- #########################################################################
- # OpenKore - Inter-map movement task
- # Copyright (c) 2006 OpenKore Team
- #
- # This software is open source, licensed under the GNU General Public
- # License, version 2.
- # Basically, this means that you're allowed to modify and distribute
- # this software. However, if you distribute modified versions, you MUST
- # also distribute the source code.
- # See for the full license.
- #########################################################################
- # The MapRoute task is like the Route task, but allows you to walk routes
- # that span different maps.
- package Task::MapRoute;
- use strict;
- use Time::HiRes qw(time);
- use Scalar::Util;
- use Modules 'register';
- use Globals;
- use Task::WithSubtask;
- use Task::Route;
- use Task::CalcMapRoute;
- use Task::TalkNPC;
- use base qw(Task::WithSubtask);
- use Translation qw(T TF);
- use Log qw(message debug warning error);
- use Network;
- use Plugins;
- use Misc qw(useTeleport);
- use Utils qw(timeOut distance existsInList);
- use Utils::PathFinding;
- use Utils::Exceptions;
- # Error constants.
- use enum (
- # Routing errors
- # NPC errors
- );
- # TODO: this task should lock the 'npc' mutex when talking to NPCs!
- ##
- # Task::MapRoute->new(options...)
- #
- # Create a new Task::Route object. The following options are allowed:
- # `l
- # - All options allowed by Task::WithSubtask->new(), except 'mutexes', 'autostop' and 'autofail'.
- # - map (required) - The map you want to go to, for example "prontera".
- # - x, y - The coordinate on the destination map you want to walk to. On some maps this is
- # important because they're split by a river. Depending on which side of the river
- # you want to be, the route may be different.
- # - maxDistance - The maximum distance (in blocks) that the route may be. If
- # not specified, then there is no limit.
- # - maxTime - The maximum time that may be spent on walking the route. If not
- # specified, then there is no time limit.
- # - distFromGoal - Stop walking if we're within the specified distance (in blocks)
- # from the goal. If not specified, then we'll walk until the
- # destination is reached.
- # - pyDistFromGoal - Same as distFromGoal, but this allows you to specify the
- # Pythagorian distance instead of block distance.
- # - avoidWalls - Whether to avoid walls. The default is true.
- # - notifyUponArrival - Whether to print a message when we've reached the destination.
- # The default is no.
- # `l`
- sub new {
- my $class = shift;
- my %args = @_;
- # TODO: do we need a mutex 'npc' too?
- my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_, autostop => 1, autofail => 0, mutexes => ['movement']);
- if (!$args{map}) {
- ArgumentException->throw(error => "Invalid arguments.");
- }
- my $allowed = new Set('maxDistance', 'maxTime', 'distFromGoal', 'pyDistFromGoal',
- 'avoidWalls', 'notifyUponArrival');
- foreach my $key (keys %args) {
- if ($allowed->has($key) && defined $args{$key}) {
- $self->{$key} = $args{$key};
- }
- }
- $self->{dest}{map} = $args{map};
- $self->{dest}{pos}{x} = $args{x};
- $self->{dest}{pos}{y} = $args{y};
- if ($config{'route_avoidWalls'}) {
- $self->{avoidWalls} = 1 if (!defined $self->{avoidWalls});
- } else {$self->{avoidWalls} = 0;}
- # Watch for map change events. Pass a weak reference to ourselves in order
- # to avoid circular references (memory leaks).
- my @holder = ($self);
- Scalar::Util::weaken($holder[0]);
- $self->{mapChangedHook} = Plugins::addHook('Network::Receive::map_changed', &mapChanged, @holder);
- return $self;
- }
- sub DESTROY {
- my ($self) = @_;
- Plugins::delHook($self->{mapChangedHook});
- $self->SUPER::DESTROY();
- }
- sub activate {
- my ($self) = @_;
- $self->SUPER::activate();
- $self->initMapCalculator() if ($net->getState() == Network::IN_GAME && $field);
- $self->{time_start} = time;
- }
- sub iterate {
- my ($self) = @_;
- return if (!$self->SUPER::iterate() || $net->getState() != Network::IN_GAME);
- return if (!$field || !defined $char->{pos_to}{x} || !defined $char->{pos_to}{y});
- # When the CalcMapRouter subtask finishes, a new Route task may be set as subtask.
- # In that case we don't want to continue or this MapRoute task may end prematurely.
- #
- # If the Route task bails out with an error then our subtaskDone() method will set
- # an error in this task too. In that case we don't want to continue.
- return if ($self->getSubtask() || $self->getStatus() != Task::RUNNING);
- my @solution;
- if (!$self->{mapSolution}) {
- $self->initMapCalculator();
- } elsif (@{$self->{mapSolution}} == 0) {
- $self->setDone();
- debug "Map Router has finished traversing the map solutionn", "route";
- } elsif ( $field->name() ne $self->{mapSolution}[0]{map}
- || ( $self->{mapChanged} && !$self->{teleport} ) ) {
- # Solution Map does not match current map
- debug "Current map " . $field->name() . " does not match solution [ $self->{mapSolution}[0]{portal} ].n", "route";
- delete $self->{substage};
- delete $self->{timeout};
- delete $self->{mapChanged};
- shift @{$self->{mapSolution}};
- } elsif ( $self->{mapSolution}[0]{steps} ) {
- # If current solution has conversation steps specified
- if ( $self->{substage} eq 'Waiting for Warp' ) {
- $self->{timeout} = time unless $self->{timeout};
- if (timeOut($self->{timeout}, $timeout{ai_route_npcTalk}{timeout} || 10)
- || $ai_v{npc_talk}{talk} eq 'close') {
- # We waited for 10 seconds and got nothing
- delete $self->{substage};
- delete $self->{timeout};
- if (++$self->{mapSolution}[0]{retry} >= ($config{route_maxNpcTries} || 5)) {
- # NPC sequence is a failure
- # We delete that portal and try again
- delete $portals_lut{"$self->{mapSolution}[0]{map} $self->{mapSolution}[0]{pos}{x} $self->{mapSolution}[0]{pos}{y}"};
- warning TF("Unable to talk to NPC at %s (%s,%s).n", $field->name(), $self->{mapSolution}[0]{pos}{x}, $self->{mapSolution}[0]{pos}{y}), "route";
- $self->initMapCalculator(); # redo MAP router
- }
- }
- } elsif (distance($char->{pos_to}, $self->{mapSolution}[0]{pos}) <= 10) {
- my ($from,$to) = split /=/, $self->{mapSolution}[0]{portal};
- if ($char->{zenny} >= $portals_lut{$from}{dest}{$to}{cost}) {
- # We have enough money for this service.
- $self->{substage} = 'Waiting for Warp';
- $self->{old_x} = $char->{pos_to}{x};
- $self->{old_y} = $char->{pos_to}{y};
- $self->{old_map} = $field->name();
- my $task = new Task::TalkNPC(
- x => $self->{mapSolution}[0]{pos}{x},
- y => $self->{mapSolution}[0]{pos}{y},
- sequence => $self->{mapSolution}[0]{steps});
- $self->setSubtask($task);
- } else {
- error TF("Insufficient zenny to pay for service at %s (%s,%s).n",
- $field->name(), $self->{mapSolution}[0]{pos}{x},
- $self->{mapSolution}[0]{pos}{y}), "route";
- $self->initMapCalculator(); # Redo MAP router
- }
- } elsif ( $self->{maxTime} && time - $self->{time_start} > $self->{maxTime} ) {
- # We spent too long a time.
- debug "MapRoute - We spent too much time; bailing out.n", "route";
- $self->setError(TOO_MUCH_TIME, "Too much time spent on route traversal.");
- } elsif ( Task::Route->getRoute(@solution, $field, $char->{pos_to}, $self->{mapSolution}[0]{pos}) ) {
- # NPC is reachable from current position
- # >> Then "route" to it
- debug "Walking towards the NPCn", "route";
- my $task = new Task::Route(
- x => $self->{mapSolution}[0]{pos}{x},
- y => $self->{mapSolution}[0]{pos}{y},
- maxTime => $self->{maxTime},
- distFromGoal => 10,
- avoidWalls => $self->{avoidWalls},
- solution => @solution
- );
- $self->setSubtask($task);
- } else {
- # Error, NPC is not reachable from current pos
- debug "CRITICAL ERROR: NPC is not reachable from current location.n", "route";
- error TF("Unable to walk from %s (%s,%s) to NPC at (%s,%s).n", $field->name(), $char->{pos_to}{x}, $char->{pos_to}{y}, $self->{mapSolution}[0]{pos}{x}, $self->{mapSolution}[0]{pos}{y}), "route";
- shift @{$self->{mapSolution}};
- }
- } elsif ( $self->{mapSolution}[0]{portal} eq "$self->{mapSolution}[0]{map} $self->{mapSolution}[0]{pos}{x} $self->{mapSolution}[0]{pos}{y}=$self->{mapSolution}[0]{map} $self->{mapSolution}[0]{pos}{x} $self->{mapSolution}[0]{pos}{y}" ) {
- # This solution points to an X,Y coordinate
- my $distFromGoal = $self->{pyDistFromGoal}
- ? $self->{pyDistFromGoal}
- : ($self->{distFromGoal} ? $self->{distFromGoal} : 0);
- if ( $distFromGoal + 2 > distance($char->{pos_to}, $self->{mapSolution}[0]{pos})) {
- # We need to specify +2 because sometimes the exact spot is occupied by someone else
- shift @{$self->{mapSolution}};
- } elsif ( $self->{maxTime} && time - $self->{time_start} > $self->{maxTime} ) {
- # We spent too long a time.
- debug "We spent too much time; bailing out.n", "route";
- $self->setError(TOO_MUCH_TIME, "Too much time spent on route traversal.");
- } elsif ( Task::Route->getRoute(@solution, $field, $char->{pos_to}, $self->{mapSolution}[0]{pos}) ) {
- # X,Y is reachable from current position
- # >> Then "route" to it
- my $task = new Task::Route(
- x => $self->{mapSolution}[0]{pos}{x},
- y => $self->{mapSolution}[0]{pos}{y},
- maxTime => $self->{maxTime},
- avoidWalls => $self->{avoidWalls},
- distFromGoal => $self->{distFromGoal},
- pyDistFromGoal => $self->{pyDistFromGoal},
- solution => @solution
- );
- $self->setSubtask($task);
- } else {
- warning TF("No LOS from %s (%s,%s) to Final Destination at (%s,%s).n",
- $field->name(), $char->{pos_to}{x}, $char->{pos_to}{y},
- $self->{mapSolution}[0]{pos}{x},
- $self->{mapSolution}[0]{pos}{y}), "route";
- error TF("Cannot reach (%s,%s) from current position.n",
- $self->{mapSolution}[0]{pos}{x},
- $self->{mapSolution}[0]{pos}{y}), "route";
- shift @{$self->{mapSolution}};
- }
- } elsif ( $portals_lut{"$self->{mapSolution}[0]{map} $self->{mapSolution}[0]{pos}{x} $self->{mapSolution}[0]{pos}{y}"}{source} ) {
- # This is a portal solution
- if ( distance($char->{pos_to}, $self->{mapSolution}[0]{pos}) < 2 ) {
- # Portal is within 'Enter Distance'
- $timeout{ai_portal_wait}{timeout} = $timeout{ai_portal_wait}{timeout} || 0.5;
- if ( timeOut($timeout{ai_portal_wait}) ) {
- $messageSender->sendMove(int($self->{mapSolution}[0]{'pos'}{'x'}), int($self->{mapSolution}[0]{'pos'}{'y'}) );
- $timeout{'ai_portal_wait'}{'time'} = time;
- }
- } else {
- my $walk = 1;
- # Teleport until we're close enough to the portal
- $self->{teleport} = $config{route_teleport} if (!defined $self->{teleport});
- if ($self->{teleport} && !$cities_lut{$field->name() . ".rsw"}
- && !existsInList($config{route_teleport_notInMaps}, $field->name())
- && ( !$config{route_teleport_maxTries} || $self->{teleportTries} <= $config{route_teleport_maxTries} )) {
- my $minDist = $config{route_teleport_minDistance};
- if ($self->{mapChanged}) {
- undef $self->{sentTeleport};
- undef $self->{mapChanged};
- }
- if (!$self->{sentTeleport}) {
- # Find first inter-map portal
- my $portal;
- for my $x (@{$self->{mapSolution}}) {
- $portal = $x;
- last unless $x->{map} eq $x->{dest_map};
- }
- my $dist = new PathFinding(
- start => $char->{pos_to},
- dest => $portal->{pos},
- field => $field
- )->runcount;
- debug "Distance to portal ($portal->{portal}) is $distn", "route_teleport";
- if ($dist <= 0 || $dist > $minDist) {
- if ($dist > 0 && $config{route_teleport_maxTries} && $self->{teleportTries} >= $config{route_teleport_maxTries}) {
- debug "Teleported $config{route_teleport_maxTries} times. Falling back to walking.n", "route_teleport";
- } else {
- message TF("Attempting to teleport near portal, try #%sn", ($self->{teleportTries} + 1)), "route_teleport";
- if (!useTeleport(1)) {
- $self->{teleport} = 0;
- } else {
- $walk = 0;
- $self->{sentTeleport} = 1;
- $self->{teleportTime} = time;
- $self->{teleportTries}++;
- }
- }
- }
- } elsif (timeOut($self->{teleportTime}, 4)) {
- debug "Unable to teleport; falling back to walking.n", "route_teleport";
- $self->{teleport} = 0;
- } else {
- $walk = 0;
- }
- }
- if ($walk) {
- if ( Task::Route->getRoute( @solution, $field, $char->{pos_to}, $self->{mapSolution}[0]{pos} ) ) {
- # Portal is reachable from current position
- # >> Then "route" to it
- debug "Portal route within same map.n", "route";
- $self->{teleportTries} = 0;
- my $task = new Task::Route(
- x => $self->{mapSolution}[0]{pos}{x},
- y => $self->{mapSolution}[0]{pos}{y},
- maxTime => $self->{maxTime},
- avoidWalls => $self->{avoidWalls},
- solution => @solution
- );
- $self->setSubtask($task);
- } else {
- warning TF("No LOS from %s (%s,%s) to Portal at (%s,%s).n",
- $field->name(), $char->{pos_to}{x}, $char->{pos_to}{y},
- $self->{mapSolution}[0]{pos}{x}, $self->{mapSolution}[0]{pos}{y}),
- "route";
- error T("Cannot reach portal from current positionn"), "route";
- shift @{$self->{mapSolution}};
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- sub initMapCalculator {
- my ($self) = @_;
- my $task = new Task::CalcMapRoute(
- sourceMap => $field->name(),
- sourceX => $char->{pos_to}{x},
- sourceY => $char->{pos_to}{y},
- map => $self->{dest}{map},
- x => $self->{dest}{pos}{x},
- y => $self->{dest}{pos}{y}
- );
- $self->setSubtask($task);
- }
- sub subtaskDone {
- my ($self, $task) = @_;
- if ($task->isa('Task::CalcMapRoute')) {
- my $error = $task->getError();
- if ($error) {
- my $code;
- if ($error->{code} == Task::CalcMapRoute::CANNOT_LOAD_FIELD) {
- } elsif ($error->{code} == Task::CalcMapRoute::CANNOT_CALCULATE_ROUTE) {
- }
- $self->setError($code, $error->{message});
- } else {
- $self->{mapSolution} = $task->getRoute();
- # The map solution is empty, meaning that the destination
- # is on the same map and that we can walk there directly.
- # Of course, we only do that if we have a specific position
- # to walk to.
- if (@{$self->{mapSolution}} == 0 && defined($self->{dest}{pos}{x}) && defined($self->{dest}{pos}{y})) {
- my $task = new Task::Route(
- x => $self->{dest}{pos}{x},
- y => $self->{dest}{pos}{y},
- maxTime => $self->{maxTime},
- avoidWalls => $self->{avoidWalls},
- distFromGoal => $self->{distFromGoal},
- pyDistFromGoal => $self->{pyDistFromGoal}
- );
- $self->setSubtask($task);
- }
- }
- } elsif ($task->isa('Task::Route')) {
- my $error = $task->getError();
- if ($error) {
- my $code;
- if ($error->{code} == Task::Route::TOO_MUCH_TIME) {
- $code = TOO_MUCH_TIME;
- } elsif ($error->{code} == Task::Route::CANNOT_CALCULATE_ROUTE) {
- } elsif ($error->{code} == Task::Route::STUCK) {
- $code = STUCK;
- } else {
- $code = UNKNOWN_ERROR;
- }
- $self->setError($code, $error->{message});
- }
- } elsif ($task->isa('Task::TalkNPC')) {
- my $error = $task->getError();
- if ($error) {
- my $code;
- if ($error->{code} == Task::TalkNPC::NPC_NOT_FOUND) {
- $code = NPC_NOT_FOUND;
- } elsif ($error->{code} == Task::TalkNPC::NPC_NO_RESPONSE) {
- $code = NPC_NO_RESPONSE;
- } elsif ($error->{code} == Task::TalkNPC::NO_SHOP_ITEM) {
- $code = NO_SHOP_ITEM;
- } elsif ($error->{code} == Task::TalkNPC::WRONG_NPC_INSTRUCTIONS) {
- } else {
- $code = UNKNOWN_ERROR;
- }
- $self->setError($code, $error->{message});
- }
- } elsif (my $error = $task->getError()) {
- $self->setError(UNKNOWN_ERROR, $error->{message});
- }
- }
- sub mapChanged {
- my (undef, undef, $holder) = @_;
- my $self = $holder->[0];
- $self->{mapChanged} = 1;
- }
- 1;