- Java反编译工具体会收藏
- 做Java已经有4年多了,Java反编译工具开始是使用小颖,后来使用DJ Java Decompiler(破解版,嘿嘿),后来不能用了,用google一搜,发现大家都开始使用jad+jadclipse了,用了一段时间了,发现真是好用啊。看来要经常跳上井沿goole以下阿,了解一下新动态。
- 看jad网站说jad的bug和限制:
- 1.包含有内部类,则jad处理构造函数的参数时会出错;
- 2.不支持zip和jar包。(注:如果使用Eclipse插件,则很容易得到包中的某个类的反编译代码)
- 3.当有标签块,嵌套循环中有break/continue,有goto语句的时候,会提示信息“Couldn't fully decompile method <name>”;当有try-catch-finally语句的时候会提示信息“Couldn't resolve all exception handlers in method <name>”
- 4. Currently Jad ignores the contents of the Line Number Table Attribute and the Source File Attribute(不明白什么意思)
- 5.JAD不能处理继承信息,总是把java.lang.Object作为两个不同类的通用父类,需要的时候做强制转换
- 6.jad对inlined functions处理不好
- jad使用过程中发现
- SharkUtilities.releaseTransaction(t);
- Exception exception;
- exception;
- SharkUtilities.releaseTransaction(t);
- throw exception;这个一般是try-catch-finally语句中的
- finally...{
- SharkUtilities.releaseTransaction(t);
- }语句。
- 类似于
- Exception ex;
- if(!connected)
- throw new NotConnected("The connection is not established...");
- SecurityManager sm = SharkEngineManager.getInstance().getSecurityManager();
- if(sm != null)
- try
- ...{
- sm.check_executionadministration_get_sequence_processmgr(t, userId);
- }
- // Misplaced declaration of an exception variable
- catch(Exception ex)
- ...{
- throw new BaseException(ex);
- }
- return SharkEngineManager.getInstance().getObjectFactory().createProcessMgrIteratorWrapper(t, userId).get_next_n_sequence(t, max_number);
- ex;
- cus.info("ExecutionAdmin -> Unexpected error while user tries to get the list of process managers");
- throw new BaseException(ex);应该是
- try...{
- if(!connected)
- throw new NotConnected("The connection is not established...");
- SecurityManager sm = SharkEngineManager.getInstance().getSecurityManager();
- if(sm != null)
- try
- ...{
- sm.check_executionadministration_get_sequence_processmgr(t, userId);
- }
- // Misplaced declaration of an exception variable
- catch(Exception ex)
- ...{
- throw new BaseException(ex);
- }
- return SharkEngineManager.getInstance().getObjectFactory().createProcessMgrIteratorWrapper(t, userId).get_next_n_sequence(t, max_number);
- }catch(Exception ex)...{
- cus.info("ExecutionAdmin -> Unexpected error while user tries to get the list of process managers");
- throw new BaseException(ex);
- }嵌套try-catch
- 本文来自CSDN博客,转载请标明出处:http://blog.csdn.net/lkj107/archive/2008/05/26/2484191.aspx