- #########################################################################
- # OpenKore - Long intra-map movement task
- # Copyright (c) 2006 OpenKore Team
- #
- # This software is open source, licensed under the GNU General Public
- # License, version 2.
- # Basically, this means that you're allowed to modify and distribute
- # this software. However, if you distribute modified versions, you MUST
- # also distribute the source code.
- # See for the full license.
- #########################################################################
- ##
- # MODULE DESCRIPTION: Long intra-map movement task.
- #
- # This task is able to move long distances within the same map. Unlike
- # the Move task, this task can walk to destinations which are outside the
- # character's screen.
- package Task::Route;
- use strict;
- use Time::HiRes qw(time);
- use Scalar::Util;
- use Carp::Assert;
- use Modules 'register';
- use Task::WithSubtask;
- use base qw(Task::WithSubtask);
- use Task::Move;
- use Globals qw($char $field $net %config);
- use Log qw(message debug warning);
- use Network;
- use Field;
- use Translation qw(T TF);
- use Misc;
- use Utils qw(timeOut distance calcPosition);
- use Utils::Exceptions;
- use Utils::Set;
- use Utils::PathFinding;
- # Error code constants.
- use enum qw(
- );
- # TODO: Add Homunculus support
- ##
- # Task::Route->new(options...)
- #
- # Create a new Task::Route object. The following options are allowed:
- # `l
- # - All options allowed by Task::WithSubtask->new(), except 'mutexes', 'autostop' and 'autofail'.
- # - x (required) - The X-coordinate that you want to move to.
- # - y (required) - The Y-coordinate that you want to move to.
- # - maxDistance - The maximum distance (in blocks) that the route may be. If
- # not specified, then there is no limit.
- # - maxTime - The maximum time that may be spent on walking the route. If not
- # specified, then there is no time limit.
- # - distFromGoal - Stop walking if we're within the specified distance (in blocks)
- # from the goal. If not specified, then we'll walk until the
- # destination is reached.
- # - pyDistFromGoal - Same as distFromGoal, but this allows you to specify the
- # Pythagorian distance instead of block distance.
- # - avoidWalls - Whether to avoid walls. The default is yes.
- # - notifyUponArrival - Whether to print a message when we've reached the destination.
- # The default is no.
- # `l`
- #
- # x and y may not be 0 or undef. Otherwise, an ArgumentException will be thrown.
- sub new {
- my $class = shift;
- my %args = @_;
- my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_, autostop => 1, autofail => 0, mutexes => ['movement']);
- if ($args{x} == 0 || $args{y} == 0) {
- ArgumentException->throw(error => "Invalid arguments.");
- }
- my $allowed = new Set('maxDistance', 'maxTime', 'distFromGoal', 'pyDistFromGoal',
- 'avoidWalls', 'notifyUponArrival');
- foreach my $key (keys %args) {
- if ($allowed->has($key) && defined($args{$key})) {
- $self->{$key} = $args{$key};
- }
- }
- $self->{dest}{map} = $field->name();
- $self->{dest}{pos}{x} = $args{x};
- $self->{dest}{pos}{y} = $args{y};
- if ($config{'route_avoidWalls'}) {
- $self->{avoidWalls} = 1 if (!defined $self->{avoidWalls});
- } else {$self->{avoidWalls} = 0;}
- $self->{solution} = [];
- $self->{stage} = '';
- # Watch for map change events. Pass a weak reference to ourselves in order
- # to avoid circular references (memory leaks).
- my @holder = ($self);
- Scalar::Util::weaken($holder[0]);
- $self->{mapChangedHook} = Plugins::addHook('Network::Receive::map_changed', &mapChanged, @holder);
- return $self;
- }
- sub DESTROY {
- my ($self) = @_;
- Plugins::delHook($self->{mapChangedHook});
- $self->SUPER::DESTROY();
- }
- ##
- # Hash* $Task_Route->destCoords()
- #
- # Returns the destination coordinates. The result is a hash with the items 'x' and 'y'.
- sub destCoords {
- return $_[0]->{dest}{pos};
- }
- # Overrided method.
- sub activate {
- my ($self) = @_;
- $self->SUPER::activate();
- $self->{time_start} = time;
- }
- # Overrided method.
- sub interrupt {
- my ($self) = @_;
- $self->SUPER::interrupt();
- $self->{interruptionTime} = time;
- }
- # Overrided method.
- sub resume {
- my ($self) = @_;
- $self->SUPER::resume();
- $self->{time_start} += time - $self->{interruptionTime};
- $self->{time_step} += time - $self->{interruptionTime};
- }
- # Overrided method.
- sub iterate {
- my ($self) = @_;
- return unless ($self->SUPER::iterate() && $net->getState() == Network::IN_GAME);
- return unless ($field && defined($char->{pos_to}{x}) && defined($char->{pos_to}{y}));
- if ( $self->{maxTime} && timeOut($self->{time_start}, $self->{maxTime})) {
- # We spent too much time
- debug "Route - we spent too much time; bailing out.n", "route";
- $self->setError(TOO_MUCH_TIME, "Too much time spent on walking.");
- } elsif ($field->name() ne $self->{dest}{map} || $self->{mapChanged}) {
- debug "Map changed: " . $field->name() . " $self->{dest}{map}n", "route";
- $self->setDone();
- } elsif ($self->{stage} eq '') {
- my $pos = calcPosition($char);
- my $begin = time;
- if ($self->getRoute($self->{solution}, $field, $pos, $self->{dest}{pos}, $self->{avoidWalls})) {
- $self->{stage} = 'Route Solution Ready';
- debug "Route Solution Ready!n", "route";
- if (time - $begin < 0.01) {
- # Optimization: immediately go to the next stage if we
- # spent neglible time in this step.
- $self->iterate();
- }
- } else {
- debug "Something's wrong; there is no path to " . $field->name() . "($self->{dest}{pos}{x},$self->{dest}{pos}{y}).n", "debug";
- $self->setError(CANNOT_CALCULATE_ROUTE, "Unable to calculate a route.");
- }
- } elsif ($self->{stage} eq 'Route Solution Ready') {
- my $begin = time;
- my $solution = $self->{solution};
- if ($self->{maxDistance} > 0 && $self->{maxDistance} < 1) {
- # Fractional route motion
- $self->{maxDistance} = int($self->{maxDistance} * scalar(@{$solution}));
- }
- if ($self->{maxDistance} && $self->{maxDistance} < @{$solution}) {
- splice(@{$solution}, 1 + $self->{maxDistance});
- }
- # Trim down solution tree for pyDistFromGoal or distFromGoal
- if ($self->{pyDistFromGoal}) {
- my $trimsteps = 0;
- $trimsteps++ while ($trimsteps < @{$solution}
- && distance($solution->[@{$solution} - 1 - $trimsteps], $solution->[@{$solution} - 1]) < $self->{pyDistFromGoal}
- );
- debug "Route - trimming down solution by $trimsteps steps for pyDistFromGoal $self->{pyDistFromGoal}n", "route";
- splice(@{$self->{'solution'}}, -$trimsteps) if ($trimsteps);
- } elsif ($self->{distFromGoal}) {
- my $trimsteps = $self->{distFromGoal};
- $trimsteps = @{$self->{solution}} if ($trimsteps > @{$self->{solution}});
- debug "Route - trimming down solution by $trimsteps steps for distFromGoal $self->{distFromGoal}n", "route";
- splice(@{$self->{solution}}, -$trimsteps) if ($trimsteps);
- }
- undef $self->{mapChanged};
- undef $self->{index};
- undef $self->{old_x};
- undef $self->{old_y};
- undef $self->{new_x};
- undef $self->{new_y};
- $self->{time_step} = time;
- $self->{stage} = 'Walk the Route Solution';
- if (time - $begin < 0.01) {
- # Optimization: immediately go to the next stage if we
- # spent neglible time in this step.
- $self->iterate();
- }
- } elsif ($self->{stage} eq 'Walk the Route Solution') {
- my $pos = calcPosition($char);
- my ($cur_x, $cur_y) = ($pos->{x}, $pos->{y});
- if (@{$self->{solution}} == 0) {
- # No more points to cover; we've arrived at the destination
- if ($self->{notifyUponArrival}) {
- message T("Destination reached.n"), "success";
- } else {
- debug "Destination reached.n", "route";
- }
- $self->setDone();
- } elsif ($self->{old_x} == $cur_x && $self->{old_y} == $cur_y && timeOut($self->{time_step}, 3)) {
- # We tried to move for 3 seconds, but we are still on the same spot,
- # decrease step size.
- # However, if $self->{index} was already 0, then that means
- # we were almost at the destination (only 1 more step is needed).
- # But we got interrupted (by auto-attack for example). Don't count that
- # as stuck.
- my $wasZero = $self->{index} == 0;
- $self->{index} = int($self->{index} * 0.8);
- if ($self->{index}) {
- debug "Route - not moving, decreasing step size to $self->{index}n", "route";
- if (@{$self->{solution}}) {
- # If we still have more points to cover, walk to next point
- $self->{index} = @{$self->{solution}} - 1 if $self->{index} >= @{$self->{solution}};
- $self->{new_x} = $self->{solution}[$self->{index}]{x};
- $self->{new_y} = $self->{solution}[$self->{index}]{y};
- $self->{time_step} = time;
- my $task = new Task::Move(
- x => $self->{new_x},
- y => $self->{new_y});
- $self->setSubtask($task);
- }
- } elsif (!$wasZero) {
- # FIXME: this code looks ugly!
- # We're stuck
- my $msg = TF("Stuck at %s (%d,%d), while walking from (%d,%d) to (%d,%d).",
- $field->name(), $char->{pos_to}{x}, $char->{pos_to}{y},
- $cur_x, $cur_y, $self->{dest}{pos}{x}, $self->{dest}{pos}{y});
- $msg .= T(" Teleporting to unstuck.") if ($config{teleportAuto_unstuck});
- $msg .= "n";
- warning $msg, "route";
- Misc::useTeleport(1) if $config{teleportAuto_unstuck};
- $self->setError(STUCK, T("Stuck during route."));
- } else {
- $self->{time_step} = time;
- }
- } else {
- # We're either starting to move or already moving, so send out more
- # move commands periodically to keep moving and updating our position
- my $begin = time;
- my $solution = $self->{solution};
- $self->{index} = $config{route_step} unless $self->{index};
- $self->{index}++ if (($self->{index} < $config{route_step})
- && ($self->{old_x} != $cur_x || $self->{old_y} != $cur_y));
- if (defined($self->{old_x}) && defined($self->{old_y})) {
- # See how far we've walked since the last move command and
- # trim down the soultion tree by this distance.
- # Only remove the last step if we reached the destination
- my $trimsteps = 0;
- # If position has changed, we must have walked at least one step
- $trimsteps++ if ($cur_x != $self->{'old_x'} || $cur_y != $self->{'old_y'});
- # Search the best matching entry for our position in the solution
- while ($trimsteps < @{$solution}
- && distance( { x => $cur_x, y => $cur_y }, $solution->[$trimsteps + 1])
- < distance( { x => $cur_x, y => $cur_y }, $solution->[$trimsteps])
- ) {
- $trimsteps++;
- }
- # Remove the last step also if we reached the destination
- $trimsteps = @{$solution} - 1 if ($trimsteps >= @{$solution});
- #$trimsteps = @{$solution} if ($trimsteps <= $self->{'index'} && $self->{'new_x'} == $cur_x && $self->{'new_y'} == $cur_y);
- $trimsteps = @{$solution} if ($cur_x == $solution->[$#{$solution}]{x} && $cur_y == $solution->[$#{$solution}]{y});
- debug "Route - trimming down solution (" . @{$solution} . ") by $trimsteps stepsn", "route";
- splice(@{$solution}, 0, $trimsteps) if ($trimsteps > 0);
- }
- my $stepsleft = @{$solution};
- if ($stepsleft > 0) {
- # If we still have more points to cover, walk to next point
- $self->{index} = $stepsleft - 1 if ($self->{index} >= $stepsleft);
- $self->{new_x} = $self->{solution}[$self->{index}]{x};
- $self->{new_y} = $self->{solution}[$self->{index}]{y};
- # But first, check whether the distance of the next point isn't abnormally large.
- # If it is, then we've moved to an unexpected place. This could be caused by auto-attack,
- # for example.
- my %nextPos = (x => $self->{new_x}, y => $self->{new_y});
- if (distance(%nextPos, $pos) > $config{route_step}) {
- debug "Route - movement interrupted: reset routen", "route";
- $self->{stage} = '';
- } else {
- $self->{old_x} = $cur_x;
- $self->{old_y} = $cur_y;
- $self->{time_step} = time if ($cur_x != $self->{old_x} || $cur_y != $self->{old_y});
- debug "Route - next step moving to ($self->{new_x}, $self->{new_y}), index $self->{index}, $stepsleft steps leftn", "route";
- my $task = new Task::Move(
- x => $self->{new_x},
- y => $self->{new_y});
- $self->setSubtask($task);
- if (time - $begin < 0.01) {
- # Optimization: immediately begin moving, if we spent neglible
- # time in this step.
- $self->iterate();
- }
- }
- } else {
- # No more points to cover
- if ($self->{notifyUponArrival}) {
- message T("Destination reached.n"), "success";
- } else {
- debug "Destination reached.n", "route";
- }
- $self->setDone();
- }
- }
- } else {
- # This statement should never be reached.
- debug "Unexpected route stage [$self->{stage}] occured.n", "route";
- $self->setError(UNEXPECTED_STATE, "Unexpected route stage [$self->{stage}] occured.n");
- }
- }
- ##
- # boolean Task::Route->getRoute(Array* solution, Field field, Hash* start, Hash* dest, [boolean avoidWalls = true])
- # $solution: The route solution will be stored in here.
- # field: the field on which a route must be calculated.
- # start: The is the start coordinate.
- # dest: The destination coordinate.
- # noAvoidWalls: 1 if you don't want to avoid walls on route.
- # Returns: 1 if the calculation succeeded, 0 if not.
- #
- # Calculate how to walk from $start to $dest on field $field, or check whether there
- # is a path from $start to $dest on field $field.
- #
- # If $solution is given, then the blocks you have to walk on in order to get to $dest
- # are stored in there.
- #
- # This function is a convenience wrapper function for the stuff
- # in Utils/
- sub getRoute {
- my ($class, $solution, $field, $start, $dest, $avoidWalls) = @_;
- assert(UNIVERSAL::isa($field, 'Field')) if DEBUG;
- if (!defined $dest->{x} || $dest->{y} eq '') {
- @{$solution} = () if ($solution);
- return 1;
- }
- # The exact destination may not be a spot that we can walk on.
- # So we find a nearby spot that is walkable.
- my %start = %{$start};
- my %dest = %{$dest};
- Misc::closestWalkableSpot($field, %start);
- Misc::closestWalkableSpot($field, %dest);
- # Generate map weights (for wall avoidance)
- my $weights;
- if ($avoidWalls) {
- #$weights = join '', map chr $_, (255, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1);
- $weights = join('', (map chr($_), (255, 7, 6, 3, 2, 1)));
- $weights .= chr(1) x (256 - length($weights));
- } else {
- $weights = chr(255) . (chr(1) x 255);
- }
- # Calculate path
- my $pathfinding = new PathFinding(
- start => %start,
- dest => %dest,
- field => $field,
- weights => $weights
- );
- return undef if (!$pathfinding);
- my $ret;
- if ($solution) {
- $ret = $pathfinding->run($solution);
- } else {
- $ret = $pathfinding->runcount();
- }
- return $ret > 0;
- }
- sub mapChanged {
- my (undef, undef, $holder) = @_;
- my $self = $holder->[0];
- $self->{mapChanged} = 1;
- }
- 1;