- package Writer;
- use strict;
- use warnings;
- use FindBin;
- use Extractor;
- use Utils;
- use CGI qw(escapeHTML);
- sub error {
- print STDERR "** Error: @_";
- }
- sub makeupText {
- my $text = shift;
- sub list {
- my $text = shift;
- my @list = split(/n+- /, $text);
- foreach (@list) {
- $_ = "<li>$_</li>";
- }
- $text = join("n", @list);
- $text =~ s/<li></li>//sg;
- return "<{ul}>$textn<{/ul}>";
- }
- sub preformatted {
- my ($attrs, $text) = @_;
- $attrs = '' if (!defined($attrs));
- # Remove auto-generated tags inside <pre> blocks.
- $text =~ s/n<{p}>//sg;
- $text =~ s/<{.*?}>//sg;
- return "<pre${attrs}>" . Utils::syntaxHighlight($text) . "</pre>";
- }
- $text =~ s/nn/n<{p}>nn/sg;
- $text =~ s/(</dd>)n<{p}>(n*<dt>)/$1$2/sg;
- $text =~ s/^`l$/<{ul}>/gm;
- $text =~ s/^`l`$/<{/ul}>/gm;
- $text =~ s/<{ul}>(.*?)<{/ul}>/&list($1)/gse;
- $text =~ s/(^| |n)(http://.*?)($| |n)/$1<a href="$2">$2</a>$3/gs;
- sub createFuncLink {
- my $func = shift;
- return '' if (!defined $func);
- my $name = $func;
- $name =~ s/()$//;
- if ($Extractor::functions{$name}) {
- my $file = $Extractor::functions{$name}{package};
- $file =~ s/::/--/g;
- return "<a href="$file.html#$name"><code>$func</code></a>";
- }
- return "<{code}>$func<{/code}>";
- }
- sub linkModule {
- my $text = shift;
- my $package = $text;
- $package =~ s/.pm$//;
- if ($Extractor::modules{$package}) {
- $package =~ s/::/--/g;
- $text = "<a href="${package}.html">$text</a>";
- }
- return $text;
- }
- sub processModuleTag {
- my ($module) = @_;
- if ($Extractor::modules{$module}) {
- my $link = $module;
- $link =~ s/::/--/g;
- return "<a href="$link.html"><code>$module</code></a>";
- } else {
- return "<code>$module</code>";
- }
- }
- sub processClassTag {
- return makeClassLink($_[0]);
- }
- # Links to modules/classes
- $text =~ s/([a-z0-9_:]+.pm)/&linkModule($1)/gie;
- $text =~ s/@MODULE((.*?))/&processModuleTag($1)/gse;
- $text =~ s/@CLASS((.*?))/&processClassTag($1)/gse;
- # Functions
- $text =~ s/($?[a-z0-9_:->]+())/&createFuncLink($1)/gie;
- # Variables
- $text =~ s/(^|n| )([$%@][a-z0-9_{'}:]+)/$1<{code}>$2<{/code}>/gis;
- $text =~ s/(<pre( .*?)?>(.*?)</pre>)/&preformatted($2, $3)/gse;
- $text =~ s/<{(.*?)}>/<$1>/gs;
- return $text;
- }
- sub makeClassLink {
- my ($type) = @_;
- if ($type && $Extractor::classes{$type}) {
- my $package = $Extractor::classes{$type};
- $package =~ s/::/--/g;
- return "<a href="${package}.html">" . escapeHTML($type) . "</a>";
- } else {
- return escapeHTML($type);
- }
- }
- sub parseDataType {
- my ($str) = @_;
- if ($str =~ /^(.+?)<(.+)>(.?)$/) {
- my ($a, $b, $c) = ($1, $2, $3);
- $str = makeClassLink($1) . '<' . parseDataType($2) . '>' . $3;
- return $str;
- } else {
- return makeClassLink($str);
- }
- }
- sub parseDeclarations {
- my ($decl) = @_;
- return "" if ($decl eq "");
- my @params;
- $decl =~ s/^(//;
- $decl =~ s/)$//;
- foreach my $param (split / +, +/, $decl) {
- # Check whether this parameter has a type definition
- if ($param =~ / /) {
- my ($type, $name) = split / /, $param, 2;
- $type = parseDataType($type);
- push @params, "<span class="type">$type</span> " . escapeHTML($name);
- } else {
- push @params, escapeHTML($param);
- }
- }
- return "(" . join(', ', @params) . ")";
- }
- sub compareSymbols {
- if ($a =~ /->new$/) {
- return -1;
- } elsif ($b =~ /->new$/) {
- return 1;
- } else {
- return $a cmp $b;
- }
- }
- sub writeModuleHTML {
- my $module = shift;
- if (! -d 'srcdoc' && !mkdir('srcdoc')) {
- error "Unable to create folder 'srcdoc'n";
- exit 1;
- }
- my $htmlFile = $module->{package};
- $htmlFile =~ s/::/--/g;
- $module->{htmlFile} = "$htmlFile.html";
- $htmlFile = "srcdoc/$htmlFile.html";
- my ($html, $f);
- if (!open($f, "< $FindBin::Bin/data/template.html")) {
- error "Unable to open template $FindBin::Bin/data/template.htmln";
- return 0;
- }
- local($/);
- $html = <$f>;
- close($f);
- if (!open(F, "> $htmlFile")) {
- error "Unable to open $htmlFile for writing.n";
- return 0;
- }
- my $description = makeupText($module->{desc});
- $html =~ s/@TITLE@/$module->{package} - $module->{name}/g;
- $html =~ s/@DESCRIPTION@/$description/;
- $html =~ s/@MODIFIED@/gmtime/ge;
- $html =~ s/@MODULE@/$module->{package}/g;
- sub writeFunctionIndex {
- my $module = shift;
- my $category = shift;
- my $text = '';
- my @symbols = keys %{$module->{categories}{$category}};
- foreach my $itemName (sort compareSymbols @symbols) {
- my $item = $module->{categories}{$category}{$itemName};
- my $name = $item->{name};
- my $abstract = $item->{abstract} ? "abstract " : "";
- my $returnType = parseDataType($item->{type} || "");
- my $decl = parseDeclarations($item->{param_declaration});
- $text .= "<tr onclick="location.href='#$item->{name}';">n" .
- " <td class="return-type">$abstract$returnType</td>n" .
- " <td class="func">" .
- "<a href="#$item->{name}">$name</a>" .
- "</td>n" .
- " <td class="decl">$decl</td>n" .
- "</tr>";
- }
- if ($text ne '') {
- my $title = ($category eq "") ? "Functions in this module" : $category;
- $text = "<p><table class="functionIndex">n" .
- "<tr><th colspan="3">$title</th></tr>" .
- "$textn" .
- "</table>n";
- }
- return $text;
- }
- sub writeFunctionIndices {
- my $module = shift;
- my $text = '';
- foreach my $category (sort (keys %{$module->{categories}})) {
- $text .= writeFunctionIndex($module, $category);
- }
- return $text;
- }
- $html =~ s/@FUNCINDEX@/&writeFunctionIndices($module)/ge;
- sub writeFunctionTable {
- my $module = shift;
- my $text = '';
- my $first = 1;
- foreach my $itemName (sort(keys %{$module->{items}})) {
- my $func = $module->{items}{$itemName};
- my $returnType = parseDataType($func->{type} || "");
- my $abstract = $func->{abstract} ? "abstract " : "";
- my $decl = parseDeclarations($func->{param_declaration});
- my $funcName = escapeHTML($func->{name});
- $text .= "<p><hr class="function_sep">" if (!$first);
- $first = 0;
- $text .= "<p>n<div class="function">" .
- "<a name="$funcName"></a>n" .
- "<h3>$funcName</h3>n" .
- "<dl>nt<dt class="decl">n" .
- "tt<span class="return-type">$abstract $returnType</span>" .
- (($returnType eq "") ? "" : " ") .
- "<strong>$funcName</strong>" .
- "$decln" .
- "t</dt>n" .
- "t<dd>n";
- my $write_bluelist = 0;
- if (@{$func->{params}} || $func->{returns} ne '' ||
- $func->{requires} ne '' || $func->{ensures} ne '' ||
- $func->{invariant} ne '' || $func->{throws} ne '') {
- $write_bluelist = 1;
- $text .= "tt<dl class="params_and_returns">n";
- }
- if (@{$func->{params}}) {
- $text .= "tt<dt class="params"><strong>Parameters:</strong></dt>n";
- foreach my $param (@{$func->{params}}) {
- my $desc = makeupText($param->[1]);
- $text .= "ttt<dd class="param"><code>" . $param->[0] . "</code> : $desc</dd>n";
- }
- }
- if ($func->{requires} ne '') {
- $text .= "tt<dt class="requires"><strong>Requires:</strong></dt>n" .
- "ttt<dd class="requires">" . $func->{requires} . "</dd>n";
- }
- if ($func->{ensures} ne '') {
- $text .= "tt<dt class="ensures"><strong>Ensures:</strong></dt>n" .
- "ttt<dd class="ensures">" . makeupText($func->{ensures})
- . "</dd>n";
- }
- if ($func->{returns} ne '') {
- $text .= "tt<dt class="returns"><strong>Returns:</strong></dt>n" .
- "ttt<dd class="returns">" . $func->{returns} . "</dd>n";
- }
- if ($func->{invariant} ne '') {
- $text .= "tt<dt class="invariant"><strong>Invariant:</strong></dt>n" .
- "ttt<dd class="invariant">" . makeupText($func->{invariant})
- . "</dd>n";
- }
- if ($func->{throws} ne '') {
- $text .= "tt<dt class="throws"><strong>Throws:</strong></dt>n" .
- "ttt<dd class="throws">" . makeupText($func->{throws})
- . "</dd>n";
- }
- if ($write_bluelist) {
- $text .= "tt</dl><p>nn";
- }
- $text .= "tt<div class="desc">" . makeupText($func->{desc}) . "</div>n";
- if ($func->{example} ne '') {
- my $example = $func->{example};
- $text .= "ntt<dl class="example">n" .
- "ttt<dt><strong>Example:</strong></dt>n" .
- "ttt<dd><pre>";
- $text .= Utils::syntaxHighlight($example);
- $text .= "</pre></dd>ntt</dl>n";
- }
- $text .= "t</dd>n</dl>n</div>nnn";
- }
- if ($text ne '') {
- $text = "<p><hr class="details_sep">nn" .
- "<h2>Details</h2>n" .
- "<div class="details">nnn" .
- "$textnnn" .
- "</div>";
- }
- return $text;
- }
- $html =~ s/@FUNCTABLE@/&writeFunctionTable($module)/ge;
- print F $html;
- close(F);
- }
- 1;