- /*
- * FEAL8 - Implementation of NTT's FEAL-8 cipher.
- * Version of 11 September 1989.
- */
- #include "feal8.h"
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
- #endif
- typedef unsigned long HalfWord;
- typedef unsigned int QuarterWord;
- static QuarterWord K[16];
- static HalfWord K89, K1011, K1213, K1415;
- static void DissH1( HalfWord H, unsigned char *D );
- static HalfWord f( HalfWord AA, QuarterWord BB );
- static HalfWord MakeH1(unsigned char *B);
- static HalfWord FK( HalfWord AA, HalfWord BB );
- static void DissQ1( QuarterWord Q, unsigned char *B );
- static unsigned char S0(unsigned char X1, unsigned char X2);
- static unsigned char S1(unsigned char X1, unsigned char X2);
- /*
- * Decrypt a block, using the last key set.
- */
- void F8_Decrypt(unsigned char *Cipher, unsigned char *Plain)
- {
- HalfWord L, R, NewL ;
- int r ;
- R = MakeH1( Cipher ) ;
- L = MakeH1( Cipher+4 ) ;
- R ^= K1213 ;
- L ^= K1415 ;
- L ^= R ;
- for ( r = 7 ; r >= 0 ; --r )
- {
- NewL = R ^ f( L, K[r] ) ;
- R = L ;
- L = NewL ;
- }
- R ^= L ;
- R ^= K1011 ;
- L ^= K89 ;
- DissH1( L, Plain ) ;
- DissH1( R, Plain + 4 ) ;
- }
- /*
- * Disassemble the given halfword into 4 bytes.
- */
- static void DissH1( HalfWord H, unsigned char *D )
- {
- union {
- HalfWord All ;
- unsigned char Byte[4] ;
- } T ;
- T.All = H ;
- *D++ = T.Byte[0] ;
- *D++ = T.Byte[1] ;
- *D++ = T.Byte[2] ;
- *D = T.Byte[3] ;
- }
- /*
- * Disassemble a quarterword into two Bytes.
- */
- static void DissQ1( QuarterWord Q, unsigned char *B )
- {
- union {
- QuarterWord All ;
- unsigned char Byte[2] ;
- } QQ ;
- QQ.All = Q ;
- *B++ = QQ.Byte[0] ;
- *B = QQ.Byte[1] ;
- }
- /*
- * Encrypt a block, using the last key set.
- */
- void F8_Encrypt( unsigned char *Plain, unsigned char *Cipher )
- {
- HalfWord L, R, NewR ;
- int r ;
- HalfWord MakeH1( unsigned char * ) ;
- HalfWord f( HalfWord, QuarterWord ) ;
- void DissH1( HalfWord, unsigned char * ) ;
- L = MakeH1( Plain ) ;
- R = MakeH1( Plain+4 ) ;
- L ^= K89 ;
- R ^= K1011 ;
- R ^= L ;
- for ( r = 0 ; r < 8 ; ++r )
- {
- NewR = L ^ f( R, K[r] ) ;
- L = R ;
- R = NewR ;
- }
- L ^= R ;
- R ^= K1213 ;
- L ^= K1415 ;
- DissH1( R, Cipher ) ;
- DissH1( L, Cipher + 4 ) ;
- }
- /*
- * Evaluate the f function.
- */
- static HalfWord f( HalfWord AA, QuarterWord BB )
- {
- unsigned char f1, f2 ;
- union {
- unsigned long All ;
- unsigned char Byte[4] ;
- } RetVal, A ;
- union {
- unsigned int All ;
- unsigned char Byte[2] ;
- } B ;
- A.All = AA ;
- B.All = BB ;
- f1 = A.Byte[1] ^ B.Byte[0] ^ A.Byte[0] ;
- f2 = A.Byte[2] ^ B.Byte[1] ^ A.Byte[3] ;
- f1 = S1( f1, f2 ) ;
- f2 = S0( f2, f1 ) ;
- RetVal.Byte[1] = f1 ;
- RetVal.Byte[2] = f2 ;
- RetVal.Byte[0] = S0( A.Byte[0], f1 ) ;
- RetVal.Byte[3] = S1( A.Byte[3], f2 ) ;
- return RetVal.All ;
- }
- /*
- * Evaluate the FK function.
- */
- static HalfWord FK( HalfWord AA, HalfWord BB )
- {
- unsigned char FK1, FK2 ;
- union {
- unsigned long All ;
- unsigned char Byte[4] ;
- } RetVal, A, B ;
- A.All = AA ;
- B.All = BB ;
- FK1 = A.Byte[1] ^ A.Byte[0] ;
- FK2 = A.Byte[2] ^ A.Byte[3] ;
- FK1 = S1( FK1, FK2 ^ B.Byte[0] ) ;
- FK2 = S0( FK2, FK1 ^ B.Byte[1] ) ;
- RetVal.Byte[1] = FK1 ;
- RetVal.Byte[2] = FK2 ;
- RetVal.Byte[0] = S0( A.Byte[0], FK1 ^ B.Byte[2] ) ;
- RetVal.Byte[3] = S1( A.Byte[3], FK2 ^ B.Byte[3] ) ;
- return RetVal.All ;
- }
- /*
- * Assemble a HalfWord from the four bytes provided.
- */
- static HalfWord MakeH1( unsigned char *B )
- {
- union {
- unsigned long All ;
- unsigned char Byte[4] ;
- } RetVal ;
- RetVal.Byte[0] = *B++ ;
- RetVal.Byte[1] = *B++ ;
- RetVal.Byte[2] = *B++ ;
- RetVal.Byte[3] = *B ;
- return RetVal.All ;
- }
- /*
- * Make a halfword from the two quarterwords given.
- */
- static HalfWord MakeH2( QuarterWord *Q )
- {
- unsigned char B[4] ;
- DissQ1( *Q++, B ) ;
- DissQ1( *Q, B+2 ) ;
- return MakeH1( B ) ;
- }
- /*
- * Evaluate the Rot2 function.
- */
- static unsigned char Rot2( unsigned char X )
- {
- static int First = 1 ;
- static unsigned char RetVal[ 256 ] ;
- if ( First )
- {
- int i, High, Low ;
- for ( i = 0, High = 0, Low = 0 ; i < 256 ; ++i )
- {
- RetVal[ i ] = High + Low ;
- High += 4 ;
- if ( High > 255 )
- {
- High = 0 ;
- ++Low ;
- }
- }
- First = 0 ;
- }
- return RetVal[ X ] ;
- }
- static unsigned char S0( unsigned char X1, unsigned char X2 )
- {
- return Rot2( ( X1 + X2 ) & 0xff ) ;
- }
- static unsigned char S1( unsigned char X1, unsigned char X2 )
- {
- return Rot2( ( X1 + X2 + 1 ) & 0xff ) ;
- }
- /*
- * KP points to an array of 8 bytes.
- */
- void F8_SetKey( unsigned char *KP )
- {
- union {
- HalfWord All ;
- unsigned char Byte[4] ;
- } A, B, D, NewB ;
- union {
- QuarterWord All ;
- unsigned char Byte[2] ;
- } Q ;
- int i ;
- QuarterWord *Out ;
- A.Byte[0] = *KP++ ;
- A.Byte[1] = *KP++ ;
- A.Byte[2] = *KP++ ;
- A.Byte[3] = *KP++ ;
- B.Byte[0] = *KP++ ;
- B.Byte[1] = *KP++ ;
- B.Byte[2] = *KP++ ;
- B.Byte[3] = *KP ;
- D.All = 0 ;
- for ( i = 1, Out = K ; i <= 8 ; ++i )
- {
- NewB.All = FK( A.All, B.All ^ D.All ) ;
- D = A ;
- A = B ;
- B = NewB ;
- Q.Byte[0] = B.Byte[0] ;
- Q.Byte[1] = B.Byte[1] ;
- *Out++ = Q.All ;
- Q.Byte[0] = B.Byte[2] ;
- Q.Byte[1] = B.Byte[3] ;
- *Out++ = Q.All ;
- }
- K89 = MakeH2( K+8 ) ;
- K1011 = MakeH2( K+10 ) ;
- K1213 = MakeH2( K+12 ) ;
- K1415 = MakeH2( K+14 ) ;
- }
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- }
- #endif