- ##########################################################
- # OpenKore - Bus System
- # Bus message (de)serializer
- #
- # This software is open source, licensed under the GNU General Public
- # License, version 2.
- # Basically, this means that you're allowed to modify and distribute
- # this software. However, if you distribute modified versions, you MUST
- # also distribute the source code.
- # See for the full license.
- #
- # $Revision: 5284 $
- # $Id: 5284 2007-01-01 17:26:40Z vcl_kore $
- #
- #########################################################################
- ##
- # MODULE DESCRIPTION: Bus message (de)serializer
- #
- # The core element of the OpenKore Bus System's protocol is the <b>message</b>.
- # This module provides functions for easily serializing Perl data structures into
- # a message, and to deserialize a message into Perl data structures.
- #
- # This module is used internally by the rest of the bus system framework.
- #
- # <h3>Protocol description</h3>
- # I call the message format the "Simple Serializable Message" (SSM). This message
- # format is binary.
- #
- # A message contains the following information:
- # `l
- # - A message identifier (MID). This is a string, which can be anything.
- # - A list of arguments. This is either a list of key-value pairs (a key-value map),
- # or a list of scalars (an array).
- # `l`
- #
- # A message is very comparable to a function call. Imagine the following C++ function:
- #
- # <pre>void copyFile(string from, string to);
- # copyFile("foo.txt", "bar.txt");</pre>
- #
- # `l
- # - The message ID would be "copyFile".
- # - The key/value pairs would look like this:
- # <pre>from = foo.txt
- # to = bar.txt</pre>
- # `l`
- #
- # <h3>Message structure</h3>
- # Note that all integers are big-endian.
- #
- # <h4>Header</h4>
- # Each message starts with a header:
- # <pre>struct {
- # // Header
- # uint32 length; // The length of the entire message, in bytes.
- # uint8 options; // The message type: 0 = key-value map, 1 = array.
- # uint8 MID_length; // The message ID's length.
- # char MID[MID_length]; // The message ID, as a UTF-8 string.
- # } Header;</pre>
- #
- # The <tt>options</tt> field allows you to
- # If <tt>options</tt> is set to 0, then what comes after the header
- # is a list of MapEntry structures, until the end of the message.<br>
- # If <tt>options</tt> is set to 1, then what comes after the header
- # is a list of ArrayEntry structures, until the end of the message.
- #
- # <h4>Key-value map entry</h4>
- # <pre>struct {
- # uint8 key_length; // Length of the key.
- # char key[key_length]; // UTF-8 string.
- #
- # uint8 value_type; // Value type: 0 = binary, 1 = UTF-8 string, 2 = unsigned integer
- # uint24 value_length; // Length of the value.
- # char value[value_length]; // The value data.
- # } MapEntry;</pre>
- #
- # <h4>Array entry</h4>
- # <pre>struct {
- # uint8 type; // Like MapEntry.value_type
- # uint24 length;
- # char value[length];
- # } ArrayEntry;</pre>
- package Bus::Messages;
- use strict;
- use warnings;
- use Modules 'register';
- use Exporter;
- use base qw(Exporter);
- use Encode;
- use Utils::Exceptions;
- our @EXPORT_OK = qw(serialize unserialize);
- ##
- # Bytes Bus::Messages::serialize(String ID, arguments)
- # ID: The message ID.
- # arguments: Reference to either a hash or an array, as the message arguments.
- # Returns: The raw data for the message.
- #
- # Serialize a Perl data structure into a message.
- #
- # This symbol is exportable.
- sub serialize {
- my ($ID, $arguments) = @_;
- # Header
- my $options = (!$arguments || ref($arguments) eq 'HASH') ? 0 : 1;
- my $ID_bytes = toBytes($ID);
- my $data = pack("N C C a*",
- 0, # Message length
- $options, # Options
- length($$ID_bytes), # ID length
- $$ID_bytes); # ID
- if ($options == 0 && $arguments) {
- # Key-value map arguments.
- my ($key, $value);
- while (($key, $value) = each %{$arguments}) {
- my $key_bytes = toBytes($key);
- my ($type, $value_bytes);
- $value_bytes = valueToData($type, $value);
- $data .= pack("C a* C a3 a*",
- length($$key_bytes),
- $$key_bytes,
- $type,
- toInt24(length($$value_bytes)),
- $$value_bytes
- );
- }
- } elsif ($options == 1) {
- # Array arguments.
- foreach my $entry (@{$arguments}) {
- my ($type, $value_bytes);
- $value_bytes = valueToData($type, $entry);
- $data .= pack("C a3 a*",
- $type,
- toInt24(length($$value_bytes)),
- $$value_bytes
- );
- }
- }
- substr($data, 0, 4, pack("N", length($data)));
- return $data;
- }
- ##
- # Bus::Messages::unserialize(Bytes data, String* ID, [int* processed])
- # data: The raw message data.
- # ID: A reference to a scalar. The message ID will be stored here.
- # processed: A reference to a scalar. The number of bytes processed will be stored in
- # here. This argument may be undef.
- # Returns: A reference to a hash or an array. These are the arguments of the message.
- # Returns undef if $data is not a complete message.
- #
- # Unserialize a message into a Perl data structure.
- #
- # Note that the return values for $ID and $processed are only meaningful if
- # the function's return value is not undef.
- #
- # This symbol is exportable.
- sub unserialize {
- my ($data, $r_ID, $processed) = @_;
- my $dataLen = length($data);
- return undef if ($dataLen < 4);
- # Header
- my $messageLen = unpack("N", $data);
- return undef if ($dataLen < $messageLen);
- my ($options, $ID) = unpack("x[N] C C/a", $data);
- Encode::_utf8_on($ID);
- if (!Encode::is_utf8($ID, 1)) {
- UTF8MalformedException->throw("Malformed UTF-8 data in message ID.");
- }
- my $offset = 6 + length($ID);
- my $args;
- if ($options == 0) {
- # Key-value map arguments.
- $args = {};
- while ($offset < $messageLen) {
- # Key and type.
- my ($key, $type) = unpack("x[$offset] C/a C", $data);
- Encode::_utf8_on($key);
- if (!Encode::_utf8_on($key)) {
- UTF8MalformedException->throw("Malformed UTF-8 data in key.");
- }
- $offset += 2 + length($key);
- # Value length.
- my ($valueLen) = substr($data, $offset, 3);
- $valueLen = fromInt24($valueLen);
- $offset += 3;
- # Value.
- my ($value) = substr($data, $offset, $valueLen);
- dataToValue($type, $value);
- $args->{$key} = $value;
- $offset += $valueLen;
- }
- } else {
- # Array arguments.
- $args = [];
- while ($offset < $messageLen) {
- # Type and length.
- my ($type, $len) = unpack("x[$offset] C a3", $data);
- $len = fromInt24($len);
- $offset += 4;
- # Value.
- my ($value) = substr($data, $offset, $len);
- dataToValue($type, $value);
- push @{$args}, $value;
- $offset += $len;
- }
- }
- $$r_ID = $ID;
- $$processed = $messageLen if ($processed);
- return $args;
- }
- # Converts a String to Bytes, with as little copying as possible.
- #
- # r_string: A reference to a String.
- # Returns: A reference to the UTF-8 data as Bytes.
- sub toBytes {
- my ($r_string) = @_;
- if (Encode::is_utf8($$r_string)) {
- my $data = Encode::encode_utf8($$r_string);
- return $data;
- } else {
- return $r_string;
- }
- }
- # Bytes toInt24(int i)
- # Ensures: length(result) == 3
- #
- # Converts a Perl scalar to a 24-bit unsigned big-endian integer.
- sub toInt24 {
- my ($i) = @_;
- return substr(pack("N", $i), 1, 3);
- }
- # int fromInt24(Bytes data)
- # Requires: length($data) == 3
- #
- # Convert a 24-bit unsigned big-endian integer to a Perl scalar.
- sub fromInt24 {
- my ($data) = @_;
- return unpack("N", "