- unit DBF;
- (* ===========================================================================
- * dbf.dcu - tDBF : A custom data set which uses a flat binary
- * structured datafile for single client usage only.
- *
- * Author: Horacio Jamilis
- * Copyright (C) 1998, Terabyte Computacion
- *
- * ===========================================================================
- * v 0.91
- * - Fixed error on deleting records
- * - Added filtering capabilities (work wrong when there are no records within
- * the filter expresion - Only support expresion with one field like
- * "NUMFIELD>10" or "TEXTFIELD<='TEST'" or "DATEFIELD=19980626"
- * (in yyyymmdd format)).
- * ===========================================================================
- * FOR C++ Builder users:
- * Use the file named DBF_C instead of this one.
- * Especial thanks to Michael Beauregard (Michael_Beauregard@mck.com).
- * ===========================================================================
- *)
- interface
- uses
- SysUtils, Classes, Db, DsgnIntf;
- type
- TFilenameProperty = class(TStringProperty)
- public
- procedure Edit; override;
- function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; override;
- end;
- EDBFError = class (Exception);
- pDateTime = ^TDateTime;
- pBoolean = ^Boolean;
- pInteger = ^Integer;
- PRecInfo = ^TRecInfo;
- TRecInfo = record
- Bookmark: Longint;
- BookmarkFlag: TBookmarkFlag;
- end;
- TdbfHeader = record { Dbase III + header definition }
- VersionNumber :byte; { version number (03h or 83h ) }
- LastUpdateYear :byte; { last update YY MM DD }
- LastUpdateMonth :byte;
- LastUpdateDay :byte;
- NumberOfRecords :longint; { number of record in database }
- BytesInHeader :smallint;{ number of bytes in header }
- BytesInRecords :smallint;{ number of bytes in records }
- ReservedInHeader :array[1..20] of char; { reserved bytes in header }
- end;
- TdbfField = record
- FieldName :array[1..11] of char; { Name of this record }
- FieldType :char; { type of record - C,N,D,L,etc. }
- fld_addr :longint; { not used }
- Width :byte; { total field width of this record }
- Decimals :byte; { number of digits to right of decimal }
- MultiUser :smallint; { reserved for multi user }
- WorkAreaID :byte; { Work area ID }
- MUser :smallint; { reserved for multi_user }
- SetFields :byte; { SET_FIELDS flag }
- Reserved :array[1..4] of byte; { 8 bytes reserved }
- end; { record starts }
- Type
- pRecordHeader = ^tRecordHeader;
- tRecordHeader = record
- DeletedFlag : char;
- end;
- type
- TDBF = class(TDataSet)
- protected
- FStream: TStream; // the physical table
- FTableName: string; // table path and file name
- fDBFHeader : TdbfHeader;
- // record data
- fRecordHeaderSize : Integer; // The size of the record header
- FRecordCount, // current number of record
- FRecordSize, // the size of the actual data
- FRecordBufferSize, // data + housekeeping (TRecInfo)
- FRecordInfoOffset, // offset of RecInfo in record buffer
- FCurrentRecord, // current record (0 to FRecordCount - 1)
- BofCrack, // before the first record (crack)
- EofCrack: Integer; // after the last record (crack)
- FIsTableOpen: Boolean; // status
- FFileWidth, // field widths in record
- FFileDecimals, // field decimals in record
- FFileOffset: TList; // field offsets in record
- fReadOnly : Boolean; // Enhancements
- fStartData : Integer; // Position in file where data starts
- function FFieldType(F : char):TFieldType;
- function FFieldSize(FType:char;FWidth:integer):integer;
- protected
- // TDataSet virtual abstract method
- function AllocRecordBuffer: PChar; override;
- procedure FreeRecordBuffer(var Buffer: PChar); override;
- procedure GetBookmarkData(Buffer: PChar; Data: Pointer); override;
- function GetBookmarkFlag(Buffer: PChar): TBookmarkFlag; override;
- function GetFieldData(Field: TField; Buffer: Pointer): Boolean; override;
- function GetRecord(Buffer: PChar; GetMode: TGetMode; DoCheck: Boolean): TGetResult; override;
- function GetRecordSize: Word; override;
- procedure InternalAddRecord(Buffer: Pointer; Append: Boolean); override;
- procedure InternalClose; override;
- procedure InternalDelete; override;
- procedure InternalFirst; override;
- procedure InternalGotoBookmark(Bookmark: Pointer); override;
- procedure InternalHandleException; override;
- procedure InternalInitFieldDefs; override;
- procedure InternalInitRecord(Buffer: PChar); override;
- procedure InternalLast; override;
- procedure InternalOpen; override;
- procedure InternalPost; override;
- procedure InternalSetToRecord(Buffer: PChar); override;
- function IsCursorOpen: Boolean; override;
- procedure SetBookmarkFlag(Buffer: PChar; Value: TBookmarkFlag); override;
- procedure SetBookmarkData(Buffer: PChar; Data: Pointer); override;
- procedure SetFieldData(Field: TField; Buffer: Pointer); override;
- // TDataSet virtual method (optional)
- function GetRecordCount: Integer; override;
- procedure SetRecNo(Value: Integer); override;
- function GetRecNo: Integer; override;
- Procedure WriteHeader;
- private
- Procedure _ReadRecord(Buffer:PChar;IntRecNum:Integer);
- Procedure _WriteRecord(Buffer:PChar;IntRecNum:Integer);
- Procedure _AppendRecord(Buffer:PChar);
- Procedure _SwapRecords(Rec1,REc2:Integer);
- Function _CompareRecords(SortFields:Array of String;Rec1,Rec2:Integer):Integer;
- Function _ProcessFilter(Buffer:PChar):boolean;
- public
- constructor Create(AOwner:tComponent); override;
- procedure CreateTable;
- Procedure PackTable;
- Procedure SortTable(SortFields : Array of String);
- Procedure UnsortTable;
- published
- property TableName: string read FTableName write FTableName;
- property ReadOnly : Boolean read fReadOnly write fReadonly default False;
- property DBFHeader : tDBFHeader read fDBFHeader;
- // redeclared data set properties
- property Active;
- property Filter;
- property Filtered;
- property BeforeOpen;
- property AfterOpen;
- property BeforeClose;
- property AfterClose;
- property BeforeInsert;
- property AfterInsert;
- property BeforeEdit;
- property AfterEdit;
- property BeforePost;
- property AfterPost;
- property BeforeCancel;
- property AfterCancel;
- property BeforeDelete;
- property AfterDelete;
- property BeforeScroll;
- property AfterScroll;
- property OnCalcFields;
- property OnDeleteError;
- property OnEditError;
- property OnNewRecord;
- property OnPostError;
- end;
- procedure Register;
- implementation
- uses
- TypInfo, Dialogs, Windows, Forms, Controls, IniFiles;
- Const
- dfhVersionNumber = 13;
- PBufArray = ^BufArray;
- BufArray = Array[0..0] of Char;
- // ****************************************************************************
- // Low Level Routines for accessing an internal record
- // ____________________________________________________________________________
- // TDBF._ReadRecord
- Procedure TDBF._ReadRecord(Buffer:PChar;IntRecNum:Integer);
- {-Read a record based on the internal record number (absolute)}
- FStream.Position := FStartData + (FRecordSize * IntRecNum);
- try
- FStream.ReadBuffer(Buffer^, FRecordSize);
- except
- end;
- END;
- // ____________________________________________________________________________
- // TDBF._WriteRecord
- Procedure TDBF._WriteRecord(Buffer:PChar;IntRecNum:Integer);
- {-Write a record based on the internal record number (absolute)}
- FStream.Position := FStartData + (FRecordSize * IntRecNum);
- FStream.WriteBuffer (Buffer^, FRecordSize);
- END;
- // ____________________________________________________________________________
- // TDBF._AppendRecord
- Procedure TDBF._AppendRecord(Buffer:PChar);
- FStream.Position := FStartData + (FRecordSize * (FRecordCount{+FDeletedCount}));
- FStream.WriteBuffer (Buffer^, FRecordSize);
- END;
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////
- ////// Part I:
- ////// Initialization, opening, and closing
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // ____________________________________________________________________________
- // TDBF.InternalOpen
- // I: open the table/file
- procedure TDBF.InternalOpen;
- var
- Field : TField;
- i,j : integer;
- d : string;
- begin
- // check if the file exists
- if not FileExists (FTableName) then
- raise eDBFError.Create ('Open: Table file not found');
- // create a stream for the file
- if fReadOnly then
- fStream := tFileStream.Create( fTableName, fmOpenRead + fmShareDenyWrite)
- else
- FStream := TFileStream.Create (FTableName, fmOpenReadWrite + fmShareExclusive);
- fStream.ReadBuffer(fDBFHeader,SizeOf(TDBFHeader));
- // sets cracks and record position
- BofCrack := -1;
- EofCrack := fRecordCount{+fDeletedCount};
- FCurrentRecord := BofCrack;
- // set the bookmark size
- BookmarkSize := sizeOf (Integer);
- if not (assigned(FFileOffset)) then
- FFileOffset := TList.Create;
- if not (assigned(FFileWidth)) then
- FFileWidth := TList.Create;
- if not (assigned(FFileDecimals)) then
- FFileDecimals := TList.Create;
- // initialize the field definitions
- // (another virtual abstract method of TDataSet)
- InternalInitFieldDefs;
- FRecordInfoOffset := FRecordSize;
- FRecordBufferSize := FRecordSize + sizeof (TRecInfo);
- // if there are no persistent field objects,
- // create the fields dynamically
- if DefaultFields then
- CreateFields;
- // connect the TField objects with the actual fields
- BindFields (True);
- for i := 0 to FieldCount-1 do
- begin
- Field := Fields[i];
- if (Field.DataType = ftFloat) and (Integer(FFileDecimals[i])>0) then
- begin
- d := '0.';
- for j := 1 to Integer(FFileDecimals[i]) do
- d := d + '0';
- (Field as TFloatField).DisplayFormat := d;
- end;
- end;
- // get the number of records and check size
- fRecordCount := fDBFHeader.NumberOfRecords;
- // everything OK: table is now open
- FIsTableOpen := True;
- // ShowMessage ('InternalOpen: RecCount: ' + IntToStr (FRecordCount));
- end;
- // Returns the Type of the field
- function TDBF.FFieldType(F : char):TFieldType;
- begin
- if F = 'C' then
- FFieldType := ftString
- else if (F = 'N') or (F = 'F') then
- FFieldType := ftFloat
- else if F = 'L' then
- FFieldType := ftBoolean
- else if F = 'D' then
- FFieldType := ftDate
- // FFieldType := ftString
- else
- FFieldType := ftUnknown;
- end;
- function TDBF.FFieldSize(FType:char;FWidth:integer):integer;
- begin
- if FType = 'C' then
- FFieldSize := FWidth
- else if (FType = 'N') or (FType = 'F') then
- FFieldSize := 0
- else if FType = 'L' then
- FFieldSize := 0
- else if FType = 'D' then
- FFieldSize := 0
- // FFieldSize := 8
- else
- FFieldSize := 0;
- end;
- // ____________________________________________________________________________
- // TDBF.InternalInitFieldDefs
- // I: define the fields
- procedure TDBF.InternalInitFieldDefs;
- var
- Il : Integer;
- TmpFileOffset : Integer;
- NumberOfFields : integer;
- Fld : TDBFField;
- FldName : PChar;
- begin
- FieldDefs.Clear;
- FStream.Seek(SizeOf(TDbfHeader),soFromBeginning);
- NumberOfFields := ((fDbfHeader.BytesInHeader-sizeof(DbfHeader))div 32);
- if not (assigned(FFileOffset)) then
- FFileOffset := TList.Create;
- FFileOffset.Clear;
- if not (assigned(FFileWidth)) then
- FFileWidth := TList.Create;
- FFileWidth.Clear;
- if not (assigned(FFileDecimals)) then
- FFileDecimals := TList.Create;
- FFileDecimals.Clear;
- TmpFileOffset := 0;
- if (NumberOfFields>0) then
- begin
- for Il:=0 to NumberOfFields-1 do
- begin
- FStream.Read(Fld,SizeOf(Fld));
- GetMem(FldName,Length(Fld.FieldName)+1);
- CharToOem(PChar(@Fld.FieldName),FldName);
- TFieldDef.Create(FieldDefs, FldName,FFieldType(Fld.FieldType){DescribF.DataType},
- FFieldSize(Fld.FieldType,Fld.Width){DescribF.Size},False,Il+1);
- FreeMem(FldName);
- FFileOffset.Add(Pointer(TmpFileOffset));
- FFileWidth.Add(Pointer(Fld.Width));
- FFileDecimals.Add(Pointer(Fld.Decimals));
- Inc(tmpFileOffset,Fld.Width);
- end;
- fRecordSize := tmpFileOffset+FrecordHeaderSize;
- FStartData := FStream.Position+1;
- end;
- end;
- // ____________________________________________________________________________
- // TDBF.InternalClose
- // I: close the table/file
- procedure TDBF.InternalClose;
- begin
- // if required, save updated header
- if (fDBFHeader.NumberOfRecords <> fRecordCount) or
- (fDBFHeader.BytesInRecords = 0) then
- fDBFHeader.BytesInRecords := fRecordSize;
- fDBFHeader.NumberOfRecords := fRecordCount;
- WriteHeader;
- END;
- // disconnet field objects
- BindFields(False);
- // destroy field object (if not persistent)
- if DefaultFields then
- DestroyFields;
- // free the internal list field offsets
- if Assigned(FFileOffset) then
- FFileOffset.Free;
- FFileOffset := nil;
- if Assigned(FFileWidth) then
- FFileWidth.Free;
- FFileWidth := nil;
- if Assigned(FFileDecimals) then
- FFileDecimals.Free;
- FFileDecimals := nil;
- FCurrentRecord := -1;
- // close the file
- FIsTableOpen := False;
- FStream.Free;
- FStream := nil;
- end;
- // ____________________________________________________________________________
- // TDBF.IsCursorOpen
- // I: is table open
- function TDBF.IsCursorOpen: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := FIsTableOpen;
- end;
- // ____________________________________________________________________________
- // TDBF.WriteHeader
- procedure TDBF.WriteHeader;
- begin
- // Assert(FStream<>nil,'fStream=Nil');
- if fStream <> nil then
- begin
- FSTream.Seek(0,soFromBeginning);
- FStream.WriteBuffer(fDBFHeader,SizeOf(TDbfHeader));
- end;
- end;
- // ____________________________________________________________________________
- // TDBF.Create
- constructor TDBF.Create(AOwner:tComponent);
- inherited create(aOwner);
- fRecordHeaderSize := SizeOf(tRecordHeader);
- END;
- // ____________________________________________________________________________
- // TDBF.CreateTable
- // I: Create a new table/file
- procedure TDBF.CreateTable;
- var
- Ix : Integer;
- // DescribF : TBDescribField;
- Offs : Integer;
- Fld : TDbfField;
- FldName : PChar;
- i : integer;
- begin
- CheckInactive;
- // InternalInitFieldDefs;
- // create the new file
- if FileExists (FTableName) and
- (MessageDlg ('File ' + FTableName +
- ' already exists. OK to override?',
- mtConfirmation, [mbYes, mbNo], 0) = mrNo) then
- Exit;
- if FieldDefs.Count = 0 then
- begin
- for Ix := 0 to FieldCount - 1 do
- begin
- with Fields[Ix] do
- begin
- if FieldKind = fkData then
- FieldDefs.Add(FieldName,DataType,Size,Required);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- FStream := TFileStream.Create (FTableName,
- fmCreate or fmShareExclusive);
- try
- FillChar(fDBFHeader,SizeOf(TDbfHeader),0);
- fDBFHeader.BytesInRecords := 0; // filled later
- fDBFHeader.NumberOfRecords := 0; // empty
- WriteHeader;
- Offs:=0;
- for Ix:=0 to FieldDefs.Count-1 do
- begin
- with FieldDefs.Items[Ix] do
- begin
- FillChar(Fld,SizeOf(TDbfField),#0);
- Fld.FieldType := 'C';
- Fld.Width := Size;
- GetMem(FldName,SizeOf(FieldDefs.Items[Ix].Name));
- OemToChar(PChar(FieldDefs.Items[Ix].Name),FldName);
- for i := 1 to Length(FldName) do
- Fld.FieldName[i] := FldName[i];
- Fld.FieldName[Length(FldName)+1] := #0;
- FreeMem(FldName);
- Inc(Offs,Fld.Width);
- FStream.Write(Fld,SizeOf(TDbfField));
- end;
- end;
- fStartData := FStream.Position;
- fDBFHeader.BytesInRecords := Offs;
- FRecordSize := Offs+FRecordHeaderSize;
- WriteHeader;
- finally
- // close the file
- fStream.Free;
- fStream := nil;
- end;
- end;
- // ____________________________________________________________________________
- // TDBF.PackTable
- //Enhancement: Remove all deleted items from the table.
- Procedure TDBF.PackTable;
- var
- NewStream, OldStream : tStream;
- PC : PChar;
- Ix : Integer;
- // DescribF : TBDescribField;
- NewDataFileHeader : tDBFHeader;
- DataBuffer : Pointer;
- NumberOfFields : integer;
- Fld : TDBFField;
- OldStream := Nil;
- NewStream := Nil;
- CheckInactive;
- // if Active then
- // raise eBinaryDataSetError.Create ('Dataset must be closed before packing.');
- if fTableName = '' then
- raise EDBFError.Create('Table name not specified.');
- if not FileExists (FTableName) then
- raise EDBFError.Create('Table '+fTableName+' does not exist.');
- PC := @fTablename[1];
- CopyFile(PChar(PC),PChar(PC+',old'+#0),False);
- // create the new file
- if FieldDefs.Count = 0 then
- begin
- for Ix := 0 to FieldCount - 1 do
- begin
- with Fields[Ix] do
- begin
- if FieldKind = fkData then
- FieldDefs.Add(FieldName,DataType,Size,Required);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- NewStream := TFileStream.Create (FTableName+',new',
- fmCreate or fmShareExclusive);
- OldStream := tFileStream.Create (fTableName+',old',
- fmOpenRead or fmShareExclusive);
- OldStream.ReadBuffer(NewDataFileHeader,SizeOf(TDbfHeader));
- NewStream.WriteBuffer(NewDataFileHeader,SizeOf(TDbfHeader));
- NumberOfFields := ((NewDataFileHeader.BytesInHeader-sizeof(TDbfHeader))div 32);
- for IX := 0 to NumberOfFields do
- OldStream.Read(Fld,SizeOf(TDbfField));
- NewStream.Write(Fld,SizeOf(TDbfField));
- END;
- GetMem(DataBuffer,NewDataFileHeader.BytesInRecords);
- IX := OldStream.Read(DataBuffer^,NewDataFileHeader.BytesInRecords);
- if (IX = NewDataFileHeader.BytesInRecords) and (pRecordHeader(DataBuffer)^.DeletedFlag <> '*') then
- NewStream.WRite(DataBuffer^,NewDataFileHeader.BytesInRecords);
- Until IX <> NewDataFileHeader.BytesInRecords;
- FreeMem(DataBuffer,NewDataFileHeader.BytesInRecords);
- finally
- // close the file
- NewStream.Free;
- OldStream.Free;
- end;
- CopyFile(PChar(PC+',new'+#0),PChar(PC),False);
- DeleteFile(Pchar(PC+',new'+#0));
- DeleteFile(Pchar(PC+',old'+#0));
- END;
- // ____________________________________________________________________________
- // TDBF._SwapRecords
- // Enhancement: Quick swap of two records. Used primarily for sorting.
- Procedure TDBF._SwapRecords(Rec1,REc2:Integer);
- Buffer1, Buffer2 : PChar;
- Bookmark1, BOokmark2 : TBookmarkFlag;
- Rec1 := Rec1 - 1;
- Rec2 := Rec2 - 1;
- if Rec1 < 0 then Exit;
- if Rec2 < 0 then Exit;
- Buffer1 := AllocRecordBuffer;
- Buffer2 := AllocRecordBuffer;
- _ReadRecord(Buffer1,Rec1);
- _ReadRecord(Buffer2,Rec2);
- Bookmark1 := GetBookmarkFlag(Buffer1);
- Bookmark2 := GetBookmarkFlag(Buffer2);
- SetBookmarkFlag(Buffer1,Bookmark2);
- SetBookmarkFlag(Buffer2,Bookmark1);
- _WriteRecord(Buffer1,Rec2);
- _WriteRecord(Buffer2,Rec1);
- StrDispose(Buffer1);
- StrDispose(Buffer2);
- END;
- // ____________________________________________________________________________
- // TDBF._CompareRecords
- // Compare two records. Returns -1 if REC1 < REC2, 0 if REC1 = REC2, or
- // 1 if REC1 > REC2.
- Function TDBF._CompareRecords(SortFields:Array of String;Rec1,Rec2:Integer):Integer; FAR;
- {-Compare the records Rec1, Rec2 and return -1 if Rec1 < Rec2, 0 if Rec1 = Rec2,
- 1 if Rec1 > Rec2 }
- IX : Integer;
- Function CompareHelper(KeyId:String;Rec1,Rec2:Integer):Integer;
- SKey1, SKey2 : String;
- IKey1, IKey2 : Integer;
- fKey1, fKey2 : Double;
- dKey1, dKey2 : tDateTime;
- CompareType : tFieldType;
- KeyField : tField;
- KeyField := FieldByName(KeyID);
- CompareType := KeyField.DataType;
- Case CompareType of
- ftFloat,
- ftCurrency,
- ftBCD :
- _ReadRecord(ActiveBuffer,Rec1-1);
- fKey1 := KeyField.AsFloat;
- _ReadRecord(ActiveBuffer,Rec2-1);
- fKey2 := KeyField.AsFloat;
- if fKey1 < fKey2 then
- Result := -1
- else
- if fKey1 > fKey2 then
- Result := 1
- else
- Result := 0;
- END;
- ftSmallInt,
- ftInteger,
- ftWord :
- _ReadRecord(ActiveBuffer,Rec1-1);
- IKey1 := KeyField.AsInteger;
- _ReadRecord(ActiveBuffer,Rec2-1);
- IKey2 := KeyField.AsInteger;
- if IKey1 < IKey2 then
- Result := -1
- else
- if IKey1 > IKey2 then
- Result := 1
- else
- Result := 0;
- END;
- ftDate,
- ftTime,
- ftDateTime :
- _ReadRecord(ActiveBuffer,Rec1-1);
- dKey1 := KeyField.AsDateTime;
- _ReadRecord(ActiveBuffer,Rec2-1);
- dKey2 := KeyField.AsDateTime;
- if dKey1 < dKey2 then
- Result := -1
- else
- if dKey1 > dKey2 then
- Result := 1
- else
- Result := 0;
- END;
- else
- _ReadRecord(ActiveBuffer,Rec1-1);
- SKey1 := KeyField.AsString;
- _ReadRecord(ActiveBuffer,Rec2-1);
- SKey2 := KeyField.AsString;
- if SKey1 < SKey2 then
- Result := -1
- else
- if SKey1 > SKey2 then
- Result := 1
- else
- Result := 0;
- END;
- END;
- END;
- IX := 0;
- REPEAT // Loop through all available sortfields until not equal or no more sort fiels.
- Result := CompareHelper(SortFields[IX],Rec1,Rec2);
- Inc(IX);
- UNTIL (Result <> 0) or (IX > High(SortFields));
- END;
- // ____________________________________________________________________________
- // TDBF.SortTable
- // Enhancement: Sort the table by the fields passed.
- Procedure TDBF.SortTable(SortFields : Array of String);
- { This is the main sorting routine. It is passed the number of elements and the
- two callback routines. The first routine is the function that will perform
- the comparison between two elements. The second routine is the procedure that
- will swap two elements if necessary } // Source: UNDU #8
- procedure QSort(uNElem: Integer);
- { uNElem - number of elements to sort }
- procedure qSortHelp(pivotP: Integer; nElem: word);
- label
- TailRecursion,
- qBreak;
- var
- leftP, rightP, pivotEnd, pivotTemp, leftTemp: word;
- lNum: Integer;
- retval: integer;
- begin
- TailRecursion:
- if (nElem <= 2) then
- begin
- if (nElem = 2) then
- begin
- rightP := pivotP +1;
- if (_CompareRecords(SortFields,pivotP, rightP) > 0) then
- _SwapRecords(pivotP, rightP);
- end;
- exit;
- end;
- rightP := (nElem -1) + pivotP;
- leftP := (nElem shr 1) + pivotP;
- { sort pivot, left, and right elements for "median of 3" }
- if (_CompareRecords(SortFields,leftP, rightP) > 0) then _SwapRecords(leftP, rightP);
- if (_CompareRecords(SortFields,leftP, pivotP) > 0) then _SwapRecords(leftP, pivotP)
- else if (_CompareRecords(SortFields,pivotP, rightP) > 0) then _SwapRecords(pivotP, rightP);
- if (nElem = 3) then
- begin
- _SwapRecords(pivotP, leftP);
- exit;
- end;
- { now for the classic Horae algorithm }
- pivotEnd := pivotP + 1;
- leftP := pivotEnd;
- repeat
- retval := _CompareRecords(SortFields,leftP, pivotP);
- while (retval <= 0) do
- begin
- if (retval = 0) then
- begin
- _SwapRecords(LeftP, PivotEnd);
- Inc(PivotEnd);
- end;
- if (leftP < rightP) then
- Inc(leftP)
- else
- goto qBreak;
- retval := _CompareRecords(SortFields,leftP, pivotP);
- end; {while}
- while (leftP < rightP) do
- begin
- retval := _CompareRecords(SortFields,pivotP, rightP);
- if (retval < 0) then
- Dec(rightP)
- else
- begin
- _SwapRecords(leftP, rightP);
- if (retval <> 0) then
- begin
- Inc(leftP);
- Dec(rightP);
- end;
- break;
- end;
- end; {while}
- until (leftP >= rightP);
- qBreak:
- if (_CompareRecords(SortFields,leftP, pivotP) <= 0) then Inc(leftP);
- leftTemp := leftP -1;
- pivotTemp := pivotP;
- while ((pivotTemp < pivotEnd) and (leftTemp >= pivotEnd)) do
- begin
- _SwapRecords(pivotTemp, leftTemp);
- Inc(pivotTemp);
- Dec(leftTemp);
- end; {while}
- lNum := (leftP - pivotEnd);
- nElem := ((nElem + pivotP) -leftP);
- if (nElem < lNum) then
- begin
- qSortHelp(leftP, nElem);
- nElem := lNum;
- end
- else
- begin
- qSortHelp(pivotP, lNum);
- pivotP := leftP;
- end;
- goto TailRecursion;
- end; {qSortHelp }
- begin
- if (uNElem < 2) then exit; { nothing to sort }
- qSortHelp(1, uNElem);
- end; { QSort }
- CheckActive;
- if fReadOnly then
- raise eDBFError.Create ('Dataset must be opened for read/write to perform sort.');
- // if fDataFileHeader.DeletedCount > 0 then
- // BEGIN
- // Close;
- // PackTable;
- // Open;
- // END;
- QSort(FRecordCount {+ fDeletedCount});
- First;
- END;
- // ____________________________________________________________________________
- // TDBF.UnsortTable
- // Used to help test the sort routine. Attempts to generate a random
- // dispersment of the records in the dataset.
- Procedure TDBF.UnsortTable;
- Var
- IX : Integer;
- First;
- Randomize;
- for IX := 0 to RecordCOunt do
- _SwapRecords(IX,Random(RecordCount+1));
- END;
- First;
- END;
- ////////////////////////////////////////
- ////// Part II:
- ////// Bookmarks management and movement
- ////////////////////////////////////////
- // ____________________________________________________________________________
- // TDBF.InternalGotoBookmark
- // II: set the requested bookmark as current record
- procedure TDBF.InternalGotoBookmark (Bookmark: Pointer);
- var
- ReqBookmark: Integer;
- begin
- ReqBookmark := PInteger (Bookmark)^;
- // ShowMessage ('InternalGotoBookmark: ' +
- // IntToStr (ReqBookmark));
- if (ReqBookmark >= 0) and (ReqBookmark < FRecordCount {+ fDeletedCount}) then
- FCurrentRecord := ReqBookmark
- else
- raise eDBFError.Create ('Bookmark ' +
- IntToStr (ReqBookmark) + ' not found');
- end;
- // ____________________________________________________________________________
- // TDBF.InternalSetToRecord
- // II: same as above (but passes a buffer)
- procedure TDBF.InternalSetToRecord (Buffer: PChar);
- var
- ReqBookmark: Integer;
- begin
- // ShowMessage ('InternalSetToRecord');
- ReqBookmark := PRecInfo(Buffer + FRecordInfoOffset).Bookmark;
- InternalGotoBookmark (@ReqBookmark);
- end;
- // ____________________________________________________________________________
- // TDBF.GetBookmarkFlag
- // II: retrieve bookmarks flags from buffer
- function TDBF.GetBookmarkFlag (
- Buffer: PChar): TBookmarkFlag;
- begin
- // ShowMessage ('GetBookmarkFlag');
- Result := PRecInfo(Buffer + FRecordInfoOffset).BookmarkFlag;
- end;
- // ____________________________________________________________________________
- // TDBF.SetBookmarkFlag
- // II: change the bookmark flags in the buffer
- procedure TDBF.SetBookmarkFlag (Buffer: PChar;
- Value: TBookmarkFlag);
- begin
- // ShowMessage ('SetBookmarkFlag');
- PRecInfo(Buffer + FRecordInfoOffset).BookmarkFlag := Value;
- end;
- // ____________________________________________________________________________
- // TDBF.GetBookmarkData
- // II: read the bookmark data from record buffer
- procedure TDBF.GetBookmarkData (
- Buffer: PChar; Data: Pointer);
- begin
- // ShowMessage ('GetBookmarkData: ' + IntToStr (PRecInfo(Buffer + FRecordInfoOffset).Bookmark));
- PInteger(Data)^ :=
- PRecInfo(Buffer + FRecordInfoOffset).Bookmark;
- end;
- // ____________________________________________________________________________
- // TDBF.SetBookmarkData
- // II: set the bookmark data in the buffer
- procedure TDBF.SetBookmarkData (
- Buffer: PChar; Data: Pointer);
- begin
- // ShowMessage ('SetBookmarkData: ' + IntToStr (PInteger(Data)^));
- PRecInfo(Buffer + FRecordInfoOffset).Bookmark :=
- PInteger(Data)^;
- end;
- // ____________________________________________________________________________
- // TDBF.InternalFirst
- // II: Go to a special position before the first record
- procedure TDBF.InternalFirst;
- begin
- FCurrentRecord := BofCrack;
- end;
- // ____________________________________________________________________________
- // TDBF.InternalLast
- // II: Go to a special position after the last record
- procedure TDBF.InternalLast;
- begin
- EofCrack := FRecordCount {+ fDeletedCount};
- FCurrentRecord := EofCrack;
- end;
- // ____________________________________________________________________________
- // TDBF.GetRecordCount
- // II (optional): Record count
- function TDBF.GetRecordCount: Longint;
- begin
- CheckActive;
- Result := FRecordCount;
- end;
- // ____________________________________________________________________________
- // TDBF.GetRecNo
- // II (optional): Get the number of the current record
- function TDBF.GetRecNo: Longint;
- begin
- UpdateCursorPos;
- if FCurrentRecord < 0 then
- Result := 1
- else
- Result := FCurrentRecord + 1;
- end;
- // ____________________________________________________________________________
- // TDBF.SetRecNo
- // II (optional): Move to the given record number
- procedure TDBF.SetRecNo(Value: Integer);
- begin
- CheckBrowseMode;
- if (Value > 1) and (Value <= (FRecordCount{+FDeletedCount})) then
- begin
- FCurrentRecord := Value - 1;
- Resync([]);
- end;
- end;
- //////////////////////////////////////////
- ////// Part III:
- ////// Record buffers and field management
- //////////////////////////////////////////
- // ____________________________________________________________________________
- // TDBF.GetRecordSize
- /// III: Determine the size of each record buffer in memory
- function TDBF.GetRecordSize: Word;
- begin
- Result := FRecordSize; // data only
- end;
- // ____________________________________________________________________________
- // TDBF.AllocRecordBuffer
- /// III: Allocate a buffer for the record
- function TDBF.AllocRecordBuffer: PChar;
- begin
- Result := StrAlloc(FRecordBufferSize+1);
- end;
- // ____________________________________________________________________________
- // TDBF.InternalInitRecord
- // III: Initialize the record (set to zero)
- procedure TDBF.InternalInitRecord(Buffer: PChar);
- (*var
- Field : TField;
- i : integer;
- FieldOffset : integer;
- S : string; *)
- begin
- FillChar(Buffer^, FRecordBufferSize, 32);
- (* for i := 0 to FieldCount-1 do
- begin
- Field := Fields[i];
- FieldOffset := Integer(FFileOffset[Field.FieldNo-1])+FRecordHeaderSize;
- if Field.DataType = ftString then
- begin
- pChar(Buffer+FieldOffset)^ := #0;
- end
- else if Field.DataType = ftFloat then
- begin
- pChar(Buffer+FieldOffset)^ := '0';
- pChar(Buffer+FieldOffset+1)^ := #0;
- end
- else if Field.DataType = ftDate then
- begin
- S := '19900101';
- CopyMemory(PChar(Buffer+FieldOffset),PChar(S),8);
- end
- else if Field.DataType = ftBoolean then
- begin
- pChar(Buffer+FieldOffset)^ := 'F';
- end;
- end; *)
- end;
- // ____________________________________________________________________________
- // TDBF.FreeRecordBuffer
- // III: Free the buffer
- procedure TDBF.FreeRecordBuffer (var Buffer: PChar);
- begin
- StrDispose(Buffer);
- end;
- // ____________________________________________________________________________
- // TDBF.GetRecord
- // III: Retrieve data for current, previous, or next record
- // (eventually moving to it) and return the status
- function TDBF.GetRecord(Buffer: PChar;
- GetMode: TGetMode; DoCheck: Boolean): TGetResult;
- var
- Acceptable : Boolean;
- begin
- result := grOk;
- if FRecordCount < 1 then
- Result := grEOF
- else
- repeat
- case GetMode of
- gmCurrent :
- begin
- // ShowMessage ('GetRecord Current');
- if (FCurrentRecord >= FRecordCount{+fDeletedCount}) or
- (FCurrentRecord < 0) then
- Result := grError;
- end;
- gmNext :
- begin
- if (fCurrentRecord < (fRecordCount{+fDeletedCount})-1) then
- Inc (FCurrentRecord)
- else
- Result := grEOF;
- end;
- gmPrior :
- begin
- if (fCurrentRecord > 0) then
- Dec(fCurrentRecord)
- else
- Result := grBOF;
- end;
- end;
- // fill record data area of buffer
- if Result = grOK then
- begin
- _ReadRecord(Buffer, fCurrentRecord );
- {FStream.Position := FDataFileHeader.StartData +
- FRecordSize * FCurrentRecord;
- FStream.ReadBuffer (Buffer^, FRecordSize);}
- ClearCalcFields(Buffer);
- GetCalcFields(Buffer);
- with PRecInfo(Buffer + FRecordInfoOffset)^ do
- begin
- BookmarkFlag := bfCurrent;
- Bookmark := FCurrentRecord;
- end;
- end
- else
- if (Result = grError) and DoCheck then
- raise eDBFError.Create('GetRecord: Invalid record');
- Acceptable := pRecordHeader(Buffer)^.DeletedFlag <> '*';
- if Filtered then
- Acceptable := Acceptable and (_ProcessFilter(Buffer));
- if (GetMode=gmCurrent) and Not Acceptable then
- Result := grError;
- until (Result <> grOK) or Acceptable;
- if ((Result=grEOF)or(Result=grBOF)) and Filtered and not (_ProcessFilter(Buffer)) then
- Result := grError;
- end;
- // ____________________________________________________________________________
- // TDBF.InternalPost
- // III: Write the current data to the file
- procedure TDBF.InternalPost;
- begin
- CheckActive;
- if State = dsEdit then
- begin
- // replace data with new data
- {FStream.Position := FDataFileHeader.StartData + (FRecordSize * FCurrentRecord);
- FStream.WriteBuffer (ActiveBuffer^, FRecordSize);}
- _WriteRecord (ActiveBuffer, fCurrentRecord);
- end
- else
- begin
- // always append
- InternalLast;
- {FStream.Seek (0, soFromEnd);
- FStream.WriteBuffer (ActiveBuffer^, FRecordSize);}
- pRecordHeader(ActiveBuffer)^.DeletedFlag := ' ';
- _AppendRecord(ActiveBuffer);
- Inc (FRecordCount);
- end;
- end;
- // ____________________________________________________________________________
- // TDBF.InternalAddRecord
- // III: Add the current data to the file
- procedure TDBF.InternalAddRecord(Buffer:Pointer; Append:Boolean);
- begin
- // always append
- InternalLast;
- // add record at the end of the file
- {FStream.Seek (0, soFromEnd);}
- pRecordHeader(ActiveBuffer)^.DeletedFlag := ' ';
- _AppendRecord(ActiveBuffer);
- {FStream.WriteBuffer (ActiveBuffer^, FRecordSize);}
- Inc (FRecordCount);
- end;
- // ____________________________________________________________________________
- // TDBF.InternalDelete
- // III: Delete the current record
- procedure TDBF.InternalDelete;
- begin
- CheckActive;
- // not supported in this version
- { raise eBinaryDataSetError.Create (
- 'Delete: Operation not supported');}
- // pRecordHeader(ActiveBuffer)^.DeletedFlag := fDataFileHeader.LastDeleted;
- PChar(ActiveBuffer)^ := '*';
- _WriteRecord(ActiveBuffer,fCurrentRecord);
- {FStream.Position := FDataFileHeader.StartData + (FRecordSize * FCurrentRecord);
- FStream.WriteBuffer (ActiveBuffer^, FRecordSize);}
- // fDBFHeader.LastDeleted := GetRecNo;
- // Inc(fDeletedCount);
- // Dec(fRecordCount);
- // fDBFHeader.NumberOfRecords := fRecordCount;
- // WriteHeader;
- Resync([]);
- end;
- // ____________________________________________________________________________
- // TDBF.GetFieldData
- // III: Move data from record buffer to field
- function TDBF.GetFieldData(Field:TField; Buffer:Pointer):Boolean;
- var
- FieldOffset: Integer;
- S : string;
- Buf2 : PChar;
- i,l : integer;
- D : Double;
- n : integer;
- T : TDateTime;
- j : integer;
- OldDateFormat : string;
- begin
- Result := False;
- Buf2 := ActiveBuffer;
- if (FRecordCount>0) and (Field.FieldNo > 0) and (Assigned(Buffer)) and (Assigned(Buf2)) then
- begin
- FieldOffset := Integer(FFileOffset[Field.FieldNo-1])+FRecordHeaderSize;
- if Field.DataType = ftString then
- begin
- l := Integer(FFileWidth[Field.FieldNo-1]);
- S := '';
- i := 0;
- While (Buf2[FieldOffset+i] <> #0) and (i<l) do
- begin
- S := S+pChar(Buf2+FieldOffset+i)^;
- inc(i);
- end;
- SetLength(S,l);
- S := Trim(S);
- CharToOemBuff(PChar(S), Buffer,l);
- Result := True;
- end
- else if Field.DataType = ftFloat then
- begin
- n := Integer(FFileWidth[Field.FieldNo-1]);
- S := '';
- for i := FieldOffset to FieldOffset+n-1 do
- S := S+pChar(Buf2+i)^;
- S := Trim(S);
- if S='' then
- Result := False
- else
- begin
- if (Pos('.',S) > 0) and (DecimalSeparator <> '.') then
- S[Pos('.',S)] := DecimalSeparator;
- Result := True;
- try
- D := StrToFloat(S);
- except
- D := 0;
- Result := False;
- end;
- PDouble(Buffer)^ := D;
- end;
- end
- else if Field.DataType = ftDate then
- begin
- S := '';
- for j := 0 to 7 do
- S := S + pChar(Buf2+FieldOffset+j);
- SetLength(S,8);
- if (trim(S) = '') or (S='00000000') then
- Result := false
- else
- begin
- S := Copy(S,7,2)+DateSeparator+Copy(S,5,2)+DateSeparator+Copy(S,1,4);
- OldDateFormat := ShortDateFormat;
- ShortDateFormat := 'dd/mm/yyyy';
- t := StrToDate(S);
- ShortDateFormat := OldDateFormat;
- j := Trunc(pDouble(@t)^)+693594;
- pInteger(Buffer)^ := j;
- result := True;
- end;
- end
- else if Field.DataType = ftBoolean then
- begin
- Result := True;
- if PChar(Buf2+FieldOffset)^ in ['S','T','Y'] then
- pBoolean(Buffer)^ := True
- else if PChar(Buf2+FieldOffset)^ in ['N','F'] then
- pBoolean(Buffer)^ := False
- else
- Result := False;
- end
- else
- begin
- ShowMessage ('very bad error in get field data');
- Result := False;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- // ____________________________________________________________________________
- // TDBF.SetFieldData
- // III: Move data from field to record buffer
- procedure TDBF.SetFieldData(Field: TField; Buffer: Pointer);
- var
- FieldOffset: Integer;
- Buf2 : PChar;
- l,i,n:integer;
- S : string;
- D : TDateTime;
- j : integer;
- begin
- Buf2 := ActiveBuffer;
- if (Field.FieldNo >= 0) and (Assigned(Buffer)) and (Assigned(Buf2)) then
- begin
- FieldOffset := Integer(FFileOffset[Field.FieldNo-1])+FRecordHeaderSize;
- if Field.DataType = ftString then
- begin
- l := Integer(FFileWidth[Field.FieldNo-1]);
- S := '';
- i := 0;
- While (PChar(Buffer)[i] <> #0) and (i<l) do
- begin
- S := S+PChar(Buffer)[i];
- inc(i);
- end;
- SetLength(S,l);
- OemToCharBuff(PChar(S),PChar(Buf2+FieldOffset),l);
- end
- else if Field.DataType = ftFloat then
- begin
- n := Integer(FFileWidth[Field.FieldNo-1]);
- Str(pDouble(Buffer)^:n:Integer(FFileDecimals[Field.FieldNo-1]),S);
- while Length(S)<n do
- S := ' '+S;
- if (Pos(DecimalSeparator,S) > 0) and (DecimalSeparator <> '.') then
- S[Pos(DecimalSeparator,S)] := '.';
- CopyMemory(Pchar(Buf2+FieldOffset),PChar(S),n);
- end
- else if Field.DataType = ftDate then
- begin
- j := pInteger(Buffer)^-693594;
- pDouble(@d)^ := j;
- S := FormatDateTime('yyyymmdd',d);
- StrLCopy(pChar(Buf2+FieldOffset),pChar(S),8);
- end
- else if Field.DataType = ftBoolean then
- begin
- if pBoolean(Buffer)^ then
- PChar(Buf2+FieldOffset)^ := 'T'
- else
- PChar(Buf2+FieldOffset)^ := 'F';
- end
- else
- ShowMessage ('very bad error in setfield data');
- DataEvent (deFieldChange, Longint(Field));
- end;
- end;
- // ____________________________________________________________________________
- // TDBF.InternalHandleException
- // default exception handling
- procedure TDBF.InternalHandleException;
- begin
- // standard exception handling
- Application.HandleException(Self);
- end;
- Function TDBF._ProcessFilter(Buffer:PChar):boolean;
- var
- FilterExpresion : string;
- PosComp : integer;
- FName : string;
- FieldPos : integer;
- FieldOffset : integer;
- FieldValue : Variant;
- TestValue : Variant;
- FieldText : string;
- OldShortDateFormat : string;
- begin
- FilterExpresion := Filter;
- PosComp := Pos('>',FilterExpresion);
- if PosComp=0 then
- PosComp := Pos('<',FilterExpresion);
- if PosComp=0 then
- PosComp := Pos('=',FilterExpresion);
- if PosComp=0 then
- begin
- _ProcessFilter := True;
- Exit;
- end;
- FName := Trim(Copy(FilterExpresion,1,PosComp-1));
- FieldPos := FieldDefs.IndexOf(FName);
- FieldOffset := integer(FFileOffset[FieldPos]);
- if FieldPos < 0 then
- _ProcessFilter := True
- else if FieldDefs.Items[FieldPos].DataType = ftString then
- begin // STRING
- try
- FieldValue := '';
- FieldOffset := FieldOffset+1;
- While (Buffer[FieldOffset]<>#0) and (Length(FieldValue)<integer(FFileWidth[FieldPos])) do
- begin
- FieldValue := FieldValue + Buffer[FieldOffset];
- FieldOffset := FieldOffset+1;
- end;
- FieldValue := Trim(FieldValue);
- TestValue := Trim(Copy(FilterExpresion,PosComp+2,Length(FilterExpresion)-PosComp-2));
- if FilterExpresion[PosComp]='=' then
- _ProcessFilter := (FieldValue=TestValue)
- else if FilterExpresion[PosComp]='>' then
- begin
- if FilterExpresion[PosComp+1]='=' then
- _ProcessFilter := (FieldValue>=Copy(TestValue,2,(Length(TestValue)-1)))
- else
- _ProcessFilter := (FieldValue>TestValue);
- end
- else if FilterExpresion[PosComp]='<' then
- begin
- if FilterExpresion[PosComp+1]='=' then
- _ProcessFilter := (FieldValue<=Copy(TestValue,2,(Length(TestValue)-1)))
- else
- _ProcessFilter := (FieldValue<TestValue);
- end
- else
- _ProcessFilter := False;
- except
- _ProcessFilter := False;
- end;
- end
- else if FieldDefs.Items[FieldPos].DataType = ftFloat then
- begin // FLOAT
- try
- FieldText := '';
- FieldOffset := FieldOffset+1;
- While (Buffer[FieldOffset]<>#0) and (Length(FieldText)<integer(FFileWidth[FieldPos])) do
- begin
- FieldText := FieldText + Buffer[FieldOffset];
- FieldOffset := FieldOffset+1;
- end;
- FieldText := Trim(FieldText);
- if Pos('.',FieldText)>0 then
- FieldText[Pos('.',FieldText)] := DecimalSeparator;
- FieldValue := StrToFloat(FieldText);
- if FilterExpresion[PosComp+1]='='then
- FieldText := Trim(Copy(FilterExpresion,PosComp+2,Length(FilterExpresion)-PosComp-1))
- else
- FieldText := Trim(Copy(FilterExpresion,PosComp+1,Length(FilterExpresion)-PosComp));
- if Pos('.',FieldText)>0 then
- FieldText[Pos('.',FieldText)] := DecimalSeparator;
- TestValue := StrToFloat(FieldText);
- if FilterExpresion[PosComp]='=' then
- _ProcessFilter := (FieldValue=TestValue)
- else if FilterExpresion[PosComp]='>'then
- begin
- if FilterExpresion[PosComp+1]='='then
- _ProcessFilter := (FieldValue>=TestValue)
- else
- _ProcessFilter := (FieldValue>TestValue);
- end
- else if FilterExpresion[PosComp]='<'then
- begin
- if FilterExpresion[PosComp+1]='='then
- _ProcessFilter := (FieldValue<=TestValue)
- else
- _ProcessFilter := (FieldValue<TestValue);
- end
- else
- _ProcessFilter := False;
- except
- _ProcessFilter := False;
- end;
- end
- else if FieldDefs.Items[FieldPos].DataType = ftDate then
- begin // DATE
- OldShortDateFormat := ShortDateFormat;
- try
- FieldText := '';
- FieldOffset := FieldOffset+1;
- While (Buffer[FieldOffset]<>#0) and (Length(FieldText)<integer(FFileWidth[FieldPos])) do
- begin
- FieldText := FieldText + Buffer[FieldOffset];
- FieldOffset := FieldOffset+1;
- end;
- FieldText := Trim(FieldText);
- FieldText := Copy(FieldText,1,4)+DateSeparator+Copy(FieldText,5,2)+DateSeparator+Copy(FieldText,7,2);
- ShortDateFormat := 'yyyy/mm/dd';
- FieldValue := StrToDate(FieldText);
- if FilterExpresion[PosComp+1]='=' then
- FieldText := Trim(Copy(FilterExpresion,PosComp+2,Length(FilterExpresion)-PosComp-1))
- else
- FieldText := Trim(Copy(FilterExpresion,PosComp+1,Length(FilterExpresion)-PosComp));
- FieldText := Copy(FieldText,1,4)+DateSeparator+Copy(FieldText,5,2)+DateSeparator+Copy(FieldText,7,2);
- TestValue := StrToDate(FieldText);
- if FilterExpresion[PosComp]='=' then
- begin
- _ProcessFilter := (FieldValue=TestValue);
- end
- else if FilterExpresion[PosComp]='>' then
- begin
- if FilterExpresion[PosComp+1]='='then
- _ProcessFilter := (FieldValue>=TestValue)
- else
- _ProcessFilter := (FieldValue>TestValue);
- end
- else if FilterExpresion[PosComp]='<' then
- begin
- if FilterExpresion[PosComp+1]='='then
- _ProcessFilter := (FieldValue<=TestValue)
- else
- _ProcessFilter := (FieldValue<TestValue);
- end
- else
- _ProcessFilter := False;
- except
- _ProcessFilter := False;
- end;
- ShortDateFormat := OldShortDateFormat;
- end
- else
- _ProcessFilter := False;
- end;
- {******************************************************************************}
- {* Property Editors Code *}
- {******************************************************************************}
- procedure TFilenameProperty.Edit;
- var
- FileOpen: TOpenDialog;
- begin
- FileOpen := TOpenDialog.Create(Nil);
- FileOpen.Filename := GetValue;
- FileOpen.Filter := 'dBase Files (*.DBF)|*.DBF|All Files (*.*)|*.*';
- FileOpen.Options := FileOpen.Options + [ofPathMustExist, ofFileMustExist];
- try
- if FileOpen.Execute then SetValue(FileOpen.Filename);
- finally
- FileOpen.Free;
- end;
- end;
- function TFilenameProperty.GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes;
- begin
- Result := [paDialog, paRevertable];
- end;
- procedure Register;
- begin
- RegisterComponents('Terabyte', [TDBF]);
- RegisterPropertyEditor(TypeInfo(String), TDBF, 'TableName', TFileNameProperty);
- end;
- end.