- package AI::Slave;
- use strict;
- use base qw/Actor::Slave/;
- use Globals;
- use Log qw/message warning error debug/;
- use AI;
- use Utils;
- use Misc;
- use Translation;
- use AI::Slave::Homunculus;
- use AI::Slave::Mercenary;
- # homunculus commands/skills can only be used
- # if the homunculus is within this range
- use constant MAX_DISTANCE => 17;
- sub action {
- my $slave = shift;
- my $i = (defined $_[0] ? $_[0] : 0);
- return $slave->{slave_ai_seq}[$i];
- }
- sub args {
- my $slave = shift;
- my $i = (defined $_[0] ? $_[0] : 0);
- return %{$slave->{slave_ai_seq_args}[$i]};
- }
- sub dequeue {
- my $slave = shift;
- shift @{$slave->{slave_ai_seq}};
- shift @{$slave->{slave_ai_seq_args}};
- }
- sub queue {
- my $slave = shift;
- unshift @{$slave->{slave_ai_seq}}, shift;
- my $args = shift;
- unshift @{$slave->{slave_ai_seq_args}}, ((defined $args) ? $args : {});
- }
- sub clear {
- my $slave = shift;
- if (@_) {
- my $changed;
- for (my $i = 0; $i < @{$slave->{slave_ai_seq}}; $i++) {
- if (defined binFind(@_, $slave->{slave_ai_seq}[$i])) {
- delete $slave->{slave_ai_seq}[$i];
- delete $slave->{slave_ai_seq_args}[$i];
- $changed = 1;
- }
- }
- if ($changed) {
- my (@new_seq, @new_args);
- for (my $i = 0; $i < @{$slave->{slave_ai_seq}}; $i++) {
- if (defined $slave->{slave_ai_seq}[$i]) {
- push @new_seq, $slave->{slave_ai_seq}[$i];
- push @new_args, $slave->{slave_ai_seq_args}[$i];
- }
- }
- @{$slave->{slave_ai_seq}} = @new_seq;
- @{$slave->{slave_ai_seq_args}} = @new_args;
- }
- } else {
- undef @{$slave->{slave_ai_seq}};
- undef @{$slave->{slave_ai_seq_args}};
- }
- }
- sub suspend {
- my $slave = shift;
- my $i = (defined $_[0] ? $_[0] : 0);
- $slave->{slave_ai_seq_args}[$i]{suspended} = time if $i < @{$slave->{slave_ai_seq_args}};
- }
- sub mapChanged {
- my $slave = shift;
- my $i = (defined $_[0] ? $_[0] : 0);
- $slave->{slave_ai_seq_args}[$i]{mapChanged} = time if $i < @{$slave->{slave_ai_seq_args}};
- }
- sub findAction {
- my $slave = shift;
- return binFind(@{$slave->{slave_ai_seq}}, $_[0]);
- }
- sub inQueue {
- my $slave = shift;
- foreach (@_) {
- # Apparently using a loop is faster than calling
- # binFind() (which is optimized in C), because
- # of function call overhead.
- #return 1 if defined binFind(@homun_ai_seq, $_);
- foreach my $seq (@{$slave->{slave_ai_seq}}) {
- return 1 if ($_ eq $seq);
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- sub isIdle {
- my $slave = shift;
- return $slave->{slave_ai_seq}[0] eq "";
- }
- sub is {
- my $slave = shift;
- foreach (@_) {
- return 1 if ($slave->{slave_ai_seq}[0] eq $_);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- sub iterate {
- my $slave = shift;
- if ($slave->{appear_time} && $field{name} eq $slave->{map}) {
- my $slave_dist = blockDistance ($slave->position, $char->position);
- # auto-follow
- if (
- $slave->{slave_AI} == 2
- && AI::action eq "move"
- && !$char->{sitting}
- && !AI::args->{mapChanged}
- && !AI::args->{time_move} != $char->{time_move}
- && !timeOut(AI::args->{ai_move_giveup})
- && $slave_dist < MAX_DISTANCE
- && ($slave->isIdle
- || blockDistance(AI::args->{move_to}, $slave->{pos_to}) >= MAX_DISTANCE)
- && (!defined $slave->findAction('route') || !$slave->args($slave->findAction('route'))->{follow_route})
- ) {
- $slave->clear('move', 'route');
- if (!checkLineWalkable($slave->{pos_to}, $char->{pos_to})) {
- $slave->slave_route($char->{pos_to}{x}, $char->{pos_to}{y});
- $slave->args->{follow_route} = 1 if $slave->action eq 'route';
- debug sprintf("Slave follow route (distance: %.2f)n", $slave->distance()), 'homunculus';
- } elsif (timeOut($slave->{slave_move_retry}, 0.5)) {
- # No update yet, send move request again.
- # We do this every 0.5 secs
- $slave->{slave_move_retry} = time;
- # NOTE:
- # The default LUA uses sendHomunculusStandBy() for the follow AI
- # however, the server-side routing is very inefficient
- # (e.g. can't route properly around obstacles and corners)
- # so we make use of the sendHomunculusMove() to make up for a more efficient routing
- $slave->sendMove ($char->{pos_to}{x}, $char->{pos_to}{y});
- debug sprintf("Slave follow move (distance: %.2f)n", $slave->distance()), 'homunculus';
- }
- # homunculus is found
- } elsif ($slave->{slave_lost}) {
- if ($slave_dist < MAX_DISTANCE) {
- delete $slave->{slave_lost};
- delete $slave->{lostRoute};
- my $action = $slave->findAction('route');
- if (defined $action && $slave->args($action)->{lost_route}) {
- for (my $i = 0; $i <= $action; $i++) {
- $slave->dequeue
- }
- }
- if (timeOut($slave->{standby_time}, 1)) {
- $slave->sendStandBy;
- $slave->{standby_time} = time;
- }
- message T("Found your Slave!n"), 'homunculus';
- # attempt to find homunculus on it's last known coordinates
- } elsif ($AI == 2 && !$slave->{lostRoute}) {
- if ($config{teleportAuto_lostHomunculus}) {
- message T("Teleporting to get slave backn"), 'teleport';
- useTeleport(1);
- } else {
- my $x = $slave->{pos_to}{x};
- my $y = $slave->{pos_to}{y};
- my $distFromGoal = $config{$slave->{slave_configPrefix}.'followDistanceMax'};
- $distFromGoal = MAX_DISTANCE if ($distFromGoal > MAX_DISTANCE);
- main::ai_route($field{name}, $x, $y, distFromGoal => $distFromGoal, attackOnRoute => 1, noSitAuto => 1);
- $slave->args->{lost_route} = 1 if $slave->action eq 'route';
- message TF("Trying to find your slave at location %d, %d (you are currently at %d, %d)n", $x, $y, $char->{pos_to}{x}, $char->{pos_to}{y}), 'homunculus';
- }
- $slave->{lostRoute} = 1;
- }
- # homunculus is lost
- } elsif ($slave->{actorType} eq 'Homunculus' && $slave_dist >= MAX_DISTANCE && !$slave->{slave_lost}) {
- $slave->{slave_lost} = 1;
- message T("You lost your Homunculus!n"), 'homunculus';
- # if your homunculus is idle, make it move near you
- } elsif (
- $slave->{slave_AI} == 2
- && $slave->isIdle
- && $slave_dist > ($config{$slave->{slave_configPrefix}.'followDistanceMin'} || 3)
- && $slave_dist < MAX_DISTANCE
- && timeOut($slave->{standby_time}, 2)
- ) {
- $slave->sendStandBy;
- $slave->{standby_time} = time;
- debug sprintf("Slave standby (distance: %.2f)n", $slave->distance());
- # if you are idle, move near the homunculus
- } elsif (
- $slave->{actorType} eq 'Homunculus' &&
- $AI == 2 && AI::isIdle && !$slave->isIdle
- && $config{$slave->{slave_configPrefix}.'followDistanceMax'}
- && $slave_dist > $config{$slave->{slave_configPrefix}.'followDistanceMax'}
- ) {
- main::ai_route($field{name}, $slave->{pos_to}{x}, $slave->{pos_to}{y}, distFromGoal => ($config{$slave->{slave_configPrefix}.'followDistanceMin'} || 3), attackOnRoute => 1, noSitAuto => 1);
- message TF("Your Slave moves too far (distance: %.2f) - Moving near your Slaven", $slave->distance()), 'homunculus';
- # Main Homunculus AI
- } else {
- return unless $slave->{slave_AI};
- return if $slave->processClientSuspend;
- $slave->processAttack;
- $slave->processRouteAI;
- $slave->processMove;
- return unless $slave->{slave_AI} == 2;
- $slave->processAutoAttack;
- }
- }
- }
- ##
- # ai_clientSuspend(packet_switch, duration, args...)
- # initTimeout: a number of seconds.
- #
- # Freeze the AI for $duration seconds. $packet_switch and @args are only
- # used internally and are ignored unless XKore mode is turned on.
- sub slave_clientSuspend {
- my ($slave, $type, $duration, @args) = @_;
- my %args;
- $args{type} = $type;
- $args{time} = time;
- $args{timeout} = $duration;
- @{$args{args}} = @args;
- $slave->queue("clientSuspend", %args);
- debug "Slave AI suspended by clientSuspend for $args{timeout} secondsn";
- }
- sub slave_setSuspend {
- my ($slave, $index) = @_;
- $index = 0 if ($index eq "");
- if ($index < @{$slave->{slave_ai_seq_args}}) {
- $slave->{slave_ai_seq_args}[$index]{'suspended'} = time;
- }
- }
- sub slave_setMapChanged {
- my ($slave, $index) = @_;
- $index = 0 if ($index eq "");
- if ($index < @{$slave->{slave_seq_args}}) {
- $slave->{slave_seq_args}[$index]{'mapChanged'} = time;
- }
- }
- sub slave_stopAttack {
- my $slave = shift;
- #$messageSender->sendHomunculusStandBy($char->{homunculus}{ID});
- my $pos = calcPosition($slave);
- $slave->sendMove ($pos->{x}, $pos->{y});
- }
- sub slave_attack {
- my ($slave, $ID) = @_;
- #my $priorityAttack = shift;
- my %args;
- my $target = Actor::get($ID);
- $args{'ai_attack_giveup'}{'time'} = time;
- $args{'ai_attack_giveup'}{'timeout'} = $timeout{'ai_attack_giveup'}{'timeout'};
- $args{'ID'} = $ID;
- $args{'unstuck'}{'timeout'} = ($timeout{'ai_attack_unstuck'}{'timeout'} || 1.5);
- %{$args{'pos_to'}} = %{$target->{'pos_to'}};
- %{$args{'pos'}} = %{$target->{'pos'}};
- $slave->queue("attack", %args);
- #if ($priorityAttack) {
- # message TF("Priority Attacking: %sn", $target);
- #} else {
- message TF("Slave attacking: %sn", $target), 'homunculus_attack';
- #}
- }
- sub slave_move {
- my $slave = shift;
- my $x = shift;
- my $y = shift;
- my $attackID = shift;
- my %args;
- my $dist;
- $args{move_to}{x} = $x;
- $args{move_to}{y} = $y;
- $args{attackID} = $attackID;
- $args{time_move} = $slave->{time_move};
- $dist = distance($slave->{pos}, $args{move_to});
- $args{ai_move_giveup}{timeout} = $timeout{ai_move_giveup}{timeout};
- if ($x == 0 && $y == 0) {
- error "BUG: move(0, 0) called!n";
- return;
- }
- debug sprintf("Sending slave move from (%d,%d) to (%d,%d) - distance %.2fn",
- $slave->{pos}{x}, $slave->{pos}{y}, $x, $y, $dist), "ai_move";
- $slave->queue("move", %args);
- }
- sub slave_route {
- my $slave = shift;
- my $map = $field{name};
- my $x = shift;
- my $y = shift;
- my %param = @_;
- debug "Slave on route to: $maps_lut{$map.'.rsw'}($map): $x, $yn", "route";
- my %args;
- $x = int($x) if ($x ne "");
- $y = int($y) if ($y ne "");
- $args{'dest'}{'map'} = $map;
- $args{'dest'}{'pos'}{'x'} = $x;
- $args{'dest'}{'pos'}{'y'} = $y;
- $args{'maxRouteDistance'} = $param{maxRouteDistance} if exists $param{maxRouteDistance};
- $args{'maxRouteTime'} = $param{maxRouteTime} if exists $param{maxRouteTime};
- $args{'attackOnRoute'} = $param{attackOnRoute} if exists $param{attackOnRoute};
- $args{'distFromGoal'} = $param{distFromGoal} if exists $param{distFromGoal};
- $args{'pyDistFromGoal'} = $param{pyDistFromGoal} if exists $param{pyDistFromGoal};
- $args{'attackID'} = $param{attackID} if exists $param{attackID};
- $args{'noSitAuto'} = $param{noSitAuto} if exists $param{noSitAuto};
- $args{'noAvoidWalls'} = $param{noAvoidWalls} if exists $param{noAvoidWalls};
- $args{notifyUponArrival} = $param{notifyUponArrival} if exists $param{notifyUponArrival};
- $args{'tags'} = $param{tags} if exists $param{tags};
- $args{'time_start'} = time;
- if (!$param{'_internal'}) {
- $args{'solution'} = [];
- $args{'mapSolution'} = [];
- } elsif (exists $param{'_solution'}) {
- $args{'solution'} = $param{'_solution'};
- }
- # Destination is same map and isn't blocked by walls/water/whatever
- my $pos = calcPosition($slave);
- require Task::Route;
- if ($param{'_internal'} || (Task::Route->getRoute(@{$args{solution}}, $field, $pos, $args{dest}{pos}, !$args{noAvoidWalls}))) {
- # Since the solution array is here, we can start in "Route Solution Ready"
- $args{'stage'} = 'Route Solution Ready';
- debug "Slave route Solution Readyn", "route";
- $slave->queue("route", %args);
- }
- }
- ##### ATTACK #####
- sub processAttack {
- my $slave = shift;
- #Benchmark::begin("ai_homunculus_attack") if DEBUG;
- if ($slave->action eq "attack" && $slave->args->{suspended}) {
- $slave->args->{ai_attack_giveup}{time} += time - $slave->args->{suspended};
- delete $slave->args->{suspended};
- }
- if ($slave->action eq "attack" && $slave->args->{move_start}) {
- # We've just finished moving to the monster.
- # Don't count the time we spent on moving
- $slave->args->{ai_attack_giveup}{time} += time - $slave->args->{move_start};
- undef $slave->args->{unstuck}{time};
- undef $slave->args->{move_start};
- } elsif ($slave->action eq "attack" && $slave->args->{avoiding} && $slave->args->{attackID}) {
- my $target = Actor::get($slave->args->{attackID});
- $slave->args->{ai_attack_giveup}{time} = time + $target->{time_move_calc} + 3;
- undef $slave->args->{avoiding};
- } elsif ((($slave->action eq "route" && $slave->action (1) eq "attack") || ($slave->action eq "move" && $slave->action (2) eq "attack"))
- && $slave->args->{attackID} && timeOut($slave->{slave_attack_route_adjust}, 1)) {
- # We're on route to the monster; check whether the monster has moved
- my $ID = $slave->args->{attackID};
- my $attackSeq = ($slave->action eq "route") ? $slave->args (1) : $slave->args (2);
- my $target = Actor::get($ID);
- if ($target->{type} ne 'Unknown' && $attackSeq->{monsterPos} && %{$attackSeq->{monsterPos}}
- && distance(calcPosition($target), $attackSeq->{monsterPos}) > $attackSeq->{attackMethod}{maxDistance}) {
- # Monster has moved; stop moving and let the attack AI readjust route
- $slave->dequeue;
- $slave->dequeue if $slave->action eq "route";
- $attackSeq->{ai_attack_giveup}{time} = time;
- debug "Slave target has moved more than $attackSeq->{attackMethod}{maxDistance} blocks; readjusting routen", "ai_attack";
- } elsif ($target->{type} ne 'Unknown' && $attackSeq->{monsterPos} && %{$attackSeq->{monsterPos}}
- && distance(calcPosition($target), calcPosition($slave)) <= $attackSeq->{attackMethod}{maxDistance}) {
- # Monster is within attack range; stop moving
- $slave->dequeue;
- $slave->dequeue if $slave->action eq "route";
- $attackSeq->{ai_attack_giveup}{time} = time;
- debug "Slave target at ($attackSeq->{monsterPos}{x},$attackSeq->{monsterPos}{y}) is now within " .
- "$attackSeq->{attackMethod}{maxDistance} blocks; stop movingn", "ai_attack";
- }
- $slave->{slave_attack_route_adjust} = time;
- }
- if ($slave->action eq "attack" &&
- (timeOut($slave->args->{ai_attack_giveup}) ||
- $slave->args->{unstuck}{count} > 5) &&
- !$config{$slave->{slave_configPrefix}.'attackNoGiveup'}) {
- my $ID = $slave->args->{ID};
- my $target = Actor::get($ID);
- $target->{homunculus_attack_failed} = time if $monsters{$ID};
- $slave->dequeue;
- message T("Slave can't reach or damage target, dropping targetn"), 'homunculus_attack';
- if ($config{$slave->{slave_configPrefix}.'teleportAuto_dropTarget'}) {
- message T("Teleport due to dropping slave attack targetn"), 'teleport';
- useTeleport(1);
- }
- } elsif ($slave->action eq "attack" && !$monsters{$slave->args->{ID}} && (!$players{$slave->args->{ID}} || $players{$slave->args->{ID}}{dead})) {
- # Monster died or disappeared
- $timeout{'ai_homunculus_attack'}{'time'} -= $timeout{'ai_homunculus_attack'}{'timeout'};
- my $ID = $slave->args->{ID};
- $slave->dequeue;
- if ($monsters_old{$ID} && $monsters_old{$ID}{dead}) {
- message T("Slave target diedn"), 'homunculus_attack';
- Plugins::callHook("homonulus_target_died");
- monKilled();
- # Pickup loot when monster's dead
- if ($AI == 2 && $config{itemsTakeAuto} && $monsters_old{$ID}{dmgFromPlayer}{$slave->{ID}} > 0 && !$monsters_old{$ID}{homunculus_ignore}) {
- AI::clear("items_take");
- ai_items_take($monsters_old{$ID}{pos}{x}, $monsters_old{$ID}{pos}{y},
- $monsters_old{$ID}{pos_to}{x}, $monsters_old{$ID}{pos_to}{y});
- } else {
- # Cheap way to suspend all movement to make it look real
- $slave->slave_clientSuspend(0, $timeout{'ai_attack_waitAfterKill'}{'timeout'});
- }
- ## kokal start
- ## mosters counting
- my $i = 0;
- my $found = 0;
- while ($monsters_Killed[$i]) {
- if ($monsters_Killed[$i]{'nameID'} eq $monsters_old{$ID}{'nameID'}) {
- $monsters_Killed[$i]{'count'}++;
- monsterLog($monsters_Killed[$i]{'name'});
- $found = 1;
- last;
- }
- $i++;
- }
- if (!$found) {
- $monsters_Killed[$i]{'nameID'} = $monsters_old{$ID}{'nameID'};
- $monsters_Killed[$i]{'name'} = $monsters_old{$ID}{'name'};
- $monsters_Killed[$i]{'count'} = 1;
- monsterLog($monsters_Killed[$i]{'name'})
- }
- ## kokal end
- } else {
- message T("Slave target lostn"), 'homunculus_attack';
- }
- } elsif ($slave->action eq "attack") {
- # The attack sequence hasn't timed out and the monster is on screen
- # Update information about the monster and the current situation
- my $args = $slave->args;
- my $ID = $args->{ID};
- my $target = Actor::get($ID);
- my $myPos = $slave->{pos_to};
- my $monsterPos = $target->{pos_to};
- my $monsterDist = distance($myPos, $monsterPos);
- my ($realMyPos, $realMonsterPos, $realMonsterDist, $hitYou);
- my $realMyPos = calcPosition($slave);
- my $realMonsterPos = calcPosition($target);
- my $realMonsterDist = distance($realMyPos, $realMonsterPos);
- if (!$config{$slave->{slave_configPrefix}.'runFromTarget'}) {
- $myPos = $realMyPos;
- $monsterPos = $realMonsterPos;
- }
- my $cleanMonster = checkMonsterCleanness($ID);
- # If the damage numbers have changed, update the giveup time so we don't timeout
- if ($args->{dmgToYou_last} != $target->{dmgToPlayer}{$slave->{ID}}
- || $args->{missedYou_last} != $target->{missedToPlayer}{$slave->{ID}}
- || $args->{dmgFromYou_last} != $target->{dmgFromPlayer}{$slave->{ID}}) {
- $args->{ai_attack_giveup}{time} = time;
- debug "Update slave attack giveup timen", "ai_attack", 2;
- }
- $hitYou = ($args->{dmgToYou_last} != $target->{dmgToPlayer}{$slave->{ID}}
- || $args->{missedYou_last} != $target->{missedToPlayer}{$slave->{ID}});
- $args->{dmgToYou_last} = $target->{dmgToPlayer}{$slave->{ID}};
- $args->{missedYou_last} = $target->{missedToPlayer}{$slave->{ID}};
- $args->{dmgFromYou_last} = $target->{dmgFromPlayer}{$slave->{ID}};
- $args->{missedFromYou_last} = $target->{missedFromPlayer}{$slave->{ID}};
- $args->{attackMethod}{type} = "weapon";
- $args->{attackMethod}{maxDistance} = $config{$slave->{slave_configPrefix}.'attackMaxDistance'};
- $args->{attackMethod}{distance} = ($config{$slave->{slave_configPrefix}.'runFromTarget'} && $config{$slave->{slave_configPrefix}.'runFromTarget_dist'} > $config{$slave->{slave_configPrefix}.'attackDistance'}) ? $config{$slave->{slave_configPrefix}.'runFromTarget_dist'} : $config{$slave->{slave_configPrefix}.'attackDistance'};
- if ($args->{attackMethod}{maxDistance} < $args->{attackMethod}{distance}) {
- $args->{attackMethod}{maxDistance} = $args->{attackMethod}{distance};
- }
- if (!$cleanMonster) {
- # Drop target if it's already attacked by someone else
- $target->{homunculus_attack_failed} = time if $monsters{$ID};
- message T("Dropping target - slave will not kill steal othersn"), 'homunculus_attack';
- $slave->sendMove ($realMyPos->{x}, $realMyPos->{y});
- $slave->dequeue;
- if ($config{$slave->{slave_configPrefix}.'teleportAuto_dropTargetKS'}) {
- message T("Teleporting due to dropping slave attack targetn"), 'teleport';
- useTeleport(1);
- }
- } elsif ($config{$slave->{slave_configPrefix}.'attackCheckLOS'} &&
- $args->{attackMethod}{distance} > 2 &&
- !checkLineSnipable($realMyPos, $realMonsterPos)) {
- # We are a ranged attacker without LOS
- # Calculate squares around monster within shooting range, but not
- # closer than runFromTarget_dist
- my @stand = calcRectArea2($realMonsterPos->{x}, $realMonsterPos->{y},
- $args->{attackMethod}{distance},
- $config{$slave->{slave_configPrefix}.'runFromTarget'} ? $config{$slave->{slave_configPrefix}.'runFromTarget_dist'} : 0);
- # Determine which of these spots are snipable
- my $best_spot;
- my $best_dist;
- for my $spot (@stand) {
- # Is this spot acceptable?
- # 1. It must have LOS to the target ($realMonsterPos).
- # 2. It must be within $config{followDistanceMax} of
- # $masterPos, if we have a master.
- if (checkLineSnipable($spot, $realMonsterPos) &&
- (distance($spot, $char->{pos_to}) <= 15)) {
- # FIXME: use route distance, not pythagorean distance
- my $dist = distance($realMyPos, $spot);
- if (!defined($best_dist) || $dist < $best_dist) {
- $best_dist = $dist;
- $best_spot = $spot;
- }
- }
- }
- # Move to the closest spot
- my $msg = "Slave has no LOS from ($realMyPos->{x}, $realMyPos->{y}) to target ($realMonsterPos->{x}, $realMonsterPos->{y})";
- if ($best_spot) {
- message TF("%s; moving to (%s, %s)n", $msg, $best_spot->{x}, $best_spot->{y}), 'homunculus_attack';
- $slave->slave_route($best_spot->{x}, $best_spot->{y});
- } else {
- warning TF("%s; no acceptable place for slave to standn", $msg);
- $slave->dequeue;
- }
- } elsif ($config{$slave->{slave_configPrefix}.'runFromTarget'} && ($monsterDist < $config{$slave->{slave_configPrefix}.'runFromTarget_dist'} || $hitYou)) {
- #my $begin = time;
- # Get a list of blocks that we can run to
- my @blocks = calcRectArea($myPos->{x}, $myPos->{y},
- # If the monster hit you while you're running, then your recorded
- # location may be out of date. So we use a smaller distance so we can still move.
- ($hitYou) ? $config{$slave->{slave_configPrefix}.'runFromTarget_dist'} / 2 : $config{$slave->{slave_configPrefix}.'runFromTarget_dist'});
- # Find the distance value of the block that's farthest away from a wall
- my $highest;
- foreach (@blocks) {
- my $dist = ord(substr($field{dstMap}, $_->{y} * $field{width} + $_->{x}));
- if (!defined $highest || $dist > $highest) {
- $highest = $dist;
- }
- }
- # Get rid of rediculously large route distances (such as spots that are on a hill)
- # Get rid of blocks that are near a wall
- my $pathfinding = new PathFinding;
- use constant AVOID_WALLS => 4;
- for (my $i = 0; $i < @blocks; $i++) {
- # We want to avoid walls (so we don't get cornered), if possible
- my $dist = ord(substr($field{dstMap}, $blocks[$i]{y} * $field{width} + $blocks[$i]{x}));
- if ($highest >= AVOID_WALLS && $dist < AVOID_WALLS) {
- delete $blocks[$i];
- next;
- }
- $pathfinding->reset(
- field => $field,
- start => $myPos,
- dest => $blocks[$i]);
- my $ret = $pathfinding->runcount;
- if ($ret <= 0 || $ret > $config{$slave->{slave_configPrefix}.'runFromTarget_dist'} * 2) {
- delete $blocks[$i];
- next;
- }
- }
- # Find the block that's farthest to us
- my $largestDist;
- my $bestBlock;
- foreach (@blocks) {
- next unless defined $_;
- my $dist = distance($monsterPos, $_);
- if (!defined $largestDist || $dist > $largestDist) {
- $largestDist = $dist;
- $bestBlock = $_;
- }
- }
- #message "Time spent: " . (time - $begin) . "n";
- #debug_showSpots('runFromTarget', @blocks, $bestBlock);
- $slave->args->{avoiding} = 1;
- $slave->slave_move($bestBlock->{x}, $bestBlock->{y}, $ID);
- } elsif (!$config{$slave->{slave_configPrefix}.'runFromTarget'} && $monsterDist > $args->{attackMethod}{maxDistance}
- && timeOut($args->{ai_attack_giveup}, 0.5)) {
- # The target monster moved; move to target
- $args->{move_start} = time;
- $args->{monsterPos} = {%{$monsterPos}};
- # Calculate how long it would take to reach the monster.
- # Calculate where the monster would be when you've reached its
- # previous position.
- my $time_needed;
- if (objectIsMovingTowards($target, $slave, 45)) {
- $time_needed = $monsterDist * $slave->{walk_speed};
- } else {
- # If monster is not moving towards you, then you need more time to walk
- $time_needed = $monsterDist * $slave->{walk_speed} + 2;
- }
- my $pos = calcPosition($target, $time_needed);
- my $dist = sprintf("%.1f", $monsterDist);
- debug "Slave target distance $dist is >$args->{attackMethod}{maxDistance}; moving to target: " .
- "from ($myPos->{x},$myPos->{y}) to ($pos->{x},$pos->{y})n", "ai_attack";
- my $result = $slave->slave_route($pos->{x}, $pos->{y},
- distFromGoal => $args->{attackMethod}{distance},
- maxRouteTime => $config{$slave->{slave_configPrefix}.'attackMaxRouteTime'},
- attackID => $ID,
- noMapRoute => 1,
- noAvoidWalls => 1);
- if (!$result) {
- # Unable to calculate a route to target
- $target->{homunculus_attack_failed} = time;
- $slave->dequeue;
- message T("Unable to calculate a route to slave target, dropping targetn"), 'homunculus_attack';
- if ($config{$slave->{slave_configPrefix}.'teleportAuto_dropTarget'}) {
- message T("Teleport due to dropping slave attack targetn"), 'teleport';
- useTeleport(1);
- }
- }
- } elsif ((!$config{$slave->{slave_configPrefix}.'runFromTarget'} || $realMonsterDist >= $config{$slave->{slave_configPrefix}.'runFromTarget_dist'})
- && (!$config{$slave->{slave_configPrefix}.'tankMode'} || !$target->{dmgFromPlayer}{$slave->{ID}})) {
- # Attack the target. In case of tanking, only attack if it hasn't been hit once.
- if (!$slave->args->{firstAttack}) {
- $slave->args->{firstAttack} = 1;
- my $dist = sprintf("%.1f", $monsterDist);
- my $pos = "$myPos->{x},$myPos->{y}";
- debug "Slave is ready to attack target (which is $dist blocks away); we're at ($pos)n", "ai_attack";
- }
- $args->{unstuck}{time} = time if (!$args->{unstuck}{time});
- if (!$target->{dmgFromPlayer}{$slave->{ID}} && timeOut($args->{unstuck})) {
- # We are close enough to the target, and we're trying to attack it,
- # but some time has passed and we still haven't dealed any damage.
- # Our recorded position might be out of sync, so try to unstuck
- $args->{unstuck}{time} = time;
- debug("Slave attack - trying to unstuckn", "ai_attack");
- $slave->slave_move($myPos->{x}, $myPos->{y});
- $args->{unstuck}{count}++;
- }
- if ($args->{attackMethod}{type} eq "weapon" && timeOut($timeout{ai_homunculus_attack})) {
- $slave->sendAttack ($ID);#,
- #($config{homunculus_tankMode}) ? 0 : 7);
- $timeout{ai_homunculus_attack}{time} = time;
- delete $args->{attackMethod};
- }
- } elsif ($config{$slave->{slave_configPrefix}.'tankMode'}) {
- if ($args->{'dmgTo_last'} != $target->{dmgFromPlayer}{$slave->{ID}}) {
- $args->{'ai_attack_giveup'}{'time'} = time;
- $slave->slave_stopAttack ();
- }
- $args->{'dmgTo_last'} = $target->{dmgFromPlayer}{$slave->{ID}};
- }
- }
- # Check for kill steal while moving
- if ($slave->is("move", "route") && $slave->args->{attackID} && $slave->inQueue("attack")) {
- my $ID = $slave->args->{attackID};
- if ((my $target = $monsters{$ID}) && !checkMonsterCleanness($ID)) {
- $target->{homunculus_attack_failed} = time;
- message T("Dropping target - slave will not kill steal othersn"), 'homunculus_attack';
- $slave->slave_stopAttack();
- $monsters{$ID}{homunculus_ignore} = 1;
- # Right now, the queue is either
- # move, route, attack
- # -or-
- # route, attack
- $slave->dequeue;
- $slave->dequeue;
- $slave->dequeue if ($slave->action eq "attack");
- if ($config{$slave->{slave_configPrefix}.'teleportAuto_dropTargetKS'}) {
- message T("Teleport due to dropping slave attack targetn"), 'teleport';
- useTeleport(1);
- }
- }
- }
- #Benchmark::end("ai_homunculus_attack") if DEBUG;
- }
- ####### ROUTE #######
- sub processRouteAI {
- my $slave = shift;
- if ($slave->action eq "route" && $slave->args->{suspended}) {
- $slave->args->{time_start} += time - $slave->args->{suspended};
- $slave->args->{time_step} += time - $slave->args->{suspended};
- delete $slave->args->{suspended};
- }
- if ($slave->action eq "route" && $field{'name'} && $slave->{pos_to}{x} ne '' && $slave->{pos_to}{y} ne '') {
- my $args = $slave->args;
- if ( $args->{maxRouteTime} && timeOut($args->{time_start}, $args->{maxRouteTime})) {
- # We spent too much time
- debug "Slave route - we spent too much time; bailing out.n", "route";
- $slave->dequeue;
- } elsif ($field{name} ne $args->{dest}{map} || $args->{mapChanged}) {
- debug "Slave map changed: $field{name} $args->{dest}{map}n", "route";
- $slave->dequeue;
- } elsif ($args->{stage} eq '') {
- my $pos = calcPosition($slave);
- $args->{solution} = [];
- if (Task::Route->getRoute($args->{solution}, $field, $pos, $args->{dest}{pos})) {
- $args->{stage} = 'Route Solution Ready';
- debug "Slave route Solution Readyn", "route";
- } else {
- debug "Something's wrong; there is no path to $field{name}($args->{dest}{pos}{x},$args->{dest}{pos}{y}).n", "debug";
- $slave->dequeue;
- }
- } elsif ($args->{stage} eq 'Route Solution Ready') {
- my $solution = $args->{solution};
- if ($args->{maxRouteDistance} > 0 && $args->{maxRouteDistance} < 1) {
- # Fractional route motion
- $args->{maxRouteDistance} = int($args->{maxRouteDistance} * scalar(@{$solution}));
- }
- splice(@{$solution}, 1 + $args->{maxRouteDistance}) if $args->{maxRouteDistance} && $args->{maxRouteDistance} < @{$solution};
- # Trim down solution tree for pyDistFromGoal or distFromGoal
- if ($args->{pyDistFromGoal}) {
- my $trimsteps = 0;
- $trimsteps++ while ($trimsteps < @{$solution}
- && distance($solution->[@{$solution} - 1 - $trimsteps], $solution->[@{$solution} - 1]) < $args->{pyDistFromGoal}
- );
- debug "Slave route - trimming down solution by $trimsteps steps for pyDistFromGoal $args->{'pyDistFromGoal'}n", "route";
- splice(@{$args->{'solution'}}, -$trimsteps) if ($trimsteps);
- } elsif ($args->{distFromGoal}) {
- my $trimsteps = $args->{distFromGoal};
- $trimsteps = @{$args->{'solution'}} if $trimsteps > @{$args->{'solution'}};
- debug "Slave route - trimming down solution by $trimsteps steps for distFromGoal $args->{'distFromGoal'}n", "route";
- splice(@{$args->{solution}}, -$trimsteps) if ($trimsteps);
- }
- undef $args->{mapChanged};
- undef $args->{index};
- undef $args->{old_x};
- undef $args->{old_y};
- undef $args->{new_x};
- undef $args->{new_y};
- $args->{time_step} = time;
- $args->{stage} = 'Walk the Route Solution';
- } elsif ($args->{stage} eq 'Walk the Route Solution') {
- my $pos = calcPosition($slave);
- my ($cur_x, $cur_y) = ($pos->{x}, $pos->{y});
- unless (@{$args->{solution}}) {
- # No more points to cover; we've arrived at the destination
- if ($args->{notifyUponArrival}) {
- message T("Slave destination reached.n"), "success";
- } else {
- debug "Slave destination reached.n", "route";
- }
- $slave->dequeue;
- } elsif ($args->{old_x} == $cur_x && $args->{old_y} == $cur_y && timeOut($args->{time_step}, 3)) {
- # We tried to move for 3 seconds, but we are still on the same spot,
- # decrease step size.
- # However, if $args->{index} was already 0, then that means
- # we were almost at the destination (only 1 more step is needed).
- # But we got interrupted (by auto-attack for example). Don't count that
- # as stuck.
- my $wasZero = $args->{index} == 0;
- $args->{index} = int($args->{index} * 0.8);
- if ($args->{index}) {
- debug "Slave route - not moving, decreasing step size to $args->{index}n", "route";
- if (@{$args->{solution}}) {
- # If we still have more points to cover, walk to next point
- $args->{index} = @{$args->{solution}} - 1 if $args->{index} >= @{$args->{solution}};
- $args->{new_x} = $args->{solution}[$args->{index}]{x};
- $args->{new_y} = $args->{solution}[$args->{index}]{y};
- $args->{time_step} = time;
- $slave->slave_move($args->{new_x}, $args->{new_y}, $args->{attackID});
- }
- } elsif (!$wasZero) {
- # We're stuck
- my $msg = TF("Slave is stuck at %s (%d,%d), while walking from (%d,%d) to (%d,%d).",
- $field{name}, $slave->{pos_to}{x}, $slave->{pos_to}{y}, $cur_x, $cur_y, $args->{dest}{pos}{x}, $args->{dest}{pos}{y});
- $msg .= T(" Teleporting to unstuck.") if $config{$slave->{slave_configPrefix}.'teleportAuto_unstuck'};
- $msg .= "n";
- warning $msg, "route";
- useTeleport(1) if $config{$slave->{slave_configPrefix}.'teleportAuto_unstuck'};
- $slave->dequeue;
- } else {
- $args->{time_step} = time;
- }
- } else {
- # We're either starting to move or already moving, so send out more
- # move commands periodically to keep moving and updating our position
- my $solution = $args->{solution};
- $args->{index} = $config{$slave->{slave_configPrefix}.'route_step'} unless $args->{index};
- $args->{index}++ if ($args->{index} < $config{$slave->{slave_configPrefix}.'route_step'});
- if (defined($args->{old_x}) && defined($args->{old_y})) {
- # See how far we've walked since the last move command and
- # trim down the soultion tree by this distance.
- # Only remove the last step if we reached the destination
- my $trimsteps = 0;
- # If position has changed, we must have walked at least one step
- $trimsteps++ if ($cur_x != $args->{'old_x'} || $cur_y != $args->{'old_y'});
- # Search the best matching entry for our position in the solution
- while ($trimsteps < @{$solution}
- && distance( { x => $cur_x, y => $cur_y }, $solution->[$trimsteps + 1])
- < distance( { x => $cur_x, y => $cur_y }, $solution->[$trimsteps])
- ) {
- $trimsteps++;
- }
- # Remove the last step also if we reached the destination
- $trimsteps = @{$solution} - 1 if ($trimsteps >= @{$solution});
- #$trimsteps = @{$solution} if ($trimsteps <= $args->{'index'} && $args->{'new_x'} == $cur_x && $args->{'new_y'} == $cur_y);
- $trimsteps = @{$solution} if ($cur_x == $solution->[$#{$solution}]{x} && $cur_y == $solution->[$#{$solution}]{y});
- debug "Slave route - trimming down solution (" . @{$solution} . ") by $trimsteps stepsn", "route";
- splice(@{$solution}, 0, $trimsteps) if ($trimsteps > 0);
- }
- my $stepsleft = @{$solution};
- if ($stepsleft > 0) {
- # If we still have more points to cover, walk to next point
- $args->{index} = $stepsleft - 1 if ($args->{index} >= $stepsleft);
- $args->{new_x} = $args->{solution}[$args->{index}]{x};
- $args->{new_y} = $args->{solution}[$args->{index}]{y};
- # But first, check whether the distance of the next point isn't abnormally large.
- # If it is, then we've moved to an unexpected place. This could be caused by auto-attack,
- # for example.
- my %nextPos = (x => $args->{new_x}, y => $args->{new_y});
- if (distance(%nextPos, $pos) > $config{$slave->{slave_configPrefix}.'route_step'}) {
- debug "Slave route - movement interrupted: reset routen", "route";
- $args->{stage} = '';
- } else {
- $args->{old_x} = $cur_x;
- $args->{old_y} = $cur_y;
- $args->{time_step} = time if ($cur_x != $args->{old_x} || $cur_y != $args->{old_y});
- debug "Slave route - next step moving to ($args->{new_x}, $args->{new_y}), index $args->{index}, $stepsleft steps leftn", "route";
- $slave->slave_move($args->{new_x}, $args->{new_y}, $args->{attackID});
- }
- } else {
- # No more points to cover
- if ($args->{notifyUponArrival}) {
- message T("Slave destination reached.n"), "success";
- } else {
- debug "Slave destination reached.n", "route";
- }
- $slave->dequeue;
- }
- }
- } else {
- debug "Unexpected slave route stage [$args->{stage}] occured.n", "route";
- $slave->dequeue;
- }
- }
- }
- ##### MOVE #####
- sub processMove {
- my $slave = shift;
- if ($slave->action eq "move") {
- my $args = $slave->args;
- $args->{ai_move_giveup}{time} = time unless $args->{ai_move_giveup}{time};
- # Stop if the map changed
- if ($args->{mapChanged}) {
- debug "Slave move - map change detectedn", "ai_move";
- $slave->dequeue;
- # Stop if we've moved
- } elsif ($args->{time_move} != $slave->{time_move}) {
- debug "Slave move - movingn", "ai_move";
- $slave->dequeue;
- # Stop if we've timed out
- } elsif (timeOut($args->{ai_move_giveup})) {
- debug "Slave move - timeoutn", "ai_move";
- $slave->dequeue;
- #} elsif (timeOut($slave->{slave_move_retry}, 0.5)) {
- } elsif ($slave->{slave_move_retry} + 0.5 <= time) {
- # No update yet, send move request again.
- # We do this every 0.5 secs
- $slave->{slave_move_retry} = time;
- $slave->sendMove ($args->{move_to}{x}, $args->{move_to}{y});
- }
- }
- }
- sub processClientSuspend {
- my $slave = shift;
- ##### CLIENT SUSPEND #####
- # The clientSuspend AI sequence is used to freeze all other AI activity
- # for a certain period of time.
- if ($slave->action eq 'clientSuspend' && timeOut($slave->args)) {
- debug "Slave AI suspend by clientSuspend dequeuedn";
- $slave->dequeue;
- } elsif ($slave->action eq "clientSuspend" && $net->clientAlive()) {
- # When XKore mode is turned on, clientSuspend will increase it's timeout
- # every time the user tries to do something manually.
- my $args = $slave->args;
- if ($args->{'type'} eq "0089") {
- # Player's manually attacking
- if ($args->{'args'}[0] == 2) {
- if ($chars[$config{'char'}]{'sitting'}) {
- $args->{'time'} = time;
- }
- } elsif ($args->{'args'}[0] == 3) {
- $args->{'timeout'} = 6;
- } else {
- my $ID = $args->{args}[1];
- my $monster = $monstersList->getByID($ID);
- if (!$args->{'forceGiveup'}{'timeout'}) {
- $args->{'forceGiveup'}{'timeout'} = 6;
- $args->{'forceGiveup'}{'time'} = time;
- }
- if ($monster) {
- $args->{time} = time;
- $args->{dmgFromYou_last} = $monster->{dmgFromYou};
- $args->{missedFromYou_last} = $monster->{missedFromYou};
- if ($args->{dmgFromYou_last} != $monster->{dmgFromYou}) {
- $args->{forceGiveup}{time} = time;
- }
- } else {
- $args->{time} -= $args->{'timeout'};
- }
- if (timeOut($args->{forceGiveup})) {
- $args->{time} -= $args->{timeout};
- }
- }
- } elsif ($args->{'type'} eq "009F") {
- # Player's manually picking up an item
- if (!$args->{'forceGiveup'}{'timeout'}) {
- $args->{'forceGiveup'}{'timeout'} = 4;
- $args->{'forceGiveup'}{'time'} = time;
- }
- if ($items{$args->{'args'}[0]}) {
- $args->{'time'} = time;
- } else {
- $args->{'time'} -= $args->{'timeout'};
- }
- if (timeOut($args->{'forceGiveup'})) {
- $args->{'time'} -= $args->{'timeout'};
- }
- }
- # Client suspended, do not continue with AI
- return 1;
- }
- }
- ##### AUTO-ATTACK #####
- sub processAutoAttack {
- my $slave = shift;
- # The auto-attack logic is as follows:
- # 1. Generate a list of monsters that we are allowed to attack.
- # 2. Pick the "best" monster out of that list, and attack it.
- #Benchmark::begin("ai_homunculus_autoAttack") if DEBUG;
- if ((($slave->isIdle || $slave->action eq 'route') && (AI::isIdle || AI::is(qw(follow sitAuto take items_gather items_take attack skill_use))))
- # Don't auto-attack monsters while taking loot, and itemsTake/GatherAuto >= 2
- && timeOut($timeout{ai_homunculus_attack_auto})
- && (!$config{$slave->{slave_configPrefix}.'attackAuto_notInTown'} || !$cities_lut{$field{name}.'.rsw'})) {
- # If we're in tanking mode, only attack something if the person we're tanking for is on screen.
- my $foundTankee;
- if ($config{$slave->{slave_configPrefix}.'tankMode'}) {
- if ($config{$slave->{slave_configPrefix}.'tankModeTarget'} eq $char->{name}) {
- $foundTankee = 1;
- } else {
- foreach (@playersID) {
- next if (!$_);
- if ($config{$slave->{slave_configPrefix}.'tankModeTarget'} eq $players{$_}{'name'}) {
- $foundTankee = 1;
- last;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- my $attackTarget;
- my $priorityAttack;
- if (!$config{$slave->{slave_configPrefix}.'tankMode'} || $foundTankee) {
- # This variable controls how far monsters must be away from portals and players.
- my $portalDist = $config{'attackMinPortalDistance'} || 4;
- my $playerDist = $config{'attackMinPlayerDistance'};
- $playerDist = 1 if ($playerDist < 1);
- my $routeIndex = $slave->findAction("route");
- my $attackOnRoute;
- if (defined $routeIndex) {
- $attackOnRoute = $slave->args($routeIndex)->{attackOnRoute};
- } else {
- $attackOnRoute = 2;
- }
- ### Step 1: Generate a list of all monsters that we are allowed to attack. ###
- my @aggressives;
- my @partyMonsters;
- my @cleanMonsters;
- # List aggressive monsters
- @aggressives = ai_getPlayerAggressives($slave->{ID}) if ($config{$slave->{slave_configPrefix}.'attackAuto'} && $attackOnRoute);
- # There are two types of non-aggressive monsters. We generate two lists:
- foreach (@monstersID) {
- next if (!$_ || !checkMonsterCleanness($_));
- my $monster = $monsters{$_};
- # Ignore ignored monsters in mon_control.txt
- if ((my $control = mon_control($monster->{name},$monster->{nameID}))) {
- next if ( ($control->{attack_auto} ne "" && $control->{attack_auto} <= 0)
- || ($control->{attack_lvl} ne "" && $control->{attack_lvl} > $char->{lv})
- || ($control->{attack_jlvl} ne "" && $control->{attack_jlvl} > $char->{lv_job})
- || ($control->{attack_hp} ne "" && $control->{attack_hp} > $char->{hp})
- || ($control->{attack_sp} ne "" && $control->{attack_sp} > $char->{sp})
- );
- }
- my $pos = calcPosition($monster);
- # List monsters that party members are attacking
- if ($config{$slave->{slave_configPrefix}.'attackAuto_party'} && $attackOnRoute
- && ((($monster->{dmgFromYou} || $monster->{dmgFromParty}) && $config{$slave->{slave_configPrefix}.'attackAuto_party'} != 2) ||
- $monster->{dmgToYou} || $monster->{dmgToParty} || $monster->{missedYou} || $monster->{missedToParty})
- && timeOut($monster->{homunculus_attack_failed}, $timeout{ai_attack_unfail}{timeout})) {
- push @partyMonsters, $_;
- next;
- }
- ### List normal, non-aggressive monsters. ###
- # Ignore monsters that
- # - Have a status (such as poisoned), because there's a high chance
- # they're being attacked by other players
- # - Are inside others' area spells (this includes being trapped).
- # - Are moving towards other players.
- # - Are behind a wall
- next if (( $monster->{statuses} && scalar(keys %{$monster->{statuses}}) )
- || objectInsideSpell($monster)
- || objectIsMovingTowardsPlayer($monster));
- if ($config{$slave->{slave_configPrefix}.'attackCanSnipe'}) {
- next if (!checkLineSnipable($slave->{pos_to}, $pos));
- } else {
- next if (!checkLineWalkable($slave->{pos_to}, $pos));
- }
- my $safe = 1;
- if ($config{$slave->{slave_configPrefix}.'attackAuto_onlyWhenSafe'}) {
- foreach (@playersID) {
- next if ($_ eq $slave->{ID});
- if ($_ && !$char->{party}{users}{$_}) {
- $safe = 0;
- last;
- }
- }
- }
- if ($config{$slave->{slave_configPrefix}.'attackAuto'} >= 2
- && $attackOnRoute >= 2 && !$monster->{dmgFromYou} && $safe
- && !positionNearPlayer($pos, $playerDist) && !positionNearPortal($pos, $portalDist)
- && timeOut($monster->{homunculus_attack_failed}, $timeout{ai_attack_unfail}{timeout})) {
- push @cleanMonsters, $_;
- }
- }
- ### Step 2: Pick out the "best" monster ###
- my $myPos = calcPosition($slave);
- my $highestPri;
- # Look for the aggressive monster that has the highest priority
- foreach (@aggressives) {
- my $monster = $monsters{$_};
- my $pos = calcPosition($monster);
- # Don't attack monsters near portals
- next if (positionNearPortal($pos, $portalDist));
- # Don't attack ignored monsters
- if ((my $control = mon_control($monster->{name},$monster->{nameID}))) {
- next if ( ($control->{attack_auto} == -1)
- || ($control->{attack_lvl} ne "" && $control->{attack_lvl} > $char->{lv})
- || ($control->{attack_jlvl} ne "" && $control->{attack_jlvl} > $char->{lv_job})
- || ($control->{attack_hp} ne "" && $control->{attack_hp} > $char->{hp})
- || ($control->{attack_sp} ne "" && $control->{attack_sp} > $char->{sp})
- );
- }
- my $name = lc $monster->{name};
- if (defined($priority{$name}) && $priority{$name} > $highestPri) {
- $highestPri = $priority{$name};
- }
- }
- my $smallestDist;
- if (!defined $highestPri) {
- # If not found, look for the closest aggressive monster (without priority)
- foreach (@aggressives) {
- my $monster = $monsters{$_};
- next if !timeOut($monster->{homunculus_attack_failed}, $timeout{ai_attack_unfail}{timeout});
- my $pos = calcPosition($monster);
- # Don't attack monsters near portals
- next if (positionNearPortal($pos, $portalDist));
- # Don't attack ignored monsters
- if ((my $control = mon_control($monster->{name},$monster->{nameID}))) {
- next if ( ($control->{attack_auto} == -1)
- || ($control->{attack_lvl} ne "" && $control->{attack_lvl} > $char->{lv})
- || ($control->{attack_jlvl} ne "" && $control->{attack_jlvl} > $char->{lv_job})
- || ($control->{attack_hp} ne "" && $control->{attack_hp} > $char->{hp})
- || ($control->{attack_sp} ne "" && $control->{attack_sp} > $char->{sp})
- );
- }
- if (!defined($smallestDist) || (my $dist = distance($myPos, $pos)) < $smallestDist) {
- $smallestDist = $dist;
- $attackTarget = $_;
- }
- }
- } else {
- # If found, look for the closest aggressive monster with the highest priority
- foreach (@aggressives) {
- my $monster = $monsters{$_};
- my $pos = calcPosition($monster);
- # Don't attack monsters near portals
- next if (positionNearPortal($pos, $portalDist));
- # Don't attack ignored monsters
- if ((my $control = mon_control($monster->{name},$monster->{nameID}))) {
- next if ( ($control->{attack_auto} == -1)
- || ($control->{attack_lvl} ne "" && $control->{attack_lvl} > $char->{lv})
- || ($control->{attack_jlvl} ne "" && $control->{attack_jlvl} > $char->{lv_job})
- || ($control->{attack_hp} ne "" && $control->{attack_hp} > $char->{hp})
- || ($control->{attack_sp} ne "" && $control->{attack_sp} > $char->{sp})
- );
- }
- my $name = lc $monster->{name};
- if ((!defined($smallestDist) || (my $dist = distance($myPos, $pos)) < $smallestDist)
- && $priority{$name} == $highestPri) {
- $smallestDist = $dist;
- $attackTarget = $_;
- $priorityAttack = 1;
- }
- }
- }
- if (!$attackTarget) {
- undef $smallestDist;
- # There are no aggressive monsters; look for the closest monster that a party member/master is attacking
- foreach (@partyMonsters) {
- my $monster = $monsters{$_};
- my $pos = calcPosition($monster);
- if (!defined($smallestDist) || (my $dist = distance($myPos, $pos)) < $smallestDist) {
- $smallestDist = $dist;
- $attackTarget = $_;
- }
- }
- }
- if (!$attackTarget) {
- # No party monsters either; look for the closest, non-aggressive monster that:
- # 1) nobody's attacking
- # 2) has the highest priority
- undef $smallestDist;
- foreach (@cleanMonsters) {
- my $monster = $monsters{$_};
- next unless $monster;
- my $pos = calcPosition($monster);
- my $dist = distance($myPos, $pos);
- my $name = lc $monster->{name};
- if (!defined($smallestDist) || $priority{$name} > $highestPri
- || ( $priority{$name} == $highestPri && $dist < $smallestDist )) {
- $smallestDist = $dist;
- $attackTarget = $_;
- $highestPri = $priority{$monster};
- }
- }
- }
- }
- # If an appropriate monster's found, attack it. If not, wait ai_attack_auto secs before searching again.
- if ($attackTarget) {
- $slave->slave_setSuspend(0);
- $slave->slave_attack($attackTarget, $priorityAttack);
- } else {
- $timeout{'ai_homunculus_attack_auto'}{'time'} = time;
- }
- }
- #Benchmark::end("ai_homunculus_autoAttack") if DEBUG;
- }
- sub sendAttack {
- my ($slave, $targetID) = @_;
- $messageSender->sendHomunculusAttack ($slave->{ID}, $targetID);
- }
- sub sendMove {
- my ($slave, $x, $y) = @_;
- $messageSender->sendHomunculusMove ($slave->{ID}, $x, $y);
- }
- sub sendStandBy {
- my ($slave) = @_;
- $messageSender->sendHomunculusStandBy ($slave->{ID});
- }
- 1;