limit_chat = 500; #chat window line limit
- our $line_limit_console = 500; #console window line limit
- sub new {
- my $class = shift;
- my $self = {
- mw => undef,
- default_font=>"MS Sans Serif",
- r_field => undef,
- };
- $map = new Interface::Win32::Map();
- bless $self, $class;
- $self->initGUI;
- $self->{hooks} = Plugins::addHooks(
- ['mainLoop_pre', &updateHook, $self],
- ['parseMsg/addPrivMsgUser', sub { $self->addPM(@_); }],
- );
- return $self;
- }
- sub DESTROY {
- my $self = shift;
- Plugins::delHooks($self->{hooks});
- }
- ######################
- ######################
- sub getInput {
- my $self = shift;
- my $timeout = shift;
- my $msg;
- if ($timeout < 0) {
- until (defined $msg) {
- $self->update();
- if (@input_que) {
- $msg = shift @input_que;
- }
- }
- } elsif ($timeout > 0) {
- my $end = time + $timeout;
- until ($end < time || defined $msg) {
- $self->update();
- if (@input_que) {
- $msg = shift @input_que;
- }
- }
- } else {
- if (@input_que) {
- $msg = shift @input_que;
- }
- }
- $self->update();
- $msg =~ s/n// if defined $msg;
- return $msg;
- }
- sub writeOutput {
- my $self = shift;
- my $type = shift || '';
- my $message = shift || '';
- my $domain = shift || '';
- my ($color,$fgcode);
- $color = $consoleColors{$type}{$domain} if (defined $type && defined $domain && defined $consoleColors{$type});
- $color = $consoleColors{$type}{'default'} if (!defined $color && defined $type);
- $fgcode = $fgcolors{$color} || $fgcolors{'default'};
- #Chat Window
- if ($domain eq "pm" || $domain eq "pm/sent" || $domain eq "publicchat" || $domain eq "guildchat" || $domain eq "selfchat" || $domain eq "schat") {
- $self->{chat}->Select(999999,999999);
- $self->{chat}->SetCharFormat (-color => $fgcode); #no backcolor =(
- $self->{chat}->ReplaceSel("$message", 1);
- select(undef, undef, undef, 0);
- #remove extra lines
- while ($self->{chat}->GetLineCount() > $line_limit_chat + 1) {
- $self->{chat}->Select(0, $self->{chat}->LineLength(0) + 1);
- $self->{chat}->ReplaceSel("", 1);
- select(undef, undef, undef, 0);
- }
- $self->{chat}->SendMessage (0x115, 7, 0); # scroll to bottom
- $self->{chat}->SendMessage (0x115, 1, 0); # scroll one line down
- #Console Window
- } else {
- $self->{console}->Select(999999,999999);
- $self->{console}->SetCharFormat (-color => $fgcode);
- $self->{console}->ReplaceSel("$message", 1);
- select(undef, undef, undef, 0);
- #remove extra lines
- while ($self->{console}->GetLineCount() >= $line_limit_console) {
- $self->{console}->Select(0, $self->{console}->LineLength(0) + 1);
- $self->{console}->ReplaceSel("", 1);
- select(undef, undef, undef, 0);
- }
- $self->{console}->SendMessage (0x115, 7, 0); # scroll to bottom
- $self->{console}->SendMessage (0x115, 1, 0); # scroll one line down
- }
- Win32::GUI::PeekMessage(0,0,0);
- $self->update();
- }
- sub updateHook {
- my $hookname = shift;
- my $r_args = shift;
- my $self = shift;
- return unless defined $self->{mw};
- $self->update();
- }
- sub update {
- my $self = shift;
- $self->UpdateCharacter();
- if ($map->mapIsShown()) {
- $map->Repaint();
- $map->paintMiscPos();
- $map->paintPos();
- }
- Win32::GUI::DoEvents();
- }
- sub title {
- my $self = shift;
- my $title = shift;
- if (defined $title) {
- if (!defined $self->{currentTitle} || $self->{currentTitle} ne $title) {
- $self->{mw}->Caption($title);
- $self->{currentTitle} = $title;
- }
- } else {
- return $self->{title};
- }
- }
- sub updateStatus {
- my $self = shift;
- my $text = shift;
- $self->{status_gen}->Text($text);
- }
- sub setAiText {
- my $self = shift;
- my ($text) = shift;
- $self->{status_ai}->configure(-text => $text);
- }
- ################################################################
- # init
- ################################################################
- sub initGUI {
- my $self = shift;
- my $nameFont = Win32::GUI::Font->new( -name => "Verdana",-size => 10, -bold =>1);
- my $consoleFont = Win32::GUI::Font->new( -name => "Verdana",-size => 7,);
- $self->{AccTable} = new Win32::GUI::AcceleratorTable (
- "Return" => &inputEnter,
- "Up" => &inputUp,
- "Down" => &inputDown,
- "Ctrl-X" => &onExit,
- "Tab" => sub { $self->{input}->SetFocus(); },
- "Alt+V" => &comstatus,
- "Alt+A" => &comstat,
- "Alt+I" => &comitems,
- "Alt+S" => &comskills,
- "Alt+E" => &comstatus,
- );
- $self->{Menu} = Win32::GUI::MakeMenu (
- "Open&Kore" => "Kore",
- " > &Pause" => { -name => "pause", -onClick => &compause },
- " > &Manual" => { -name => "manual", -onClick => &commanual },
- " > &Resume" => { -name => "resume", -onClick => &comresume },
- " > E&xit" => { -name => "Kore_Exit", -onClick => &onExit },
- "&View" => "View",
- " > View &Map" => { -name => "View_Map", -onClick => &openMap },
- "&Info" => "Info",
- " > &Status Alt+V" => { -name => "Status", -onClick => &comstatus },
- " > S&tatistics Alt+A" => { -name => "Statistics", -onClick => &comstat },
- " > &Inventory Alt+I" => { -name => "Inventory", -onClick => &comitems },
- " > S&kills Alt+S" => { -name => "Skills", -onClick => &comskills },
- " > &Experience Alt+E" => { -name => "Experience", -onClick => &comerooo },
- );
- $self->{icon} = new Win32::GUI::Icon('SRC/BUILD/openkore.ICO');
- $self->{mw} = new Win32::GUI::Window(
- -name => "mw",
- -title => "Ragnarok Online Bot Client",
- -pos => [308, 220],
- -size => [950, 690],
- -icon => $self->{icon},
- -menu => $self->{Menu},
- -accel => $self->{AccTable},
- -maximizebox => 1,
- -resizable => 0,
- -onMinimize => &OnMinimize,
- -onTerminate => &onExit,
- );
- $self->{mw}->ChangeIcon($self->{icon});
- # create the systray icon.
- $self->{systray_icon} = $self->{mw}->AddNotifyIcon( -name => "Systray",
- -id => 1,
- -icon => $self->{icon},
- -tip => 'OpenKore',
- -onClick => &tray_Click,
- );
- $self->{name} = $self->{mw}->AddLabel(
- -text => "name",
- -name => "name",
- -font => $nameFont,
- -left => 4,
- -top => 102, #2,
- -width => 100,
- -height => 13,
- -foreground => 0,
- );
- $self->{class} = $self->{mw}->AddLabel(
- -text => "job",
- -name => "class",
- -left => 4,
- -top => 116, #16,
- -width => 100,
- -height => 13,
- -foreground => 0,
- );
- $self->{gender} = $self->{mw}->AddLabel(
- -text => "gender",
- -name => "gender",
- -left => 4,
- -top => 130, #30,
- -width => 40,
- -height => 13,
- -foreground => 0,
- );
- $self->{hp_bar} = $self->{mw}->AddProgressBar(
- -text => "",
- -name => "hp_bar",
- -left => 140,
- -top => 104, #4,
- -width => 185,
- -height => 10,
- -smooth => 1,
- );
- $self->{mw}->AddLabel(
- -text => "HP",
- -name => "hp_label",
- -left => 120,
- -top => 117, #17,
- -width => 15,
- -height => 13,
- -foreground => 0,
- );
- $self->{sp_bar} = $self->{mw}->AddProgressBar(
- -text => "",
- -name => "sp_bar",
- -left => 140,
- -top => 132, #32,
- -width => 185,
- -height => 10,
- -smooth => 1,
- );
- $self->{mw}->AddLabel(
- -text => "SP",
- -name => "sp_label",
- -left => 120,
- -top => 145, #45,
- -width => 14,
- -height => 13,
- -foreground => 0,
- );
- $self->{hp_val} = $self->{mw}->AddLabel(
- -text => "0 / 0",
- -name => "hp_val",
- -left => 140,
- -top => 117, #17,
- -width => 185,
- -height => 13,
- -align => "center",
- -foreground => 0,
- );
- $self->{sp_val} = $self->{mw}->AddLabel(
- -text => "0 / 0",
- -name => "sp_val",
- -left => 140,
- -top => 145, #45,
- -width => 185,
- -height => 13,
- -align => "center",
- -foreground => 0,
- );
- $self->{mw}->AddLabel(
- -text => "Base Lv.",
- -name => "b_label",
- -left => 7,
- -top => 170, #70,
- -width => 45,
- -height => 13,
- -foreground => 0,
- );
- $self->{base} = $self->{mw}->AddLabel(
- -text => "1",
- -name => "base",
- -left => 50,
- -top => 170, #70,
- -width => 20,
- -height => 20,
- -foreground => 0,
- );
- $self->{b_bar} = $self->{mw}->AddProgressBar(
- -text => "",
- -name => "b_bar",
- -left => 70,
- -top => 173, #73,
- -width => 235,
- -height => 10,
- -smooth => 1,
- );
- $self->{b_percent} = $self->{mw}->AddLabel(
- -text => "0%",
- -name => "b_percent",
- -left => 307,
- -top => 170, #70,
- -width => 28,
- -height => 13,
- -foreground => 0,
- );
- $self->{mw}->AddLabel(
- -text => " Job Lv.",
- -name => "j_label",
- -left => 7,
- -top => 185, #85,
- -width => 45,
- -height => 13,
- -foreground => 0,
- );
- $self->{job} = $self->{mw}->AddLabel(
- -text => "1",
- -name => "job",
- -left => 50,
- -top => 185, #85,
- -width => 20,
- -height => 13,
- -foreground => 0,
- );
- $self->{j_bar} = $self->{mw}->AddProgressBar(
- -text => "",
- -name => "j_bar",
- -left => 70,
- -top => 188, #88,
- -width => 235,
- -height => 10,
- -smooth => 1,
- );
- $self->{j_percent} = $self->{mw}->AddLabel(
- -text => "0%",
- -name => "j_percent",
- -left => 307,
- -top => 185, #85,
- -width => 28,
- -height => 13,
- -foreground => 0,
- );
- $self->{mw}->AddButton(
- -text => "Exp",
- -name => "exp_group",
- -left => 4,
- -top => 158, #58,
- -width => 335,
- -height => 48,
- -style => WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | 7, # GroupBox
- -align => "center",
- );
- $self->{mw}->AddLabel(
- -text => "Status:",
- -name => "status_label",
- -left => 4,
- -top => 208, #108,
- -width => 32,
- -height => 13,
- -foreground => 0,
- );
- $self->{status} = $self->{mw}->AddLabel(
- -text => "None",
- -name => "status",
- -left => 40,
- -top => 208, #108,
- -width => 300,
- -height => 13,
- -foreground => 0,
- );
- $self->{console} = $self->{mw}->AddRichEdit(
- -text => "",
- -name => "console",
- -font => $consoleFont,
- -left => 4,
- -top => 225, #125,
- -width => 419,
- -height => 361,
- );
- $self->{chat} = $self->{mw}->AddRichEdit(
- -text => "",
- -name => "chat",
- -left => 428,
- -top => 5, #250,
- -width => 419,
- -height => 591,
- );
- $self->{pm_list} = $self->{mw}->AddCombobox(
- -text => "",
- -name => "pm_list",
- -left => 417,
- -top => 596, #325,
- -width => 95,
- -height => 80,
- -dropdown => 1,
- # -style => WS_VISIBLE | 2, # Dropdown Style
- );
- $self->{input} = $self->{mw}->AddTextfield(
- -text => "",
- -name => "input",
- -left => 512,
- -top => 596, #324,
- -width => 245,
- -height => 23,
- );
- $self->{say_type} = $self->{mw}->AddCombobox(
- -text => "",
- -name => "say_type",
- -left => 758,
- -top => 596, #325,
- -width => 80,
- -height => 80,
- -dropdownlist => 1,
- # -style => WS_VISIBLE | 2, # Dropdown Style
- );
- $self->{mw}->AddButton(
- -text => "View Map",
- -name => "btn_map",
- -left => 353,
- -top => 5,
- -width => 63,
- -height => 50,
- -foreground => 0,
- -onClick => &openMap,
- );
- $self->{mw}->AddButton(
- -text => "Sit",
- -name => "sit command",
- -left => 4,
- -top => 5,
- -width => 50,
- -height => 20,
- -foreground => 0,
- -onClick => sub { Commands::run("sit"); },
- );
- $self->{mw}->AddButton(
- -text => "complete report",
- -name => "Report",
- -left => 60,
- -top => 5,
- -width => 100,
- -height => 20,
- -foreground => 0,
- -onClick => sub { Commands::run("exp report"); },
- );
- #
- $self->{say_type}->Add("Command","Public","Party","Guild");
- $self->{say_type}->Select(0);
- $self->{console}->BackColor([0,0,0]);
- $self->{chat}->BackColor([0,0,0]);
- $self->{console}->AutoURLDetect(1);
- $self->{chat}->AutoURLDetect(1);
- $self->{hp_bar}->SetRange(0,100);
- $self->{sp_bar}->SetRange(0,100);
- $self->{b_bar}->SetRange(0,100);
- $self->{j_bar}->SetRange(0,100);
- $self->{hp_bar}->SetBarColor([30,100,190]);
- $self->{sp_bar}->SetBarColor([30,100,190]);
- $self->{b_bar}->SetBarColor([30,100,190]);
- $self->{j_bar}->SetBarColor([30,100,190]);
- $self->{input}->SetFocus();
- $self->{mw}->Show();
- $self->{mw}->Center;
- # Hide console #
- my ($DOS) = Win32::GUI::GetPerlWindow();
- Win32::GUI::Hide($DOS);
- ################
- # Win32::GUI::Dialog();
- }
- sub inputEnter {
- my $self = shift;
- my ($line,$type);
- $line = $self->{input}->Text;
- $self->{input}->Text("");
- $type = $self->{say_type}->Text;
- if ($self->{pm_list}->Text eq "") {
- if ($type eq 'Public') {
- $line = 'c '.$line;
- } elsif ($type eq 'Party') {
- $line = 'p '.$line;
- } elsif ($type eq 'Guild') {
- $line = 'g '.$line;
- }
- } else {
- $self->{pm_list}->AddString($self->{pm_list}->Text);
- $line = "pm ".$self->{pm_list}->Text." $line";
- }
- return unless defined $line;
- push @input_que, $line;
- push @input_list, $line;
- }
- sub addPM {
- my $self = shift;
- my $param = $_[1];
- $self->{pm_list}->AddString($param->{user});
- }
- sub inputUp {
- my $self = shift;
- my $line;
- }
- sub inputDown {
- my $self = shift;
- }
- sub OnMinimize {
- my $self = shift;
- $self->Disable();
- $self->Hide();
- }
- sub tray_Click {
- my $self = shift;
- $self->Enable();
- $self->Show();
- }
- sub errorDialog {
- my $self = shift;
- my $msg = shift;
- Win32::GUI::MessageBox($msg,"Error",MB_ICONERROR | MB_OK,);
- }
- sub onExit {
- my $self = shift;
- if ($conState) {
- push @input_que, "n";
- $quit = 1;
- }
- }
- sub openMap {
- $map->initMapGUI();
- $map->paintMap();
- $map->paintMiscPos();
- $map->paintPos();
- }
- sub compause {
- $AI = 0;
- }
- sub commanual {
- $AI = 1;
- }
- sub comresume {
- $AI = 2;
- }
- sub comstatus {
- Commands::run("s");
- }
- sub comstat {
- Commands::run("st");
- }
- sub comitems {
- Commands::run("i");
- }
- sub comskills {
- Commands::run("skills");
- }
- sub comerooo {
- Commands::run("exp");
- }
- sub UpdateCharacter {
- my $self = shift;
- return if (!$char || !$char->{'hp_max'} || !$char->{'sp_max'} || !$char->{'weight_max'});
- return if ($currentStatus eq join(", ", keys %{$chars[$config{char}]{statuses}}) && $char->{'hp'} == $currentHP && $char->{'sp'} == $currentSP && $char->{'exp'} == $currentLvl && $char->{'exp_job'} == $currentJob);
- $self->{name}->Text($char->{'name'});
- $self->{gender}->Text($sex_lut{$char->{'sex'}});
- $self->{class}->Text($jobs_lut{$char->{'jobID'}});
- $self->{status}->Text(join(", ", keys %{$chars[$config{char}]{statuses}}));
- $self->{base}->Text($char->{'lv'});
- $self->{job}->Text($char->{'lv_job'});
- my $percent_hp = sprintf("%i", $char->{'hp'} * 100 / $char->{'hp_max'});
- my $percent_sp = sprintf("%i", $char->{'sp'} * 100 / $char->{'sp_max'});
- $self->{hp_bar}->SetPos($percent_hp);
- $self->{sp_bar}->SetPos($percent_sp);
- $self->{hp_val}->Text("$char->{'hp'} / $char->{'hp_max'} ($percent_hp %)");
- $self->{sp_val}->Text("$char->{'sp'} / $char->{'sp_max'} ($percent_sp %)");
- if ($percent_hp < 20) {
- $self->{hp_bar}->SetBarColor([255,89,89]);
- } elsif ($percent_hp < 50) {
- $self->{hp_bar}->SetBarColor([223,223,0]);
- } else {
- $self->{hp_bar}->SetBarColor([30,100,190]);
- }
- if ($percent_sp < 20) {
- $self->{sp_bar}->SetBarColor([255,89,89]);
- } elsif ($percent_sp < 50) {
- $self->{sp_bar}->SetBarColor([223,223,0]);
- } else {
- $self->{sp_bar}->SetBarColor([30,100,190]);
- }
- my $percent_base_lv;
- if (!$char->{'exp_max'}) {
- $percent_base_lv = 0;
- } else {
- $percent_base_lv = sprintf("%i", $char->{'exp'} * 100 / $char->{'exp_max'});
- }
- $self->{b_bar}->SetPos($percent_base_lv);
- $self->{b_percent}->Text($percent_base_lv."%");
- my $percent_job_lv;
- if (!$char->{'exp_job_max'}) {
- $percent_job_lv = 0;
- } else {
- $percent_job_lv = sprintf("%i", $char->{'exp_job'} * 100 / $char->{'exp_job_max'});
- }
- $self->{j_bar}->SetPos($percent_job_lv);
- $self->{j_percent}->Text($percent_job_lv."%");
- $currentHP = $char->{'hp'};
- $currentSP = $char->{'sp'};
- $currentLvl = $char->{'exp'};
- $currentJob = $char->{'exp_job'};
- $currentStatus = join(", ", keys %{$chars[$config{char}]{statuses}});
- }
- %fgcolors = (
- 'reset' => [192,192,192],
- 'default' => [192,192,192],
- 'black' => [0,0,0],
- 'darkgray' => [175,175,175],
- 'darkgrey' => [175,175,175],
- 'darkred' => [180,0,0],
- 'red' => [255,0,0],
- 'darkgreen' => [0,180,0],
- 'green' => [0,255,0],
- 'brown' => [128,0,0],
- 'yellow' => [255,255,0],
- 'darkblue' => [0,0,180],
- 'blue' => [0,0,255],
- 'darkmagenta' => [180,0,180],
- 'magenta' => [255,0,255],
- 'darkcyan' => [0,180,180],
- 'cyan' => [0,255,255],
- 'gray' => [192,192,192],
- 'grey' => [192,192,192],
- 'white' => [192,192,192],
- );
- 1;