- package Extractor;
- use strict;
- use warnings;
- our %modules;
- our %functions;
- our %classes;
- sub error {
- print STDERR "** Error: @_";
- }
- sub initItem {
- my $item = shift;
- $item->{params} = [];
- $item->{name} = '';
- $item->{desc} = '';
- $item->{example} = '';
- $item->{requires} = '';
- $item->{ensures} = '';
- $item->{returns} = '';
- $item->{invariant} = '';
- $item->{throws} = '';
- $item->{isVar} = 0;
- # $item->{param_declaration}
- # $item->{type}
- # $item->{visibility}
- }
- # Extractor::addModule(file, package)
- # Extract documentation from a Perl module.
- sub addModule {
- my ($file, $package) = @_;
- if (!open(F, "< $file")) {
- error "Unable to open $file for reading.n";
- return 0;
- }
- binmode F;
- my $linenum = 0;
- my $state = 'ready';
- my %module = (
- package => $package,
- name => '',
- desc => '',
- items => {},
- categories => {},
- file => $file
- );
- my %item;
- my $category = '';
- initItem(%item);
- foreach my $line (<F>) {
- $linenum++;
- $line =~ s/r//g;
- if ($line =~ /^package (.*);$/) {
- $classes{$1} = $package;
- next;
- } elsif ($line !~ /^#/) {
- if ($state =~ /^function-/ && $item{name} ne '') {
- # The end of a function description has been reached
- my %copy = %item;
- $copy{desc} =~ s/n+$//s;
- $copy{example} =~ s/n+$//s;
- $copy{package} = $package;
- $copy{category} = $category;
- $module{items}{$copy{name}} = %copy;
- $module{categories}{$category}{$copy{name}} = %copy;
- $functions{$copy{name}} = %copy;
- }
- %item = ();
- initItem(%item);
- $state = 'ready';
- next;
- }
- if ($state eq 'ready') {
- # Ready to accept the beginning of documentation comments.
- # Look for lines that start with '##'.
- if ($line eq "##n") {
- $state = 'start';
- } elsif ($line =~ /^### CATEGORY: (.+)$/) {
- $category = $1;
- $state = 'category';
- }
- } elsif ($state eq 'start') {
- # Reading first line of a documentation comment.
- if ($line =~ /^# MODULE DESCRIPTION: (.+)/) {
- # This comment block is a module description
- $module{name} = $1 if ($1);
- $state = 'module-description';
- } else {
- # This is a function, variable or hash field description.
- my $def;
- # Check whether the declaration is abstract.
- $line =~ s/^# //;
- if ($line =~ /^abstract /) {
- $item{abstract} = 1;
- $line =~ s/^abstract //;
- }
- # Check whether a type is defined.
- if ($line =~ /^([a-z0-9_:*<>]+) (.+)$/i) {
- # Typed
- $def = $2;
- $item{type} = $1;
- } else {
- # Not typed
- $def = $line;
- $def =~ s/n//;
- }
- if ($def =~ /(.*)/) {
- # Function
- ($item{name}, $item{param_declaration}) = $def =~ /^(.*?)((.*))$/;
- } else {
- # Variable or hash field
- $item{name} = $def;
- $item{isVar} = 1;
- $item{param_declaration} = '';
- }
- $state = 'function-params';
- }
- } elsif ($state eq 'module-description') {
- $line =~ s/^# ?//;
- next if ($line eq "n" && length($module{desc}) == 0);
- $module{desc} .= $line;
- } elsif ($state eq 'function-params') {
- $line =~ s/^# ?//;
- if ($line eq "n") {
- # We have reached an empty line. This means there
- # are no parameter descriptions left to read.
- # The next line is the function description.
- $state = 'function-description';
- # The "Returns", "Requires", "Ensures", "Invariant"
- # and "Throws" parameters deserve special treatment.
- my @newParams;
- foreach my $param (@{$item{params}}) {
- if ($param->[0] eq 'Returns') {
- $item{returns} = $param->[1];
- } elsif ($param->[0] eq 'Requires') {
- $item{requires} = $param->[1];
- } elsif ($param->[0] eq 'Ensures') {
- $item{ensures} = $param->[1];
- } elsif ($param->[0] eq 'Invariant') {
- $item{invariant} = $param->[1];
- } elsif ($param->[0] eq 'Throws') {
- $item{throws} = $param->[1];
- } else {
- push @newParams, $param;
- }
- }
- $item{params} = @newParams;
- } else {
- # Process parameter
- $line =~ s/n//;
- if (index($line, ':') == -1) {
- # A ':' character is missing.
- if (@{$item{params}} == 0) {
- # This is an invalid parameter description.
- error ""$line" ($file line $linenum) is not a valid parameter description.n";
- } else {
- # This is part of the previous parameter description.
- $item{params}[$#{$item{params}}][1] .= $line;
- }
- next;
- }
- my ($param, $desc) = split(/ *: */, $line, 2);
- push @{$item{params}}, [$param, $desc];
- }
- } elsif ($state eq 'function-description') {
- $line =~ s/^# ?//;
- next if ($line eq "n" && length($item{desc}) == 0);
- if ($line eq "Example:n") {
- $state = 'function-example';
- next;
- }
- $item{desc} .= $line;
- } elsif ($state eq 'function-example') {
- $line =~ s/^# ?//;
- $item{example} .= $line;
- }
- }
- close(F);
- $modules{$package} = %module;
- return 1;
- }
- 1;