- #!/usr/bin/env perl
- #########################################################################
- # This software is open source, licensed under the GNU General Public
- # License, version 2.
- # Basically, this means that you're allowed to modify and distribute
- # this software. However, if you distribute modified versions, you MUST
- # also distribute the source code.
- # See for the full license.
- #
- #########################################################################
- package autoupdate;
- use strict;
- use FindBin qw($RealBin);
- use lib "$RealBin";
- use lib "$RealBin/src";
- use lib "$RealBin/src/deps";
- use Time::HiRes qw(time usleep);
- use Carp::Assert;
- # Update base
- use SVN::Updater;
- sub check_svn_util {
- my $saa = SVN::Updater->new({ path => "."});
- if ($saa->_svn_command("help") == -1) {
- print "Warning!!!!!!!!!!! To use this tool please Install "Subversion Client" toolsn";
- sleep (60000);
- return -1;
- };
- return 1;
- };
- sub upgrade {
- my ($path, $repos_name) = @_;
- print "Chenking " . $repos_name . " for updates...n";
- my $sa = SVN::Updater->load({ path => $path });
- my ($local_ver, $global_ver) = $sa->info();
- if ($local_ver < $global_ver) {
- print " Updates found.n";
- # List user modifed files
- if (@{ $sa->modified } ) {
- print " User modification Detected!!!!n";
- print " User modified files:n";
- print " "; #initial separator
- print join("n ", @{ $sa->modified }) . "n";
- };
- # List Changes
- if (@{ $sa->added } || @{ $sa->deleted } || @{ $sa->missing } || @{ $sa->changes }) {
- print " Updating files:n";
- print " "; #initial separator
- print join("n ", @{ $sa->added }, @{ $sa->deleted }, @{ $sa->missing }, @{ $sa->changes }) . "n";
- };
- # Fetching Updates
- print " Fetching updates...n";
- $sa->update("--force", "--accept theirs-conflict");
- print " Done updating " . $repos_name . "n";
- } else {
- print " No Updates Needed.n";
- };
- };
- print "-===================== OpenKore Auto Update tool =====================-n";
- if (check_svn_util() == 1) {
- upgrade(".", "OpenKore core files") if ((-d "src")&&(-d "src/.svn"));
- upgrade("tables", "OpenKore table data files") if ((-d "tables")&&(-d "tables/.svn"));
- upgrade("fields", "OpenKore map data files") if ((-d "fields")&&(-d "fields/.svn"));
- };
- print "-=========================== Done Updating ===========================-nnn";
- # Run main App
- my $file = "";
- $0 = $file;
- FindBin::again();
- {
- package main;
- do $file;
- }
- 1;