- unit NetBEUI;
- //{$define NCB_CHECK}
- interface
- uses SysUtils,windows,winsock,nb30,classes,dialogs;
- type
- TNetBEUI=class(TComponent)
- protected
- pNetBiosInfo:PNameBuffer;
- FMacAddr:string;
- FLocalName,FRemoteName:String;
- FAdapterType:BYTE;
- FNameList:TList;
- procedure NBCheck(ncb:TNCB);
- procedure MakeNetbiosName(var Dest:array of char;Src:string);
- function NBReset(nLana,nSessions,nNames:integer):Boolean;
- function NBListNames(nLana:Integer;strHostName:string):Boolean;
- function NBAdapterStatus(nLana:Integer;pBuf:PChar;bufLen:Integer;strHostName:String):Boolean;
- procedure GetHostNames(strRemoteIp:String);
- function GetErrorMsg(rc:char):string;
- public
- constructor Create(AOwner:TComponent);override;
- destructor Destroy;override;
- function GetNetBiosStatus(IpAddr:String):Boolean;
- function GetMACAddr:string;
- function GetNetBiosNameList:TList;
- function GetRemoteHostName:string;
- function GetAdapterType:BYTE;
- class function GetLocalMAC:String;
- end;
- const
- implementation
- { TNetBEUI }
- constructor TNetBEUI.Create(AOwner:TComponent);
- begin
- Inherited;
- FNameList:=TList.Create;
- end;
- destructor TNetBEUI.Destroy;
- var
- i:Integer;
- begin
- for i:=0 to FNameList.Count-1 do
- begin
- FreeMem(FNameList.Items[i]);
- end;
- Inherited;
- end;
- function TNetBEUI.GetAdapterType: BYTE;
- begin
- Result:=FAdapterType;
- end;
- function TNetBEUI.GetErrorMsg(rc: char): string;
- begin
- case rc of
- Chr($00) : Result := 'good return' ;
- Chr($01) : Result := 'illegal buffer length' ;
- Chr($03) : Result := 'illegal command' ;
- Chr($05) : Result := 'command timed out' ;
- Chr($06) : Result := 'message incomplete, issue another command' ;
- Chr($07) : Result := 'illegal buffer address' ;
- Chr($08) : Result := 'session number out of range' ;
- Chr($09) : Result := 'no resource available' ;
- Chr($0a) : Result := 'session closed' ;
- Chr($0b) : Result := 'command cancelled' ;
- Chr($0d) : Result := 'duplicate name' ;
- Chr($0e) : Result := 'name table full' ;
- Chr($0f) : Result := 'no deletions, name has active sessions' ;
- Chr($11) : Result := 'local session table full' ;
- Chr($12) : Result := 'remote session table full' ;
- Chr($13) : Result := 'illegal name number' ;
- Chr($14) : Result := 'no callname' ;
- Chr($15) : Result := 'cannot put * in NCB_NAME' ;
- Chr($16) : Result := 'name in use on remote adapter' ;
- Chr($17) : Result := 'name deleted' ;
- Chr($18) : Result := 'session ended abnormally' ;
- Chr($19) : Result := 'name conflict detected' ;
- Chr($21) : Result := 'interface busy, IRET before retrying' ;
- Chr($22) : Result := 'too many commands outstanding, retry later' ;
- Chr($23) : Result := 'NCB_lana_num field invalid' ;
- Chr($24) : Result := 'command completed while cancel occurring' ;
- Chr($26) : Result := 'command not valid to cancel' ;
- Chr($30) : Result := 'name defined by anther local process' ;
- Chr($34) : Result := 'environment undefined. RESET required' ;
- Chr($35) : Result := 'required OS resources exhausted' ;
- Chr($36) : Result := 'max number of applications exceeded' ;
- Chr($37) : Result := 'no saps available for netbios' ;
- Chr($38) : Result := 'requested resources are not available' ;
- Chr($39) : Result := 'invalid ncb address or length > segment' ;
- Chr($3B) : Result := 'invalid NCB DDID' ;
- Chr($3C) : Result := 'lock of user area failed' ;
- Chr($3f) : Result := 'NETBIOS not loaded' ;
- Chr($40) : Result := 'system error' ;
- Chr($ff) : Result := 'asynchronous command is not yet finished' ;
- else Result := 'unknown'
- end ;
- end;
- procedure TNetBEUI.GetHostNames(strRemoteIp: String);
- var
- ent:PHostEnt;
- addr:DWORD;
- begin
- addr:=inet_addr(PChar(strRemoteIp));
- ent:=gethostbyaddr(@addr,4,AF_INET);
- if(ent<>nil)then FRemoteName:=ent.h_name
- else FRemoteName:='无法获得';
- //FreeMem(ent);
- end;
- function HexBL(vv: Byte): String;
- begin
- // result:=D2H(vv , 2)+' '//十进制转十六进制;
- Result:=Format('%X',[vv]);
- end;
- class function TNetBEUI.GetLocalMAC: String;
- var
- NCB : TNCB ; // Netbios control block //NetBios控制块
- ADAPTER : TADAPTERSTATUS ; // Netbios adapter status//取网卡状态
- LANAENUM : TLANAENUM ; // Netbios lana
- intIdx : Integer ; // Temporary work value//临时变量
- cRC : Char ; // Netbios return code//NetBios返回值
- strTemp : String ; // Temporary string//临时变量
- begin
- // Initialize
- Result := '' ;
- try
- // Zero control blocl
- ZeroMemory(@NCB,SizeOf(NCB)) ;
- // Issue enum command
- NCB.ncb_command := Chr(NCBENUM) ;
- //cRC := NetBios(@NCB) ;//Modify by Gale
- NetBios(@NCB);
- // Reissue enum command
- NCB.ncb_buffer := @LANAENUM ;
- NCB.ncb_length := SizeOf(LANAENUM) ;
- cRC := NetBios(@NCB) ;
- if Ord(cRC)<>0 then
- exit ;
- // Reset adapter
- ZeroMemory(@NCB,SizeOf(NCB)) ;
- NCB.ncb_command := Chr(NCBRESET) ;
- NCB.ncb_lana_num := LANAENUM.lana[0] ;
- cRC := NetBios(@NCB) ;
- if Ord(cRC)<>0 then
- exit ;
- // Get adapter address
- ZeroMemory(@NCB,SizeOf(NCB)) ;
- NCB.ncb_command := Chr(NCBASTAT) ;
- NCB.ncb_lana_num := LANAENUM.lana[0] ;
- StrPCopy(NCB.ncb_callname,'*') ;
- NCB.ncb_buffer := @ADAPTER ;
- NCB.ncb_length := SizeOf(ADAPTER) ;
- //cRC := NetBios(@NCB) ;//Modify by Gale remove Hint:'cRC' never used
- NetBios(@NCB);
- // Convert it to string
- strTemp := HexBL(Byte(ADAPTER.Adapter_Address[0]));
- for intIdx := 1 to 5 do
- strTemp := strTemp+':'+HexBL(Byte(ADAPTER.adapter_address[intIdx]));
- Result := strTemp ;
- finally
- end ;
- end;
- function TNetBEUI.GetMACAddr: string;
- begin
- Result:=FMacAddr;
- end;
- function TNetBEUI.GetNetBiosNameList:TList;
- begin
- Result:=FNameList;
- end;
- function TNetBEUI.GetNetBiosStatus(IpAddr: String): Boolean;
- begin
- if (NBReset (LANANUM, 10, 10))then
- begin
- if (NBListNames (LANANUM,IpAddr))then
- begin
- Result:=True;
- end
- else Result:=False;
- end
- else result:=False;
- end;
- function TNetBEUI.GetRemoteHostName: string;
- begin
- Result:=FRemoteName;
- end;
- procedure TNetBEUI.MakeNetbiosName(var Dest:array of char; Src: string);
- var
- l,i:Integer;
- begin
- l:=Length(Src);//cchSrc = lstrlen (szSrc);
- if(l>NCBNAMSZ)then l:=NCBNAMSZ; //if (cchSrc > NCBNAMSZ) cchSrc = NCBNAMSZ;
- //for i:=0 to NCBNAMSZ-l do Dest[i]:=chr($20);
- FillMemory(@Dest,NCBNAMSZ,$20);
- for i:=1 to l do Dest[i-1]:=Src[i];
- end;
- function TNetBEUI.NBAdapterStatus(nLana: Integer; pBuf: PChar;
- bufLen: Integer; strHostName: String): Boolean;
- var
- ncb:TNCB;
- begin
- ZeroMemory(@ncb,sizeof(ncb));
- ncb.ncb_command := chr(NCBASTAT);
- ncb.ncb_lana_num := chr(nLana);
- ncb.ncb_buffer :=pBuf;
- ncb.ncb_length := bufLen;
- ncb.ncb_rto:=chr(10);
- ncb.ncb_sto:=chr(2);
- MakeNetbiosName (ncb.ncb_callname, strHostName);
- Netbios (@ncb);
- NBCheck (ncb);
- Result:=(chr(NRC_GOODRET) = ncb.ncb_retcode);
- end;
- procedure TNetBEUI.NBCheck(ncb: TNCB);
- begin
- {$ifdef NCB_CHECK}
- if(ncb.ncb_retcode<>chr(NRC_GOODRET))then
- ShowMessage(GetErrorMsg(ncb.ncb_retcode));
- {$endif}
- end;
- function TNetBEUI.NBListNames(nLana: Integer;
- strHostName: string): Boolean;
- var
- i,bufLen:Integer;
- pStatus:PAdapterStatus;
- pNames:PNameBuffer;
- begin
- GetHostNames(PChar(strHostName));
- // Allocate the largest buffer that might be needed.
- bufLen:= sizeof (TAdapterStatus) + 255 * sizeof (TNameBuffer);
- pStatus:= AllocMem(bufLen); //(ADAPTER_STATUS *) HeapAlloc (hHeap, 0, cbBuffer);
- if(pStatus=nil)then
- begin
- Result:=False;
- Exit;
- end;
- if (not NBAdapterStatus (nLana,Pointer(pStatus),bufLen, strHostName))then
- begin
- FreeMem(pStatus);
- Result:=False;
- Exit;
- end;
- // The list of names follows the adapter status structure.
- pNames :=PNameBuffer(
- PChar(pStatus)
- +sizeof(TAdapterStatus)
- );
- {FMacAddr:=format('%02x_%02x_%02x_%02x_%02x_%02x',
- [Ord(pStatus.adapter_address[0]),
- Ord(pStatus.adapter_address[1]),
- Ord(pStatus.adapter_address[2]),
- Ord(pStatus.adapter_address[3]),
- Ord(pStatus.adapter_address[4]),
- Ord(pStatus.adapter_address[5])]);}
- FMacAddr:=
- IntToHex(Ord(pStatus.adapter_address[0]),2)+'-'+
- IntToHex(Ord(pStatus.adapter_address[1]),2)+'-'+
- IntToHex(Ord(pStatus.adapter_address[2]),2)+'-'+
- IntToHex(Ord(pStatus.adapter_address[3]),2)+'-'+
- IntToHex(Ord(pStatus.adapter_address[4]),2)+'-'+
- IntToHex(Ord(pStatus.adapter_address[5]),2);
- FAdapterType:=BYTE(pStatus.adapter_type);
- for i:= 0 to pStatus.name_count-1 do
- begin
- pNetBiosInfo:=AllocMem(sizeof(TNameBuffer));
- // pNetBiosInfo^:=(pNames)[i];
- pNetBiosInfo^:=PNameBuffer(PChar(pNames)+sizeof(TNameBuffer)*i)^;
- FNameList.Add(pNetBiosInfo);
- end;
- FreeMem(pStatus);
- Result:=True;
- end;
- function TNetBEUI.NBReset(nLana, nSessions, nNames: integer): Boolean;
- var
- ncb:TNCB;
- begin
- {
- NCB ncb;
- memset (&ncb, 0, sizeof (ncb));
- ncb.ncb_command = NCBRESET;
- ncb.ncb_lsn = 0; // Allocate new lana_num resources
- ncb.ncb_lana_num = nLana;
- ncb.ncb_callname[0] = nSessions; // maximum sessions
- ncb.ncb_callname[2] = nNames; // maximum names
- Netbios (&ncb);
- NBCheck (ncb);
- return (NRC_GOODRET == ncb.ncb_retcode);
- }
- ZeroMemory(@ncb,sizeof(ncb));
- ncb.ncb_command := chr(NCBRESET);
- ncb.ncb_lsn := chr(0); // Allocate new lana_num resources
- ncb.ncb_lana_num := chr(nLana);
- ncb.ncb_callname[0] := chr(nSessions); // maximum sessions
- ncb.ncb_callname[2] := chr(nNames); // maximum names
- Netbios (@ncb);
- //NBCheck (ncb);
- //Result:=(chr(NRC_GOODRET) = ncb.ncb_retcode);
- Result:=true;
- end;
- end.