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- <div id="title">OpenKore source code documentation</div>
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- <li><b>Artificial intelligence</b></li>
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- <h1>How the AI subsystem is designed</h1>
- The AI subsystem isn't really complex, but it could take a while to understand it's design.
- <p>
- All "intelligence" is handled inside the <code>AI()</code> function (right now it's one big function but
- we hope to split it in the future).
- As explained in the <a>Main loop & initialization</a> page, the <code>AI()</code> function only runs less than a fraction of a second.
- <p>
- Basically, the AI tells Kore to do certain things based on the current situation. I'll try to explain it with some examples.
- <a name="ex1"></a>
- <h2>Example 1: Random walk</h2>
- You're probably familiar with Kore's random walk feature.
- If there are no monsters and Kore isn't doing anything, it will walk to a random spot on the map, and attack any monsters it encounters.
- The following piece of code (within the <code>AI()</code> function makes Kore walk to a random spot if it isn't doing anything:
- <pre class="example">
- 1 <span class="comment">##### RANDOM WALK #####</span>
- 2 <b>if</b> ($config{'route_randomWalk'} && $ai_seq[0] <b>eq</b> "" && @{$field{'field'}} > 1 && !$cities_lut{$field{'name'}.'.rsw'}) {
- 3 <span class="comment"># Find a random block on the map that we can walk on</span>
- 4 <b>do</b> {
- 5 $ai_v{'temp'}{'randX'} = int(rand() * ($field{'width'} - 1));
- 6 $ai_v{'temp'}{'randY'} = int(rand() * ($field{'height'} - 1));
- 7 } <b>while</b> ($field{'field'}[$ai_v{'temp'}{'randY'}*$field{'width'} + $ai_v{'temp'}{'randX'}]);
- 8
- 9 <span class="comment"># Move to that block</span>
- 10 message <span class="cstr">"Calculating random route to: $maps_lut{$field{'name'}.'.rsw'}($field{'name'}): $ai_v{'temp'}{'randX'}, $ai_v{'temp'}{'randY'}n"</span>, <span class="cstr">"route"</span>;
- 11 ai_route(%{$ai_v{'temp'}{'returnHash'}},
- 12 $ai_v{'temp'}{'randX'},
- 13 $ai_v{'temp'}{'randY'},
- 14 $field{'name'},
- 15 0,
- 16 $config{'route_randomWalk_maxRouteTime'},
- 17 2,
- 18 undef,
- 19 undef,
- 20 1);
- 21 }
- </pre>
- We call this block of code an <em class="term">AI code block</em>.
- In other words, an AI code block is <em>an entire block of code which deals with a certain part of the AI</em>.
- <h3>Situation check</h3>
- In line 1, it checks:
- <ol>
- <li>whether the configuration option <code>route_randomWalk</code> is on</li>
- <li>whether there are currently no other active <em class="term">AI sequences</em> (see below)</li>
- <li>whether we're currently NOT in a city </li>
- </ol>
- If all of the above is true, then Kore will run the code inside the brackets.
- <p>
- What is an <em class="term">AI sequence</em>? It is a value within the <code>@ai_seq</code> array.
- This array is a <em>command queue</em>.
- <p>
- AI code blocks prepend values into this array so they can know when it's their turn to do something.
- When an AI code block is done with it's task, it will remove that value from the array.
- So, if <code>@ai_seq</code> is empty, then that means all AI code blocks have finished and Kore isn't doing anything else.
- And this is when the random walk AI code block jumps in.
- <p>
- There is also the <code>@ai_seq_args</code> array, used to store temporary variables used by the current AI code block.
- If a value is prepended into <code>@ai_seq</code>, then a value must also be prepended into <code>@ai_seq_args</code>.
- <h3>Finding a random position to walk to</h3>
- Line 4-7 tries to find a random position in the map that you can walk on.
- (<code>$field{field}</code> is a reference to an array which contains information about which blocks you can and can't walk on.
- But that's not important in this example. You just have to understand what this block does.)
- <p>
- The result coordinate is put into these two variables:
- <ul>
- <li><code>$ai_v{temp}{randX}</code></li>
- <li><code>$ai_v{temp}{randY}</code></li>
- </ul>
- <small>(In case you didn't know, <code>$foo{bar}</code> is the same as <code>$foo{'bar'}</code>.)</small>
- <h3>Moving</h3>
- Line 11-20 is the code which tells Kore to move to the random position.
- It tells <code>ai_route()</code> where it wants to go to.
- <code>ai_route()</code> prepends a <code>"route"</code> AI sequence in <code>@ai_seq</code>, and arguments in a hash
- (which is then prepended into <code>@ai_seq_args</code> and immediately returns.
- Shortly after this, the entire <code>AI()</code> function returns.
- The point is, <code>ai_route()</code> is <em>not synchronous</em>.
- <p>
- In less than a fraction of a second, the <code>AI()</code> function is called again.
- Because the <code>@ai_seq</code> variable is not empty anymore, the random walk AI code block is never activated
- (the expression <code>'$ai_seq[0] eq ""'</code> is false).
- <p>
- The AI code block that handles routing is elsewhere in the <code>AI()</code> function.
- It sees that the first value in <code>@ai_seq</code> is <code>"route"</code>, and thinks <em>"hey, now it's my turn to do something!"</em>.
- (The route AI code block is very complex so I'm not going to explain what it does, but you get the idea.)
- When the route AI code block has finished, it will remove the first item from <code>@ai_seq</code>.
- If <code>@ai_seq</code> is empty, then the random route AI code block is activated again.
- <h2>Example 2: Attacking monsters while walking to a random spot</h2>
- You might want to wonder how Kore is able to determine whether to attack monsters when it's walking.
- Let's take a look at a small piece of it's source code:
- <pre class="example">
- <span class="comment">##### AUTO-ATTACK #####</span>
- <b>if</b> (($ai_seq[0] <b>eq</b> <span class="cstr">""</span> || $ai_seq[0] <b>eq</b> <span class="cstr">"route"</span> || $ai_seq[0] <b>eq</b> <span class="cstr">"route_getRoute"</span> || $ai_seq[0] <b>eq</b> <span class="cstr">"route_getMapRoute"</span> || $ai_seq[0] <b>eq</b> <span class="cstr">"follow"</span>
- || $ai_seq[0] <b>eq</b> <span class="cstr">"sitAuto"</span> || $ai_seq[0] <b>eq</b> <span class="cstr">"take"</span> || $ai_seq[0] <b>eq</b> <span class="cstr">"items_gather"</span> || $ai_seq[0] <b>eq</b> <span class="cstr">"items_take"</span>)
- ...
- </pre>
- As you can see here, the auto-attack AI code block is run if any of the above AI sequences are active.
- So when Kore is walking (<code>$ai_seq_args[0]</code> is "route"), Kore continues to check for monsters to attack.
- <p>
- But as you may know, if you manually type "move WhateEverMapName" in the console, Kore will move to that map without attacking
- monsters (yes, this is intentional behavior). Why is that?
- <p>
- As seen in example 1, the <code>ai_route()</code> function initializes the route AI sequence.
- That function accepts a parameter called "attackOnRoute". <code>$ai_seq_args[0]{attackOnRoute}</code> is set to the same value as this parameter.
- Kore will only attack monsters while moving, if that parameter is set to 1.
- When you type "move" in the console, that parameter is set to 0. The random walk AI code block however sets that parameter to 1.
- <p>
- Inside the auto-attack AI code block, Kore checks whether the argument hash that's associated with the "route" AI sequence has a
- 'attackOnRoute' key, and whether the value is 1.
- <pre class="example">
- ...
- $ai_v{'temp'}{'ai_route_index'} = binFind(@ai_seq, <span class="cstr">"route"</span>);
- <b>if</b> ($ai_v{'temp'}{'ai_route_index'} ne <span class="cstr">""</span>) {
- $ai_v{'temp'}{'ai_route_attackOnRoute'} = $ai_seq_args[$ai_v{'temp'}{'ai_route_index'}]{'attackOnRoute'};
- }
- ...
- <span class="comment"># Somewhere else in the auto-attack AI code block, Kore checks whether
- # $ai_v{'temp'}{'ai_route_attackOnRoute'} is set to 1.</span>
- </pre>
- <h2>Timeouts: To wait a while before doing something</h2>
- In certain cases you may want the program to wait a while before doing anything else.
- For example, you may want to send a "talk to NPC" packet to the server, then send a "choose NPC menu item 2" packet 2 seconds later.
- <p>
- The first thing you would think of is probably to use the <code>sleep()</code> function.
- However, that is a bad idea. <code>sleep()</code> blocks the entire program. During the sleep, nothing else can be performed.
- User command input will not work, other AI sequences are not run, network data is not received, etc.
- <p>
- The right thing to do is to use the <a href="Utils.html#timeOut"><code>timeOut()</code></a> function.
- The API documentation entry for that function has two examples. Here's another example, demonstrating how
- you can use the timeOut() function in an AI sequence. This example initializes a conversation with NPC 1337 (a Kapra NPC).
- Then two seconds later, it sends a "choose NPC menu item 2" packet.
- <pre class="example">
- <span class="comment"># The AI() function is run in the main loop</span>
- <b>sub</b> AI {
- ...
- <b>if</b> ($somethingHappened) {
- <b>my</b> %args;
- $args{stage} = <span class="cstr">'Just started'</span>;
- <b>unshift</b> @ai_seq, <span class="cstr">"NpcExample"</span>;
- <b>unshift</b> @ai_seq_args, %args;
- $somethingHappened = 0;
- }
- <b>if</b> ($ai_seq[0] <b>eq</b> <span class="cstr">"NpcExample"</span>) {
- <b>if</b> ($ai_seq_args[0]{stage} <b>eq</b> <span class="cstr">'Just started'</span>) {
- <span class="comment"># This AI sequence just started
- # Initialize a conversation with NPC 1337</span>
- sendTalk($net, 1337);
- <span class="comment"># Store the current time in a variable</span>
- $ai_seq_args[0]{waitTwoSecs}{time} = <b>time</b>;
- <span class="comment"># We want to wait two seconds</span>
- $ai_seq_args[0]{waitTwoSecs}{timeout} = 2;
- $ai_seq_args[0]{stage} = <span class="cstr">'Initialized conversation'</span>;
- } <b>elsif</b> ($ai_seq_args[0]{stage} <b>eq</b> <span class="cstr">'Initialized conversation'</span>
- <span class="comment"># This 'if' statement is only true if two seconds have passed
- # since $ai_seq_args[0]{waitTwoSecs}{time} is set</span>
- && timeOut( $ai_seq_args[0]{waitTwoSecs} )
- ) {
- <span class="comment"># Two seconds have now passed</span>
- sendTalkResponse($net, 1337, 2);
- <span class="comment"># We're done; remove this AI sequence</span>
- <b>shift</b> @ai_seq;
- <b>shift</b> @ai_seq_args;
- }
- }
- ...
- }
- </pre>
- <h2>Conclusion & summary</h2>
- The entire AI subsystem is kept together by these two variables:
- <ul>
- <li><code>@ai_seq</code> : a queue which contains AI sequence names.
- Usually, AI code blocks are run based on the value of the first item in the queue
- (though this doesn't have to be true; it depends on how the AI code block is programmed).</li>
- <li><code>@ai_seq_args</code> : contains arguments that's associated with current AI sequence.</li>
- </ul>
- The design is pretty simple. This allows the system to be very flexible:
- you can do pretty much anything you want. There aren't many real limitations
- (but that's just my opinion).
- <p>
- The <code>AI()</code> function runs only very shortly. So AI code blocks shouldn't do anything that can block the function for a long time.
- <h3>Glossary</h3>
- <ul>
- <li>An <em class="term">AI code block</em> is an entire block of code which deals with a certain part of the AI.</li>
- <li>An <em class="term">AI sequence</em> is a value within the <code>@ai_seq</code> queue (and an associated value inside the <code>@ai_seq_args</code> array).</li>
- </ul>
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