- .386p
- extrn _ntohl@4: near
- extrn _htonl@4: near
- extrn _memset : near
- extrn _rand : near
- ; Segment type: Pure code
- _text segment para public 'CODE' use32
- assume cs:_text
- assume es:nothing, ss:nothing, ds:_text, fs:nothing, gs:nothing
- TeaEncrypt proc near
- pTemp = dword ptr -10h
- var_C = dword ptr -0Ch
- var_8 = dword ptr -8
- var_4 = dword ptr -4
- pBuf1 = dword ptr 8
- arg_8 = dword ptr 0Ch
- arg_C = dword ptr 10h
- push ebp
- mov ebp, esp
- sub esp, 10h //alloc stack for local var
- push ebx
- push esi
- mov esi, [ebp+pBuf1] //esi=pBuf1;
- push edi
- push dword ptr [esi] //
- call _ntohl@4 //
- push dword ptr [esi+4] //
- mov edi, eax //edi=ntohl(pBuf1[0]);
- call _ntohl@4 //
- mov ebx, eax //ebx=ntohl(pBuf[1]);
- mov eax, [ebp+arg_8] //eax=arg_8
- lea ecx, [ebp+pTemp] //ecx=ebp-pTemp;
- lea esi, [ebp+pTemp] //esi=ebppTemp;
- sub eax, ecx //eax=arg_8-ebp+pTemp;
- mov [ebp+pBuf1], 4 //pBuf1=4;
- mov [ebp+arg_8], eax //arg_8=arg_8-pTemp;
- jmp short loc_0_43D04D
- loc_0_43D04A:
- mov eax, [ebp+arg_8] //eax=arg_8;
- loc_0_43D04D:
- push dword ptr [eax+esi] //arg_8-pTemp+pTemp;
- call _ntohl@4
- mov [esi], eax //*esi=ntohl(arg_8);
- add esi, 4 //esi+=4; notice! pdwBuf++;
- dec [ebp+pBuf1] //pBuf1--;
- jnz short loc_0_43D04A //while(pBuf1<>0);
- push 10h //push 16;
- xor eax, eax //eax=0;
- pop ecx //ecx=16;
- loc_0_43D064:
- mov edx, ebx //e
- mov esi, ebx
- shr edx, 5 //edx=htohl(edx>>5);
- add edx, [ebp+var_C] //edx+=var_C;
- sub eax, 61C88647h //eax-=0x61c88647
- shl esi, 4 //esi<<4;
- add esi, [ebp+pTemp] //
- xor edx, esi
- lea esi, [eax+ebx]
- xor edx, esi
- add edi, edx
- mov edx, edi
- mov esi, edi
- shr edx, 5
- add edx, [ebp+var_4]
- shl esi, 4
- add esi, [ebp+var_8]
- xor edx, esi
- lea esi, [eax+edi]
- xor edx, esi
- add ebx, edx
- dec ecx
- jnz short loc_0_43D064
- push edi
- call _htonl@4
- mov esi, [ebp+arg_C]
- push ebx
- mov [esi], eax
- call _htonl@4
- mov [esi+4], eax
- pop edi
- pop esi
- pop ebx
- leave
- retn
- TeaEncrypt endp
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- public _SymmetryEncrypt
- _SymmetryEncrypt proc near
- pBuf3 = byte ptr -14h
- pBuf2 = byte ptr -0Dh
- pBuf1 = byte ptr -0Ch 随机数缓冲区指针?
- i = dword ptr -4 DWORD left byte number
- arg_0 = dword ptr 8 DWORD Length?
- arg_4 = dword ptr 0Ch DWORD PlainText Buffer Length UNKNOW
- arg_8 = dword ptr 10h DWORD pointer unknow
- arg_C = dword ptr 14h DWORD Buffer pinter
- arg_10 = dword ptr 18h DWORD
- //处理数据包长度
- push ebp
- mov ebp, esp
- sub esp, 14h //alloc local var
- mov eax, [ebp+arg_4] //eax=arg_4
- push ebx
- push esi
- push edi
- push 8
- add eax, 0Ah //eax=arg_4+10;
- pop ebx //ebx=8;
- cdq //edx=signed bit of eax
- mov ecx, ebx //ecx=8//估计是数据包长度/8
- idiv ecx //eax=arg_4/8 edx=arg_4 mod 8
- test edx, edx //edx=0?
- mov [ebp+i], edx //i=arg_4 mod 8
- jz short loc_0_43D182 //if(i!=0){
- mov eax, ebx // eax=8;
- sub eax, edx // eax=8-(arg_4 mod 8)
- mov [ebp+i], eax // i=eax
- //}
- loc_0_43D182:
- call _rand
- mov ecx, eax //ecx=rand()
- mov eax, [ebp+i] //eax=i
- and cl, 0F8h //cl&=0xf8 cl=8
- push 1
- or cl, al //cl=8|al
- pop edi //edi=1
- mov [ebp+pBuf1], cl //将(数据包长度or随机数)存入缓冲区[0]
- //pBuf1[0]=(BYTE)rand()|8;
- mov ecx, eax //ecx=i
- dec eax //eax--;
- test ecx, ecx
- jz short loc_0_43D1AE //
- //if(i==0)goto
- lea esi, [eax+1] //esi=i;
- //生成随机数缓冲区
- loc_0_43D1A1: //do {
- call _rand //
- mov [ebp+edi+pBuf1], al // pBuf1[edi]=rand();
- inc edi // edi++;
- dec esi // esi--;
- jnz short loc_0_43D1A1 //while(esi!=0);
- //处理完成后
- loc_0_43D1AE:
- push ebx //push 8??
- lea eax, [ebp+pBuf3] //eax=pBuf3;
- push 0 //
- push eax
- call _memset //memset(pBuf3,0,ebx),ebx is length of pBuf3
- mov esi, [ebp+arg_10] //esi=arg_10
- lea eax, [ebp+pBuf3] //eax=pBuf3;
- add esp, 0Ch //restore stack
- mov [ebp+i], eax //i=pBuf3
- and dword ptr [esi], 0 //*arg_10=0
- mov [ebp+arg_10], 1 //arg_10=1
- loc_0_43D1D0: //do {
- cmp edi, ebx
- jge short loc_0_43D1E3 // if(edi<ebx){
- call _rand
- mov [ebp+edi+pBuf1], al // pBuf1[edi]=rand()
- inc edi // edi++
- inc [ebp+arg_10] // arg_10++
- // }
- cmp edi, ebx
- loc_0_43D1E3:
- jnz short loc_0_43D21C // if(edi==ebx){
- mov ecx, [ebp+i] // ecx=i i=pBuf3;
- lea eax, [ebp+pBuf1] // eax=pBuf1
- xor edi, edi // edi=0;
- sub ecx, eax // ecx=i-pBuf1; ecx=pBuf3-pBuf1;
- loc_0_43D1EF: // do{
- lea eax, [ebp+edi+pBuf1] //
- mov dl, [ecx+eax] //
- xor [eax], dl // pBuf1[edi]^=pBuf3[edi];
- inc edi // edi++
- cmp edi, ebx //
- jl short loc_0_43D1EF // }while(edi<ebx);
- push [ebp+arg_C] // push arg_C
- lea eax, [ebp+pBuf1] // eax=pBuf1
- push [ebp+arg_8] // push arg_8
- push eax
- call TeaEncrypt // TeaEncrypt(pBuf1,arg_8,arg_c);
- mov eax, [ebp+arg_C] // eax=arg_C;
- add [esi], ebx // *esi+=ebx;maybe ebx=8
- add esp, 0Ch // restore stack
- xor edi, edi // edi=0;
- add [ebp+arg_C], ebx // arg_C+=ebx;
- mov [ebp+i], eax // // i=arg_C;
- loc_0_43D21C: //
- cmp [ebp+arg_10], 2
- jle short loc_0_43D1D0 //}while(arg_10>=2);
- loc_0_43D222:
- cmp [ebp+arg_4], 0
- jz short loc_0_43D279 //while(arg_4!=0){
- cmp edi, ebx // if(edi<ebx){
- jge short loc_0_43D23E //
- mov eax, [ebp+arg_0] // eax=arg_0;
- inc edi // edi++;
- inc [ebp+arg_0] // arg_0++;
- dec [ebp+arg_4] // arg_4--;
- mov al, [eax] //
- cmp edi, ebx //
- mov [ebp+edi+pBuf2], al // pBuf2[edi]=*arg_0;
- // }
- loc_0_43D23E:
- jnz short loc_0_43D222 // if(edi!=ebx)continue;
- mov ecx, [ebp+i] // ecx=i;
- lea eax, [ebp+pBuf1] // eax=pBuf1;
- xor edi, edi // edi=0;
- sub ecx, eax // ecx=arg_C-pBuf1;
- loc_0_43D24A: // do {
- lea eax, [ebp+edi+pBuf1] // eax=pBuf1+edi
- mov dl, [ecx+eax] // dl=arg_C+edi;
- xor [eax], dl // pBuf1[edi]^=arg_C[edi];
- inc edi // edi++;
- cmp edi, ebx //
- jl short loc_0_43D24A // while(edi>ebx);
- push [ebp+arg_C] //
- lea eax, [ebp+pBuf1]
- push [ebp+arg_8]
- push eax
- call TeaEncrypt // TeaEncrypt(pBuf1,arg_8,arg_c);
- mov eax, [ebp+arg_C] // eax=arg_C;
- add [esi], ebx // *esi+=ebx;
- add esp, 0Ch
- xor edi, edi // edi+0;
- add [ebp+arg_C], ebx // arg_C+=ebx;
- mov [ebp+i], eax // i=arg_C;
- jmp short loc_0_43D222 //}arg_4!=0;
- loc_0_43D279:
- mov [ebp+arg_10], 1 //arg_10=1;
- loc_0_43D280: //do{
- cmp edi, ebx //
- jge short loc_0_43D28F // if(edi<ebx){
- and [ebp+edi+pBuf1], 0 // pBuf1[edi]=0;
- inc edi // edi++;
- inc [ebp+arg_10] // arg_10++;
- cmp edi, ebx // }
- loc_0_43D28F:
- jnz short loc_0_43D2C8 // else if(edi==ebx){
- mov ecx, [ebp+i] // ecx=arg_C;
- lea eax, [ebp+pBuf1] // eax=pBuf1;
- xor edi, edi // edi=0;
- sub ecx, eax // ecx=i-pBuf1;
- loc_0_43D29B: // do{
- lea eax, [ebp+edi+pBuf1] //
- mov dl, [ecx+eax] //
- xor [eax], dl // pBuf1[edi]^=arg_c[edi];
- inc edi // edi++;
- cmp edi, ebx
- jl short loc_0_43D29B // while(edi>ebx);
- push [ebp+arg_C] //
- lea eax, [ebp+pBuf1]
- push [ebp+arg_8]
- push eax
- call TeaEncrypt // TeaEncrypt(pBuf1,arg_8,arg_c);
- mov eax, [ebp+arg_C] // eax=arg_c;
- add [esi], ebx // *esi+=ebx;
- add esp, 0Ch //
- xor edi, edi // edi=0;
- add [ebp+arg_C], ebx // arg_c+=ebx;
- mov [ebp+i], eax // i=arg_c;
- loc_0_43D2C8: // }
- cmp [ebp+arg_10], 7
- jle short loc_0_43D280 //}while(arg_10>=7);
- pop edi
- pop esi
- pop ebx
- leave
- retn
- _SymmetryEncrypt endp
- _text ends