- #########################################################################
- # OpenKore :: Vx Interface Module
- # Based on OO
- # Originally By Star-Kung - http://modkore.sourceforge.net.
- #
- # Copyright (c) 2005 OpenKore development team
- #
- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- # (at your option) any later version.
- #
- # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- # GNU General Public License for more details.
- #
- # $Revision$
- # $Id$
- #
- #########################################################################
- package Interface::Vx;
- use strict;
- use warnings;
- use AI;
- use Interface;
- use base qw/Interface/;
- use Plugins;
- use Globals;
- use Field;
- use Settings qw(%sys);
- use Misc;
- use Utils;
- #use Log qw(message warning);
- use Carp qw/carp croak confess/;
- use File::Spec;
- use Time::HiRes qw/time usleep/;
- use Tk;
- use Tk::ROText;
- use Tk::BrowseEntry;
- # parse panelTwo_domains into a hash
- my %panelTwo_domains;
- $sys{panelTwo_domains} ||= "publicchat, pm, guildchat, partychat, pm/sent, list, info, selfchat, schat, error, warning";
- my @array = split / *, */, $sys{panelTwo_domains};
- foreach (@array) {
- s/^s+//;
- s/s+$//;
- s/s+/ /g;
- $panelTwo_domains{$_} = 1;
- }
- my $buildType = 1;
- # main interface functions
- sub new {
- my $class = shift;
- my $self = {
- input_list => [], # input history
- input_offset => 0, # position while scrolling through input history
- input_que => [], # queued input data
- default_font => "MS Sans Serif",
- input_type => "Command",
- input_pm => undef,
- total_lines => {"panelOne" => 0, "panelTwo" => 0},
- last_line_end => {"panelOne" => 0, "panelTwo" => 0},
- line_limit => {"panelOne" => $sys{panelOne_lineLimit} || 900, "panelTwo" => $sys{panelTwo_lineLimit} || 100},
- mapDir => 'map'
- };
- if ($buildType == 0) {
- eval "use Win32::API;";
- $self->{ShellExecute} = new Win32::API("shell32", "ShellExecute",
- "NPPPPN", "V");
- }
- bless $self, $class;
- $self->initTk;
- $self->{hooks} = Plugins::addHooks(
- ['mainLoop_pre', &updateHook, $self],
- ['postloadfiles', &resetColors, $self],
- ['parseMsg/pre', &packet, $self],
- ['attack_start', sub { $_[2]->followObj($_[1]->{ID}); }, $self]
- );
- return $self;
- }
- sub DESTROY {
- my $self = shift;
- Plugins::delHooks($self->{hooks});
- }
- sub update {
- my $self = shift;
- $self->{mw}->update();
- }
- sub getInput {
- my $self = shift;
- my $timeout = shift;
- my $msg;
- if ($timeout < 0) {
- until (defined $msg) {
- $self->update();
- if (@{ $self->{input_que} }) {
- $msg = shift @{ $self->{input_que} };
- }
- }
- } elsif ($timeout > 0) {
- my $end = time + $timeout;
- until ($end < time || defined $msg) {
- $self->update();
- if (@{ $self->{input_que} }) {
- $msg = shift @{ $self->{input_que} };
- }
- }
- } else {
- if (@{ $self->{input_que} }) {
- $msg = shift @{ $self->{input_que} };
- }
- }
- $self->update();
- $msg =~ s/n// if defined $msg;
- return $msg;
- }
- sub writeOutput {
- my $self = shift;
- my $type = shift || '';
- my $message = shift || '';
- my $domain = shift || '';
- my $panel;
- # FIXME: you can put message types like error and warning in the list because I wanted to see them
- # FIXME: a default list of domains should be given to the user if they didn't configure any
- if ($panelTwo_domains{$domain} || ($domain eq 'console' && $panelTwo_domains{$type})) {
- $panel = "panelTwo";
- } else {
- $panel = "panelOne";
- }
- my $scroll = 0;
- $scroll = 1 if (($self->{$panel}->yview)[1] == 1);
- #keep track of lines to limit the number of lines in the text widget
- $self->{total_lines}{panel} += $message =~ s/r?n/n/g;
- $self->{$panel}->insert('end', "n") if $self->{last_line_end}{$panel};
- $self->{last_line_end}{$panel} = $message =~ s/n$//;
- $self->{$panel}->insert('end', $message, "$type $type.$domain");
- #remove extra lines
- if ($self->{total_lines}{$panel} > $self->{line_limit}{$panel}) {
- my $overage = $self->{total_lines}{$panel} - $self->{line_limit}{$panel};
- $self->{$panel}->delete('1.0', $overage+1 . ".0");
- $self->{total_lines}{$panel} -= $overage;
- }
- $self->{$panel}->see('end') if $scroll;
- }
- sub title {
- my $self = shift;
- my $title = shift;
- if (defined $title) {
- if (!defined $self->{currentTitle} || $self->{currentTitle} ne $title) {
- $self->{mw}->title($title);
- $self->{currentTitle} = $title;
- }
- } else {
- return $self->{mw}->title();
- }
- }
- # interface construction
- sub initTk {
- my $self = shift;
- my $panelFont = $sys{panelFont} || 'Verdana';
- my $menuFont = $sys{menuFont} || 'Lucida Console';
- my $sbarFont = $sys{sbarFont} || 'Arial';
- # create main window
- $self->{mw} = MainWindow->new();
- #$self->{mw}->minsize(316,290);
- $self->{mw}->protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', [&OnExit, $self]);
- #$self->{mw}->Icon(-image=>$self->{mw}->Photo(-file=>"hyb.gif"));
- $self->{mw}->title($Settings::NAME);
- # Main window menu
- $self->{mw}->configure(-menu => $self->{mw}->Menu(-menuitems=>
- [ map
- ['cascade', $_->[0], -tearoff=> 0, -font=>[-family=>$menuFont,-size=>8], -menuitems => $_->[1]],
- ['~OpenKore',
- [[qw/command E~xit -accelerator Alt+P/, -font=>[-family=>$menuFont,-size=>8], -command=>[&OnExit, $self]],]
- ],
- ['~View',
- [
- [qw/command Map -accelerator Alt+M/, -font=>[-family=>$menuFont,-size=>8], -command=>[&OpenMap, $self]],
- '',
- [qw/command Status -accelerator Alt+D/, -font=>[-family=>$menuFont,-size=>8], -command => sub{ Commands::run("s") }],
- [qw/command Storage -accelerator Alt+X/, -font=>[-family=>$menuFont,-size=>8], -command => sub{ Commands::run("storage") }],
- [qw/command Skill -accelerator Alt+S/, -font=>[-family=>$menuFont,-size=>8], -command => sub{ Commands::run("skills") }],
- [qw/command Stat -accelerator Alt+A/, -font=>[-family=>$menuFont,-size=>8], -command => sub{ Commands::run("st") }],
- [qw/command Exp -accelerator Alt+Z/, -font=>[-family=>$menuFont,-size=>8], -command => sub{ Commands::run("exp") }],
- [qw/command Usable -accelerator Alt+E/, -font=>[-family=>$menuFont,-size=>8], -command => sub{ Commands::run("i u") }],
- [qw/command Equipped -accelerator Alt+Q/, -font=>[-family=>$menuFont,-size=>8], -command => sub{ Commands::run("i eq") }],
- [qw/command Unequipped -accelerator Alt+C/, -font=>[-family=>$menuFont,-size=>8], -command => sub{ Commands::run("i neq") }],
- [qw/command Non-Usable -accelerator Alt+W/, -font=>[-family=>$menuFont,-size=>8], -command => sub{ Commands::run("i nu") }],
- '',
- [cascade=>"Guild", -tearoff=> 0, -font=>[-family=>$menuFont,-size=>8], -menuitems =>
- [
- [qw/command Info -accelerator ALT+F/, -font=>[-family=>$menuFont,-size=>8], -command => sub{ Commands::run("guild info") }],
- [qw/command Member -accelerator ALT+G/, -font=>[-family=>$menuFont,-size=>8], -command => sub{ Commands::run("guild member") }]
- ],
- ],
- '',
- [cascade=>"Font Weight", -tearoff=> 0, -font=>[-family=>$menuFont,-size=>8], -menuitems =>
- [
- [Checkbutton => '~Bold', -variable => $self->{is_bold},-font=>[-family=>$sbarFont,-size=>8],-command => [&change_fontWeight, $self]],
- ]
- ],
- ],
- ],
- ['~Reload',
- [
- [qw/command config -accelerator Ctrl+Shift+C/, -font=>[-family=>$menuFont,-size=>8], -command => sub{ Commands::run("reload config") }],
- [qw/command mon_control -accelerator Ctrl+Shift+W/, -font=>[-family=>$menuFont,-size=>8], -command => sub{ Commands::run("reload mon_control") }],
- [qw/command item_control -accelerator Ctrl+Shift+Q/, -font=>[-family=>$menuFont,-size=>8], -command => sub{ Commands::run("reload items_control") }],
- [qw/command cart_control -accelerator Ctrl+Shift+E/, -font=>[-family=>$menuFont,-size=>8], -command=>sub{ Commands::run("reload avoid") }],
- [qw/command timeouts -accelerator Ctrl+Shift+Z/, -font=>[-family=>$menuFont,-size=>8], -command=>sub{ Commands::run("reload timeouts") }],
- [qw/command pickupitems -accelerator Ctrl+Shift+V/, -font=>[-family=>$menuFont,-size=>8], -command=>sub{ Commands::run("reload pickupitems") }],
- [qw/command chatresp -accelerator Ctrl+Shift+T/, -font=>[-family=>$menuFont,-size=>8], -command=>sub{ Commands::run("reload chat_resp") }],
- '',
- [qw/command All -accelerator Ctrl+Shift+A/, -font=>[-family=>$menuFont,-size=>8], -command=>sub{ Commands::run("reload all") }],
- ]
- ],
- ['~Help',
- [[qw/command Manual -accelerator Alt+H/, -font=>[-family=>$menuFont,-size=>8], -command=>[&showManual, $self]],]
- ]
- ]
- ));
- # subclasses of main window
- # status frame
- $self->{status_frame} = $self->{mw}->Frame()->pack(
- -side => 'bottom',
- -expand => 0,
- -fill => 'x',
- );
- #------ subclass in status frame
- $self->{status_gen} = $self->{status_frame}->Label(
- -anchor => 'w',
- -text => 'Ready',
- -font => [$sbarFont, 8],
- -bd=>0,
- -relief => 'sunken',
- )->pack(
- -side => 'left',
- -expand => 1,
- -fill => 'x',
- );
- $self->{status_ai} = $self->{status_frame}->Label(
- -text => 'Ai - Status',
- -font => [$sbarFont, 8],
- -width => 25,
- -relief => 'ridge',
- )->pack(
- -side => 'left',
- -expand => 0,
- -fill => 'x',
- );
- $self->{status_posx} = $self->{status_frame}->Label(
- -text => '0',
- -font => [$sbarFont, 8],
- -width => 4,
- -relief => 'ridge',
- )->pack(
- -side => 'left',
- -expand => 0,
- -fill => 'x',
- );
- $self->{status_posy} = $self->{status_frame}->Label(
- -text => '0',
- -font => [$sbarFont, 8],
- -width => 4,
- -relief => 'ridge',
- )->pack(
- -side => 'left',
- -expand => 0,
- -fill => 'x',
- );
- # input frame
- $self->{input_frame} = $self->{mw}->Frame(
- -bg=>'black'
- )->pack(
- -side => 'bottom',
- -expand => 0,
- -fill => 'x',
- );
- #------ subclass in input frame
- $self->{pminput} = $self->{input_frame}->BrowseEntry(
- -bg=>'black',
- -fg=>'grey',
- -variable => $self->{input_pm},
- -width => 8,
- -font=>[ -family => $panelFont ,-size=>10,],
- -autolimitheight => 1,
- -state =>'normal',
- -relief => 'flat',
- )->pack(
- -expand=>0,
- -fill => 'x',
- -side => 'left',
- );
- $self->{input} = $self->{input_frame}->Entry(
- -bg => 'black',
- -fg => 'grey',
- -insertbackground => 'grey',
- -relief => 'sunken',
- -font=>[ -family => $panelFont ,-size=>10,],
- )->pack(
- -expand=>1,
- -fill => 'x',
- -side => 'left',
- );
- $self->{sinput} = $self->{input_frame}->BrowseEntry(
- -bg=>'black',
- -fg=>'grey',
- -disabledbackground => 'black',
- -disabledforeground => 'grey',
- -variable => $self->{input_type},
- -autolimitheight => 1,
- -listwidth => 30,
- -font=>[ -family => $panelFont ,-size=>10,],
- -width => 8,
- -state => 'readonly',
- -relief => 'flat',
- )->pack (
- -expand=>0,
- -fill => 'x',
- -side => 'left',
- );
- $self->{sinput}->insert("end", qw(Command Public Party Guild));
- ### panelOne and panelTwo
- $self->{panelOne} = $self->{mw}->Scrolled('ROText',
- -bg=>'black',
- -fg=>'grey',
- -scrollbars => 'e',
- -height => $sys{panelOne_height} || 8,
- -width => $sys{panelOne_width} || 60,
- -wrap => 'word',
- -insertontime => 0,
- -background => 'black',
- -foreground => 'grey',
- -font=>[ -family => $panelFont ,-size=>$sys{panelOne_fontsize} || 8,],
- -relief => 'sunken',
- )->pack(
- -expand => 1,
- -fill => 'both',
- -side => $sys{panelOne_side} || 'top',
- );
- $self->{panelTwo} = $self->{mw}->Scrolled('ROText',
- -bg=>'black',
- -fg=>'grey',
- -scrollbars => 'e',
- -height => $sys{panelTwo_height} || 4,
- -width => $sys{panelTwo_width} || 40,
- -wrap => 'word',
- -insertontime => 0,
- -background => 'black',
- -foreground => 'grey',
- -font=>[ -family => $panelFont ,-size=>$sys{panelTwo_fontsize} || 8,],
- -relief => 'sunken',
- )->pack(
- -expand => 1,
- -fill => 'both',
- -side => $sys{panelTwo_side} || 'top',
- );
- # button frame, removed
- #$self->{btn_frame} = $self->{mw}->Frame(
- # #-bg=>'black'
- #)->pack(
- # -side => 'right',
- # -expand => 0,
- # -fill => 'y',
- #);
- ### Binding ###
- $self->{mw}->bind('all', '<Alt-p>' => [&OnExit, $self]);
- $self->{mw}->bind('all', '<Alt-m>' => [&OpenMap, $self]);
- $self->{mw}->bind('all', '<Control-Shift-C>' => sub{ Commands::run("reload config") });
- $self->{mw}->bind('all', '<Control-Shift-W>' => sub{ Commands::run("reload mon_control") });
- $self->{mw}->bind('all', '<Control-Shift-Q>' => sub{ Commands::run("reload items_control") });
- $self->{mw}->bind('all', '<Control-Shift-E>' => sub{ Commands::run("reload avoid") });
- $self->{mw}->bind('all', '<Control-Shift-Z>' => sub{ Commands::run("reload timeouts") });
- $self->{mw}->bind('all', '<Control-Shift-V>' => sub{ Commands::run("reload pickupitems") });
- $self->{mw}->bind('all', '<Control-Shift-T>' => sub{ Commands::run("reload chat_resp") });
- $self->{mw}->bind('all', '<Control-Shift-A>' => sub{ Commands::run("reload all") });
- $self->{mw}->bind('all', '<Alt-d>' => sub{ Commands::run("s") });
- $self->{mw}->bind('all', '<Alt-x>' => sub{ Commands::run("storage") });
- $self->{mw}->bind('all', '<Alt-s>' => sub{ Commands::run("skills") });
- $self->{mw}->bind('all', '<Alt-q>' => sub{ Commands::run("i eq") });
- $self->{mw}->bind('all', '<Alt-a>' => sub{ Commands::run("st") });
- $self->{mw}->bind('all', '<Alt-e>' => sub{ Commands::run("i u") });
- $self->{mw}->bind('all', '<Alt-w>' => sub{ Commands::run("i nu") });
- $self->{mw}->bind('all', '<Alt-z>' => sub{ Commands::run("exp") });
- $self->{mw}->bind('all', '<Alt-c>' => sub{ Commands::run("i neq") });
- $self->{mw}->bind('all', '<Alt-f>' => sub{ Commands::run("guild info") });
- $self->{mw}->bind('all', '<Alt-g>' => sub{ Commands::run("guild member") });
- $self->{mw}->bind('all', '<Alt-h>' => [&showManual, $self]);
- $self->{input}->bind('<Up>' => [&inputUp, $self]);
- $self->{input}->bind('<Down>' => [&inputDown, $self]);
- $self->{input}->bind('<Return>' => [&inputEnter, $self]);
- $self->{input}->focus();
- if ($buildType == 0) {
- $self->{input}->bind('<MouseWheel>' => [&w32mWheel, $self, Ev('k'), "panelTwo"]);
- $self->{panelTwo}->bind('<MouseWheel>' => [&w32mWheel, $self, Ev('k'), "panelTwo"]);
- $self->{panelOne}->bind('<MouseWheel>' => [&w32mWheel, $self, Ev('k'), "panelOne"]);
- my $console;
- eval 'use Win32::Console; $console = new Win32::Console(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);';
- $console->Free();
- }
- $self->{mw}->raise();
- }
- sub inputUp {
- my $inputarea = shift; #this is redundant =
- my $self = shift;
- my $line;
- chomp($line = $self->{input}->get);
- unless ($self->{input_offset}) {
- $self->{input_list}[$self->{input_offset}] = $line;
- }
- $self->{input_offset}++;
- $self->{input_offset} -= $#{$self->{input_list}} + 1 while $self->{input_offset} > $#{$self->{input_list}};
- $self->{input}->delete('0', 'end');
- $self->{input}->insert('end', "$self->{input_list}[$self->{input_offset}]");
- }
- sub w32mWheel {
- my $action_area = shift;
- my $self = shift;
- my $zDist = shift;
- my $panel = shift;
- $self->{$panel}->yview('scroll', -int($zDist/40), "units");
- }
- sub inputDown {
- my $inputarea = shift; #this is redundant =
- my $self = shift;
- my $line;
- chomp($line = $self->{input}->get);
- unless ($self->{input_offset}) {
- $self->{input_list}[$self->{input_offset}] = $line;
- }
- $self->{input_offset}--;
- $self->{input_offset} += $#{$self->{input_list}} + 1 while $self->{input_offset} < 0;
- $self->{input}->delete('0', 'end');
- $self->{input}->insert('end', "$self->{input_list}[$self->{input_offset}]");
- }
- sub inputEnter {
- my $inputarea = shift; #this is redundant =
- my $self = shift;
- my $line;
- $line = $self->{input}->get;
- $self->{input}->delete('0', 'end');
- # add input to input history
- $self->{input_list}[0] = $line;
- unshift(@{$self->{input_list}}, "");
- # modify the input based on what modes we are using
- if ($line =~ /^/(.*)/) {
- $line = $1;
- } else {
- if ($self->{input_pm} eq "") {
- if ($self->{input_type} eq "Public") {
- $line = "c ".$line;
- } elsif ($self->{input_type} eq "Party"){
- $line = "p ".$line;
- } elsif ($self->{input_type} eq "Guild"){
- $line = "g ".$line;
- }
- } else {
- $self->pm_add($self->{input_pm});
- $line = "pm "$self->{input_pm}" $line";
- }
- }
- return unless defined $line;
- $self->{input_offset} = 0;
- # add to interface input queue for processing
- push(@{ $self->{input_que} }, $line);
- }
- sub updateHook {
- my $hookname = shift;
- my $r_args = shift;
- my $self = shift;
- return unless defined $self->{mw};
- $self->updatePos();
- $self->{mw}->update();
- $self->setAiText("@ai_seq");
- #if ($field{name} eq $config{lockMap} || !$config{lockMap}) {
- # $self->status_update("On Map: $field{name}");
- #} else {
- # $self->status_update("On Map: $field{name} | LockMap: $config{lockMap}");
- #}
- }
- sub updatePos {
- my $self = shift;
- return unless (defined $char && defined $char->{pos_to});
- my ($x,$y) = @{$char->{pos_to}}{'x', 'y'};
- $self->{status_posx}->configure( -text =>$x);
- $self->{status_posy}->configure( -text =>$y);
- if ($self->mapIsShown()) {
- # show player coords
- $self->{map}{'canvas'}->delete($self->{map}{'player'}) if ($self->{map}{'player'});
- $self->{map}{'player'} = $self->{map}{'canvas'}->createOval(
- $x-2,$self->{map}{'map'}{'y'} - $y-2,
- $x+2,$self->{map}{'map'}{'y'} - $y+2,
- ,-fill => '#ffcccc', -outline=>'#ff0000');
- $self->{map}{'canvas'}->delete($self->{map}{'dest'}) if ($self->{map}{'dest'});
- # show route destination
- my $action = AI::findAction("route");
- if (defined $action) {
- my $args = AI::args($action);
- if ($args->{dest}{map} eq $field{name}) {
- my ($x,$y) = @{$args->{dest}{pos}}{'x', 'y'};
- $self->{map}{'dest'} = $self->{map}{'canvas'}->createOval(
- $x-2,$self->{map}{'map'}{'y'} - $y-2,
- $x+2,$self->{map}{'map'}{'y'} - $y+2,
- ,-fill => '#0000ff', -outline=>'#ccccff');
- }
- }
- # show circle of attack range
- $self->{map}{'canvas'}->delete($self->{map}{'range'}) if ($self->{map}{'range'});
- my $dis = $config{'attackDistance'};
- $self->{map}{'range'} = $self->{map}{'canvas'}->createOval(
- $x-$dis,$self->{map}{'map'}{'y'} - $y-$dis,
- $x+$dis,$self->{map}{'map'}{'y'} - $y+$dis,
- ,-outline=>'#ff0000');
- }
- }
- sub status_update {
- my $self = shift;
- my $text = shift;
- $self->{status_gen}->configure(-text => $text);
- }
- sub setAiText {
- my $self = shift;
- my ($text) = shift;
- $self->{status_ai}->configure(-text => $text);
- }
- sub OnExit {
- my $self = shift;
- if ($conState) {
- push(@{ $self->{input_que} }, "n");
- quit();
- } else {
- exit();
- }
- }
- sub showManual {
- my $self = shift;
- $self->{ShellExecute}->Call(0, '', 'http://openkore.sourceforge.net/manual/', '', '', 1);
- }
- sub change_fontWeight {
- my $self = shift;
- my $panelFont = $sys{panelFont} || 'Verdana';
- if ($self->{is_bold}) {
- $self->{panelOne}->configure(-font=>[-family => $panelFont ,-size=>10,-weight=>'bold']);
- $self->{panelTwo}->configure(-font=>[-family => $panelFont ,-size=>10,-weight=>'bold']);
- $self->{input}->configure(-font=>[-family => $panelFont ,-size=>10,-weight=>'bold']);
- }else{
- $self->{panelOne}->configure(-font=>[-family => $panelFont ,-size=>10,-weight=>'normal']);
- $self->{panelTwo}->configure(-font=>[-family => $panelFont ,-size=>10,-weight=>'normal']);
- $self->{input}->configure(-font=>[-family => $panelFont ,-size=>10,-weight=>'normal']);
- }
- }
- sub pm_add {
- my $self = shift;
- my $name = shift;
- $self->{pminput}->insert("end",$name) if !defined binFind($self->{pminput}->get(0,'end'), $name);
- }
- # map functions
- sub OpenMap {
- my ($self, $param2) = @_;
- $self = $param2 if ($param2);
- if (!exists $self->{map}) {
- undef $self->{obj};
- my ($x,$y);
- $self->{map} = $self->{mw}->Toplevel();
- $self->{map}->transient($self->{mw});
- $self->{map}->title("Map View : ".$field{name});
- $self->{map}->protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW',
- sub {
- undef $self->{obj};
- $self->{map}->destroy();
- delete $self->{map};
- }
- );
- $self->{map}->resizable(0,0);
- $self->{map}{'canvas'} = $self->{map}->Canvas(-width => 200, -height => 200,-background => 'white')->pack(-side => 'top');
- $self->loadMap;
- $x = $self->{status_posx}->cget(-text);
- $y = $self->{status_posy}->cget(-text);
- $self->{map}{'player'} = $self->{map}{'canvas'}->createOval(
- $x-2,$self->{map}{'map'}{'y'} - $y-2,
- $x+2,$self->{map}{'map'}{'y'} - $y+2,
- ,-fill => '#ffcccc', -outline=>'#ff0000');
- my $dis = $config{'attackDistance'};
- $self->{map}{'range'} = $self->{map}{'canvas'}->createOval(
- $x-$dis,$self->{map}{'map'}{'y'} - $y-$dis,
- $x+$dis,$self->{map}{'map'}{'y'} - $y+$dis,
- ,-outline=>'#ff0000');
- $self->{map}->bind('<1>', [&dblchk, $self, Ev('x') , Ev('y')]);
- $self->{map}->bind('<Motion>', [&pointchk, $self, Ev('x') , Ev('y')]);
- } else {
- undef $self->{obj};
- $self->{map}->destroy();
- delete $self->{map};
- }
- }
- # map image loader functions
- sub _map {
- my $self = shift;
- return File::Spec->catfile($self->{mapDir}, @_);
- }
- sub loadMap {
- my $self = shift;
- $self->{map}{'canvas'}->delete('map');
- $self->{map}{'canvas'}->createText(50,20,-text =>'Processing..',-tags=>'map');
- my $name = $field{baseName};
- if (-f $self->_map("$name.jpg")) {
- require Tk::JPEG;
- $self->{map}{'map'} = $self->{map}{'canvas'}->Photo(-format => 'jpeg', -file=> $self->_map("$name.jpg"));
- } elsif (-f $self->_map("$name.png")) {
- require Tk::PNG;
- $self->{map}{'map'} = $self->{map}{'canvas'}->Photo(-format => 'png', -file=> $self->_map("$name.png"));
- } elsif (-f $self->_map("$name.gif")) {
- $self->{map}{'map'} = $self->{map}{'canvas'}->Photo(-format => 'gif', -file=> $self->_map("$name.gif"));
- } elsif (-f $self->_map("$name.bmp")) {
- $self->{map}{'map'} = $self->{map}{'canvas'}->Bitmap(-file => $self->_map("$name.bmp"));
- } else {
- $self->{map}{'map'} = $self->{map}{'canvas'}->Photo(-format => 'xpm', -data => Utils::xpmmake($field{width}, $field{height}, $field{rawMap}));
- }
- $self->{map}{'canvas'}->delete('map');
- $self->{map}{'canvas'}->createImage(2,2,-image =>$self->{map}{'map'},-anchor => 'nw',-tags=>'map');
- $self->{map}{'canvas'}->configure(
- -width => $field{'width'},
- -height => $field{'height'}
- );
- $self->{map}{'map'}{'x'} = $field{'width'};
- $self->{map}{'map'}{'y'} = $field{'height'};
- }
- # mouse moving over map viewer shows coordinates
- sub pointchk {
- my $actionArea = shift;
- my $self = shift;
- my $mvcpx = $_[0];
- my $mvcpy = $self->{map}{'map'}{'y'} - $_[1];
- $self->{map}->title("Map View : ".$field{'name'}." [$mvcpx , $mvcpy]");
- $self->{map}->update;
- }
- # click on map viewer to move to coordinates
- sub dblchk {
- my $actionarea = shift;
- my $self = shift;
- my $mvcpx = $_[0];
- my $mvcpy = $self->{map}{'map'}{'y'} - $_[1];
- push(@{$self->{input_que}}, "move $mvcpx $mvcpy");
- }
- sub mapIsShown {
- my $self = shift;
- return defined $self->{map};
- }
- sub addObj {
- my $self = shift;
- my ($id,$type) = @_;
- my ($fg,$bg);
- return if (!$self->mapIsShown());
- if ($type eq "npc") {
- $fg = "#ABD5BD";
- $bg = "#005826";
- }elsif ($type eq "m") {
- $fg = "#A9D3E3";
- $bg = "#0076A3";
- }elsif ($type eq "p") {
- $fg = "#FFFFCC";
- $bg = "#FF6600";
- }else {
- $fg = "#666666";
- $bg = "#FF6600";
- }
- $self->{objc}{$id}[0] = $fg;
- $self->{objc}{$id}[1] = $bg;
- }
- sub moveObj {
- my $self = shift;
- return if (!$self->mapIsShown());
- my ($id,$type,$x,$y,$newx,$newy) = @_;
- my $range;
- if ($self->{obj}{$id}){
- $self->{map}{'canvas'}->delete($self->{obj}{$id});
- } else {
- $self->addObj($id,$type);
- }
- if (defined $newx && defined $newy) {
- $x = $newx;
- $y = $newy;
- }
- $self->{obj}{$id} = $self->{map}{'canvas'}->createOval(
- $x-2,$self->{map}{'map'}{'y'} - $y-2,
- $x+2,$self->{map}{'map'}{'y'} - $y+2,
- ,-fill => $self->{objc}{$id}[0], -outline=>$self->{objc}{$id}[1]);
- }
- sub removeObj {
- my $self = shift;
- my ($id) = shift;
- return if (!$self->{obj}{$id} || !$self->mapIsShown());
- $self->{map}{'canvas'}->delete($self->{obj}{$id});
- undef $self->{obj}{$id};
- }
- sub removeAllObj {
- my $self = shift;
- return if (!$self->mapIsShown());
- foreach (keys %{$self->{obj}}) {
- $self->{map}{'canvas'}->delete($self->{obj}{$_}) if ($self->{obj}{$_});
- undef $self->{obj}{$_};
- }
- }
- # FIXME: the color specified here is never used
- sub followObj {
- my $self = shift;
- return if (!$self->mapIsShown());
- my ($id, $type) = @_;
- $self->{objc}{$id}[0] = "#FFCCFF";
- $self->{objc}{$id}[1] = "#CC00CC";
- }
- # load color tags
- sub resetColors {
- my $hookname = shift;
- my $r_args = shift;
- my $self = shift;
- return if $hookname ne 'postloadfiles';
- my $colors_loaded = 0;
- foreach my $filehash (@{ $r_args->{files} }) {
- if ($filehash->{file} =~ /consolecolors.txt$/) {
- $colors_loaded = 1;
- last;
- }
- }
- return unless $colors_loaded;
- my %gdefault = (-foreground => 'grey', -background => 'black');
- eval {
- $self->{panelOne}->configure(%gdefault);
- $self->{panelTwo}->configure(%gdefault);
- $self->{input}->configure(%gdefault);
- $self->{pminput}->configure(%gdefault);
- $self->{sinput}->configure(%gdefault);
- };
- if ($@) {
- if ($@ =~ /unknown color name "(.*)" at/) {
- Log::message("Color '$1' not recognised.n");
- return undef if !$consoleColors{''}{'useColors'}; #don't bother throwing a lot of errors in the next section.
- } else {
- die $@;
- }
- }
- foreach my $type (keys %consoleColors) {
- next if $type eq '';
- my %tdefault =%gdefault;
- if ($consoleColors{''}{'useColors'} && $consoleColors{$type}{'default'}) {
- $consoleColors{$type}{'default'} =~ m|([^/]*)(?:/(.*))?|;
- $tdefault{-foreground} = defined($1) && $1 ne 'default' ? $1 : $gdefault{-foreground};
- $tdefault{-background} = defined($2) && $2 ne 'default' ? $2 : $gdefault{-background};
- }
- eval {
- # FIXME: loading colors for both panels is pointless
- $self->{panelOne}->tagConfigure($type, %tdefault);
- $self->{panelTwo}->tagConfigure($type, %tdefault);
- };
- if ($@) {
- if ($@ =~ /unknown color name "(.*)" at/) {
- Log::message("Color '$1' not recognised in consolecolors.txt at [$type]: default.n");
- } else {
- die $@;
- }
- }
- foreach my $domain (keys %{ $consoleColors{$type} }) {
- my %color = %tdefault;
- if ($consoleColors{''}{'useColors'} && $consoleColors{$type}{$domain}) {
- $consoleColors{$type}{$domain} =~ m|([^/]*)(?:/(.*))?|;
- $color{-foreground} = defined($1) && $1 ne 'default' ? $1 : $tdefault{-foreground};
- $color{-background} = defined($2) && $2 ne 'default' ? $2 : $tdefault{-background};
- }
- eval {
- # FIXME: loading colors for both panels is pointless
- $self->{panelOne}->tagConfigure("$type.$domain", %color);
- $self->{panelTwo}->tagConfigure("$type.$domain", %color);
- };
- if ($@) {
- if ($@ =~ /unknown color name "(.*)" at/) {
- Log::message("Color '$1' not recognised in consolecolors.txt at [$type]: $domain.n");
- } else {
- die $@;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- # FIXME: find a better spot to fix the initial window scrolling
- $self->{panelOne}->see('end');
- $self->{panelTwo}->see('end');
- }
- # packet parsing hook
- # maybe this should be replaced by proper hooks in the future
- sub packet {
- my $hookName = shift;
- my $args = shift;
- my $self = shift;
- my $switch = $args->{switch};
- my $msg = $args->{msg};
- if ($switch eq "0071") {
- #0071 <character ID> l <map name> 16B <ip> l <port> w
- #Character selection success & map name & game IP/port
- my ($map_name) = substr($msg, 6, 16) =~ /([sS]*?) 00/;
- ($map_name) = $map_name =~ /([sS]*)./;
- if (!$config{lockMap} || $map_name eq $config{lockMap}) {
- $self->status_update("On Map : $map_name");
- } else {
- $self->status_update("On Map : $map_name | LockMap : $config{lockMap}");
- }
- #} elsif ($switch eq "0073") {
- # #0073 <server tick> l <coordinate> 3B? 2B
- # #Game connection success & server side 1ms clock & appearance position
- # my %pos;
- # makeCoords(%pos, substr($msg, 6, 3));
- # $self->updatePos($pos{x},$pos{y});
- } elsif ($switch eq "0078" || $switch eq "01D8") {
- #0078 <ID> l <speed> w <opt1> w <opt2> w <option> w <class> w <hair> w <weapon> w <head option bottom> w <shield> w <head option top> w <head option mid> w <hair color> w? W <head dir> w <guild> l <emblem> l <manner> w <karma> B <sex> B <X_Y_dir> 3B? B? B <sit> B <Lv> B
- #01d8 <ID>.l <speed>.w <opt1>.w <opt2>.w <option>.w <class>.w <hair>.w <item id1>.w <item id2>.w <head option bottom>.w <head option top>.w <head option mid>.w <hair color>.w ?.w <head dir>.w <guild>.l <emblem>.l <manner>.w <karma>.B <sex>.B <X_Y_dir>.3B ?.B ?.B <sit>.B <Lv>.B ?.B
- #0078 mainly is monster , portal
- #01D8 = npc + player for episode 4+
- my $ID = substr($msg, 2, 4);
- my $type = unpack("v*",substr($msg, 14, 2));
- my $pet = unpack("C*",substr($msg, 16, 1));
- my %coords;
- makeCoords(%coords, substr($msg, 46, 3));
- if ($jobs_lut{$type}) {
- if (!$players{$ID}) {
- $self->addObj($ID,"p");
- }
- } elsif ($type >= 1000) {
- if ($pet) {
- if ($monsters{$ID}) {
- $self->removeObj($ID);
- }
- } else {
- $self->addObj($ID,"m");
- }
- } elsif ($type < 1000) {
- if (!$npcs{$ID}) {
- $self->addObj($ID,"npc");
- }
- }
- $self->moveObj($ID,"un",$coords{x},$coords{y}) if ($type != 45 && !$pet);
- } elsif ($switch eq "0079" || $switch eq "01D9") {
- #0079 <ID>.l <speed>.w <opt1>.w <opt2>.w <option>.w <class>.w <hair>.w <weapon>.w <head option bottom>.w <sheild>.w <head option top>.w <head option mid>.w <hair color>.w ?.w <head dir>.w <guild>.l <emblem>.l <manner>.w <karma>.B <sex>.B <X_Y_dir>.3B ?.B ?.B <Lv>.B
- #01d9 <ID>.l <speed>.w <opt1>.w <opt2>.w <option>.w <class>.w <hair>.w <item id1>.w <item id2>.w.<head option bottom>.w <head option top>.w <head option mid>.w <hair color>.w ?.w <head dir>.w <guild>.l <emblem>.l <manner>.w <karma>.B <sex>.B <X_Y_dir>.3B ?.B ?.B <Lv>.B ?.B
- #For boiling Character inside the indicatory range of teleport and the like, it faces and is not attached Character information?
- my $ID = substr($msg, 2, 4);
- my %coords;
- makeCoords(%coords, substr($msg, 46, 3));
- $self->moveObj($ID,"p",$coords{x},$coords{y});
- } elsif ($switch eq "007B" || $switch eq "01DA" || $switch eq "0086") {
- #007b <ID> l <speed> w <opt1> w <opt2> w <option> w <class> w <hair> w <weapon> w <head option bottom> w <server tick> l <shield> w <head option top> w <head option mid> w <hair color> w? W <head dir> w <guild> l <emblem> l <manner> w <karma> B <sex> B <X_Y_X_Y> 5B? B? B? B <Lv> B
- #01da <ID>.l <speed>.w <opt1>.w <opt2>.w <option>.w <class>.w <hair>.<item id1>.w <item id2>.w <head option bottom>.w <server tick>.l <head option top>.w <head option mid>.w <hair color>.w ?.w <head dir>.w <guild>.l <emblem>.l <manner>.w <karma>.B <sex>.B <X_Y_X_Y>.5B ?.B ?.B ?.B <Lv>.B ?.B
- #Information of Character movement inside indicatory range
- my $ID = substr($msg, 2, 4);
- my %coordsFrom;
- makeCoords(%coordsFrom, substr($msg, 50, 3));
- my %coordsTo;
- makeCoords2(%coordsTo, substr($msg, 52, 3));
- my $type = unpack("v1",substr($msg, 14, 2));
- my $pet = unpack("C1",substr($msg, 16, 1));
- if ($jobs_lut{$type}) {
- if (!$players{$ID}) {
- $self->addObj($ID,"p");
- }
- } elsif ($type >= 1000) {
- if ($pet) {
- if ($monsters{$ID}) {
- $self->removeObj($ID);
- }
- } else {
- if (!$monsters{$ID}) {
- $self->addObj($ID,"m");
- }
- }
- }
- $self->moveObj($ID,"un",$coordsFrom{x},$coordsFrom{y},$coordsTo{x},$coordsTo{y});
- } elsif ($switch eq "007C") {
- #007c <ID> l <speed> w? 6w <class> w? 7w <X_Y> 3B? 2B
- #Character information inside the indicatory range for NPC
- my $ID = substr($msg, 2, 4);
- my %coords;
- makeCoords(%coords, substr($msg, 36, 3));
- my $type = unpack("v*",substr($msg, 20, 2));
- if ($jobs_lut{$type}) {
- $self->addObj($ID,"p");
- } elsif ($type >= 1000) {
- $self->addObj($ID,"m");
- }
- $self->moveObj($ID,"un",$coords{x},$coords{y});
- } elsif ($switch eq "0080") {
- #0080 <ID> l <type> B
- #Character Status (include other)
- my $ID = substr($msg, 2, 4);
- $self->removeObj($ID);
- #} elsif ($switch eq "0087") {
- # #0087 <server tick> l <X_Y_X_Y> 5B? B
- # #Movement response
- # my %coordsFrom;
- # makeCoords(%coordsFrom, substr($msg, 6, 3));
- # my %coordsTo;
- # makeCoords2(%coordsTo, substr($msg, 8, 3));
- # $self->updatePos($coordsTo{x},$coordsTo{y});
- } elsif ($switch eq "0091") {
- #0091 <map name> 16B <X> w <Y> w
- #Business such as movement, teleport and fly between maps inside
- my ($map_name) = substr($msg, 2, 16) =~ /([sS]*?) 00/;
- ($map_name) = $map_name =~ /([sS]*)./;
- if ($map_name ne $field{name}) {
- eval {
- $field = new Field(name => $map_name);
- if (!$config{lockMap} || $map_name eq $config{lockMap}) {
- $self->status_update("On Map : $map_name");
- } else {
- $self->status_update("On Map : $map_name | LockMap : $config{lockMap}");
- }
- $self->loadMap() if ($self->mapIsShown());
- };
- if ($@) {
- undef $field;
- }
- }
- #my %coords;
- #$coords{x} = unpack("v1", substr($msg, 18, 2));
- #$coords{y} = unpack("v1", substr($msg, 20, 2));
- #$self->updatePos($coords{x},$coords{y});
- $self->removeAllObj();
- } elsif ($switch eq "0092") {
- #0092 <map name> 16B <X> w <Y> w <IP> l <port> w
- #Movement between
- my ($map_name) = substr($msg, 2, 16) =~ /([sS]*?) 00/;
- ($map_name) = $map_name =~ /([sS]*)./;
- if ($map_name ne $field{'name'}) {
- eval {
- $field = new Field(name => $map_name);
- $self->loadMap() if ($self->mapIsShown());
- $self->removeAllObj();
- if (!$config{lockMap} || $map_name eq $config{lockMap}) {
- $self->status_update("On Map : $map_name");
- } else {
- $self->status_update("On Map : $map_name | LockMap : $config{lockMap}");
- }
- };
- if ($@) {
- undef $field;
- }
- }
- } elsif ($switch eq "0097") {
- # Private message
- my $msg_size = length($msg);
- my $newmsg;
- main::decrypt($newmsg, substr($msg, 28, length($msg)-28));
- $msg = substr($msg, 0, 28) . $newmsg;
- my ($privMsgUser) = substr($msg, 4, 24) =~ /([sS]*?) 00/;
- my $privMsg = substr($msg, 28, $msg_size - 29);
- $self->pm_add($privMsgUser);
- } elsif ($switch eq "01A4") {
- #01a4 < type >.B < ID >.l < val >.l
- #pet spawn
- my $ID = substr($msg, 3, 4);
- if ($monsters{$ID}) {
- $self->removeObj($ID);
- }
- }
- }
- 1;