- # -*-python-*-
- Import('*')
- import os.path
- import copy
- ############### OpenKore Standard Library ###############
- #osl_objects = env.StaticObject(Split('''
- #OSL/Object.cpp
- #OSL/Exception.cpp
- #OSL/Pointer.cpp
- #OSL/Net/Socket.cpp
- #OSL/Net/ServerSocket.cpp
- #OSL/Threading/Runnable.cpp
- #OSL/Threading/MutexLocker.cpp
- #OSL/Threading/Atomic.cpp
- #OSL/Threading/Mutex.cpp
- #OSL/Threading/Thread.cpp
- #OSL/IO/OutputStream.cpp
- #OSL/IO/InputStream.cpp
- #OSL/IO/IOException.cpp
- #OSL/IO/BufferedOutputStream.cpp
- #'''))
- if win32:
- osl_libs = ['ws2_32']
- else:
- osl_libs = ['pthread']
- if platform == "sunos":
- osl_libs += ['socket', 'nsl']
- #env.Program('OSL/test/unit/run-tests', Split('''
- #OSL/test/unit/main.cpp
- #OSL/test/unit/AtomicTest.cpp
- #OSL/test/unit/ObjectTest.cpp
- #OSL/test/unit/ExceptionTest.cpp
- #OSL/test/unit/PointerTest.cpp
- #''') + osl_objects,
- #LIBS = osl_libs)
- ############### Define sources ###############
- # C/C++ source files
- sources = []
- # XS source files (input : output)
- XS_sources = {}
- ### Pathfinding
- sources += [
- 'PathFinding/algorithm.cpp',
- 'PathFinding/PathFinding.xs.cpp'
- ]
- XS_sources['PathFinding/PathFinding.xs'] = 'PathFinding/PathFinding.xs.cpp'
- ### Translation
- sources += [
- 'Translation/filereader.cpp',
- 'Translation/translator.cpp',
- 'Translation/utils.cpp',
- 'Translation/Translation.xs.cpp'
- ]
- if win32:
- sources += ['Translation/winfilereader.cpp']
- else:
- sources += ['Translation/unixfilereader.cpp']
- XS_sources['Translation/Translation.xs'] = 'Translation/Translation.xs.cpp'
- ### Unix
- if not win32:
- sources += [
- 'unix/unix.cpp',
- 'unix/consoleui.cpp'
- ]
- XS_sources['unix/unix.xs'] = 'unix/unix.cpp';
- perlenv.Depends('unix/unix.cpp', ['unix/consoleui-perl.xs', 'unix/consoleui.h'])
- ## Win32
- if win32:
- sources += [
- 'win32/utils.cpp',
- 'win32/wrapper.c'
- ]
- XS_sources['win32/wrapper.xs'] = 'win32/wrapper.c'
- ## Utils
- sources += [
- 'utils/http-reader.cpp',
- 'utils/std-http-reader.cpp',
- 'utils/mirror-http-reader.cpp',
- 'utils/c-bindings/http-reader.cpp',
- 'utils/perl/HttpReader.cpp',
- 'utils/whirlpool-algorithm.c',
- 'utils/perl/Whirlpool.c',
- 'utils/rijndael-alg-fst.c',
- 'utils/rijndael-api-fst.c',
- 'utils/aes-cfb.c',
- 'utils/perl/Benchmark.cpp'
- ]
- XS_sources['utils/perl/Benchmark.xs'] = 'utils/perl/Benchmark.cpp'
- XS_sources['utils/perl/HttpReader.xs'] = 'utils/perl/HttpReader.cpp'
- XS_sources['utils/perl/Whirlpool.xs'] = 'utils/perl/Whirlpool.c'
- if not win32:
- perlenv.ParseConfig('curl-config --cflags --libs')
- ### Padded packets
- sources += [
- 'PaddedPackets/Algorithms/cast.c',
- 'PaddedPackets/Algorithms/feal8.c',
- 'PaddedPackets/Algorithms/mcg_cipher.c',
- 'PaddedPackets/Algorithms/misty1.c',
- 'PaddedPackets/Algorithms/rmd128.c',
- 'PaddedPackets/Algorithms/safer.c',
- 'PaddedPackets/Algorithms/seal.c',
- 'PaddedPackets/Algorithms/snefru.c',
- 'PaddedPackets/Algorithms/tiger.c',
- 'PaddedPackets/Algorithms/turtle.c',
- 'PaddedPackets/Algorithms/algorithms.cpp',
- 'PaddedPackets/block.cpp',
- 'PaddedPackets/engine.cpp',
- 'PaddedPackets/PaddedPackets.xs.cpp',
- ]
- XS_sources['PaddedPackets/PaddedPackets.xs'] = 'PaddedPackets/PaddedPackets.xs.cpp'
- ### Misc
- sources += [
- 'misc/misc.c',
- 'misc/fastutils.cpp'
- ]
- XS_sources['misc/misc.xs'] = 'misc/misc.c'
- XS_sources['misc/fastutils.xs'] = 'misc/fastutils.cpp'
- ###################################################
- for input, output in XS_sources.iteritems():
- perlenv.XS(output, input)
- ############### XSTools ###############
- # External library dependencies
- deps = copy.copy(osl_libs)
- deps_path = []
- if not win32:
- deps += [READLINE_LIB]
- if have_ncurses:
- deps += ['ncurses']
- else:
- deps += ['termcap']
- deps_path += ['/usr/lib/termcap']
- else:
- deps += ['winmm', 'wininet']
- perlenv['LIBS'] += deps
- perlenv['LIBPATH'] += deps_path
- # We're linking C++ objects so force usage of g++
- XSTools = perlenv.NativeDLL('XSTools', sources, CC = 'g++')
- if not win32 and not darwin:
- # Perl expects, not, so create symlink.
- perlenv.Command('', XSTools,
- [['ln', '-sf', '', '']],
- chdir=1)
- ############### NetRedirect.dll ###############
- if win32:
- sources = [
- 'win32/netredirect.cpp',
- 'win32/utils-netredirect.cpp'
- ]
- libenv.NativeDLL('NetRedirect', sources,
- CC = 'g++',
- LIBS = ['ws2_32'])