- #########################################################################
- # OpenKore - Skill usage task
- # Copyright (c) 2007 OpenKore Team
- #
- # This software is open source, licensed under the GNU General Public
- # License, version 2.
- # Basically, this means that you're allowed to modify and distribute
- # this software. However, if you distribute modified versions, you MUST
- # also distribute the source code.
- # See for the full license.
- #########################################################################
- ##
- # MODULE DESCRIPTION: Skill usage task.
- #
- # This task is specialized in using a single skill. It will:
- # - Execute necessary preparation actions, such as standing up.
- # - Retry to use the skill if it doesn't start within a time limit.
- # - Handle errors gracefully.
- package Task::UseSkill;
- use strict;
- use Modules 'register';
- use Time::HiRes qw(time);
- use Scalar::Util;
- use Carp::Assert;
- use Task::WithSubtask;
- use base qw(Task::WithSubtask);
- use Task::Chained;
- use Task::Function;
- use Task::SitStand;
- use Globals qw($net $char %skillsArea $messageSender $accountID %timeout);
- use Network;
- use Plugins;
- use Skill;
- use Log qw(debug);
- use Translation qw(T TF);
- use Utils qw(timeOut);
- use Utils::Exceptions;
- # States
- use enum qw(
- );
- # Errors
- use enum qw(
- );
- use constant {
- };
- ##
- # Task::UseSkill->new(options...);
- #
- # Create a new Task::UseSkill object.
- #
- # The following options are allowed:
- # `l
- # - All options allowed for Task->new(), except 'mutexes'.
- # - skill (required) - A Skill object, which represents the skill to be used.
- # The level property must be set. If not set, the maximum available level will
- # be used.
- # - target - Specifies the target to use this skill on. If the skill is to be
- # used on an actor (such as a monster), then this argument must be an
- # Actor object. If the skill is to be used on a location (as is the case
- # for area spells), then this argument must be a hash containing an 'x' and
- # a 'y' item, which specifies the location.
- # - actorList - If _target_ is an Actor object, but not of the class 'Actor::You',
- # then this argument must be set to the ActorList object which contains _target_.
- # This is used to check whether the target actor is still on screen.
- # - stopWhenHit - Specifies whether you want to stop using this skill if casting has
- # been cancelled because you've been hit. The default is true.
- # `l`
- sub new {
- my $class = shift;
- my %args = @_;
- my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_, manageMutexes => 1, mutexes => ['movement', 'skill']);
- if (!$args{skill}) {
- ArgumentException->throw("No skill argument given.");
- }
- $self->{skill} = $args{skill};
- $self->{stopWhenHit} = defined($args{stopWhenHit}) ? $args{stopWhenHit} : 1;
- if ($args{target}) {
- if (UNIVERSAL::isa($args{target}, 'Actor') && !$args{target}->isa('Actor::You') && !$args{actorList}) {
- ArgumentException->throw("No actorList argument given.");
- }
- $self->{target} = $args{target};
- $self->{actorList} = $args{actorList};
- }
- $self->{state} = PREPARING;
- # int castTries
- # The number of times we've tried to cast the skill.
- $self->{castTries} = 0;
- # Hash castWaitTimer
- # A timer used when waiting for casting to start.
- $self->{castWaitTimer}{timeout} = $timeout{ai_skill_use}{timeout};
- # int maxCastTries
- # The maximum number of times to try to re-cast the skill before
- # we give up.
- $self->{maxCastTries} = DEFAULT_MAX_CAST_TRIES;
- # boolean castingFinished
- # Whether casting has finished.
- # boolean castingStarted
- # Whether casting has started.
- # Hash castFinishTimer
- # A timer for checking when the casting is supposed to be finished.
- # Hash castingError
- # If casting has failed, then this member contains error information.
- # The hash has the following keys:
- # - type - An identifier for the error.
- # - message - A human-readable message for the error.
- # boolean castingCancelled
- # Whether casting has been cancelled.
- my @holder = ($self);
- Scalar::Util::weaken($holder[0]);
- $self->{hooks} = Plugins::addHooks(
- ['is_casting', &onSkillCast, @holder],
- ['packet_skilluse', &onSkillUse, @holder],
- ['packet_skillfail', &onSkillFail, @holder],
- ['packet_castCancelled', &onSkillCancelled, @holder]
- );
- return $self;
- }
- sub DESTROY {
- my ($self) = @_;
- Plugins::delHooks($self->{hooks});
- $self->SUPER::DESTROY();
- }
- # Overrided method.
- sub interrupt {
- my ($self) = @_;
- $self->SUPER::interrupt();
- $self->{interruptTime} = time;
- }
- # Overrided method.
- sub resume {
- my ($self) = @_;
- $self->SUPER::resume();
- $self->{castWaitTimer}{time} += time - $self->{interruptTime};
- delete $self->{interruptTime};
- }
- # Checks whether the caster of a skill is this character (in case of a character skill)
- # or the homunculus (in case of a Homunculus skill).
- sub casterIsCorrect {
- my ($self, $actorID) = @_;
- my $skill = $self->{skill};
- return ($skill->getOwnerType() == Skill::OWNER_CHAR && $actorID eq $char->{ID})
- || ($skill->getOwnerType() == Skill::OWNER_HOMUN && $char->{homunculus} && $actorID eq $char->{homunculus}{ID})
- || ($skill->getOwnerType() == Skill::OWNER_MERC && $char->{mercenary} && $actorID eq $char->{mercenary}{ID});
- }
- # Called when a skill has started casting.
- sub onSkillCast {
- my (undef, $args, $holder) = @_;
- my $self = $holder->[0];
- if ($self->getStatus() == Task::RUNNING && $self->casterIsCorrect($args->{sourceID})
- && $self->{skill}->getIDN() == $args->{skillID}) {
- $self->{castingStarted} = 1;
- $self->{castFinishTimer}{time} = time;
- $self->{castFinishTimer}{timeout} = $args->{castTime} + DEFAULT_CAST_TIMEOUT;
- }
- }
- # Called when a skill has been used.
- sub onSkillUse {
- my (undef, $args, $holder) = @_;
- my $self = $holder->[0];
- if ($self->getStatus() == Task::RUNNING && $self->casterIsCorrect($args->{sourceID})
- && $self->{skill}->getIDN() == $args->{skillID}) {
- $self->{castingFinished} = 1;
- }
- }
- # Called when a skill has failed.
- sub onSkillFail {
- my (undef, $args, $holder) = @_;
- my $self = $holder->[0];
- if ($self->getStatus() == Task::RUNNING && $self->{skill}->getIDN() == $args->{skillID}) {
- $self->{castingError} = {
- type => $args->{failType},
- message => $args->{failMessage}
- };
- }
- }
- # Called when a skill has been cancelled.
- sub onSkillCancelled {
- my (undef, $args, $holder) = @_;
- my $self = $holder->[0];
- if ($self->getStatus() == Task::RUNNING && $self->casterIsCorrect($args->{sourceID})) {
- $self->{castingCancelled} = 1;
- }
- }
- # Check whether the target has been lost.
- sub targetLost {
- my ($self) = @_;
- return UNIVERSAL::isa($self->{target}, 'Actor') && !$self->{target}->isa('Actor::You')
- && !$self->{actorList}->getByID($self->{target}{ID});
- }
- # Check whether we've equipped the necessary items (e.g. Vitata Card for Heal)
- # to be able to use the skill.
- sub hasNecessaryEquipment {
- return 1;
- }
- # Check whether the preparation conditions are satisfied.
- sub checkPreparations {
- my ($self) = @_;
- return !$char->{sitting} && $self->hasNecessaryEquipment();
- }
- # Cast the skill, reset castWaitTimer and increment castTries.
- sub castSkill {
- my ($self) = @_;
- my $skill = $self->{skill};
- my $handle = $skill->getHandle();
- my $skillID = $skill->getIDN();
- my $level = $skill->getLevel();
- if (!defined $level) {
- $level = $char->getSkillLevel($skill);
- }
- if ($skill->getTargetType() == Skill::TARGET_SELF) {
- # A skill which is used on the character self.
- $messageSender->sendSkillUse($skillID, $level, $accountID);
- } elsif (UNIVERSAL::isa($self->{target}, 'Actor')) {
- # The skill must be used on an actor.
- if ($skill->getTargetType() == Skill::TARGET_LOCATION) {
- # This is a location skill.
- $messageSender->sendSkillUseLoc($skillID, $level,
- $self->{target}{pos_to}{x}, $self->{target}{pos_to}{y});
- } else {
- $messageSender->sendSkillUse($skillID, $level, $self->{target}{ID});
- }
- } else {
- # A location skill.
- $messageSender->sendSkillUseLoc($skillID, $level, $self->{target}{x}, $self->{target}{y});
- }
- $self->{castTries}++;
- $self->{castWaitTimer}{time} = time;
- }
- # TODO:
- # - walk to target if it's too far away?
- # - equip necessary items
- # - check whether we're silensed
- sub iterate {
- my ($self) = @_;
- return if (!$char || $net->getState() != Network::IN_GAME);
- my $handle = $self->{skill}->getHandle();
- if ($char->getSkillLevel($self->{skill}) == 0
- && !($char->{permitSkill} && $char->{permitSkill}->getHandle() eq $handle)) {
- $self->setError(ERROR_NO_SKILL, TF("Skill %s cannot be used because your character has no such skill.",
- $self->{skill}->getName()));
- debug "UseSkill - No such skill.n", "Task::UseSkill" if DEBUG;
- return;
- }
- if ($self->{state} == PREPARING) {
- if (!$self->getSubtask()) {
- my $task = new Task::Chained(tasks => [
- new Task::SitStand(mode => 'stand')
- ]);
- $self->setSubtask($task);
- $self->{preparationTask} = $task;
- debug "UseSkill - Created preparation subtask.n", "Task::UseSkill" if DEBUG;
- }
- # Iterate preparation subtask
- $self->SUPER::iterate();
- if (!$self->getSubtask() && !$self->{preparationTask}->getError()) {
- # Preparation subtask completed with success.
- $self->{state} = WAITING_FOR_CAST_TO_START;
- $self->castSkill();
- delete $self->{preparationTask};
- debug "UseSkill - Preparation subtask completed with success, waiting for cast to start...n", "Task::UseSkill" if DEBUG;
- } elsif (!$self->getSubtask() && $self->{preparationTask}->getError()) {
- # Preparation subtask completed with error.
- my $error = $self->{preparationTask}->getError();
- $self->setError(ERROR_PREPARATION_FAILED, $error->{message});
- debug "UseSkill - Preparation failed: $error->{message}n", "Task::UseSkill" if DEBUG;
- } elsif ($self->targetLost()) {
- $self->setError(ERROR_TARGET_LOST, T("Target lost."));
- $self->{preparationTask}->stop() if ($self->{preparationTask});
- debug "UseSkill - Target lost.n", "Task::UseSkill" if DEBUG;
- }
- } elsif ($self->{state} == WAITING_FOR_CAST_TO_START) {
- if ($self->{castingFinished}) {
- $self->setDone();
- debug "UseSkill - Done.n", "Task::UseSkill" if DEBUG;
- } elsif ($self->{castingStarted}) {
- delete $self->{castingStarted};
- $self->{state} = WAITING_FOR_CAST_TO_FINISH;
- debug "UseSkill - Casting started, waiting for cast to finish...n", "Task::UseSkill" if DEBUG;
- } elsif ($self->targetLost()) {
- $self->setError(ERROR_TARGET_LOST, T("Target lost."));
- debug "UseSkill - Target lost.n", "Task::UseSkill" if DEBUG;
- } elsif (timeOut($self->{castWaitTimer})) {
- # Nothing happened within a period of time.
- if ($self->{castTries} < $self->{maxCastTries}) {
- $self->castSkill();
- debug "UseSkill - Timeout, recasting skill.n", "Task::UseSkill" if DEBUG;
- } else {
- $self->setError(ERROR_MAX_TRIES, TF("Unable to cast skill %s in %d tries.",
- $self->{skill}->getName(), $self->{maxCastTries}));
- debug "UseSkill - Timeout, maximum tries reached.n", "Task::UseSkill" if DEBUG;
- }
- } elsif ($self->{castingError}) {
- $self->setError(ERROR_CASTING_FAILED, TF("Casting failed: %s (%d)",
- $self->{castingError}{message}, $self->{castingError}{type}));
- debug "UseSkill - Casting failed: $self->{castingError}{message}.n", "Task::UseSkill" if DEBUG;
- } elsif (!$self->checkPreparations()) {
- # Preparation conditions violated.
- $self->{state} = PREPARING;
- debug "UseSkill - Preparation conditions violated.n" if DEBUG;
- }
- } elsif ($self->{state} == WAITING_FOR_CAST_TO_FINISH) {
- if ($self->{castingFinished}) {
- $self->setDone();
- debug "UseSkill - Done.n", "Task::UseSkill" if DEBUG;
- } elsif ($self->{castingCancelled}) {
- delete $self->{castingCancelled};
- if ($self->{stopWhenHit}) {
- $self->setError(ERROR_CASTING_CANCELLED, T("Casting has been cancelled."));
- debug "UseSkill - Casting cancelled, stopping.n", "Task::UseSkill" if DEBUG;
- # Here we also check castTries. This differs from the state diagram.
- # The state diagram will become too messy if I add this behavior.
- } elsif ($self->{castTries} < $self->{maxCastTries}) {
- $self->castSkill();
- $self->{state} = WAITING_FOR_CAST_TO_START;
- debug "UseSkill - Casting cancelled, retrying.n", "Task::UseSkill" if DEBUG;
- } else {
- $self->setError(ERROR_MAX_TRIES, TF("Unable to cast skill in %d tries.", $self->{maxCastTries}));
- debug "UseSkill - Casting cancelled, maximum tries reached.n", "Task::UseSkill" if DEBUG;
- }
- } elsif ($self->{castingError}) {
- $self->setError(ERROR_CASTING_FAILED, TF("Casting failed: %s (%d)",
- $self->{castingError}{message}, $self->{castingError}{type}));
- debug "UseSkill - Casting failed: $self->{castingError}{message}.n", "Task::UseSkill" if DEBUG;
- } elsif (timeOut($self->{castFinishTimer})) {
- $self->setError(ERROR_CASTING_TIMEOUT, T("Casting is supposed to be finished now, but nothing happened."));
- debug "UseSkill - Timeout.n", "Task::UseSkill" if DEBUG;
- }
- }
- }
- 1;