- package AI::Slave::Homunculus;
- use Log qw/message warning error debug/;
- use strict;
- use base qw/AI::Slave/;
- use Globals;
- use Log qw/message warning error debug/;
- use AI;
- use Utils;
- use Misc;
- use Translation;
- sub iterate {
- my $slave = shift;
- # homunculus is in rest
- if ($slave->{state} & 2) {
- # homunculus is dead
- } elsif ($slave->{state} & 4) {
- # homunculus is alive
- } elsif ($slave->{appear_time} && $field{name} eq $slave->{map}) {
- # auto-feed homunculus
- $config{homunculus_intimacyMax} = 999 if (!$config{homunculus_intimacyMax});
- $config{homunculus_intimacyMin} = 911 if (!$config{homunculus_intimacyMin});
- $config{homunculus_hungerTimeoutMax} = 60 if (!$config{homunculus_hungerTimeoutMax});
- $config{homunculus_hungerTimeoutMin} = 10 if (!$config{homunculus_hungerTimeoutMin});
- $config{homunculus_hungerMin} = 11 if (!$config{homunculus_hungerMin});
- $config{homunculus_hungerMax} = 24 if (!$config{homunculus_hungerMax});
- # Stop feeding when homunculus reaches 999~1000 intimacy, its useless to keep feeding from this point on
- # you can starve it till it gets 911 hunger (actually you can starve it till 1 but we wanna keep its intimacy loyal).
- if (($slave->{intimacy} >= $config{homunculus_intimacyMax}) && $slave->{feed}) {
- $slave->{feed} = 0
- } elsif (($slave->{intimacy} <= $config{homunculus_intimacyMin}) && !$slave->{feed}) {
- $slave->{feed} = 1
- }
- if ($slave->{hungerThreshold}
- && $slave->{hunger} ne ''
- && $slave->{hunger} <= $slave->{hungerThreshold}
- && timeOut($slave->{feed_time}, $slave->{feed_timeout})
- && $slave->{feed}
- && $config{homunculus_autoFeed}
- && (existsInList($config{homunculus_autoFeedAllowedMaps}, $field{'name'}) || !$config{homunculus_autoFeedAllowedMaps})) {
- $slave->processFeeding();
- message T("Auto-feeding your Homunculus (".$slave->{hunger}." hunger).n"), 'slave';
- $messageSender->sendHomunculusFeed();
- message ("Next feeding at: ".$slave->{hungerThreshold}." hunger.n"), 'slave';
- # No random value at initial start of Kore, lets make a few =)
- } elsif ($slave->{actorType} eq 'Homunculus' && !$slave->{hungerThreshold}) {
- $slave->processFeeding();
- } else {
- $slave->SUPER::iterate;
- }
- }
- }
- sub processFeeding {
- my $slave = shift;
- # Homun loses intimacy if you let hunger fall lower than 11 and if you feed it above 75 (?)
- $slave->{hungerThreshold} = $config{homunculus_hungerMin}+ int(rand($config{homunculus_hungerMax} - $config{homunculus_hungerMin}));
- # Make a random timeout, to appear more humanlike when we have to feed our homun more than once in a row.
- $slave->{feed_timeout} = int(rand(($config{homunculus_hungerTimeoutMax})-$config{homunculus_hungerTimeoutMin}))+$config{homunculus_hungerTimeoutMin};
- $slave->{feed_time} = time;
- }
- 1;